Greetings to you in the precious name of Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior. We are all doing fine, having a great time during these short course classes.
Gary Fallis & Jerry Bates arrived on Saturday at 1 pm. I came from Skinner's Garden to pick them up and drop them at the hotel. Sunday, they both worshipped with the congregation that meets at the school. Jerry preached a good sermon from Luke 5 about how to become real disciples of Christ. Except 4 students who worship here, everybody else went to their respective places to conduct worship services.
Sunday afternoon they did not have much to do, so they took rest to get ready for next day class.
Monday, our students and faculty have given a great welcome to both Gary and Jerry. We had all the students present for both classes. They are going on well. Today we had 18 undergrad students and 16 of them are regular. We have 9 graduate students present.
Our undergrad students are having great time during the Leadership class taught by Jerry bates. He is doing great job teaching the subject of 'Leadership' This class is very practical which our students are enjoying. I bet this would help them a lot to do serious work on making themselves as leaders.
They had a nice stay at the same hotel. Since they have to come to school each day to teach the classes, I am driving them back and forth everyday. It is taking 45 minutes to travel one way to pick them and 45 minutes to bring them to school. We pray that our Lord will open doors so that our brethren would have a facility to stay in the school premises, which would help us to save lot of time and money. Hope things would workout for good.
Thats all about the short courses until today....more as the days progress. All our students, faculty and staff send their greetings to you.
In Christ,
John Dean Muppidi