Over the next few months we will be reporting about several graduations, in Denver and the Extension Program. I am always encouraged in seeing men who have labored diligently complete two years of hard work. Their efforts will be rewarded in a special celebration and then they will begin the work they are now prepared to do.
As we reported last week, ITL in Guatemala graduated seven students who are now set to begin the work. Several of these students will form a team to work in San Cristobal. Others will work along the coastal area and near Guatemala City.
The Visakha Valley Bible College in Visakhapatnam, India will graduate their first class of students in the week ahead. We will have a report about this big event in the weeks ahead.
Other graduations scheduled in the months to come include the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies, and the Center for Biblical Studies in Kpalime, Togo.
Reporting about these graduations is exciting because it means these men will soon begin the work of teaching and preaching the gospel. As indicated in some of the reports below, the true encouragement comes in reading about the work they do for the Lord in the months and years ahead.
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Donnie Bates’ final report from Guatemala gives the first details about the lectureship and graduation.
Extension Reports
Evangelism Is Our Mission: The news in Cameroon continues to demonstrate why this was a great choice for getting involved in extension training.
God Gives Opportunities And Increase: It is always encouraging to read of the opportunities God provides and to learn of the increase He gives makes the work in Arusha, Tanzania even more exciting.
Not For the Faint Hearted :-) Life on the mission field has its challenges. Jimmy Gee's report addresses these challenges, as well as, the great news of the past week.
Student Activity Demonstrates Growth: The Chimala Bible Institute helps students grow and get involved as soon as possible in the work. These two reports are connected to share news of the growth.
Final Thoughts
Let me conclude by saying thank you. I know I speak for everyone at Bear Valley when I express appreciation for your involvement. The work you read about each week is the result of so many people. It would be impossible to name them all.
What I love is the fact no one serves in this program for their own glory, but it is all done to the glory of God. I am thankful to have the opportunity to work with such wonderful Christian people. This is the greatest work on earth.
Thank you for making it possible.
God bless