As we have already noted in previous articles, the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Ukraine graduated another five students who are about to enter into service in the Lord’s kingdom. Below are the names and plans for each of these students.
Stas graduated as valedictorian and delivered an encouraging address during the graduation ceremony. His immediate plans upon graduating are to return home and take college exams as he had also studied an electrical trade. He has financial support in place and plans to work with the church in Slavyansk where Albert Bagdasaryan is the preacher. Stas will preach and teach as needed and help Bro. Albert with other church work. He also plans to visit other congregations and encourage and help them. Stas is a natural encourager and has already done a superb job in recruiting future students to Bear Valley. He plans to further his studies and will be entering the Master’s Program this fall at BVBIU.
Sasha’s immediate plans after graduating are to work with and help encourage the youth groups in both Kramatorsk and Konstan-tinovka. The church in Kramatorsk, where his father preaches, is his home congregation. His desire is to help these two churches before securing a work in a new place. He also plans to help in children’s Bible camps and in various gospel campaigns. He knows English and has been able to translate on occasion as needed. Sasha is very computer savvy and has been instrumental in putting out the monthly Bear Valley newsletter. He does not have outside support at this time and plans to find work to provide for himself. He plans to further his studies and will also be entering the Master’s Program this fall at BVBIU.
Anatoly started the school belatedly, so he will work on finishing up his studies at Bear Valley this fall. After he completely finishes, he will finalize his future plans. He is willing to relocate anywhere and preach the gospel in any city he goes. So, he has a desire to preach and teach and wishes to secure a work just as soon as he can. Anatoly has a friendly spirit and is easy to be around. As he continues his studies and his growth as a young Christian, he promises to be an encourager and a fine preacher and teacher of God’s word. He also has a desire to enter the Master’s Program at BVBIU in the future.
Lena’s immediate plans after graduating include returning to her home congregation in Kramatorsk and working in every way she can there. She will teach a children’s class, and she will help work with the youth group. She will also work in Christian camps and in gospel campaigns. She truly has a meek and quiet spirit. She will continue to be a great example to those around her of a fine Christian young lady. She knows English and has translated some as needed. She is extremely talented in graphic arts and has already used that talent for works of the church. Although her role is different than a man’s, she can fulfill her God-given roles in a wonderful way and help further the kingdom as well. She is very smart and plans to find work to provide for herself. She plans to marry in the future, and she also wishes to further her studies by entering the Master’s Program at BVBIU this fall.
Lena’s immediate plans after graduating include securing work. Being already married, she will now have more time to spend with her husband. She will continue to work in her home congregation of Slavyansk and teach children’s and ladies’ Bible classes. She is very smart and will be an even greater asset to her home congregation as she is able to move back. She is sweet and has a quiet spirit about her. She can use her God-given role as a Christian woman to help strengthen the church. She is interested in evangelizing and in furthering her studies. She will also be entering the Master’s Program at BVBIU this fall.
Please pray for these students as they enter into the next phase of their service to the Lord. Thank you for all your help in the development of their lives and service.
Howell Ferguson