Dearest in Christ,
Greetings and love to you all who will be opportune to read through the lines of this report. It gladdens my heart always to share with you our report of activities so that you will know how the work here is going. On behalf of the staff, students of CBIW, members of the Wotutu congregation and you, we rejoice in the Lord for His matchless grace on the basis of which every achievement recorded here in CBIW and other locations of our effort in Cameroon could be interpreted.
Pa Njoh lived far away from our church hall, but could hear the gospel loud and clear through this PA system. He invited us to his house and asked numerous questions about his baseless denominational doctrines which were exposed to him by the power of the gospel BACK TO THE BIBLE. He asked “how can I be baptized again?” The Bible was there to encourage him. He was also involved in a secret cult that has been troubling him for years and he exposed to us the secret. We told him God is above all. In the mention of the name every knee will bow and all tongues will confess that Jesus is Lord. To that effect he brought out his magical rings and bongos from his wrist. We prayed, sang and burnt all those things. Jesus had set him free (Jn 8:36). Keep him in your prayers for the many persecution he is facing from his mates. Let them see the need to own up and Jesus will set them free. His family needs the gospel too.
The word of Jesus has been our ultimate standard in our every evangelistic effort. His rich mercy remains our point of reference each time we want to talk about what He is doing and what He will do in the work here in Cameroon.
The Lord has been with us always as we reached out to those who are yet to receive the Light of the gospel in their lives.
This week was very busy as the students of CBIW started writing their last long courses exams for this first year of their studies. How times flies. Sooner or later many more pulpits in Cameroon will be filled with ministers who are up to the task to teach and preach the baked gospel and remove congregations now who are suffering from total spiritual malnutrition.
Many thanks to God who made a way for us to have our PA system. This digital PA system makes our work easier to reach out to may. From our church hall, which also serves as our campus, we preached to the entire community and nearby communities. Early each morning from 5:30 to 6:00 am, Monday through Saturday, the village of Wotutu and other nearby communities, through this PA system, seem to be arrested by the power of the gospel conveyed through the disciple making program of BACK TO THE BIBLE, as it is called. It cuts across many hearts in their beds putting them into a new day with the saving message, please keep this program and our efforts in your prayers because it is the talk of the day now in our community. After the preaching my mobile phone number is given on the air for people to call if you have any doubt or need further study of the word. People have been calling and we have been meeting them in their home for questions and a Biblical response giving them.
Some CBIW students did a little gardening in a small portion of the land on our church plot. It is tomato season in Wotutu. This activity will help the students to eat tomatoes without buying, just for the fact that we don’t have a big plot for more cultivation. We are doing that to them as part of their vocational training to prepare them to be tent makers preachers when they leave school. We pray for more opportunities like other vocational work, like the use of a computer, electrical installations, computer maintenance, plumping, etc. which they go through before their last year elapses making them independent in their ministry. By so doing we shall be fulfilling the proverb that says; TEACH A MAN HOW TO CATCH FISH RATHER THAN GIVE HIM FISH.
I was able to preach this morning in the Wotutu congregation on the topic GOD CAN LOOSE YOU, drawing inspiration from (Jn. 11:43-44). It was aimed at helping our Christians who are facing diverse spiritual and physical problems that only God can loose them from all the stagnations and manipulations of the evil one.That same message was going through the entire community through our digital PA system.
Join us and the host of angels in Heaven to praise God for the adding of sister Akat Bessem Schorlar, who heard the gospel in another village through our PA system, called me and we studied with her a few days. She called us and decided to be baptized and put on Christ. Please keep her in your prayers so that through her, many in her family will come to know Christ and follow His teaching. God is doing great things here. Keep praying. Your prayers are working well.
Another lady moved into our church area from another town, and God used us to get the gospel to her through the students on their weekend evangelism program and the PA system which is serving as a radio now in our community. She accepted the gospel and made her confession beside the river.
Clara Ateba Bana was baptized to put on Christ. Keep her in your prayers so that, through her, many will come to the knowledge of the truth. Her house is in the same compound with the students. We shall be there always to encourage her to walk worthy of her calling.
The sisters of the Wotutu congregation are praying and fasting over this vision. They are praying for God’s direction to help them establish an organization which will be centered on touching the lives of widows, orphans and the elderly in our community and beyond. They saw the need of adult education because many can’t read or write and by so doing if someone can read and write it will pave the gospel to enter the person easily. As we join together as a family to pray over this issue, we plead with you to join us in prayers also and share it with others who will love this type of humanitarian gesture to give us ideas on how to better go about it to the glory of God. We shall share more about this as the days are going by.
Our church hall is getting smaller to accommodate our children to study during Bible study on Sunday. The children this morning where outside under a plantain tree to study. During sunny days it will be difficult for them. They used to sit in my office and the library but now the population keeps increasing as many more children, some from a denominational background, love to come to our children’s class. Their parents will send them to come because of our program. That is an opportunity to reach to their parents. A small semi-permanent structure beside our main building will serve the purpose.
1) Our coordinator will come to CBIW this week, Thursday, the 10th, to teach a short course. Keep him in your prayers. He will come alongside the preacher of the Bear Valley church of Christ. We pray for their safe trip.
2) Our annual Bible lectureship in Cameroon is coming up from the 24th to the 27th of November. It will envelop all the churches of Christ in Cameroon. Our students will be part of it. It will really help them. I am invited to speak alongside another lecturer in CBIW.
1) I am thankful to God for His care and watch over us. I thank Him for loving us and taking good care of us and you as our relationship as brothers in this big family keeps growing.
2) Many thanks to all four lecturers for their priceless sacrifice to face the challenges that we all face daily as we dismantle the strong holds of the evil one. My lecturers will come under the rains, sun and muddy roads to come and impact the knowledge of the truth to the students.
3) I also thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing God to use you to make all this happen. Your prayers, great concern and priceless support is the pillar behind all this. Keep up the good work. Your labor will never go in vain. The one that wins souls is wise. Thanks for helping us think souls; planting and watering, and God keeps giving us wisdom to continue to steal from the strong man’s house. Evangelism is the key. Pray for us as we pray for you.
Do your best to share this report with others may be God is ready to use someone beside you to accomplish an issue in our ministry.
Elangwe and family
By His grace, Director CBIW