Students helping churches in Nigeria

I am excited to present the report of Bear Valley Bible institute, Benin City Nigeria  for the last quarter of 2023 (October, November and December).

The quarter was full of activities that have richly blessed the Church of Christ in Benin City and environ, the students and our host community.

During the quarter, in October precisely, the Benin Schools had the privilege to organize a three day seminar in conjunction with WBS/Ocean Bridge Nigeria from 11th to 13th of October 2023. Over 400 Student in three Schools were taught the gospel during the program the student of Bear Valley School Benin city are currently doing the follow-up work on them.

Brother Andrew Olila the preacher of Edaiken congregation confessed that his baptism was not correctly done and summited himself to be baptized the scripture way after receiving a lecture on evangelism 2 (Church Planting Methods) where the instructor, Brother Enne  Everest emphasized on the need to do Bible things the Bible way without addition and or subtraction. He was baptized on the 11th of November 2023.

On the 30th of December 2023 Bear Valley Bible institute Benin in conjunction with the church of Christ Uselu Benin City organized a one day evangelism from 8am to 5pm. A good number of student were in attendance with all the instructors.

Five souls have been baptized as a result of the activities of the student and the instructors collectively and individually in the last quarter of 2023. We are presently working at okhuoun Church of Christ in collaboration with the Church of Christ Iguosa to restore the Church.

Academically, the instructors are leaving no stone unturned as they are committed to giving the students nothing but the best. Many homes of the student have been stabilize due to the moral lesson from one of the subjects 1st Corinthians. Congregations have heaved sighs of relieve as our student are proffering solution to problem in their various congregations.

We cannot appreciate the Bear Valley family enough for considering and supporting us.

Thank you for your support. God bless you all.

Dunia Christopher for Bear Valley Benin

Posted on January 8, 2024 .

11 baptisms in Ghana



The staff and students of this college give Jehovah God our deepest sense of appreciation for granting us His travelling mercies throughout this quarter.
The one month one instructor continues to be the teaching procedure for the third quarter of 2023.
1. 2 Corinthians
2. Hermeneutics II
3. Personal Evangelism

2 – Number of students on Sunyani campus is 16. Our students are mostly from the Bono and Ahafo Regions, we therefore thank God for His protection.
Our staff and students have continued with the organizing of house to house and visitations in our respective congregations. By the grace of God and through the hard work of staff and students (11) eleven baptisms and (3) three restoration of backsliders are the results.
Our staff and students participated in the above mentioned programme, which was hosted by the Sunyani Central Church of Christ at the Sunyani Technical
University from 21st – 24th September, 2023, a camp which is directed by Bro. Daniel

By the grace of God thirty three (33) souls were baptized on Sunday 24th September, 2023.

We are glad to introduce and provide you with the profile of another student named, Frank Adu. Frank is a fourth year student at Sunyani campus. He is married to Madam Leticia Amoah. The good Lord has blessed their marriage with three children, who are all boys. By tribe Frank is a native of Bono Region, His home town is Nsawkaw in the Tain District but he grew up in Sunyani. He attended the Estate Experimental and Urban Council A schools. He went to the Sunyani Technical University where he obtained a BSc. in Electrical /Electronic, Technology Education. Frank was baptized in Sunyani but presently worships with the Kwamo Church of Christ in Kumasi. He is presently a tutor at the St. Michael Technical Institute, Pramso, Bosomtwi District in the Ashanti Region. Frank Adu is very thankful to God for the Bear Valley programme, because his knowledge in the Bible and other ministerial courses have equipped him to preach and teach Gods word effectively.

Prepared by;
Daniel Kyereh-Mensah
(Director, Sunyani Campus)

Posted on January 8, 2024 .

New congregations in India

Reporting Letter for the month of December-2024

Respected director Mr.Keith Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners. Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you well. We convey our new year greetings to you behalf of BVBI extensional Centre in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh State, India. We thank you for prayers and encouragement.  We would like to share brief report for the month of December-2023.

Classroom work: Classes are smoothly functioning, students are very much interested in following the BVBI syllabus. Teachers are serious in conducting daily classes, memory work, assignments, weekly tests, monthly examinations.

Short course Teacher: We are happy to share with you that Mr. S. Vijay Prakas visited us with his family in the month of December-2023. He was with us in 4th week . This time he taught the subject about “ How we got the Bible and evidences to believe that the Bible is the word of God.

Campaigning: We travelled to Poolathota-village and conducted campaigning. The village congregation was strengthened . we were encouraged by the love of village people who honored our staff.  


Cyclone relief:- In the month of December-2023 second week due to cyclone effect really people suffered lot . There was no power in the rural areas . It is sad to share about the situation of the people. In fact trees were uprooted, transportation was blocked, there was flooding  in the villages, daily laborers lost their daily wages., Due to cyclone effect some people needed rice , some people rice and groceries, some people medicals, some people wanted help for doctor fees, some people house rental, some people were in need of immediate cooked food, fruits, bread etc. We covered 3 districts former Nellore , Tirupati and Chittor.  We are happy to share with you that we  have brought a smile on the faces of 655 people and restored them during this disaster period distributing rice, groceries, medical etc. .We  are thankful to our local church members and Bible school students who worked voluntarily for the in the distribution work. We have done this relief work by partnership of Healing Hands International.

A.G.Garden workshops:

India is second highest populated country in the world,  over population is a major problem in India, as the country’s population is growing at an unsustainable rate . The population is expected to exceed 1.5 billion by 2030 and 2 billion by 2050. In order to maintain a balance between food and population , the annual agricultural growth should be developed.  Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tirupati, Andhra Pradersh-India has taken the initiative step in involving to eradicate poverty by producing organic vegetables. In the month of December we organized AG-Gareden workshops in two villages. We are thankful to HHI for sponsoring these two workshops. We have trained more than 70 people in AG-Gardens plantation.

Attending for the special events: In the month of December we attended a few birthday events, wedding events and funerals. We train our students how to mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice (Rom 12:15).

