Commitment To The Physical And Spiritual Needs Of Nepal...

Greetings from Kathmandu:

Thursday morning we had a breakfast meeting at my apartment. There were 2 ladies and 7 men present. Tomorrow [Saturday] will be 14 weeks since the first earthquake. The headlines and even the publicity have almost ended. The problems have hardly lessened. Our perspectives have progressed from urgency, fueled by inexperienced panic, to a much more mature and realistic acceptance, giving fuel to the diligent commitment set before us.  

Our commitment is focused upon two areas:  

A.  Earthquake ........ Physical and Temporary [however long that may be].
B.  Spiritual ............. Souls and Eternal

Our next mission outing and campaign will be a 10 day excursion back to the mountain area of Dhading and Rasuwa [Aug. 25 - Sept. 3]. We plan to have 20+ Christian men and women from the Kathmandu Valley be part of this campaign.

Earthquake ...... Physical:   

250 bundles of metal sheeting for Rasuwa District.
500 bundles of metal sheeting for Dhading District.
Food and blankets also.
Work sessions to clear debris and to prepare for re-building after the monsoon.

Spiritual ........... Eternal:     

Bible classes.   August 28-29         
AM ...... Everyone together
PM ....... Men's classes and Ladies' Classes

On Monday, August 17 we will take 400 Children's Bible Story books to three villages by helicopter. Those congregations will distribute them throughout the mountain villages. The adults don't know the stories or the important messages of the Old Testament stories. They will also publicize and give personal invitations to the villages to partake in the SPIRITUAL healing and strengthening of the Bible classes to be conducted in Syaprubesi. There will be two trucks loaded with PHYSICAL relief and aid items. The trucks will take the items as close to each village as possible.  

The ladies will have two Old Testament Stories and one New Testament Parable each afternoon.   

The fears and the sorrows generated from these earthquakes underscore how this life is so temporary and the need to be ready for eternity. The present pain and grief pale in comparison to an eternity in hell. The promise and hope of heaven can bring joy and peace in the present misfortune. We will do what we can about the pain and grief of the PHYSICAL misfortune, while we also minister to the SPIRITUAL joy and peace waiting as we endure the cross we bear on earth.

This campaign will be expensive. The 750 bundles of metal sheeting and two trucks will be about $45,000.00.  The money will be used for the very purpose that it was donated and sent.  We assure you this is wise use of time and money .......... Physically/Temporary and Spiritually/Eternally. Gajendra leaves in the morning for two weeks in east Nepal and bordering India. The purposes are [a] to deliver Bibles, song books, and Children's Bible stories, [b] to teach and encourage, and [c] to make more plans for his marriage early next year. We will send you updates on our financial situation when he returns. 

Thank you and God bless you,

Posted on August 2, 2015 .