Farming Projects And Evangelism Continue To Build The Work...

There are currently several projects going on at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. We are working hard at getting the one-acre raised beds ready for the long rains. We have also tilled up another three-acres to plant corn and beans in for the long rains.

One important work that has begun this month is educating the preacher students in the different farming areas. As part of their schooling they are helping in the garden, with the cows, and with the chickens. Our goal is for them to be able to take this knowledge back to their villages and be able to support themselves and their families and also help the community around them.

Every month brings new challenges and more blessings. We are thankful for all of the rain (that is out of season) and the success we accredit to God. Please continue praying for this project, especially as it continues to grow in the continuing months.

Every month we are blown away by the open hearts here in Tanzania. The opportunities for evangelism are endless. This month has proved fruitful and we are giving all of our thanks to the Creator.

Justin began preaching at Ilikiurei (White Rose) Kanisa la Kristo last month and continues this month. He is also teaching the youth at Kisango every Saturday.

Samantha continues with her children’s class at Kisongo Kanisa la Kristo. This week they finished the book of Genesis and are so proud to be able to tell you what happens in every chapter, the line of Jesus from Adam to Judah, along with their weekly memory verses. The children are truly excelling and love learning about Jesus. Her class began with around 15 kids the first week of January and this last week she had more than 35! 

Anna’s women’s Bible class continues to go well. The women are eager to learn and are beginning to make the connections from Old Testament to New. Every week they discuss a different patriarch in Genesis and then Anna shows them scriptures about those characters in the New Testament and you can see on their faces as understanding finally sets in. 

The second Saturday of this month also brought with it our monthly children’s seminar. This one was in N’Gordoto at the Lerai Kanisa la Kristo. The pre-campaign leading up to the seminar had 3 baptisms! At the seminar itself we had around 130 kids! Samantha taught the books of the Bible while Annataught them about Mungu (God) and the days of creation.

We were blessed to have help with this seminar. Daniel and Tiffany Gaines accompanied us, along with Anita Davidson from the Bear Valley Church of Christ. We had somewhere around 50 adults come to study the Bible. Daniel Gaines studied the Bible for more than two hours with this large group while the children’s classes were going on. 

After lunch, Tiffany taught the women about unity. This is a cultural problem (American’s can relate, I am sure) and one the Church was struggling with at Lerai. She also talked to the women about how to teach children and resources we have available for them. 

While Tiffany was teaching the 60 or so women who came (!), Justin and Daniel had two different groups wanting to study the Bible. To God be the glory, these studies went on for another two hours.

We thank all of you for your love and support. The Lord is working here in Tanzania and we hope you will keep us and the work in your prayers. Please remember brother Cy Stafford in your prayers, also. He continues to fight his cancer we are praying the Lord heals him fully and returns him to the work here.

Maynard Family

Posted on February 21, 2016 .