Greetings Fellow Workers;
We hope and we pray all is well in your life of service to our Lord. We thank you for your continued prayers and support of God’s work here in Tanzania. He is listening and blessing us in all the right ways.
Comings and Goings: For the past week or so our Church family from Hoover, AL and GA have been with us and helping us with two Safari for Souls campaigns in the Arusha area; one at Njiro and the other at Kwa Mrombo. The good that has been done has been nothing short of amazing.
The two congregations along with support from sister congregations in the area, have done a lot of ground work ahead of the group arriving from the States. As of this writing 21 souls have been added to the Church.
Today Stephanie and I were blessed to be able to worship at Kwa Mrombo. There were over 40 children present, our sister Carolyn taught this class. We also had half of the group from the U.S. and “ALL” of the new converts and local members. It was so sweet to worship with a group of over 80 souls! The group that worshiped at Njiro were blessed with one soul obeying the Gospel as well as one soul at Kwa Mrombo.
Our AL/GA group left tonight and we were blessed with Gary Box, Hannah Box, Rachel Box, Kristina Proctor, Daniel Salmon (Hoover, AL) and Jeremy Archer (Hattiesburg) arriving tonight. Penny Cabler (GA) will leave tomorrow night. Those just arriving will do some follow up studies, some personal evangelism at Karatu, visit/work with a couple of orphanages, and three of them will work some at the Tanzania Christian Clinic.
Our brother Desdery Massawe traveled to Bukoba (Northwest shore of Lake Victoria) to hold a Gospel meeting and reported four souls being added to the Church.
We solicit your continued prayers as we continue with our campaign efforts. We also ask for your prayers on behalf of the Kensington Woods city wide evangelistic efforts in the coming days. Also, please remember our brother Neil Richie and his family as they grieve the loss of his mother.
Until all have heard, may our God be glorified and may each of us be all we can be in His name.
In Him, Cy, Stephanie, and Exel