Truth prevails even in times of persecution

The International School of Theology continues to thrive, even with the gang violence. The teachers work diligently to encourage the students and the church in Haiti. The students and faculty directly influence twenty-five congregations. Churches are being planted in the smaller villages, and souls are being added to the kingdom of God.

Each time the students attend class, the teachers travel to where the classes are taught, and when the cooks and workers come to help, they put their lives in danger. Yet, they continue! They have refused to allow the gangs to control their lives. They take precautions, and we have told them not to endanger their lives. There are times when the gang activity is so heavy that everyone must stay home. Yet, they continue! It is because of this love for the Lord that motivates us to continue working on their behalf.

We know the time will come when the students can return to the IST campus. The time will come when we can travel to Haiti and teach classes in person. God understands and knows the needs, and He will provide a way to continue in the future.

The building is only a meeting place, and we are not there to own a building. We are in Haiti to train preachers and teachers to move God’s word forward.

Please pray for the students and teachers at IST. 

More Than 2,000 Souls Obey the Gospel 

In 2014, the International School of Theology started with 24 students. Since then, we have graduated 54 men and women who continue to preach and teach the word of God. Each quarter, we receive a report on their efforts. Through August 2023, we have had 225 souls baptized into the body of Christ. This brings the total to 2,030 souls our students and teachers have brought to Christ. The glory belongs to God, for He is the one who has opened the door and softened the hearts of people to receive the message of salvation. More than 30 new congregations have been planted through our students and faculty. Most congregations meet in homes or under pole sheds with tin roofs. Some congregations are small but truly desire to see the church grow. We have also seen about 35 denominational churches leave man-made religion and turn to the truth.

Please take a moment to pray for the church in Haiti.

Trouble in Haiti

The death count continues to rise as the gangs continue to grow in number and ability. The gangs have taken control of about 80% of the capital city of Port-au-Prince and about 50% of the country. The police gain control of one area, and the gangs move to another. Thousands have lost their lives, been kidnapped, or injured because of the gangs. More than 200,000 people have had to flee their homes as the gangs took over neighborhoods. Many businesses have had to close; there is a shortage of food, gas, and other necessities of life. Some report that on the black market, gasoline can go for as much as $20 per gallon. Only the very wealthy can afford to buy gas at those prices. Many have had to shelter in their homes for days due to the violence. Thousands have crossed the border into the Dominican Republic, where they are not greeted with open arms. About half of the schools have been closed due to the violence, which further sets the children back in their education. The gangs recruit children as young as six years old and force them to commit crimes.

Even in the middle of a country torn by violence, the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news of the kingdom, and the love of God are still being proclaimed. The power of the word is mightier than the sword or bullets. God will continue to open doors; may we continue to step through them. 

Please take a moment to pray for the people in Haiti.

Posted on December 11, 2023 .

Luanshya, Zambia school conducts youth seminar

November, 2023



We send seasonal greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! It is always a pleasure to have our time of writing this report and we always give honor and glory to God through our master and Savior Jesus Christ who has given us the opportunity to work in His Kingdom.

Going for a holiday

We concluded the month of September and send our students for a holiday. We proudly report that the month was full of Godly activities for the Institute. Our students supplied some very enlightening information regarding contemporary teenage behavior especially on the Copperbelt when they meet many youths as they went for a holiday at our Institute.

They had invited the youth at the Institute premises for a farewell party on the Copperbelt. The youths came from various congregations on the Copperbelt were most of them had spent time preaching. “Keep thyself pure” as Paul told Timothy was the core of their message “abstain from fornication” Jesus said “don’t look on a woman to lust after her in your heart.” The bible is replete with warnings they said; and teens and others who ignore those warnings do so at their own peril. Don’t venture onto forbidden ground where you can’t invite Jesus along they warned. It was a wonderful moment as seen on a picture attached.

The planting season

As our students have gone back to their respective homes earlier to cultivate and plant their field as early as possible. Most of the students are engaged in some kind of farming to take care of their families.   

As you may recall, the 2022/2023 rainfall season was characterized by above normal rainfall amounts with extreme weather and climate events. This resulted in reduced crop production, damage to infrastructure, such as road and bridges and indeed, increased incidents of waterborne diseases and agriculture pests.

According to the National Metrological department of Zambia forecast of 2023/2024 rainfall season, the rainfall amounts are likely to be normal to below in most of parts of the country. This is also a great opportunity for our students to interact with their loved one at home after a long period of studies.


We had preached to forty seven (47) people of which six were baptized. And we recorded four restorations. Please pray for Jane Kaonga, Salome Bulanda, Gift Chibuye, Justina Banda, Memory Chileshe and Nathan Chibwe 

Three  (3) Baptized in D.R .Congo

We have continued to work with Tresor  Muyeye and now we are in Lualaba province in the district of Mutshatsha. We recorded three baptisms through a seminar which was held there. Though they requested that we visit and be part of this gospel seminar we did not manage to travel due to limited funds  but, we were constantly in touch with the program.