BVBI-Tirupati extension Centre 2023-Brief Report

.1. Baptisms  32 souls ,  2.  Home Bible studies 156, 3.   Gospel meetings 13 .

4.      Christian Growth Bible Seminars 01,   5. Youth classes 45 (weekly one) 6.Children classes 45 (weekly) 7.   Women Bible Seminar 2 , 8. Blind meetings:-4,

9.    Audio Bibles distribution 200,  10.  Local Preachers meetings 06, 11.  establishment of New congregations 13 ( at different places, house churches at other villages), 12.  Visited other local churches :- 05, 13.  Birthday Meetings Preached 10, 14.  Funeral Services I preached 5, 15.  Wedding ceremonies 06

Thanking you

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay & Swarupa,  from Bear Valley Bible Institute exstension Centre –Tirupati-India.

Posted on January 8, 2024 .

Additional courses taught outside Accra




We thank God for the grace in helping and caring for us all through the years and in giving us a New Year. The following describes what took on in Ash Town Extension School during the fourth quarter 2023.

Classroom Activities.

Five courses were offered to our students this quarter. Students took advantage of the holidays in December and did additional courses. Bro Wisdom Kwasi Yirenkyi taught cost of Discipleship, Bro Emmanuel Gyasi Quansah handled Prison Epistles and New Testament Worship and finally Bro Emmanuel Larbi taught the class Denominational Doctrine and Intertestamental Period.

Special Talk

Director, instructors and a section of students attended a talk held by Accra Campus for current students and Alumni of Bear Valley. Director of International Schools in the person of Bro Keith Kasarjian was present at the occasion. He talked about the goals and rules of Bear Valley.

Student Profile

Our student profile for this quarter is Brother Ebenezer Ocansey Otu, born on October 10, 1972. He is happily married to Sister Joyce Otu and has five children, 3 girls and 2 boys. He works as an Auto Body Sprayer for a living.

He was baptized into the Lord’s Church on September 2, 2002. He now worships with the Church of Christ, Rock City in Kasoa where he serves as a caretaker. Bro Ebenezer is humble, and hardworking. Bro Ebenezer says he is happy that he has acquired in-depth knowledge of the Word of God since joining Bear Valley.

Admission of New Students

Two new students will be joining us next year in January 2024.

Update on the newly Church planted (Church of Christ, Adom Estate)

Two prospects were baptized. Average attendance on Sunday is 45 excluding Visitors and Children. Follow ups will continue as we enter into the New Year. Students who lived within Adom Estate have taken leadership roles and assisting the Congregation in teachings and sermons.


We express our gratitude for the guidance and support shown by Bear Valley Leadership and the Brotherhood in their generous financial assistance for the year. It is our prayer that God returns and replenishes whatever they may have suffered any loss in. Amen.


Reported by Larbi

Posted on January 8, 2024 .

A great year in Accra East

Bear Valley Bible Institute International, Accra East

Fourth Quarter Reports- 2023

Courses taken

The fourth quarter was started on the first Saturday in October, 2023 which was on the 7th. The fourth quarter ended on Saturday 30th December, 2023. The following are the courses taken within the 4th quarter:

·         Research and Writing

·         2 Corinthians

·         The Book of I&II Peter & Jude


Within the year 2023 twelve courses was taken, these are:

1.      Research and Writing

2.      Homiletics 1

3.      The Book of Acts

4.      1 Corinthians

5.      Prison Epistles

6.      The Life of Christ 3 - Luke

7.      The Life of Christ 4- John

8.      The New Testament Church /Worship

9.      Personal Evangelism II

10.  The Book of Romans

11.  2 Corinthians

12.  1&2 Peter & Jude


Report on the students


Students response to the lectures was very encouraged. The following are the average attendance for the year 2023:

·         The first quarter               9

·         The second quarter       9         

·         The third quarter             8         

·         The fourth quarter           8


House to House Evangelism 


In the third quarter house to house evangelism took place at Parakuo Estate, Greater Accra on December 02nd-03rd. In summary, house to house evangelism in the year 2023 was carried out at three different communities. These are:  

1.      Gomoa Asebu – 04th – 05th March, 2023

2.      Awutu Breku Twiime – 20th August & 23rd-24th September, 2023

3.      Parakuo Estate           –  02nd -3rd December, 2023


Church Planting - 2023

By the grace of God, Accra East was able to plant one congregation at Awutu Breku Twiime, in the Central Region of Ghana. After the church had been planted Accra East is sending two students to the community each week on rotational bases. They go there to support preacher Amo in preaching and teaching. Preacher Amo is in charge of the Awutu Breku Twiime church. I receive report and also used to go there to see the church. I take the opportunity to encourage the church and the preacher. Preacher Amo is a student at Bear Valley doing his Masters in Biblical studies. 


The students of Accra East are doing a free will contribution towards the construction of a shade / structure for Awutu Breku Twiime church. The date for the construction is yet to be fixed, it will be within January 2024. The land is offered to us by a church member for temporary meeting place. We are praying that our sister will offer the land for us to buy. Or any arrangement that will make us own the land.  

New church to be planted in 2024

Accra East has planned to embark on house to house evangelism and church planting in 2024 at Achiase, Suhum in the Eastern Region. This will take place in April, 2024 (two days evangelism will start from Friday 26th – Saturday 27th April and on Sunday 28th April we will inaugurate the church.

On 16th December, 2023 four of my students, John Achie-Quophy, Peter Kwemena Eshun, Isaac Acquah, and Moses Antobam went to Achiase. They took the opportunity to do the feasibility studies. The report indicated that the place is a fertile ground and it is already ripe for church planting. One of the students, Daniel Akwasi Mamah who lives in that community will be in charge of the church.   

Baptism and restoration records

This year we carried out more evangelism programs and also encouraged the student to do same. At the end of the year total number of members restored were eleven (11) and baptized members were twenty (23)


Plans for Next year

1.      More evangelism will be done

2.      We will plant one congregation at Achiase, Suhum in the Eastern Region

3.      We will strengthen our smaller congregations

4.      More advert will be done for new student to enroll

a.      Letters will be written especially to congregations in our communities.

