Preaching The Same Jesus From Nigeria To Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We do hope you are doing great. Life is favorable for us this time around. Many continue with their farming activities, as the rain will come soon.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu was characterized by examinations, as the students were busy writing their exams. Because it was examination week, we closed from school early and spent more time in evangelism.

Students returned from weekend evangelism safe and sound, as they continued to preach and teach. Keep these students in your prayers for the great work they are doing with happiness.

Our weekend evangelism is characterized with house to house evangelism and nurturing. Students are always very happy to go because that is a direct command for us all to go there teaching souls perishing. We were able to visit our newest congregation, which is our mission field now as we send students there every week. This congregation is getting to a month now.

Our students will sit on a stone for long hours as they continue to share the gospel to prospects. The truth is bitter but it must be spoken is a common language here and our students are aware of it, that is why whether a chair is given or not the truth must be preached .

Our brother in Likomba, Robertson, is having serious problems with his leg, so he could only support himself with a stick. He stood with his stick ready to obey the truth, even in such condition.

He happily obeyed the truth and he is happy to be part of the New Testament family. Wow! Many stood at a distance to see what is happening with these people. Keep the work in your prayers that many will be convinced to see the truth as we preach it weekly.

This morning I preached on the topic “That Same Jesus.” It was great to expose the impact Jesus did in touching our lives daily. The Wotutu congregation were blessed to have me back after last week where I was in Nigeria. All the pictures, without numbers, are from Nigeria during the last week of mission work there. I went along with brother Ititi Benedict, a graduate from our school during the first batch, and he is now directing the French-speaking school of preaching in Mbanga. It was his first trip, but he enjoyed the fellowship and evangelism there with the brethren in Nigeria.

​1) The wives of our current sisters started coming Wotutu again, as they have the second edition of their class beginning tomorrow. Keep their travels and stay in Wotutu in your prayers.

2) While the wives will be in class, the men will be in Likomba doing house to house during this week, so that as their wives are getting done with their class by Friday. On the 2nd of March to the 6th of March, we shall travel to Lebialem for mission work with our coordinator who will just be making his way to Cameroon.

We can only say thank you. Thank you Lord for your help and also thank you for your love and sacrifice towards the work here. Only God will reward you.

Do your best to tell others about this work. Pray for the events that will be in our congregation by the end of this year.

God bless you and keep you till we meet again.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on February 21, 2016 .