God Gives Opportunities And Increase...

Greetings Fellow Workers;

We thank our God for each of you, remembering you and your sacrifices in our prayers daily. We have so much to be thankful for, your prayers and support are high on that list to be sure. We are mindful of those fighting illness, surgeries, cancer and so many other struggles. We think of you and pray God blesses you in all the right ways.

We have had a most amazing week in our work in Tanzania. God has blessed us beyond measure and on many fronts. In some ways it was a typical week and in other ways it was the best. Let me illustrate.....

Isaac and I had several studies lined up for this past Monday. In the end we were only able to have two of the five planned for various reasons! No, we were not discouraged, just a little disappointed. Then there was Tuesday! Tuesday started off with a “bang.” We had just finished our first study with two new sisters in Christ, part of our follow--up program. When the study was over, we were headed to my truck when we met Francis. He saw our Bibles and began telling us of a prayer ministry he is involved in. He asked (that’s right he asked) if we could study the Bible with him. So, we are set to have our first study next week (after Isaac returns from a trip).

We made our way to our second study with five new Christian ladies and three non-Christians. In the end Saruni asked to become a New Testament Christian. We went to the Arusha building for the baptism. Waiting at the building were our next two studies. These young men were able to witness Saruni put Christ on in baptism and then jump right into a study of God’s Word. 

During this study with Amiri and Telesphori, one being a Muslim and the other a member of the Assemblies of God church, a man and a woman walked up to the building and were talking with Isaac about something. Isaac and the lady went to the office while the man sat in our study of Acts 1 & 2. Long story short, as they were about to leave, the man tried to engage in the study saying “tongues” were not what Acts 1 says they are, different languages. 

Mike Reese and I had to leave in the middle of the discussion to go to our next study. I spoke to Charles Heberth who was translating for the study and he said the man simply refused to see the Truth, but, the young man who we were studying with “eyes were opened” to the truth and is really excited about our continued studies of God’s Word. 

Mike studied with Peniel (for the third time) for just over an hour and ended the study with Peniel wanting to obey the Gospel as well. 

This week five souls were added to the Church at Karatu (see the report below about Clement). One soul added to the Church at Kisongo, one at Njiro, one at Kwa Mrombo and today one at Arusha! Yes, a wonderful week in the Kingdom of God here in Tanzania. 

May our God continue to bless each of you that He might continue working through you here in TZ. We love and admire your love and commitment to God’s work where you serve and for your support of God’s  work here in TZ. 

In Him, Cy, Stephanie & Exel 
(Exel is Stephanie’s mother, now living with us here in TZ) 

Karatu report
One of the graduates from the 2009 class, Clement, has been working with a congregation in Karatu, Tanzania. Clement’s wife died giving birth to their seventh child nearly 6 years ago. Once he completed his training with the Andrew Connally School of Preaching, he returned home to take care of his children and preach the gospel.

His efforts to edify the church and reach out with the gospel has been very productive. A recent note from Cy Stafford reports Clement was instrumental in converting 5 precious souls to the Lord. Our God continues to demonstrate His greatness in giving the increase to the work in Tanzania.

Please continue to remember Clement’s work, as well as, all those who are laboring in the Lord’s kingdom around the world. We would also ask you to remember the work of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching as they labor to train men to do the same work seen in Karatu.

Posted on April 10, 2011 .