Kennedy Trip to Solwezi

Kennedy Mukuka one of our teachers at the Institute recently traveled to Northwestern province for evangelism and the trip was a success, we recorded two souls added to the sheepfold. We keep on glorifying God for this efforts in His kingdom.

Updates from our former students

We have continued to work with all our former students of which the total number for now stand at twenty seven (27) and we will give more report on the activities in the month of December God willing. All our current students are home safely and working and more news are coming as well for we are constantly in touch with them

Wedding bells

Since graduating from BVBI-Z in 2020, Vincent Simwanza has been working with one of the Preaching schools in Livingstone. And we constantly receive good news about his commitment to the kingdom of God. Vincent will be marrying his sweetheart Beverly at the end of December, 2023 here on the Copperbelt province. Please remember him in your daily prayers!


We believe that the school is on firm ground on its pledge to train faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Without Christian principles, morals and ethics this world is doomed! We continue to give a special thank you to our amazingly supportive family and friends of Bear Valley Bible Institute-International and the Church of Christ at Woodland Oaks in Texas, USA for their financial support. You are always in our prayers!

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on December 11, 2023 .

Bible camp in Cambodia

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ:

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to provide you with a report on the recent International Bible Institute camping trip that took place in Cambodia. It was an incredible experience with over 205 people joining us for this spiritually enriching event.

The camping trip was held in a beautiful location in Cambodia, surrounded by nature and a serene atmosphere. The main objective of the trip was to bring together Christians from different countries and backgrounds to deepen their faith and learn from one another.

Throughout the duration of the camping trip, we were blessed with numerous good lessons and teachings. Prominent speakers from various parts of Cambodia shared their knowledge and wisdom, providing us with valuable insights into the scriptures.

Overall, the International Bible Institute camping trip in Cambodia was a resounding success. The event not only provided us with invaluable spiritual lessons but also created lasting friendships and memories. We are immensely grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this enriching experience and look forward to future events that will continue to strengthen our faith and bring us closer to God.

As we continue to support our students in their faith journey, I kindly request your prayers for their continued growth in faith and knowledge. May they be strengthened in their commitment to the Lord and inspired to deepen their understanding of His teachings. Pray that they may continue to be effective ambassadors of the gospel, bringing hope and love to those they encounter.

Thank you for your support and encouragement. Together, we can empower these young individuals to make a lasting impact in their communities and beyond.

Servants of Jesus Christ.
Piseth Rin and Darat Run.
Co-Directors of IBISR.

Posted on December 11, 2023 .

Church Planting in Tirupati, India

Reporting Letter for the month of November-2023

December 4th,2023

Respected director Mr.Keith kasarijian, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India. We send greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter may serve us in finding you all good health. We thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement. We would like to submit brief report for the month of November-2023.

BVBI-Tirupati: The BVBI -extension centre at Tirupati functions smoothly and successfully. We continually teach and train the young people in India. In the month of November we had guest teacher Mr. S.Vijay Prakash.  He was able to teach the book of James . We appreciate the students as well as part-time students who are able to attend the classes. We sincerely appreciate all the guest teachers who help in educating young people in our Bible school.

Staff meeting: We conducted a staff meeting on 11th Saturday at our Bible school office room. We discussed a few things concerning the development of the Bible school and also reaching university students in our city.

Local Preachers Meeting: Our BVBI-Tirupati is organizing village preachers meeting every month. Village preachers were not given opportunity to attend the Bible schools for training, but they have zeal for doing God’s ministry. So each month we conduct preachers’ meeting and teaching. In the month of November 18th Saturday we conducted a preachers’ meeting at the village of Aruru. We studied the book of James.

Visiting Kasumuru-Village: After the preachers’ meeting at Aruru village we travelled to the Kasumuru village congregation and encouraged them on 18th Saturday.

Karnool visit :  Some of our first batch students were from Karnool distrct in A.P state. They connected me with one of the local churches in Karnool district. We are happy to share with you that Mr. Rajarathnam is working hard at Vandagal village. He invited me to teach on Nov-30th  day class and evening gospel meeting. In their local church they are having 250 members. We had a wonderful class and evening meeting.

Baby churches: We have started 10 home churches in our city. Our staff members and students visit and work for these home churches. We request you pray for the growth of these churches.

Home Bible studies: In our city and around the city our staff and students are working effectively in conducting the home bible studies. A few people are near to the kingdom of God. We request your prayers for those attending the home bible studies.

Moral Values class for the KGBV-school: I have visited KGBV-school on November 27th. The school principal is my wife Swarupa. The school staff has requested me to teach moral values to the intermediate students. I taught them moral values to build better community. They are happy to receive the teaching.

Benevolence:  In the month of November we distributed clothes to 31 widowed sisters at Vandagal-village, Karnool district. As I regularly preach at Vidyanagar church of Christ and Tirupati church of Christ they have sponsored this clothes distribution benevolence program.  