5.      Lectureship will be organized for the students

Posted on January 8, 2024 .

Gweru, Zimbabwe school celebrates successful year



2023 has come to an end. We, therefore, use this report to appreciate everyone who has made it possible for BVBIZ to reach this far. A few activities that took place in the month will be highlighted. We shall also give summaries of what transpired in 2023 and some expectations for the coming term.


Most of our students were very active in congregations during their December break. Seven of our students chose to forego their holiday and got involved in work. Great appreciation goes to the congregations and preachers who hosted them. During the December break, 29 were baptized and souls were strengthened.


Every school break presents an opportunity for students who are on the parallel program (part time) to come to Gweru for their classes, besides the weekend classes in Harare. Subjects that were done include; Marriage and Family development, Christian Spiritual Formation, Church History, Greek, Major Prophets and homiletics and 1-3 John.


Practicum at BVBIZ is done in the following manner;

1.      Weekend Evangelism (Saturday and Sunday)

2.      One week Campaigns (at least 2 per each term). The school (both students and teachers) is joined in this effort by at least an average of four experienced preachers from Midlands province.

3.      Holiday Preaching (for students who volunteer themselves to forego their break.

4.      Field program (attachment in a particular congregation for 12 weeks after 4 terms and 6 months after 6 terms).

The following is a summary of what transpired in the field in 2023

Total hours                                          2300

Counselling sessions                           55

Bible classes taught                            310

Total prospects                                    1620

Church Sermons                                 320

Restorations                                        31

Baptisms                                             251

New congregations established          4


BVBIZ is making itself known to the people through a number of strategies and programs. In December, much effort was put in advertising the school at the National Youth Lectureship held in Masvingo and the National Men’s lectureship at Nhowe Mission. These occasions saw the school getting some slots to speak about its activities and  recruitment of students. There was distribution of the school’s brochures and selling of regalia (caps and T-shirts).


The following is the tentative calendar for 2024


7/1/2024                      Students arrive

06-14/01/24                 Chinhoyi campaign

06-14/01/24                 New life behaviour seminars-S.Shereni

8/2/2024                      Ambassadors day

12/4/2024                    Term Ends

1/5/2024                      Field program commences


15/05/24                      Students arrival

16/05/24                      Orientation

17/05/24                      Classes begin

21-28/07/24                 Evangelism campaign

9/8/2024                      Classes end



9/9/2024                       Lessons Commence

18/10/224                    AGM

19/10/24                      Graduation

28-31/10/24-3/11/24    Evangelism campaign

8/11/2024                    2025 Planning Session

6/12/2024                    Term Ends



The following subjects are going to be taught; Christian Evaluation of Contemporary Ethics, Revelation, Geography of the Bible, Preacher’s Life and Work, Church Administration and Governance, Community Development and Poverty Alleviation, Theology of Missions and Phenomenology of Religion. There shall be a seminar on New Life Behaviour and another on Chaplaincy Studies. There shall be a week long campaign in Chinhoyi. The term will start on the 7th of January and ends on 12th of April.


BVBIZ would like to thank many, far and wide, who made contributions to the school. Contributions came both in kind and money. Some provided lessons and materials to use in the learning process. Great appreciation goes to Woodland Oaks church of Christ, our main sponsors. Appreciation also goes to Bear Valley Bible Institute International,  Healing Hands International, Partners for Africa, Zimbabwe Missions, Forestry Commission, Pact Missionaries, World Evangelism among other organizations. The following individuals played a huge role as well; Chirenda family, Manyati family, Mpofu family (K & N), Sande family, Itai Mazambani, Stephen Mazambani, David Walker, Violet Mazambani, Tinashe Moyana, Mlangeni family, Dururu family, Ovious Kufa, Petros Kufa,  Gedion Madyira, Masvaya family, Mudhlozera family, Daniel Chikware, Godknows Madamombe, Joshua Kumunda, Gray Ndoro, James Abraham, Maxwell Chitendeni, Zvishavane Church of Christ, Gokwe Centre church of Christ, Nashville Church of Christ, Buhera Church of Christ, and several others not mentioned by name.

Great appreciation goes to the school Board who continue to provide oversight over the school’s activities and operations. Teachers (both full time and part time), who taught in 2023 including our  ancillary staff and the ambassadors are greatly appreciated as well including students who put in their best to make the year 2023 a success.


As we look back into the past year, we give all glory and honour to God for taking us this far. The progress made with the curriculum, in evangelism, to donations, and projects all show God’s guidance in this endevour. Your support financially, morally or in kind propelled BVBIZ towards the achievement of her goals. This support is enabled the training of preachers for the salvation of many. To God be the glory!

Posted on January 6, 2024 .

Accra, Ghana school presses on

BVBI Accra

End of December 2023 Operating Report

 Thanks be to God for His mercies, guidance, given us the strength in the ministry. We faced much challenges yet all things work out successfully. Staff and students say glory be to God.

We also appreciate the brethren in Ghana and America, Jefferson City, Mountain Home, Brother Steven, Kojo EO Larbi, Keith and all teaching and non teaching staff for their kind support for the year 2023. God bless you all abundantly for your generosity.


This month marks the end of the academic year. We have come to an end of 5th batch of our students. We are preparing for our next graduation. In all we have run 5 academic years since 2014. Now, Accra school is 10yrs. The last courses taught were 1,2, and 3 John and Denominational Doctrine by Emmanuel Gyasi Quansah, Elementary Greek by Sammy. This quarter was the first time our students were introduced to Greek studies. They were much impressed with the lessons. All the students were present during all the courses.


