Freed Hardeman Lectureship...

Next Sunday marks the beginning of the 75th annual Freed Hardeman Lectureship at Freed Hardeman University. The lectureship provides opportunities on a number of levels.

First, and foremost, the lectureship is designed to present the sound truth of God’s word. Several faithful men throughout the brotherhood are assembled to speak on various subjects. This year’s focus is “Proclamation and Promise: Major Themes in the Minor Prophets.” The subjects are handled in a manner to present the truth powerfully and lovingly.

Second, the lectureship affords opportunity to connect with brothers and sisters in Christ from around the world. A time of reuniting with others gives a glimpse of how incredible heaven will be when we are united around the throne of God. While the lessons are powerful, the singing is incredible. It makes me look forward to gathering around the throne of God.

Third, the lectureship opens doors to share the work of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. Training men to preach in Denver and 15 other locations around the world is one of the most exciting works on earth. The more we can inform others of this work, the more exciting it becomes for everyone.

Finally, the lectureship makes it possible to learn about the work in the Lord’s kingdom in other locations. It is encouraging and uplifting to hear of the great ways God is working through His people, both domestically and internationally.

I want to invite you to join us at the Freed Hardeman Lectures. Stop by the Bear Valley booth and visit. We look forward to seeing you there. 

The reports from the extension schools are listed below. I always enjoy reading about the work in this program. Please take a moment to read through the reports turned in. It has been another exciting week.

Coordinator Updates

Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Gary Fallis and Jerry Bates are now in Visakhapatnam, India to work with the Visakha Valley Bible College, one of Bear Valley’s Extension Schools. Please remember them in their travels.

Donnie Bates is now in Honduras. Read Donnie's latest report.

Extension Reports

Evangelizing Cambodia: The report from Cambodia continues to show growth.

Short Courses Begin in Visakhapatnam: John Dean shares a report about the classes in India.

Campaign In Cameroon: The Extension in Cameroon just completed a successful campaign. Read brother Elangwe's report. 

God Gives The Increase In Arusha: Jimmy and Trina Gee continue to report great news in Arusha. 

From Persecution to Opportunity: Read Willie's report about the continued efforts in Togo.

Final Thoughts

I feel compelled to apologize for the length of the reports each week. However, at the same time, I can hardly believe how awesome it is to read about the work around the world. I know you feel the same.

I am thankful for all of the men who are laboring in the kingdom, who love sharing the progress of the work. I share in the excitement and it charges my batteries to know their diligence and success. Thank you for communicating so adequately and frequently. 

I also want to thank each of you for taking time to read the reports and share them with others who can benefit from knowing about the work. Thank you for your support of Extension Training. I look forward to sharing more each week.

God bless


Posted on January 31, 2011 .