Death: In the month of November our local church member Mrs. Jeevadanamma died on Nov 24th . We had a funeral service on Nov 25th . She was a widow sister, strong member in the local church. It is so sad to miss our member . But we thank God for the hope of resurrection.

Prayer Request: BVBI-Tirupati first and second batch  students have been working hard  in the spiritual battle field working against Satan’s kingdom by proclaiming the gospel of Christ. We request you to pray for their church planting work.

We humbly share with you that the BVBI-extension centre is a great blessing for the young people who wish to study the word of God. We thank our director Mr.Keith kasarjian and our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds for their hardship in guiding and availability for the smooth function of the centre at Tirupati-India.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay&Staff from BVBI-extension Centre-Tirupati-India.

Posted on December 4, 2023 .

Zambian school evangelizing The Congo

October, 2023



When peter tells us in 1 Peter 2:9 that we are special people he also says “that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” and Paul in 2 Timothy 3:17 after saying that all scriptures is inspired, give a reason for its purpose “that the saints of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! We always give honor and glory to God who has given us this rare occasion to work in His Kingdom. And we will forever be appreciative to God and to all our partners who have made this to be possible.

Extra work in D.R.C

We have continued to work with Tshibamba – Muyeye Tresor and the month of October continued to be very fruitful in D.R.C Congo as far as evangelism is concerned. We have recorded nine (9) Souls being added to the Kingdom and the Church continues to grow in Katanga province of Congo. Now there is a great demand that we travel to meet these brothers as you see them in the pictures attached below. Keep us in your prayers

We have also reached as far as the region of south Kivu Kinshasa in the village known as Tubondo along to Lake Tanganyika as indicated on the map attached below. 

I.                   Other Activities

A.     Our evangelism in Luanshya District

1.      We have continued to make every effort to reach out to the lost soul with Brother Cephas Mwamba is spearheading the work; the students are motivated as they do personal evangelistic activities. It is very encouraging to see them involved in reaching out to those who desperately need to be saved. They have continued with the target they have given themselves as far as reaching people is concerned. As indicated in our previous communiqué, each student is supposed to speak to at least two (02) people on a daily basis. The thirteen (12) students speak to at least twenty-six (24) people each day. It is indeed worthy noting that at the end of the week these students would have spoken to almost one hundred and fifty-six (154) people. With tenacity and consistency the desired results will be realized. 

B.      Bible Studies

They have also increased the number of houses where they conduct the Bible studies from. Each team consisting of two students have Bible studies twice a week. On Fridays, they have all attend the Bible studies at Brother Zechariah Magawa. Brother Magawa is a former Police command of Luanshya district who was converted through our student’s preaching and now he is such an encouragement to our student preachers.

C.      Baptisms/Restorations

We are very happy to report that the month of October, 2023 has so far recorded a total of seven (7) baptisms in Luanshya District.

We also recorded three (3) restorations 

D.     Copper belt Provincial Youth Conference

We held a youth conference which started on 27th October, 2023 and ended on 29thOctober, 2023.

Youths from eight districts of the Copper belt Province convened at Church of Christ Wusakile in Kitwe district.

The theme of the conference was “Overcoming the modern challenges of the youths”. Our former students were also invited and did a good job when they presented their lessons. They interacted well with our current student body. We can successfully say we had a good time in the Lord and good experience with the youths on the copper belt Province.

Austin Musonda, Gershom Chansa and Boyd Kalaba all did an excellent work as they worked together in teaching at the conference. We had a very fantastic experience! And at the end of the meeting the following statistics were recorded:

Ø  Total attendance: 284

Ø  Baptisms: 6

Ø  Restorations:    13

Ø  Two of the youths who were present a boy and a girl came and confessed that they were sent to initiate at least ten youths into Satanism, it was very scary experience.

E.      Reports from our alumni             

Reuben Museka: of 2022 graduate has continued to be sound in Mbala district of Northern Province and has given as a good report on his work there and the church. The congregation which started with only three families has now grown to seventeen (17) members. They have continued to meet at a government primary school and they have started to look for a plot where they can begin to build in a traditional land. We keep praying for him to be successful.

Simon khazi: also of 2022 graduate has continued in Lusaka province at Mtendere Congregation where he began a youth class and has so far recorded eleven (11) baptisms within two months. His dedication to work is highly recommended. Simon is also in the school of medicine and we wish him well.

Visiting by Bear Valley Bible Institute Coordinator (Southern Africa)

It is always a great pleasure to have Brother Donnie Estep come and teach at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zambia. We realize the sacrifices and indeed the commitments he makes to come to us. And for this reason we will forever be grateful to God and to Donnie!

Brother Donnie taught the book of Galatians and our students were very excited to gain the knowledge from the experienced. 


We continue to speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body being fitted and held together. We also continue to Giving special thanks to our supportive family and friends at Woodland Oaks church of Christ. Our hearts are truly thankful to all of you for financial support that you render to the school. We are also grateful to all our other partners in this noble work! May God richly bless you all!!

Because of the Christ,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on November 29, 2023 .