Top Radio Evangelism

As we regularly report on the radio campaign, it is in session every week on Tuesdays 2:00pm to 3:00pm at Top Radio 103.1. We are much happy that our Lord is protecting and guiding us through this activity. As we reported on support for the programme, we are patiently waiting on you for support to enable us sign a new contract. By next year April 2024, the contract will expire. We are privileged to have you informed that some companies ran by our members have expressed their willing to support. The companies are Givers Herbal Clinic, Time Textile, and Meshbee Micro Credit. We hope they fulfil their promise

Tebibianor Evangelism Campaign with E.O. Larbi

Just few weeks ago, E.O. Larbi was invited to preach during the evangelism campaign at Teshie Tebibianor. This local congregation was planted by Teshie Main which E.O. Larbi is the evangelist. He has worked for many years with this congregation and planted five (5) churches in this area. During the Teshie evangelism, three (3) souls were converted to the Lord.

We are grateful to the Lord for the success of the programme.

Ebenezer’s Health

Ebenezer is one of our recent brothers and students, who will graduate next year April, 2024. He has been facing health problems. He was admitted at the New Life Hospital for about four (4) weeks. Ebenezer helps to keep the school’s office and all paper works (ie. Printing and typing of exams for students and teaching staff.

Ebenezer is still receiving medication and preparing for surgery in January 2024. We are pleading with you to remember him in prayer that God will see him through and for quick recovery.

Interview With new students

Interview was conducted on 21st December, 2023 for new students. We admitted six (6) students for the academic year 2024/2025.

Next Year’s Activities & Students

Our next academic year 2024/2025 begins with new students by names:

1.      Emmanuel Ahenkora

2.      Stephen Kwaben Gorman

3.      Stephen Kponyor

4.      Fredrick Owusu

5.      Mosby Aryeh Tei

6.       Ebenezer Arthur

Courses to begin in the first quarter are Research & Writing, Hermeneutics 1 (Introduction to Bible Interpretation); Old Testament 1 (Study of the Law: Gen. – Deut.); How we got the Bible; Cost of Discipleship; Scheme of Redemption; Personal Evangelism 1; Computer Studies; Elementary Greek.

Campaign / Visiting Activities for Next Year 2024

As planned by the school, on the campaign calendar the school will embark on evangelism in the following areas:

1.       Top Radio Campaign

2.       Media – Kotoku church planting

3.       Paanor Church Planting

4.       Pakro road – follow up

5.       Fotobi – follow up

6.       Ankwa Doboro – follow up

7.       Tract Distribution – Nsawam market places

8.       YouTube Video Streaming

9.      Kwame Nkrumah Museum

10.   Blackman Farms

We are much grateful to the brotherhood that supported in funding for PA system, Generator, Voice and Video Recorder, and other supporting electronic devices. We hope to use these gadgets for the ministry of Christ.

It is our prayer that what we have on our plan, our Lord will give us strength to finish up.

Keep praying with us.

Happy New Year

Reported by E. O. Larbi

Posted on January 6, 2024 .

New Students in Koforidua, Ghana




Thanks be to God for seeing us through another year, 2023.

Students’ activities

In addition to our usual planned public preaching, the requirement of the school which was held with the Osabene Congregation, where one of our instructors and a student preaches. The second public preaching was also with another student, Bro. Lawrence Larweh. He preaches for the Okrakwadwo congregation.

All the preaching was done by the students. Majority of the students worshipped with this congregation on the Lord’s Day after the program. The students were doing so all the appointments for the day.

As a result of our visit to the congregations around, two new students have been added to our enrollment adding up to 18 students. They are Stephen Adetu and Franklin Asamoah Boafo. They are all doing well.

All the students who are taking leadership roles in the various congregation as stated in the third quarter report are doing pretty well and would like to step up whatever they are doing in 2024 Lord willing.


We have had three courses read. They were all taught by Bro. Paul Larbi Young. They are the book of Hebrews, Logic and the Bible and Intertestamental Period.


Our plan to start a new congregation could not come on as the result of the situation of our Director, Brother Kwabena Gyan – Mante who had mild stroke. Thanks be to God that he is recovering and hope he will be fine very soon.


Finally as said in the last report, we would like you all to continue to pray for Brother Kwabena Gyan- Mante.

We continue to be grateful to you all for what you are doing in the expansion of the King’s Kingdom. May His name be praised.

Posted on January 6, 2024 .

Luanshya, Zambia students making a difference

December, 2023



Once again it is that time we send warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord and master Jesus Christ!! We need to work for the night is coming; December 2023 has been another great month of our labor in the Lord. As we labor we always remember Matthew 25: 26-31 which describes the fate of the one talent man who was severely castigated and punished for his idle philosophy of life. May this report find you in good health and happy holidays! We hope this season fills you up with things that mean most you and energize you for a happy and healthy 2024!

The school is on recess and we are resuming classes soon but, as teachers we have continued to interact with all our students from their respective congregations. And we are very delighted to report the following vital signs of upward mobility as far as our work is concerned and we always give honor and glory to God through our master and savior Jesus Christ who has given us the opportunity to work in His Kingdom.

Hospice compliment

We had an opportunity to attend a funeral gathering in Chibwe of Baluba here on the Copperbelt where we had to work with two of our former students, Austin and Joseph Musonda to gather with members of the Church there in attendance as we were singing the leading men and some ladies were interrupted with both a compliment and a question “your singing is so beautiful! Why do churches use musical instruments when it is so beautiful without them?  This prompted a sermon of which Joseph delivered and as a result we recorded three baptisms.

The current student body at work

 Rodrick Sambati, Tryvine Siamachila and Mainza Siakuba worked together in uniting the youths in two districts of Southern province and their work has yielded good results. We have received a good recommendation from the leadership in two congregations about their work and the Institute in Luanshya.

Boyd Kalaba and Gershom Chansa are working together in Kitwe district on the Copperbelt province, they are doing mobile leadership training with the youths their work has stated bearing fruits. Truly their motivation for the work is highly appreciated. Chansa is going to be trained as secondary school teacher in the next four years for a degree in education and he will be constantly coming to combine with Boyd for the work. The two brothers did a wonderful work on New Year’s Day. And three souls were restored back to the sheepfold, one of the deacons present during their preaching mentioned that many have been added to the Lord’s Church during this recess.

