A Future Stable And Secure In Ukraine...

Dear brothers, churches and families.

The summer break for the institute is almost over. I think that we achieved with God’s help what we had planned at the beginning of this summer.   

At the end of the July, we managed to complete the process of legally giving the building of the English Language Institute to the church.  Now the future of this building is more stable and secure. The building, where the Bear Valley institute is working and the church is gathering, now is owned by a religious organization (i.e. the church). We want some of the Bear Valley instructors to be included in the paperwork and become the co-owners of the building.

Since we took the financial responsibility for closing the English Language Institute (the previous owner of the building), we need 3 months for the city government organizations (like tax administration, pension fund, city water and electricity providers) to audit the institute activities. This procedure will require additional time and expenses. But the main thing is already completed.

Right now we are gathering the papers needed for the church to make new contracts with the companies providing us with water and electricity, etc. 

Last Sunday I preached at the church in Krasnoarmeysk where the graduate of our school, Alexander Rodnayev, is usually preaching, and we may possibly have another student from that town.

A young man from Nikolayev contacted me, and he was very interested in getting into our program. I’m gathering information about him, and I want to meet with him in person.

During this month, my wife and I visited yet another VBS that took place near Poltava. It was a wonderful time. We have also got to meet some of our friends we haven’t seen for a long time and thanked them for their work.

We have already got the schedule for the next school year, yet we still experience shortage of teachers. If some of our American brothers are willing to help us and participate in this ministry, we would be very happy.

If you have any question or comments, please write to me. Thank you for your care and support. Our students and churches in Ukraine send you their greetings and love.

May God be our Lord to the end of our life.

Your coworker,

Posted on August 1, 2011 .