The Anticipation Of Extension Training...

Can you believe it is already November. This time of year brings to mind many fond memories. I love the cooler temperatures and the promise of snow. In fact, we have already experienced two snowfalls in Denver. I realize there are several who do not like the snow, but I love it. It reminds me of purity, the cleansing power of God’s creation and the spiritual connection of being made white as snow.

I had the privilege of visiting the Golden Church of Christ in Golden, Colorado, Sunday evening. Hawatthia Jones, with the Theological Institute of Latin America (ITL) in Guatemala, spoke about the work. Bear Valley is blessed to be sharing in the work of ITL with Hawatthia and Byron Benitez. It was awesome to hear the full report from Hawatthia. The growth of the program in Guatemala is impressive. You can read more about the work of ITL and several other areas by clicking here.

This week’s report is fairly lengthy, so I will not belabor more introductions. I do want to say, it is incredible to see the growth of the work throughout the world. The sacrifices made by so many who work within the schools, the students who continue to do evangelistic outreach, campaign workers sharing the gospel, and all of you who make this work possible, becomes overwhelming just to think about.

I know how valuable the work is in training men to preach the gospel in their own countries to their own people. I am thankful to share in this opportunity. I am also thankful to each of you for the contribution you make in the fulfillment of the Lord’s will. Regardless of whether you contribute financially, in prayer, teaching, traveling, coordinating, directing, or anything else, please know it is appreciated greatly and it does not go unnoticed.

Now, on to the work...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Donnie Bates and Denton Landon are teaching in the Chimala Bible Institute this week. Read more about their trip in Donnie’s latest report.

Howell Ferguson’s report provides information about the valuable position of Ukraine for the work of the kingdom.

Extension Reports 

Growth, Growth And More Growth In Cameroon: The work throughout the Southwest Region of Cameroon grows each week. The influence of CBIW is changing lives.

Gospel Meeting In Chandigarh, India Brings Many: A gospel meeting in Chandigarh makes headway with many as a powerful number of people come together to hear the word. 

Another Soul Added In Ukraine: The work of the church, connected with the school in Gorlovka, Ukraine is making a difference.

Preaching, Short Courses, Baptisms & Restorations: The Chimala Bible Institute is nearing graduation, but the focus in training continues to bear fruit in many ways.

Outreach In India Reaches 10 Souls: The work of the Visakha Valley Bible College and Skinner’s Garden touches 10 souls in a gospel meeting effort near Visakhapatnam, India.

Four Special Days In Tanzania: A few good men who traveled to Tanzania, assisting in the work of evangelism, witnessed God blessing them with a great harvest. This is a great read.

The Sweet Sounds Of Arusha: The sweet sounds of words by those who are ready to leave denominationalism for the truth of God’s word make this a special report.  

Final Thoughts
Let me close with a note of anticipation. As I read each report, week after week, I keep wondering, will this ever get old or second hand? The answer is not a chance. The more I read, the more I anticipate what will be said next week.

The number of reports continues to be a blessing as they grow each week. I know they are a blessing and encouragement to each of you, as you take valuable time to learn about the way God is providentially working to bless the efforts of so many.

Thank you. I pray for you daily.

God bless

Posted on November 6, 2011 .