Ruben Museka working with Levy Silungwe reports that the congregation they are working with has really doubled on evangelism. The two brothers are both married and taking care of their families through farming, but they are often finding time to do God’s work together since they are in the same congregation and other Christians we spoke to in the same district recommended their work. They two brothers are working in their home Village in Northern Province; we recorded two restorations and one addition to the body of Christ. 

Reports from our Alumni:

We met with Joseph Ilunga now working at Sakanya border of Democratic Republic Of Congo and Zambia. Joseph is doing a recommended work with the Church there. The congregation there is at peace an like when we go far Eastern of Congo where there is violence. 

New babes in Christ

We have recorded eight (8) Baptisms in the southern part of Zambia, and three (3) in the Northern, one (1) in Luapula, three (3) in Lusaka and four (4) on the Copperbelt all for the month of December. Together we have recorded nineteen (19) baptisms. We wish to welcome all new born babes into the family of Christ, and pray for God’s continued blessings on their lives.


We recorded nineteen (19) on a Copperbelt province, thirteen (13) in southern provinces, two in Lusaka province, and five (5) in northern part of Zambia. Together we have had thirty-nine restorations.

Eastern D.R .Congo displacement

We have received very disturbing news affecting our brothers and sisters in Christ. Those who have witnessed daily the harsh living conditions endured by those affected by the violence and displaced individuals lacking essentials like sufficient food, safe drinking water and basic sanitation. Among them we have those who were recently converted to Christianity; this leaves them highly susceptible to illnesses, including cholera and measles.

This crisis call for our prayers and help whenever possible, please let us continue to unite for the sake of souls that are suffering there. The good news is that those in Lualaba province in the district of Mutshatsha are still very fine.

Marriage vows

We witnessed a glorious moment of Vincent and Beverly exchanging vows in marriage on 30thDecember 2023. It was really a very momentous time to both Vincent and Beverley. Representatives of Church of Christ in the Copperbelt Province and beyond came to witness this wedding.

The now Mr. and Mrs. Simwanza has left for Livingstone where they will be staying and preaching. Vincent is a strong warrior in the kingdom of God since his graduation in 2020. We wish him all the blessings from above as he begins his new journey in marriage. Please remember him in your daily prayers!


Indeed we can make life meaningful to the last day here on earth and we can promote our Lord’s cause till the last moment of our lives. Let’s keep on laboring for the Lord. You are always in our prayers!

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on January 6, 2024 .

Lectureship in Owerri, Nigeria



To the glory of God  we are privileged to be found useful in this  service of molding great men for the service of God and humanity. 

This quarter started with new academic session, and by October ending, we hosted our first annual lectureship which lasted for three days with the theme:-  MAINTAINING GODS ACCEPTABLE WILL  with a special keynote on STUDYING TO SHOW YOURSELF APPROVED.

During the three days program, we also had a free Medical outreach. We had brethren and unbelievers from different places within Owerri in attendance not minding the challenging security situation. 

We are glad to report that the only  female student who have been out of class throughout last quarter due to ill health is back  to the glory of God,  We are glad to also inform you that the other students that were away last quarter due to ill health or other reasons are also fully back 

Up till now, we still organise  lessons sometimes weekdays or Sunday evenings depending on situation on ground due to the security situation. 

Presently some of the students are passing through difficult financial challenges and some have written to me for assistance and the little I have I share with them. Special commendation should be given to one of our students Dr Obinna Nweze, a medical doctor who contributed immensely to the successful hosting of our lectureship, apart from that he has always been a willing mind in assisting some students financially. 

Presently we have 16 students attending class with two new students resuming in January which will make the students 18.


Due to security challenges, we  have not been able to organise any open air Evangelism  for now, but we have gone on door knocking evangelism  in partnership with Amaram street congregation with 2 baptisms.  Also peace has returned in  Amaigbo street congregation which has been in crisis which led to stepping down of the eldership. This is due combined effort of the school and the BoT.   

Our  plans with some congregations in Mbaise area to organise a three day evangelism this quarter was postponed to sometime in February due to circumstances beyond our control. Mbaise is far from Owerri but  safer now.

By  God's  special grace we will keep moving in the direction of uniting the brethren 

We are still working on the best modality of help to  brethren from far   locations from owerri city requesting for arrangements to come to their area and give them lectures, however this only  depends on the number of interested students and availability of logistics. 

We deeply express our sincere gratitude  to God,  and we really appreciate the parent body and the school authorities for giving us the privilege of having a study center in Owerri Imo  state.

We will continue to do our best in this service of molding men for the service of God and humanity.    We reaffirm our promise to maintain a high standard  and surely we will make the school proud.

Yours because of Christ 

Chinedu Akandu 


Posted on January 5, 2024 .

Reaching souls in Port Harcourt


We are gland to report that 2023 ended well for our two schools in Rivers State Nigeria. Our teachers and students worked hard and our goal in 2023 was realized.

In Port Harcourt city center, we have a total of  27 students including the final year and the new students. In this 2024, another set of students will be due for graduation and we have new set of students who will continue after the second graduation.

Also in Omoku center, we have a total of 16 students among them are two students who will be due for graduation and 14 students who are new students. We have sent out adverts for new admission and some people are showing interest. We hope to admit more students in the two centers.


We are sending our students to various congregations in Rivers State and beyond for two weeks and four weeks practical field work or campaign in the month of January 2024. Our final year students will go for four weeks while our new students will go for two weeks. We got cooperation and goodwill from various congregations where our students will be going for the campaign. We hope that our students will come back from the campaign with good reports and harvest of souls the Lord.



On the month of October and November 2023 personal evangelism course was thought in Omoku and Port Harcourt centers respectively. The course ended with open air preaching and House to House evangelism at the two centers. As a result of the evangelism program, eight persons were baptized, five were baptized in Port Harcourt and three were baptized in Omoku town.


Reports from:

Anthony Ejike Oluria,

(Director BVBI Rivers State Nigeria, West Africa)

Posted on January 5, 2024 .

