While many throughout the United States observe a day of Remembrance (Memorial Day), we also reflect on the work being done around the world for the cause of Christ. We all appreciate the men and women who have served so diligently to protect the freedoms we enjoy. We know their dedication and sacrifice have made so much of what we enjoy possible.
Even more so, we remember the sacrifice of our Savior to provide the greatest freedom. The love demonstrated at the cross can never be adequately described in words. His love for us was motivation to die on our behalf. Jesus literally took upon Himself what we deserved to receive. His sacrifice paid the price required for our sins. He now lives to serve us.
The act of love on the part of our God and Savior is the bond holding us together around the world. In each of the 15 locations where men are preparing to preach the gospel, we have fellow-workers in the Lord. We are bound by more than just blood flowing through our veins, but rather the blood of Jesus that covers our sins.
I love the fact we have the opportunity to share in this work. Every time I read a report about the evangelistic efforts of students. Every time I learn about souls who are being added to the kingdom. Every time I learn about the plans for future growth. Every time I learn about the struggles and persecution often faced. Every time... I give thanks to our God. He is all powerful, wise and present. We know He is in control and will use each of us to His glory.
I love the news this week and I believe you will too. Thank you for reading.
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Donnie Bates' report for May shares information about his activities and plans for the work ahead. Please take a moment to read more about his work.
Please pray for Gary and Sarah Fallis as they travel to Cambodia and work with the school and local congregations.
Extension Reports
Cameroon Campaign To 14 Congregations: With the completion of the second quarter in Wotutu, students are now working with 14 different congregations on their second campaign.
Beta Class Begins At ITL: Donnie Bates is presently in Guatemala. His report gives information about the new class and his visit. Also, there are pictures of the new students located here.
A Different Perspective In Tamale: Tony Johnson is spending the summer working with the school in Tamale. This report shares his perspective of the first few days in Ghana.
The School And Church Working Together: Chann Lork reports about the progress of the students from school working to help the village congregations.
Blessed Are You..."And Falsely Say All Kinds Of Evil Against You:" Nery Irias, director of the school in Honduras reports on some of the challenges faced when others make false accusations.
Prayer And Fasting For All God Is Doing In Tanzania: The dedication of the Lord's people in Tanzania continues to bring glory to God. Cy Stafford's report shares how God is working and blessing the church.
Four Baptisms, A Working Mzee, And New Studies: The Gee report this week deals with the great work in Arusha. The growth and the future are encouraging.
Final Thoughts
As we begin another week and close another report, we give thanks to God upon every remembrance of you all. Your involvement in this work is appreciated in every way.
The summer reports will continue to be filled with news about the progress of the schools. A few will graduate one class and begin a new class. Others are pressing on in their diligence to provide training for these men who are dedicated to prepare themselves for the work.
We ask for your prayers on behalf of all that is being done.
God bless