Marriage class conducted in Malawi

The Family Unit

A full week of intentional focus on marriage and the family just ended.  This was a capstone class that will prayerfully help these 7 families to submit to one another through obedience and love.  

Topics covered included but were not limited to biblical marriage, definitions of love, establishing healthy boundaries and fences in relationships, communication, conflict resolution, parenting, budgeting, differences in sets of needs, intimacy, anger management, and lust.   

There were cultural difficulties in teaching the class even for a long-term missionary.  Things like clearly defined roles in the local culture made it challenging to teach things like showing love through acts of service. When cultural discrepancies presented themselves, the biblical principle was restated, and the students were encouraged to find their own application to that principle. 

Each day was balanced with godly principles and fun to remind the students of the joy in marriage.  By the end of the week, the husbands and wives seemed more relaxed around each other.

It is our desire for the students to continue working on their own marriages as well as to begin sharing this information with others once they return to their villages.

What about the children?

Great question!  If both parents are in class for 30 hours (spanning over the course of four full days and a partial day on Friday), where are the children, and what are they doing?

From 7:45 until noon, Leann and Alyssa cared for the children who were not yet old enough to attend primary school.  There were officially 7 of them, but one school employee’s child who lives on campus also tagged along several days.  At the beginning of each hour, we had an activity ready.  We went from building houses and cars with blocks to picture cards, snacks, and then a game.  At that point, the little ones were fading fast and rest time often took us close to noon (especially for those who were slow to wake up).  We did our best to keep everyone with us, but one or two were not quite old enough to be away from mom for long.

Throughout the afternoon (1:30-4:30) the older kids trickled in from school, ate lunch in their homes, and then joined us.  We brought out Bible coloring pages, games, and ended with picking up trash in exchange for a sucker.  Homemade games (even meaning hand-sewn by Alyssa in some cases like bean bags) included giant tic-tac-toe, bean bag toss, and bowling. 

As we are six to eight weeks away from rainy season, keeping the kids hydrated was important.  We served rehydration drinks daily.

Meet Your New Sister

Although the waters are receding significantly as we near the end of dry season, there was enough in the creek to immerse Labeka on October 1st.  She was buried in the water and came out a new creature (Romans 6:4, II Corinthians 5:17).  Labeka attended class without fail as Dale took the congregation through an 8-week study of Bible basics including God’s plan of redemption and salvation.  She also fully understood that changes would be needed to comply with Biblical teachings on an on-going basis. 

Posted on November 29, 2023 .

Kenyan students spread the gospel of Christ

Dear brethren,

This marks the end of first quarter of second year of our 6th intake students at Kenya School of Preaching-Kisumu, in this year 2023. Yesterday we closed the school for December break. The students will be in their home local congregations till January 8th, 2024, when we will continue with the classes God willing. We pray for the student's safety during the entire holiday. 

We began this quarter with Mark Reynolds from Bear Valley Bible Institute, who taught World Missions (short course) from October 2nd - 6th 2023. Mark had enjoyed being with the 19 whom he described as very good and serious Bible students when he left for America. The students enjoyed being with him too. This is the students' and teachers' prayer here, "That the Lord grant to Reynolds, opportunity in every intake, to come teach at Kenya School of Preaching"! Another short course taught this quarter had been the book of James by teacher Phabian Paul who took the entire last week. May the Lord continue to bless the short course teachers so much, we appreciate their time and Bible knowledge.

Regular instructors we have had this time are Charles and Nixon who had taught the students three courses: Greek I, Intertestamental Period and Church History. Other courses had been Romans &Galatians and Wisdom Literature.

Apart from weekly services/helps the students offer at Tieng're congregation, they had as well been invited to attend two gospel meetings at Kakamega and Langi congregations. First, we sent 4 of them to Kakamega gospel meeting as per the request. Second, on November 10th-12th, 2023 all the students went to Langi gospel meeting and spent two days there from that Friday morning till Sunday evening. They were divided into teams and in two days, evangelized the community. They had a chance, in the seminar, to listen to and learn how other mature and experienced preachers from different congregations, answered difficult questions. Four of the students had opportunity and participated in the seminar as well - they gave lessons, helped with language translation and co-ordination. All the work which they had done this quarter had resulted in 9 baptisms and restoration of one whole family of wife husband/children who had skipped assembling with the Langi congregation for 5 years. It was a great pleasure with the students at the meetings!

Below are photo samples of baptisms, students standing with the baptized, students' two trips to gospel meeting by church Van, the gathering under the tents at the meeting place, students with Mark Reynolds and students with local instructors.

Thanks to each and every one who takes his/her time and effort, in one way or another, to support the great spiritual work going on at this preaching school. May the Lord richly bless you all and your loved ones, may the Lord bless K.S.O.P. and the church in Africa, may the Lord bless His work in the entire world!

Your brother and servant, 

Elias Omollo.

Posted on November 29, 2023 .

