Greetings Fellow Workers;
Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in the Southeast part of the U.S. during this time of grief, sorrow and loss. We pray God will grant all a measure of peace and understanding during these dark days. Our hope is that the Lord’s people will “step up” and be counted! That their good deeds might glorify our God and other might come to know Him through all this.
We are good here in Tanzania, truly blessed beyond measure. I would like to simply share two reports I received in the last few days, examples of the good being done through your prayers, the work of the over all Tanzania 2000 mission team, through two of our graduates, and by the grace of God:
First Report: “Four Baptisms and a new Church plant.” (April 28th, 2011)
“Dear Brethren, I am very happy to let you know that in the last week I together with two others, camped in Kisii town (Western Kenya) for five days teaching the gospel, and through God's grace four souls were baptized. Of interest was the baptism of one man who leads a denominational church, we look forward to having him teach his members on how to become Bible Christians. The challenge now is how to go back again and teach them on the Bible worship. We gave out tracts and english bibles but majority requested bibles in Kisii language, we could not provide this but we too agree it is necessary. May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your prayers, assistance and study materials which makes our going/work easier. God bless you!” Charles Ogutu:
Second Report: “We thank our God for adding seven new souls to His Church today (Sat. April 30).” (the very next day), “Thank your for your prayers, God has has blessed us with three more Christians today (Sun. May 1st, 2011). Yusuph Madaki, Ushirombo Church of Christ
To God be the glory, great is our God! May the Lord bless everyone with just what they/we need, to mold us to Who He would have us to be. May our God bless you all with the best week every.
In Him, Cy, Stephanie & Exel