The following report was sent from Nery Irias, who is director of the Honduras Bible Institute. Donnie Bates translated the report as it is written below.
Thanks, beloved brother, for you communication. I also have failed and have not been able to communicate with you for some problems that I have with the justice (authorities - djb) which now is accusing me of “kidnapping” a brother of the church. He already appeared but, with the complicity of his mother, assures that I kidnapped him just so that he not hurt his mother. I believe that it was a plot of theirs to ask me for 200,000 Lempiras. The brother disappeared the day that you accompanied us to the football game in Jacaleapa (that was on January 31 - djb) and until this week he appeared, blaming me. I have confidence in God that the truth will come to light.
With respect to my father, I have to travel with him two and up to three times a week to Tegucigalpa. He suffers from renal failure. He had an auto accident and fractured his vertebrae column with a flattening of the L2. He has a hernia in his spine and has arthritis. Well, he is very complicated. Today we went to Tegucigalpa so he could receive some rehabilitation.
With respect to the mother of Luis David, his mother suffers from diabetes and now they detected problems in her kidneys. Pray for them, please.
Well, we are still in the expectation with reference to the masters classes and we are only waiting for you all to come to an agreement. What we want is to continue growing in knowledge.
I appreciate the information over the problems that are affecting the city of Joplin. We are praying for its inhabitants and in particular for our brethren. Whenever these tragedies of nature happen the children of God are always affected. We only hope that their faith is capable of supporting them in this test. We lament the loss of life of the people, especially those that have not obeyed the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Brother Yoni always visits us and is like another son in our family. Each week he accompanies us in evangelism, also practicing English with the course given to us by brother Lindell. Now more brethren have joined in studying English. Please communicate this to brother Lindell.
Ocsar is preaching in a place called Empalme de Trojes. Several brothers and I went on an evangelistic campaign of two days and one woman was baptized, but he (Oscar) has had problems with a sect in that the place of worship is near that of theirs. I entered that sect where there were some 80 people and I preached to them the Gospel of Christ. The lady “pastor” almost died because the sect divided and for that reason they have been threatening Oscar to the extent that he is looking for another place. I told him not to fear them, that I would return and that now he has to take the honey even with the wasp stings.
Hector continues studying and helping me with the congregation. He still has not been able to find a job. He and Yoni want to work to pay the cost of their studies and help in the economy of the home, but it is not easy to find work here.
Brother Enrique Figueroa visited me and says that if, please, you all could help move his things from the city of La Ceiba to Cuyali, he had said that a truck from La Ceiba to Progreso cost 5,000 Lempiras, but if you could help with 3,000 and he puts up the rest. He already spoke to the lady of the house in which he is going to live and the lady rents for 500 Lempiras for the whole house or 300 if they permit two young men to live in one of the rooms. The brother told her that he has daughters and that it was not possible such a proposition; that it would be better to rent the whole house and that he would be disposed to pay the 500 monthly. The brother wishes to speak personally with you.
Upon solving the problems that I have with the justice (authorities - djb), we will be traveling with Cesar to confirm the spirits of the future students of the cities of Catacamas and Marcala la Paz. Pray that their spirits are firm.
Whatever news, I will keep you abreast, although I am not much for being on the computer.
Brother, I cannot take any type of action without your authorization. Brother Enrique wishes to move this month of June with his family. In La Ceiba his wife worked and helped to pay the rent and the expenses of food, but I do not know if here she would work. I believe that with the help that you all give him, it will be sufficient for the expenses and pay of the house. Also, he has been planting a little of beans and corn so as to be able in this way to help and that their expenses be less. If you authorize it, we are able to give him Lempiras that he asked for and the rest he could put up to move them. I await your confirmation.