Accra school continues their studies

Accra Regular School

October Report 2023


We thank God for a successful month of October. We are grateful for His grace and mercy that have sustained us throughout the month

Class Activities

The school has reopened for the last term in the academic year. Lessons are going on smoothly and effectively. The students and staff are eager and enthusiastic to learn and teach. The courses being taught include Revelation, Logic and the Bible, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Christian Ethics, Denominational Doctrine, 1,2,3 John and Jude, and Greek. The students are also engaged in various assignments, quizzes, and presentations.

Top Radio Programme

The Top Radio programme is ongoing and reaching out to many listeners. The director, Bro E. O. Larbi, continues to deliver interesting and inspiring lessons on the radio. He also addresses various counseling issues and answers questions from the callers. The programme has received positive feedback and appreciation from the listeners. The programme is sponsored by the generous donations from various individuals. We appreciate their support and pray for God’s blessings upon them.

Pakro Road Church Follow-up campaign

This campaign took a whole week to evangelize house-to-house within the community of the community. All the students participated except one older brother who was having challenges with his eye on walking in the sun. Many souls were contacted and were receptive. Though none were baptized yet, many of them were happy to hear the truth and promised to visit the church and study further.

Having completed the week's programme, some of the prospects invited us to come and study with them. Our student named Godsway is with the congregation to follow up on the prospect and be invited for further studies.

Bachelor’s Degree Class

The bachelor’s degree class was met by Bro Kojo Acquah Beenyi for a course. The course involved practical exercises, research, and case studies. The turnout for the course was 10 students. The students were satisfied and benefited from the course. They expressed their gratitude and appreciation to Bro Kojo Acquah Beenyi for his teaching and mentoring.

Arrival of Religious Books

We are grateful to God for the safe arrival of the books transported to Ghana. A total of 210 boxes were received at Doboro school.

Campaign for New Students

Several advertisements have been sent out, visiting churches by students and staff in various localities for new students. Hopefully, we have four (4) applicants who have picked up forms and if they meet the school’s requirements will be admitted into next year’s academic calendar.


We thank God for a productive and successful month of October. We also thank God for His protection and provision for the school and its activities. We appreciate all our partners and supporters for their prayers and contributions. We solicit your continuous support and cooperation. May God bless you all.

Report by E.O. Larbi

Posted on November 29, 2023 .

19 baptized in Gueckedou, Guinea


We are aware that information is a means of guaranteeing a relationship. That's why we take the time to report monthly to our backers, who continue to support us financially and materially. We urge you to read the following report carefully.

I- Teaching.

Biblical teaching is a means of arming Christ's ministers, especially those involved in preaching. For the month of October, 4 courses were taught:

Christian Management because we must be good stewards of the treasures of God's children.

Paul's Epistle to the Church of Rome

The General Epistles

Epistle of 1,2 Thessalonicians.

II- Evangelism.

Evangelism is the activity that enables us to save lost souls, implanting new local congregations of Christ. To do this successfully, various methods are used, teams are mobilized and material and financial resources are deployed. We are pleased to report that the result of all these efforts is 19 people baptized, including 1 in Bandalo Bengou, 3 in Koindou KLB, 3 in Yende Bawa and 12 in the New congregtion of Kango established by Francis and his fellowship Saa Nestor.

The Kango congregation is the new assembly established on 22/10/2023 by the combined efforts of Francis S Musa and Saa Nestor Millimouno assisted by the Spirit of God.

Note the nocturnal baptism of our sister Finda Leno  from Bandalo Bengou, which is rare because some people always put off until tomorrow without understanding the urgency of saving the soul.

III- Radio program.

This program is very important to us because it enables us to reach a wide and varied audience in the defense of holy doctrine, in evangelism, in exhortation and in teaching people to return to the Bible. This program is broadcast every Tuesday from 6:45 p.m. on 104.1 from Sandia Penbetyo.

A new radio station has also been installed in the community, broadcasting on 103.6 covering an area far from 300 km

IV- Suggestions.

We ask all our donors to accompany us in prayers for success in carrying out our evangelism plan to establish new congregations during the next 6 months of the dry season.

We are also asking for financial support to pay our broadcasting costs, which amount to 1200,000 FG per month on 103.6 broadcasting from Makona FM.

V- Conclusion.

Considering the results of the activities carried out, we can conclude that the next dry season will be very productive. We thank Almighty God who is with us in our spiritual battle against the Devil's cunning. We also thank the staff of Bear Valley International for their strategic management of the Bible schools. We are eternally grateful to Steven Ashcraft, our tireless coordinator, for his concern to see the Lord's church grow in Guinea. We also thank Barry Baggott and his team for edifying us with biblical literature. Our thanks go to Ken Stanley and all the Churches of Christ who support God's work in Guinea.

We conclude by saying that all the churches of Christ in Guinea salute you.

Niouma 2 Kamano 

Administrative Assistant 

Posted on November 29, 2023 .

India schools conduct evangelistic campaigns

Dear brethren in Christ,

Greetings to you in the precious name of Lord Jesus Christ  our Savior. Our mission of training men to be evangelists have been successful with all your prayers and encouragement.

