Old Class Shines & New Class Begins In Chandigarh

Dear Brother, Greetings in Jesus’ holy name.

We are doing great and are encouraged to face challenges before us. We have started the new session and good reports from the old students thrill us. Brother Lakhwinder in Amritsar (Punjab) is working in Verka, a suburb of Amritsar city, the Jerusalem of Sikhs. Brother Sunil is doing tremendous job in Orissa state. He was a very bright student while he was here and I feel proud to produce such a student. He has started worship in his place and going to 3-4 villages nearby. The Bicycles given by Brother Russel Bell help them a lot. He has been raising funds for a young man suffering from cancer from the brethren here in India. That shows a spirit in him to work for Christ. I have had brothers sending him money to buy medicine.

While Brother Sunil was here he had some kind of infection in his mouth and initially he thought that it may be cancer and cannot be treated. But after I encouraged him to go to the Doctor and told him that we will try to do whatever we can, he had his proper treatment. He took medicine for a few months and was alright. May be that has put in his mind to serve people of God in every way we can.

The classes are on and we are still hunting for a place that can be used for God’s glory. The reason behind this is that we are not able to use the present premises because of the threat from the local police that people object to the commercial use of the housing unit allotted by the Chandigarh Administration. This naturally affects the input of the students, as the news goes out that we have the problem of space. We think to go out of the city, but again people don’t give here the house on rent to the Church. Majority of the people are non believers, not even the denominational, who own the property. We have to go to the Hindus or Sikhs. Sikhs are not that much opposed but Hindus are, because of the fundamentalists. Also, our present deed is only up to May. We ourselves also feel not satisfied with the arrangement at present. It is matter of great concern for me to have a place which we can use with free mind.

I have been trying to find such a place but when we see the price we feel helpless. But the next moment we think that our God is Living God and we must EXPECT GREAT THINGS FROM THE LORD. Last week somebody showed me a piece of land that is not yet developed and was going very cheap comparative to the present market price. I calculated that we cannot but that 1800 sq ft and construct that. I told brother Jerry who was here in South India. He said that the need is genuine and price as well, but presently it is not possible to pay this much. I could understand that and don’t know to whom I should talk as I am not asking 100%. At least 10-15% we can arrange here. If we don’t shift, we will have to pay about $750 as monthly rent. And if a little more is given as the EMI, even then the deal is not bad. Because purchasing power of money is decreasing day by day, but the value of the property in is increasing at very high rate.

I know you are praying for us and know our situation. I was reading a prayer from some one, that even we know God has his own answer, we should not quit praying. He will do, definitely in his own time.

Yours For the Cause of Christ


Posted on April 27, 2011 .