You Have Stayed Long Enough At This Mountain...

"You have stayed long enough at this mountain" -Deut 1:6-8

When it was time for the Israelites to leave the comfort of Mount Horeb, God told them to leave and possess the land that was promised to them. Before they left, Moses reminded them of what they needed to do once God gave the land to them. They were to be faithful to God, influence their neighbors, and not get possessed by them. 

Last week on July 24th, IBISR had our 2015 graduation. A total of 11 students finished a rigorous 3 year program! I am excited for these young leaders and the work that they've set out to do for Him. They have stayed at the Bible school long enough. It is time for them to put what they've learn to practice and serve God faithfully, to be the example in their word and especially in their action, to be the light and influence to their friends and families, to possess souls for Christ and not get possessed by the world and it's allure. These are the men and women that will play a major part in transforming Cambodia from the inside out. 

Our ladies, Khemrey, Phally, Makara, Socheat, Duong, and Ratana, will all serve the children of Hannah's Hope, teaching them godly principles with godly love and nourishment. Our men: Vannak will stay in Siem Reap helping the church and be on staff with the Bible school. Tuk will serve God in his home village of Sambu planting and growing a church there. He already has 4 members there while he was studying in school. He will be the local church's (Siem Reap) first ever sponsored graduate. We are excited about that! Sovanara and Sopheak will serve God together on the Ship of Life, ministering to the poor villagers along the Mekong River proving healthcare to them at the same time sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with them. Pros will continue to serve God at Kompong Kleang providing safe water and most importantly Living water to the people there. 

We thank you for your prayers and support and ask that you continue to remember us as we serve him faithfully here in our part of the world.


To see Phanat’s post with a picture of the graduates listed below, please click here.

2015 International Bible Institute of Siem Reap Graduates
Sopheak, Tuk, Duong, Socheat, Makara, Khemery, Phally, Ratana, Sovanara, Pros, and Vannak

Posted on August 2, 2015 .