Brethren, We are blessed to be able to continue our mission of Education, Evangelism and Edification. This year has been very productive. We have been able to reach out several places with the Lord’s message. Thousands of people have heard the good news, hundreds have been added to the Church. One week Gospel Campaign program given a great opportunity to restore several souls and stand by the newly established congregations.  As part of it, we have successfully completed this one-week gospel campaign. We held this program in three villages, first two days in the village Gonada, in East Godavari District and later in West Godavari in three villages. Even though we held 40 Bible studies on an average, we had a wonderful opportunity to distribute gospel tracts in all the four villages we visited. Gospel tracts with titles such as, About Salvation, The True Church, Truth about the Bible, Biblical Truth, etc., so, great opportunity to distribute gospel tracts and introduce the local preacher and inviting them for the gospel meeting. Truly, God has blessed our efforts, these villages have gotten the good news received, hoping that more fruit will be yielded by the later efforts of the local preacher.  We are proud of our preaching students who are very enthusiastic in the mission work.  Distribution of gospel tracts, conducting personal/group studies and public gospel meetings were successfully conducted during this one week time. 

We thank you brethren for your prayers. The Lord has blessed us in a mighty way to train these men to be effective evangelists of Christ. Providing on hand experience has been our chief objective in this preacher training program. We are very confident that these preachers are going to be very active evangelists because of this practical education and training. Indeed, present religious  situation and opposition certainly requires not only an educated preacher but also one who can approach the strangers with the word of God, react positively to the opposition, being successful holding a personal/group study. We are very thankful that our Lord is leading us and guiding through this Gospel Campaign fulfilling our objective of providing practical education to the preachers. 

We are grateful for your kindness, appreciation, for your trust and confidence. We would continue our mission of training men and making them affective evangelists and send them for real world ministry.  We appreciate the elders of Lake Houston and Strickland  church of Christ and also Farmersville Church of Christ for their kind support. We do appreciate Jerry and Paula Bates for their love too. Kindly convey our gratitude with all the brethren you worship with. We pray that the economic situation in our country would get better soon, inflation has affected our economy here by affecting our daily, monthly expenses. Fuel, Electricity, cooking oil and cost of rice are just terrible, life has become expensive. Kindly pray for the economic situation, thank you. 

God bless you all. 

in Christ, 

John Dean M

Posted on November 29, 2023 .

Campaign in Zimbabwe results in saved souls



Jesus’ great commission is a focal point at BVBIZ. Since many efforts are taken to equip students for the ministry, the end result is always to efficiently and effectively implement this commission. In brief, BVBIZ exists to fulfil this endeavor. Students, whom we take as Jesus’ foot soldiers continue to be moulded to become useful vessels in the kingdom. BVBIZ continued with this agenda in the month of October. Classes continued, 7 were baptized, 3 seminars took place, Donnie Estep visited the school including several other activities that are reported below.   


Classes continued without any challenge in the month. Great emphasis was placed on the languages, Hebrews, Advanced Hermeneutics, Introduction to computers and Minor Prophets. Great appreciation goes to both the students and respective teachers who put in their best to ensure that the curriculum requirements are being met.


Three seminars took place in the month of October. We greatly appreciate the facilitators who worked tirelessly to get their points home. Their services to the school are highly acknowledged.


Every preacher needs to have his communication acumen up to date and to the expected standard. To this end, BVBIZ invited brother Joshua Kumunda, a journalist, to help both the students and faculty in this area. More effort were put towards report writing. This was an eye opener which has enabled those who can learn to improve on their communication and report writing skills.


The school seeks to develop well rounded products and goes at length to ensure that this fundamental is achieved. Besides its emphasis on sign language, BVBIZ has introduced another component, Theology of Disability. On the 5th of October, Method Moyo, one of our 2022 graduate came to teach the school on this. He presently works at Cure Zimbabwe-a hospital for disabled children in Bulawayo. All attendees were left at another level.


BVBIZ is guided in its operations by a strategic plan (2022-2024). One of the strategic objectives in terms of human capital development is “Capacitated, qualified, resilient, visionary, motivated and quality oriented staff who meet the core functions adequately.” To improve on our administrative processes, in consultation with the Human Resources Committee within the Board, the school has engaged the services of brother Maxwell Chitendeni, an administration expert, to help staff members and the school in general to have a robust administrative system. 


One of the strategic goals of the school is a drive towards sustainability. This takes time. The strategic objective is anchored on strong strategic networks and viable project base. In terms of projects, much has been done on poultry and horticulture. These projects enable the school to get an extra dollar whilst at the same time provide hands on experience to students besides the theory they learn in class. This month we can report on the following;


During the last two weeks of October, the school planted more tomatoes in one of the gardens, a bit of maize, cabbages, lettuce and green paper. This is besides some of the crops already in the garden such as onions, bit root, cucumbers and butternuts.


Harvesting of tomatoes in the greenhouse picked up in the month. The market for tomatoes has not been a challenge. In some occasions, the school has failed to satisfy the market.