Another good quarter in Lagos






It is a thing of joy and a thing worthy of praises to God Almighty for His kindness, love and mercy towards us during the quarter. We glorify God for granting us the enablement to carry out the activities of the school as scheduled during the quarter. We also thank God for granting our sponsors and supporters the ability and resources to keep the school going.


To the glory of God, all lectures were completed in line with the time-table.

1.         Church Leadership was taught by Bro. Emmanuel Chukwuka Odo; in the month of October, 2023.

2.         1 and 2 Peter and Jude was taught by Brother Augustine Ani; in the month of November, 2023.

3.         New Testament Church was taught by Brother Mfon Etim; in the month of December, 2023.


Agege study centre presently have eighteen students, who are participating actively.


The centre in conjunction with other centres in Lagos, organized a seminar on the theme, “The Church as It was in the First Century”. The seminar was held at Ikorodu Centre, on the 30th of December, 2023. To God be all the glory that the seminar was successful.


We sincerely appreciate the efforts of Brothers Chad Wagner, Keith Kasarjian and other management staff of Bear Valley Bible Institute. We are also grateful to all sponsors and supporters of the programme. May God Almighty continue to bless you more abundantly in Jesus name.

Emmanuel Chukwuka Odo

Posted on January 5, 2024 .

Goals for Togo in 2024

Monthly report for December 2023

Glory be to our father and Jesus Christ his son for helping us get through the month of December. We would like to thank all our sponsors, in this case GABRIEL CHURCH of CHRIST and the coordinator STEVEN and all the BEAR VALLEY managers who have contributed to the achievement of this great result that we have this 2023.

The students and teachers thank you. The church of Christ in Togo says thank you. Our prayer and our wish is that the Almighty will support you in your good deeds for the development of the church and the spread of the gospel throughout Africa.



The courses in the program have been completed, and the end-of-year exams take place on December 18, 19 and 2023. Part of the exam on evangelism was that each student had to do it in practice, so each had made an effort at personal evangelism. All in all, they succeeded in practicing what they learned a year ago.


Program of activities in 2023:

Two villages together: TSABOM and ALIKPODJI

From 14th, 15th and 16th: public evangelistic campaign in TSABOM-ALIKPODJI. Here are those who took part in the three-day evangelistic campaign.

1. Students

2. 10 evangelists and

3. 4 women to accompany the team during the three days of evangelism and film screenings (in local language and French).

Campaign results: 4 baptized


The 2024 program:

1. Plant 30 new churches throughout Togo.

2. 100 evangelistic campaigns throughout Togo.

3. Convert 1500 souls for Christ.


Youth Bible Camp on December 23, 24, 25 and 26, 2023 at YOH.

More than 150 young people from churches around Kpalime for a four-day camp.


The general theme: The good conduct of a young Christian.

1. The sub-theme: the Christian life of a young person in an immoral world (Evangelist Honku.

2. Sub-theme: The importance of the church (Evangelist Cephas).

The four days are marked by skits presented by young people from each congregation they represent.


In January 2024

These are the goals we want to achieve through our activities: the school and the evangelists. Please pray with us as we carry out the activities we have just begun. I met with brothers in Lome and TSEVIE about everything we have on the agenda. Some of them already asked us to evangelize two locations, and I'll let you know when we start in January 2024

Posted on January 5, 2024 .

New students in Nigeria



Accomplishing a set goal comes with excitement and fulfillment. That is actually the Spirit prompting me to write this report. The program that started in September 2019 ended this December with five students finishing 52 courses. This is the time to celebrate these men and women of faith. Thanks to God for holding our hands amid all challenges. Thanks to the leadership of the Church of Christ, Lagos Island, for giving us open doors to their facility all this time. We will not fail to appreciate the instructors for being resilient all this time. The efforts of Stoney Point Church of Christ will not go unappreciated for supporting and praying for us all these years. The unrelenting work of Bro Makinde, Bro Chad, and Keith to these successes is highly appreciated.  

ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES IN SABO-ONIBA/LAGOS ISLAND: Islamic Religion was taught by Femi Adewuyi, Prison Epistles by Augustine Ani and Revelation by Tim Iwe. We have 5 new students presently in Lagos Isand including a Medical Doctor who has decided to learn more about the Scriptures. The new set of students are excellent students. We are making an effort see how we can add more prospective students to them to make up another class that will continue the program in that center.

In Sabo-Oniba, Monday Unoke taught the Scheme of Redemption, while  1& 2 Peter and Jude were taken by Tim Iwe. Also, Emmanuel Odo took Church Leadership in December. Sabo had 2 new students who resumed in November and December respectively.

CAMPAIGN PROGRAM: For this last quarter, all the centers in Lagos converged in Owutu, Ikorodu on the last Saturday of December on their 7th Annual Lectures. It was an exciting event as our two Instructors spoke at the event. The attendance was massive.


Lagos Team Work:. 

Online Students Activities: 191

              Under Follow Up:  2

Competed Lessons:  5302

Certificates Awarded: 1387

Baptism: 3


CONCLUSION: Once again, I want to sincerely thank Stoney Point Church of Christ for believing in us and therefore investing in training these men and women for the work of the kingdom. God will help us to continue to partner together in this great work for there is more to do in the vineyard.

Thanks and God bless you all.

TIM IWE (Self Made Slave for Christ)

Sabo Oniba/Lagos Island Center Director

Posted on January 5, 2024 .

500 attend lectureship

Beloved in Christ

Greetings in the great name Jesus our Savior. Hope that all is well with you and your family with the brethren working with you.

This year's lectuship has come and gone. The lectures were held December 14-16 with about 500 people in attendance. This year's theme was " Sacrificial Discipleship slated from Lk.14" Many inspiring lectures were delivered aimed at producing Christians with selfless minds. At last we had two baptisms to His glory.

On the 16th Dec. we observed The Glen Boyd Memorial Lectuship day. Glen Boyd was a long-time partner and patron from NIATS for many years. He recently passed into eternal glory in Arkansas. For the memorial lecturehsip, we had the guest speaker was Dr Jacob Achinefu a Nigerian who worked closely with him when he was alive.

