Preparing For Final Exams And Mission Trip...

Calvary greetings dearest in the Lord,

The blessings of the Lord are upon His chosen generation. The world is evolving, so to Christianity, but positively. Our country is facing a political crisis, most especially in the Northern part. Please commit this section into the hands of God so that it will not inconvenience our mission work the end of this month.

Evangelism is our mission and our mission is Evangelism. Six of our students were out on mission work this weekend all in our newly created assembly in Mujuka for two days. The men in black spent time to dedicate their morning and evening sections for two days with door to door evangelism and visitation. Blessed are those that preach the gospel of peace, at this moment people are displeased. 

The church in Mbanga is praying for the students as they prepare for their second semester exams and second mission trip to various destinations, even though there are only a few of them. The instructors are putting up all their best to see that knowledge is being transferred with great success.

The school is preparing to welcome minister Gallis from Texas for two weeks of short-courses.

Our sincere salutation from our young assembly that we believe you will one day come and see for yourself how the work is going on. 


Posted on August 2, 2015 .