Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from your family here at CBIW. We do hope you are doing fine in all that you do for the Lord and to your family. To the right is a picture of a new sister. She said, like the eunuch, this is water, what stops me from being baptized. After I have believed from my heart the Lord is the son of God. She was baptized upon that confession.
Here in CBIW I am happy to announce to you that 22 of our students return on campus from vacation last Sunday 3rd April and started studies for this quarter. Two of them are sick and have traveled home for some medical attention.
Classes for the second quarter went on well throughout the week, as all the lecturers came well prepared to continue the work of transplanting knowledge to our students who are ever ready to study.
This week was the annual youth forum for the churches of Christ in Cameroon. The students went for the program and were involved in a four days evangelism in small Ekombe church of Christ and also to show among the youth’s population the possibilities of becoming a gospel preacher in future. WE TRAIN PREACHERS IS OUR SLOGAN.
Throughout the four days our students were involved highly in reaching out the gospel to those in the village and also to invites from all over the country for the event.
Many saw the zeal from these CBIW students and some villagers has nick name them like this MEN IN BLACK SUIT. As we leave our campus we know we are going out for business for the Lord as our school motto stipulates. EVANGELISM IS OUR MISSION AND OUR MISSION IS EVANGELISM.
This is a cross section of our students in Malende village where they went for their first ever mission work 3 months ago. On their way to Kumba they stopped at this village to see some new converts and to encourage them. They met this couple who got baptized the same day and the sister was pregnant. They met her and the husband with this wonderful gift of a child. Songs were sang and special prayers offered to God, soap to the baby and the mother, students sacrifice to show their act of generosity. Remember this family and this congregation in your prayers. No preacher there to feed them to grow spiritually.
On the right is one of our students, brother Tobias, teaching the gospel to this family on door to door evangelism. Cameroonians are excited about this school and as we move from one place to another many more brothers desire to attend the school in future. Please pray for this students to keep growing.
The students will not spare any time to teach nothing but the truth. This is possible because most of them before coming to school have been in congregations for years. On the left, brothers Ashu and Tobias are just beside the river to baptize this sister but they are doing everything to see that this sister has made a real decision to follow Christ before baptism.
A student in BMC accepted the gospel. She is coming from the lone Christian secondary school in the south west region of Cameroon. She met our students and made a decision to follow Jesus. Because of time more pics will not come but a total of 10 souls where added into the Body of Christ during four days.
Please I am appealing to you to always remember us in your prayers and support us to do greater things for the Lord glory. We are just 3 months and some weeks now, but the name CBIW is making headline news in the brotherhood and outside. Come stay with us to win Cameroon for Christ. God has called these brothers to be a difference so that they will make a difference.
We appreciate God for his care and support to us. We have all arrived at our campus safe and sound and lectures will continue tomorrow, Monday by His grace.
1. Public address system is needed in the school for evangelism.
2. We are still struggling with transportation issues in and out of Wotutu for missions.
3. Sending students to areas we have work is necessary, but we don’t have the means for now.
4. Generator for rural evangelism as we plan to go to a village to plant a congregation next month before the students go for mission work. Please help us in prayers.
There are more, but I feel it is difficult somehow with the deplorable situation of the world’s economy. Do your best to share this report with others. God can use someone to accomplish His purpose to CBIW.
Stay blessed and thanks very much for what you are doing to see that this dream comes true and be beneficial for the perishing souls who need the gospel to escape condemnation.
Come join us to do this. God bless you. Be blessed.
Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW