Dear Supporters, Family and Friends,
We are "furaha sana" (very happy) to report that Helen (who has cancer) was baptized on Friday! We feel as if a large weight has been removed from our shoulders. Thank you so much for your continued prayers. Now that our translators are back from Kwa Mrombo our nephew, Steven, can continue studying with her husband (who said he would never again return to the Lutheran church). We believe her whole family will be converted.
What a busy week! The Hoover Group (plus visitor Penny Cabler) have been conducting Bible studies in Kwa Mrombo and Njiro all week long resulting in 190 studies with 309 people. There were also a total of 21 baptisms (9 in pre-campaign work and 12 during the campaign). The group leader, Sid Aultman, has been instrumental in establishing the congregation in Kwa Mrombo, and has been very dedicated to its growth.
Steven has been studying with English-speaking employees of a nearby recreation center. He also taught a great lesson Wednesday night on the subject of Peace at the Kisongo congregation. The girls and Trina have been busy cooking for the Hoover Group (as has our co-missionary, Stephanie Stafford). A big thank you is extended to the Hoover Group for all their efforts. Cy will accompany them to the airport this evening for their return trip. Please pray for their safety. J.W. (Jimmy's Dad) has a ditch in the works to bury an over-head electrical line so it will be out of the way of the water truck. Next, the plans are to replace a cracked water pipe.
This morning, Lindsey taught the children's class, Jimmy the adult men's class and Trina the Ladies class on Genesis. Before class ended there were about 20 ladies including Agness with new baby, Joshua. He is extremely cute but looks a little strange because, for some reason, his mother has put black eye-liner across his eyebrows. It's supposed to protect him from getting sick if someone with "bad eyes" looks at him. Much superstition and old wives' tales abound in Africa.
We are excited that Gary, Hannah and Rachel Box plus Kristina Proctor, Daniel Salmon and Jeremy Archer arrived today to work....The "boxes" have been "shipped air mail" many times to Africa and they don't really seem like guests.
Our oldest son, Todd, is busy this summer working at Backwoods Christian Camp in Lineville, AL. He plans to return to Faulkner University in the Fall (as a Junior) to continue his education. We are thrilled that he and friend, Lauren Kelley, have plans to visit us in December of this year.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. Great things can happen when Christians work together. You are a great encouragement to us in a work that has far exceeded the initial plans.
Because He Died for All,
Jimmy, Trina, Lindsey, Abigail, Heather, Candace, Stuart, David, Naomi, Elijah and Matthew Gee