BVBIZ takes seriously the practicum component. Besides weekend evangelism, holiday preaching and field program, one week campaigns have now become a regular on the school calendar every term. From the 15th-22nd of October, BVBIZ camped at Kwekwe as we joined hands with a number of experienced preachers to spread the gospel in the area. Such preachers included James Abraham, Gedion Madyira, Ovius Kufa, Tinashe Moyana, Michael Kasimu, Moses Maulani, Partmore Simbi and Tinashe Mazhambe. Some of these have become a regular wherever the school camps. We wish to thank the Kwekwe congregation for providing accommodation and food during this evangelism week. Seven were baptized during the week. We always cherish such partnerships.


BVBIZ celebrates with one of our instructors Ishmael Mutichu upon his graduation on the 20th of October. He graduated with a Masters in Religious Studies. The school wishes him well in his future educational pursuit and career.


Donnie Estep was with the school from the 22nd to the 27st of the month teaching the book of Hebrews. His visits are always a blessing to the school. Students performed very well in his class and the teacher was satisfied as well.


On the 14th of October, the school held its first official general meeting. These meetings shall be held every year beyond 2023. The director, board chairperson, board treasurer and the legal team gave their reports. The treasurer gave the 2022 audited financial reports in the process.  Though attendance was low, the school anticipates these meetings to grow in terms of participation and relevance. Great appreciation to the Board, management and all stakeholders who attended for making this a success.


We thank God for what he has been able to do through BVBIZ in October. This would not have been possible without encouragements we keep receiving from you. Our appreciation continues to go to our sponsors for their unwavering support and to many others for their moral, financial, material and spiritual support. To God be the glory!

Posted on November 29, 2023 .

More courses taught in Peru

A cordial greeting dear brothers,

With great joy we write these lines to you, hoping that everything is going very well in your respective homes as well as in your ministries, peace and the love of God be with each of you.
We have completed two more courses of our study plan, I am referring to Marriage and Family and I of Corinthians, the first course taught by Brother Andres Nuñez and the second by Brother Luis Camacho. Both have done an excellent job and I will share their respective appreciations with you shortly.

I especially want to highlight and thank the support of Brother Luis Camacho for supporting us with the instruction of I Corinthians and for that availability to help that stands out. Thank God for his intervention, I am sure it has resulted in a great blessing for the students.
Here I briefly share the words of each of the instructors:

Luis Camacho on I Corinthians:
“Thank you for the opportunity to teach the I Corinthians course. I know that we had excellent participation during the course with the majority of the students…”.
The following have participated in his class: José Chiuyare, Ethel lapa, Sandra Chalco, Martha Nolasco, Maryuri Alarcon, Jhonely. Six people have benefited from the classes taught.

Andrés Nuñez about the Marriage and Family course:
“It has been very special to make known what the Church believes regarding Marriage, since it is a very important doctrine for the students to know and learn. They assimilated, they learned what the Bible teaches, from Genesis, which is the beginning where every preacher and teacher must go, since our Lord answered the different questions regarding marriage and remarriage. The students asked many questions, which were each answered with the word of God, we saw many biblical examples about marriage, pacts, divorces, failed commitments, disobedience and as such the true marriage that the church teaches as part of a doctrine, that we must be very zealous and not allow false teachings to stain the sacred marriage established by God.”

The following have participated in his class: Alejandro Manrique, José Chiuyare, Betty Melo, Elias Jorge, Frank Flores, Carolyn Chavez, Víctor Quijandria, Jhonely. Eight people have benefited from this course and the classes taught.

We are about to share two new courses, I am referring to Church History and Leadership. The teachers assigned for these courses are Abraham Alata and myself (Juan Abanto). We are making every preparation to make these next two months as productive and beneficial for students and teachers as the previous months have been.

With these two new courses we are starting a new semester, six months closer to the end of this second round of classes, in which we hope to continue counting on your prayers and support, with God's favor, trusting that He will help us to come to fruition.

May the Lord continue to bless you!!!
Juan Abanto

Posted on November 7, 2023 .

Community outreach in India

Reporting Letter for the Month of October-2023

Respected director Mr.Keith Kasarjian , our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all our prayer partners , greetings to you in the matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may serve us to find you well. We are highly delighted to submit this brief report for the month of October-2023.


1.Bear Valley Bible Institute:- This is very good platform for the young people to attend and study the word of God.  By the grace of God two batches were completed and went out for the spiritual battle to win the lost  souls. We focus on 2 Timothy 2:2 “ And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses ,commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”. We request your prayers for this third batch and their success.

2. Field work of the previous students:- We are happy to share about the wonderful work that our BVBI’s previous  students field work. Mr.M.Jesudoss is working hard and planted 2 local churches, Mr.Praveen has planted local church at Bathlapuram-village, Mr.Yovel is working at 2 places, Mr.Ramanapadal is working in tribal area, Mr.T.A.Madhukishore is working at Gajulamanya, Mr.Barnabas is working at two places, Mr.Parusaram is working at two places , Mr.Joseph is working at two places and also other students working at different places. We request your prayers for their church planting ministry.