In all, May His name be glorified,

Bro Bernard Osita Akokwu for NIATS

Posted on January 5, 2024 .

A new congregation in Nigeria


Beloved in Christ Jesus.

Grace, mercy and peace be multiplied unto you from God our Father and from Christ Jesus our Redeemer and Captain of our souls.

Below is the summary of our activities for the month of December 2023.


1- Appreciation for your partnership, encouragement and support

2- The Birth of the Lord 's church in Samonaka Village, Niger State

3- Burial ceremony of Brother Abolarin Emmanuel, One of WNCC, Abeokuta foundation members

4- Great Workshop 2024 in NCBC Ukpom -Abak

5-  22nd Annual Leadership Seminar and Graduation of 2nd Batch of BVBIN degree students


In the mighty name of God and on behalf of BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN, I extend sincere and heartfelt gratitude to our beloved supporters both at home and abroad. We deeply appreciate your great sacrifices and commitments towards the growth of our esteemed School of Evangelism and the advancement of the Kingdom's mission entrusted to us. Your dedication has transcended distance, proving no barrier to your invaluable contributions to God's work on this mountain.

We fervently pray that God will continue to bless, increase your greatness, and prosper you on every side in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. May God provide assistance to you from the Most High in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. May you lack nothing good in life in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen.

With love and warm greetings from both the staff and students of BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN, we extend heartfelt thanks. Remain blessed abundantly.


As divinely orchestrated, the four-day house-to-house evangelism outreach at Samonaka and its surrounding area, led by eight staff members, students, and WBSFUW from December 13 to 16, resulted in the establishment of the Lord's church in a village within Samonaka. Additionally, sixteen souls (9 men and 7 women) experienced conversion.

The inaugural worship service took place at an open space within Gide's family compound, gathering 43 attendees with a total contribution of N6,735.

Brother James Isah Gide, an August 2023 graduate, has been appointed as the minister of this newly formed congregation.

We are seeking support, aiming for a minimum of $50 per month, to sustain Brother James and his wife, ensuring the longevity of this cherished endeavor.


Brother Abolarin Emmanuel Baanu, one of the foundation members of West Nigerian Christian College and School of Biblical Studies, Abeokuta, Ogun state passed on to the land of glory on November 16,2023 after a brief illness at the age of 78years and buried in his home town in Arandun, Kwara State on December 22.

The BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN was represented by five of her staff to sympathized with the family and pay our last respect to our departed brother.


Next year Great Workshop will take place at the premises of Nigerian Christian Bible College, Ukpom-Abak in Akwa-Ibom State from January 23 to 26. The upcoming Great Workshop will focus on Evangelism through the WBS program.

The WBS office in Ibadan has been actively participating in this workshop since its inception in 1997. As part of our annual support for the continuity of this esteemed fellowship of gospel ministers in Southern States of Nigeria and some Northern states, we have already dispatched 2,000 copies of VOTI volume 118 and How God Speaks gospel literature. These materials will be distributed by God's grace to all the participants during the event.


God willing, our Annual Leadership Seminar has been rescheduled from March 15 to April 10 to accommodate the participation of numerous brethren. The seminar will focus on the theme 'Building up One Another.

Additionally, the second graduation ceremony for six of our degree students is also set to take place on April 12 at Chad Wagner's Open Hall in Butu-London, Butubutu village, Ibadan, Oyo State.

As our tradition, complimentary gospel literature from VOTI, Mission Printing, and other resources will be distribute.


Brother Folorunso R. Oluwapelumi is one of our Year 2 students, admitted into our ministerial department in September 2022. He hails from Ipetumodu in Osun State and was born in December 2000. Prior to joining BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN, he obtained an NCE in Education. He became a member of the Lord's church in December 2016 at the Church of Christ in Iju-Ota, Ogun State.

His mission is to become a fisher of men within and outside the Western State of Nigeria.


We deeply appreciate the Almighty God for granting us the opportunity to plant another congregation of our Lord Christ in the Northern States of Nigeria. The planting of the Lord's church in Samonaka Village, Niger State, marks our fifth successful church planting endeavor in the Northern States since the inception of the school in 2003, complementing over twenty in the Western States. All glory and honor be to God.


1- The school is in need of 2.2 million Naira for the electrification of our Chad Wagner's Open Hall and provisions of plastic chairs and tables for the reception part of the Hall.

2- We need at least $50 monthly support for five of our graduates ministering in some of the congregations planted through the school 's efforts.


The school were unable to celebrate their end of the year on December 15 as usual due to the financial state of the school .

Nevertheless,we thanks the Lord for seeing us through the end of first term academic year.

Next academic session begin on January 08,2024 according to Oyo State ministry of Education calendar.

Thanks be unto God for His grace and mercy over us all. We also appreciate all our supporters both home and abroad. Most especially, the Tulare Community congregation,the Gahanna -Jefferson congregation, Brother Zach Van Tassel,  Larry and Patty Goodwin, Joel and Patty Copinger, Sister Cherry Lloyd, Dorman and Donna Lough,Doug and Diane Wheeler, Rob and Robin Thornton, Bro. and Sister Jerry Bates and VOTI Crew, Bro. and Sister Bill Pennell,  Bro and Sister Keith Kasarjian and BVBID family,Bro. Chad Wagner and associate and all our well wishers. May the Lord keep on blessing all our work together in Christ Jesus name, amen.


We deeply appreciate all of you for your tremendous partnership, kindness, and support towards the Lord's work in Nigeria, particularly in BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN. Our fervent prayers are for you to be blessed with abundant prosperity and perfect health. Wishing you a joyous and prosperous New Year!

Sincerely yours in His grace and love as a servant,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi

The Chief Servant of BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN and WBSFUW

Posted on January 5, 2024 .

God still works in hard times

Dear brothers and sisters,

In my report today I would like to show how God works through the difficult times. Sometimes we don't know what to expect tomorrow but still we can completely trust God and His love. The studies continue in the Bible Institute. Thank God we have Internet and we can do everything on-line. Of course, it's no substitute for the real fellowship but we have this good opportunity to work distantly during the war times. Last month our Instructors were Denton Landonfor the Genesis and Dmitro Galyuk for Exodus -
Deuteronomy. Also the Masters' Program was resumed in December after the long break.

