Masters in Missions
In-ministry Course Work:
The requirements for the Master's in Missions degree involve 22 hours of course work and 12 hours for a one-year internship with an extension school location. The course work includes:
500 - Introduction to Graduate Studies - Donnie Bates (MBS) This course will introduce the student to graduate level studies and research. This course will form the foundation for the additional coursework in our Masters Program and must be completed before any additional courses can be taken.
601 - Introduction to Missions - Dr. Roger Shepherd (D.Miss.) This course is designed to deal with an introduction to the biblical origins, history, and techniques of cross-cultural missions and evangelism, with attention given to contemporary issues of missiology.
602 - Cross-Cultural Missions - Dr. Roger Shepherd (D.Miss.) This course is designed as an in-depth study presenting the principles and techniques of cross-cultural evangelism from the book of Acts. This course involves a study of communication models used in the mission field. It will take a close look at the mission methods of the apostle Paul.
603 - Indigenous Church Growth and DevelopmentThe chief focus of this course will be on the specific ministry efforts designed to start and develop churches in each culture--church that, though separate from worldly values, nevertheless fit into the local culture as opposed to the perception of the church as a foreign religious group.
604 - Missionary Issues - Donnie Bates (MBS) This course is designed to help the student anticipate issues and potential problems that typically arise on the mission field.
605 - Advanced Missions Leadership - Chad Wagoner (M.Div.) This course will enable the student to develop personal, individual leadership skills and learn how to apply those skills in a mission environment. Emphasis will be placed on leadership development (both personal and missional), mission leadership with the BVBI Extension School concept, and developing leadership within indigenous Christian populations.
606 - Introducing Cultural Anthropology - Dave Chamberlin (MBS) This course will examine the use of cultural anthropology as the description, interpretation, and analysis of similarities and differences in human cultures. This study is designed to focus on an anthropological perspective that will enhance the work of the missionary in the field by understanding the methods and concepts of the discipline. The basic study of Anthropology should better equip the missionary in matters of evangelism, social action, church life, and the role of culture in one's own understanding of the gospel message.
607 - Missional Church Growth - Donnie Bates (MBS) - Growing a church involves detailed planning. This course will help students learn how to develop a strategy for evangelism within mission work. The development of the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) chart will help each student have a greater understanding of assisting congregations in developing short and long-term goals. As part of this course, students will learn how to analyze various programs to help reach the goals established within the congregation.
The fieldwork of the Master's in Missions degree is one full year at a specific location where Bear Valley is involved in training men to preach. The 12 hours received through this part of the program will include the following requirements:
A minimum 20-page paper describing the adjustment into a foreign culture.
What was experienced?
How was it handled?
Describe the impact on the family.
Involvement in local evangelism within the church.
Activities will be listed for daily involvement for 2 months.
These activities will involve implementation of plans for evangelism and congregational involvement in these efforts.
Working within the extension school.
This assignment will involve the necessary preparation and teaching of one of the courses in the extension program (determined by the director of the location).
The assignment also includes involvement with the staff and student body.
Administration development.
Specific areas will be assigned by the director to be completed within the administrative responsibilities of the work.
Development of leadership will be monitored and reported by the director at the specific location.
Adjustments to the PERT chart in strategies for evangelism.
This assignment involves a re-evaluation of the original PERT chart for the work.
Included should be information involving what has been learned during the time at the extension school and changes that should be made to improve the strategies for evangelism.