The best little lectureship in the mid-north. These are the words used to describe the 8th Annual Minnesota Bible Lectureship. Sheryl and I had the great pleasure of attending this year's lectureship at the South Twin Cities congregation. This one day lectureship is a power packed day of one speaker after another providing lessons that are sound and practical in application.
The opportunity to visit the lectureship was only a small part of the value of this past weekend. The STC congregation is one of the great lights for the Lord in Minnesota. The work being done in this area continues to be an encouragement. We hope to make this an active part of our spring travels each year.
In addition to being encouraged and edified in the time we were able to be with our brothers and sisters, this past week in the Extension Program is exciting. The work and the increase God is giving to the outreach of these students should motivate us all to follow their example. Think Souls, Our Mission Is Evangelism and Evangelism Is Our Mission, are two phrases that remind us of the need to be focused on the very purpose God has given us. May we all be faithful to our calling.
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is
Donnie Bates's latest report shares news about his activities for the month of April. Read more here.
Extension Reports
Commitment Brings Greater Vision And Growth: Each outreach effort in Cameroon demonstrates the vision and growth in this work.
Visakha Valley Bible College - 1st Graduation: The events of graduation provide great encouragement to the future of the work in India.
Old Class Shines And New Class Begins In Chandigarh: The work of the North India Bible College is making a difference in Chandigarh and a new class begins their training.
Committed To The Mission: Phanat's report this month ties in his commitment to the work along with note about a special wedding.
Blessed Beyond Measure: I am constantly encouraged by the development of the work spreading out of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. Cy Stafford's report provides powerful reasons for this growth.
A New Study Begins: Jimmy Gee's report continues to show the growth of the work in Arusha, Tanzania.
Final Thoughts
A final note of thanks to all of you for your efforts to keep this work moving forward. Your love for the Lord and His church could not be more seen than through your willingness to support this work. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf. Thank you for your financial commitment to the work. Thank you for trusting Bear Valley to fulfill this great task of training men to preach the gospel.
I look forward to reporting more each week.
God bless