The last time we had the program it was during the pre-quarantine time in the whole world. We have a group of 6 students-preachers. Almost all of them are the graduates of the Bear Valley Bible Institute who now serve as Ministers in different congregations (Uzhgorod, Bela Tserkva, Poltava, Chernivtsy, Brovary). Currently they are taking the course called Introduction to Research Papers Writing.

During November and December we had a few baptisms initiated by our Instructors and graduates. One of them took place in Warsaw. Our Instructor Vladimir Paziy who is currently in Poland had studied with a man and recently baptized him for the remissions of his sins. There was one more baptism in Chernivtsy.

As I've written before my family and I are currently in Germany and we are trying to stay useful to the local congregation. Every Sunday after the services we invite and get together with some Ukrainian refugees for fellowship, tea party, time of crafts and tell them about the Church and Jesus Christ. We have had a few of such meetings by now and there are some regular visitors. We are grateful to Amerikraine fund for this ministry and the opportunity to help people out. And I'd like to thank all sponsors who work constantly towards the goal of keeping the ministry of the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Ukraine and training the preachers. At the present time we are working on the schedule for the next school year. If some of our American brethren like to teach a course we'd really like that. Please send me a personal message and we will discuss details. May God keep you,

Your brother,

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on January 5, 2024 .

Lesotho staff and students train young people to evangelize

December was a blessed month, 13 students have obeyed the gospel through baptism. I organized youth camps in December and they were successful.

I organized the first youth camp that was held at New Millenium School from the 22nd of December to the 27th of December. 70 youth attended this first conference. The second was held at Maseru church of Christ from the 24th of December to the 26th of December. 52 young people attended the second youth camp.  The main aim was to teach these young people to be intentional in sharing the gospel with their peers.  Without a doubt, the youths were equipped and trained to maximize their God-given potential to become intentional in winning the lost.

I also invited Bright from Zambia who is currently working with the Gospel Chariot to assist me in training the students and youth on how to share the gospel with others. This was his second time to come and equip students with simple tools to share the gospel in 2023. These tools for evangelism have helped the students to be evangelistic and as a result, more souls have been saved in 2023. A total of 63 souls have been saved in 2023. This is the highest number of baptisms in a year that the school has recorded since its establishment in 2019. I strongly recommend that other schools in different countries adopt these evangelism tools in their curriculum. The results are tremendous when these evangelism tools are implemented. It is my prayer that 2024 will be a blessed year with more evangelism and discipleship.

There is a lot of work to be done in Lesotho. I see Lesotho as a virgin land for the gospel. The country has 10 districts of which the church of Christ is only in the 3 districts. My long-term goal and desire is to see that each district has at least a congregation. Therefore, there is a great need to produce preachers who will be working in those established congregations.

In December 13 souls were baptized. What a good number to end the year with. Thank you for partnering with us to train preachers in Lesotho.  

May God bless you in 2024. I pray that 2024 will be a year of evangelism, discipleship, and church multiplication.

Your brother

Tawanda Mwadiya, a Zimbabwean missionary in Lesotho.

Maseru church of Christ

Posted on January 5, 2024 .

Evangelism in Ghana



The full-time students brought the courses for the academic year to an end. This is the 3rd term of the academic year. The students were taught six (6) main courses this term though they are yet to study short courses. The courses for the term were wisdom literature, intertestamental period, book of Romans, prison epistles and worship. The last week of the month was used as a revision week, where the students studied on their own in preparation for the end of term examination.

Examinations will be conducted in December, after which there will be two-week short term courses before school vacates.

The part-time students continued their studies in the month of November. Joshua Aidoo concluded his course on logic and the Bible. Douglas Armah started teaching congregational development in the month.


The school embarked on the termly campaign for Christ at a village called Manso. The local congregation solicited the help of the school to spread the gospel in the township. On Monday, 20th November, the car took off from the school’s premises for the village. We were about 24 in number, comprising of current students, instructors, cooks, and past students.

Though the road network to the place was very bad, by the grace of God we got there successfully around 3:30 p.m.

The message was propagated throughout the town and it was well received by many. The problem we had there as is also the case in many of the villages is co-habitation of men and women without being married.

Altogether, it was a successful week, because many got to hear the truth from the scriptures. We were blessed with four (4) baptisms.

Our return journey took place on Saturday, around 12p.m and we got back to campus in the evening of 25th of November.

There were other evangelistic efforts by current and past students throughout the month of November.

Posted on January 5, 2024 .

Baptism in Mombasa, Kenya

Dear brethren,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. We hope that the Lord has truly been good to you all. it is indeed our pleasure to write to you again, believing that the Lord has guided you all until this time.

The school is fine and the students have been doing well throughout the year, increasing their knowledge in every session. We thank God for taking us through the year since January until this time, Glory to God!

Lessons taught this quarter are Old Testament Survey, Bible Geography and Denominational Doctrines. We're glad that the lessons are making a great impact on the lives of the students. We pray that they may continue in this course and make an impact on the communities as they also do in their local congregations. Our next quarter will begin on January 6th, 2024 - being the first Saturday of year four. 

This quarter, we've had one baptism when Jacinta Mwende gave her life to Christ, and we rejoice with the soul that has been added to the Lord's Church - thanks to the students' evangelism effort. Currently we have 8 students, but we're going to add more next year to replace those who have dropped along the way.

Now we're letting the students break for the December holidays to allow those who will be travelling to various parts of the country to do so. We pray that God may keep all students and their teachers safe and sound during this festive season till we come together again in January, God willing.

We're praying for everyone who supports the work here, both materially as well as in in prayers. May the Lord bless you all. Have a blessed end year holidays as well as a happy and prosperous New Year.

Continue keeping the work here in your prayers.

Thank you, and God bless you all.

Yours in Christ, 

Francis and Paul. 

Posted on January 5, 2024 .