Dear brethren,
I am sorry to have not written this short report. It was due to lack of power the whole of yesterday. God is blessing us richly. Students and staff of Uganda School of Evangelism are doing fine. The students are enjoying their studies this quarter.
Yesterday (July 24) I and Margaret went to Bukalikha church of Christ for our worship.on a motor bike. We thank God that we came back safely. The Bukalikha church have now repaired their grass roof now they are safe from rain and maggots falling from the rotten grass. They are seriously making their bricks for a more stronger building.
Paul Odaka is teaching our students how to properly plant vegetables in raised beds. Last Friday he started teaching them in class for two and three hours in the garden. They are learning how to use small land and get more product, more than those with large land but they do not know how to properly feed the soil with manure.
Last Friday they prepared a compost manure heap. With our cows, goats, chicken and pigs we do have enough manure to use in our compost. The only problem is that we are not keeping them in good shelters due to a lack of modern shelters for our animals and birds. But we believe that at the right time God will provide. Continue praying for us in this effort.
We remain your fellow workers in the kingdom.
Francis and Margaret Wechesa