Continuing To Pray For Cy Stafford Until He Stands Preaching Again...

We hope you enjoyed your weekend. Ours is bright and sunny! Thank you so much for your interest in the TZ 2000 Mission Work. We appreciate you reading our report. So many good things are currently going on in East Africa. It thrills the soul to see God working through His faithful to the saving of countless souls.

On the other hand, God is still showing how powerful He is through our beloved brother Cy Stafford. As it’s well known that Cy has been admitted to the hospital for at least two months now, but the current reports that we have been getting from his family are very comforting as we can see on these quotes: 

Stephanie Stafford reports: “Thank you all for your love and prayers during this extremely difficult time. Please continue to pray for Cy that he will overcome with God's healing power.....we know whose hands Cy is in. They are already calling him the miracle man in the hospital. He still has a long way to go, but with our Christian family, your love and support, we will overcome. May God bless each of you. Thank you for expressing your love to our family.”

Jeremiah Stafford reports: “Good Evening All, Dad had a good day today. He is still improving slowly, but he is gaining strength each day. His colon seems to be doing better each day that goes by. We are praying for good results tomorrow as we anxiously wait for the results of the bone marrow testing. We thank you all for the continued prayers and words of encouragement. We couldn't ask for better friends and family!”

Paul Stafford reports: “Cy had a good day!! He started the day first by having his trach removed and then even better receiving the news that his leukemia is presently in remission. This is going to hopefully allow him the time he needs to get stronger so that he can work toward being cured from this cancer. He was able to be up in a wheel chair for the first time today. We are greatly encouraged, and ask for continued prayers for his colon to heal and for him to get strong enough to go into rehab.... We are so very thankful for every prayer uttered on his behalf. We as a family give God All glory and praise knowing He, in his infinite wisdom, has worked all things out and we have no doubt that He will continue to cover us with His loving care. Psalms 91:4”

Thank you all for your endless prayers and fasting for Cy’s healing. I urge you to keep praying and fasting till we see him standing at the pulpit preaching and teaching. Amen.

Your fellow worker in the Kingdom,

Losotwa Michael,
Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school
Arusha, TZ

Posted on February 21, 2016 .