Prayer And Fasting For All God Is Doing In Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Workers;

We rejoice in the Lord for the good He continues to do through you all here in Tanzania. Thank you for the genuine care, love and concern you show toward us and the task at hand. We remember you in our prayers as we move about day by day. 

Our first campaigner, Jessica Galloway has departed and our next one, Penny Cabler has arrived. We will have campaigners working with us through the 28th of July, over lapping one another. We thank God for each co-worker and for the good they do when here. Their work continues long after they have returned to their respective homes. 

The Arusha congregation stands as a beacon of hope, a light in a city/country of darkness, and as an example of the importance of “long-term” mission work. Thirteen years ago we began a work here in Arusha with a congregation of 15 souls. Today, this family of God has grown to more than one hundred having planted five city-wide sister congregations. 

As impressive as that might be, the most amazing aspect of the growth in Arusha is seen in Her attitudes, actions and attributes. The congregation recently appointed a local evangelist, Christopher Mwakabanje. They decided to make the month of May a month of prayer and fasting, for the good people of the Arusha Church and the good God would have them to be/do. They chose Saturday, the 28th, as a day of prayer, praise, and fellowship. After a three day fast, 40 individuals came together to sing, pray, meditate, and contemplate on the good God has and is doing through the Arusha Church.  

To meet the great need of the growing work, new Church plants, etc. the Andrew Connally School of Preaching continues to meet the need for Gospel Preachers. One such example is our brother Innocent, evangelist serving at Monduli. During his two years of study at the school, he expressed his desire to return to his home to preach the good news of the Gospel. He has done just that.

Today was  a special day. Having been invited to come teach and preach, I stood before God’s family amazed at the work God is doing through this good man. In worship forty souls joined in paying homage to our God with thankful hearts. As we sang to our God I thought of the two congregations planted by the Monduli Church (with the help of God’s servants, Danny and Nancy Smelser). 

Yes, God’s work continues down the right path and with your continued prayers and support, many, many more souls are yet to be added to His Kingdom.

Safari for Souls continues, Bible classes are being set up, conducted and souls are being added to the Church. Last week three more souls obeyed the Gospel. A number of our graduates are joining hands, helping one another in doing some pre-campaign work and the Lord is truly blessing the effort. 

Much to write and report but we will close with thanksgivings to God and His goodness and for your continued support allowing us to be here and to be a part of God’s great work. 

In Him, Cy, Stephanie & Exel

Posted on May 29, 2011 .