BVBI Accra
End of December 2023 Operating Report
Thanks be to God for His mercies, guidance, given us the strength in the ministry. We faced much challenges yet all things work out successfully. Staff and students say glory be to God.
We also appreciate the brethren in Ghana and America, Jefferson City, Mountain Home, Brother Steven, Kojo EO Larbi, Keith and all teaching and non teaching staff for their kind support for the year 2023. God bless you all abundantly for your generosity.
This month marks the end of the academic year. We have come to an end of 5th batch of our students. We are preparing for our next graduation. In all we have run 5 academic years since 2014. Now, Accra school is 10yrs. The last courses taught were 1,2, and 3 John and Denominational Doctrine by Emmanuel Gyasi Quansah, Elementary Greek by Sammy. This quarter was the first time our students were introduced to Greek studies. They were much impressed with the lessons. All the students were present during all the courses.
Top Radio Evangelism
As we regularly report on the radio campaign, it is in session every week on Tuesdays 2:00pm to 3:00pm at Top Radio 103.1. We are much happy that our Lord is protecting and guiding us through this activity. As we reported on support for the programme, we are patiently waiting on you for support to enable us sign a new contract. By next year April 2024, the contract will expire. We are privileged to have you informed that some companies ran by our members have expressed their willing to support. The companies are Givers Herbal Clinic, Time Textile, and Meshbee Micro Credit. We hope they fulfil their promise
Tebibianor Evangelism Campaign with E.O. Larbi
Just few weeks ago, E.O. Larbi was invited to preach during the evangelism campaign at Teshie Tebibianor. This local congregation was planted by Teshie Main which E.O. Larbi is the evangelist. He has worked for many years with this congregation and planted five (5) churches in this area. During the Teshie evangelism, three (3) souls were converted to the Lord.
We are grateful to the Lord for the success of the programme.
Ebenezer’s Health
Ebenezer is one of our recent brothers and students, who will graduate next year April, 2024. He has been facing health problems. He was admitted at the New Life Hospital for about four (4) weeks. Ebenezer helps to keep the school’s office and all paper works (ie. Printing and typing of exams for students and teaching staff.
Ebenezer is still receiving medication and preparing for surgery in January 2024. We are pleading with you to remember him in prayer that God will see him through and for quick recovery.
Interview With new students
Interview was conducted on 21st December, 2023 for new students. We admitted six (6) students for the academic year 2024/2025.
Next Year’s Activities & Students
Our next academic year 2024/2025 begins with new students by names:
1. Emmanuel Ahenkora
2. Stephen Kwaben Gorman
3. Stephen Kponyor
4. Fredrick Owusu
5. Mosby Aryeh Tei
6. Ebenezer Arthur
Courses to begin in the first quarter are Research & Writing, Hermeneutics 1 (Introduction to Bible Interpretation); Old Testament 1 (Study of the Law: Gen. – Deut.); How we got the Bible; Cost of Discipleship; Scheme of Redemption; Personal Evangelism 1; Computer Studies; Elementary Greek.
Campaign / Visiting Activities for Next Year 2024
As planned by the school, on the campaign calendar the school will embark on evangelism in the following areas:
1. Top Radio Campaign
2. Media – Kotoku church planting
3. Paanor Church Planting
4. Pakro road – follow up
5. Fotobi – follow up
6. Ankwa Doboro – follow up
7. Tract Distribution – Nsawam market places
8. YouTube Video Streaming
9. Kwame Nkrumah Museum
10. Blackman Farms
We are much grateful to the brotherhood that supported in funding for PA system, Generator, Voice and Video Recorder, and other supporting electronic devices. We hope to use these gadgets for the ministry of Christ.
It is our prayer that what we have on our plan, our Lord will give us strength to finish up.
Keep praying with us.
Happy New Year
Reported by E. O. Larbi