Preachers meeting:- We have conducted October ‘s preachers meeting at Kondapuram-Village on October 21st.. The local preacher Mr.Peter has organized the meeting and provided food .

Youth camp:-  BVBI-Tirupati has observed the young people among the local congregations who are not able to share the gospel to their friends in colleges and school where they study .  Therefore, we made the decision and conducted two days training camp for the youth camp on October 16 and 17th. We have invited young people from several local churches from urban and rural areas . We had more than 100 young people for the two days training camp . We taught them good lessons and motivated them to proclaim the gospel to their friend who are away from the God . We are happy for share with you that the local preachers and parents also could able to attend for the two days camp.

Bibles distribution:- BVBI-Tirupati-India has indentified young people using mobile phone for the bible reading, we are not against the technology but we encourage young people to read bibles (hard copy). We have purchased 100 bibles and distributed freely to 100 young people who ever attended for the youth camp.

Campaigning:- In the month of October we conducted campaigns in Renigunta town and Ambedkar labour colony. This is wonderful platform for reaching the lost souls as well of students participation.

Blind meeting-Audio Bibles distribution :- We have conducted one blind meeting and distributed audio bibles . They are happy to hear the word of God and grow in their faith.

Universities Campus ministry:- We are happy to report you that there are seven universities have been located in our city, our staff members and some of the students have dedicated to visit universities , colleges, and students hostels and sharing them gospel.

Home Bible studies:- We actively involve in the home bible studies. Families are available at their homes after 6pm. We take appointments an advance and conducting home bible studies in the evening times at several families. We have divided into teams and conducting at several areas in and around the city. We request your prayers for the home bible studies.

Leadership class at Krishnasamudram-Village:- My friend Mr.Jayaraju is working as English teacher at Govt high school , he is  local preacher with this village congregation at Krishansamudram village . They have conducted leadership class in last week and invited preachers from Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu .  Myself and other 4 brothers from BVBI –Tirupati –India have attended for the meeting. I have taken lesson from 2 Kings 7th chapter 9th verse . The four leprosy people said that what they were doing was not right , I taught from this portion of the bible and connected the gospel . it is not right to be silent without preaching the gospel. We have encouraged all the leaders to be active in sharing the gospel.


HHI -Fruit plants garden Workshop:- In the month of October we have conducted 3days HHI -Fruit plants garden Workshop on 23 ,24 and 25. We have involved village people in this workshop. We are thankful to HHI for the encouragement and partnership for the establishment of this  garden to connect with local community for Christ.

Hearing aids supply:- We have identified one  brother who was suffering from low hearing ability. We have consulted one of the social work Organization and provided hearing Machines for this young boy Mr.Poorna Chandra Prasad. Now he is comfortable in hearing the word of God when they attend for the worship service and other bible classes . He also the machine for listening his lessons in the college.

Providing rental for the blind family:- We could able to assist one blind family for paying their rental.

Widow help:- We encourage our local church to assist widows in the local church, more than 30 widow sisters in the congregation have received small help from the church’s contribution in the month of October-2023.

Sunday after noon lunch:-  some of our members travel from far away villages and attend for the church for Sunday worship service.  In the month of October five Sundays we have provided afternoon lunch . Each Sunday more thank 80 people receive lunch . We appreciate members who dedicated to service the meals.

Leprosy colony children ministry:- We continually visiting two leprosy colonies and working for the welfare of the helpless children . We appointed volunteers who are able to assist them in teaching and feeding them.

Prayer Request:- We pray and plan for organizing the Christian Growth Bible Seminar to be conducted in the month of January-2024. We request your prayers for the safe travel of our guest teacher Mr.Damon Vincent.

We are thankful to BVBI for your dedication and assistance and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI-Tirupati-India. We treat you as blessing for our country and our people. We need your continual prayers and encouragement. We are ever grateful to you and your partnership in educating young people for eternal life sake.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay&Staff from BVBI-India

Posted on November 7, 2023 .

A productive quarter break in Chad

May the peace and joy of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you! It is with great pleasure in our hearts that we want to share with you some information about the activities of our center that took place in the month of October 2023. Above all, receive our sincere greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  Our greetings also go to the extended family of the Creekside congregation and that of the Bear Valley Bible Institute. The information we want to bring to your attention concerns student internship reports and individual student vacation activities.

These activities are as follows. The third quarter internship period ran from October 7 to 14, 2023. Our students truly supported the assemblies that welcomed them through door-to-door preaching of the Gospel and teachings in church. The overall result of their efforts was five (05) baptisms distributed as follows, one (1) in the BISSIWADOG village, one (1) in Moundou, two in Koumra and one (1) in the Gonogono 2 village. We say congratulations to the trainees. Let us pray for the growth of these saved souls.

In regard to the individual evangelization activities of the students on vacation, let us mention two seminars organized in two villages for the students. These seminars helped save a soul.  May the name of God be glorified!  Hopefully the remaining three weeks will also bear fruit.

Regarding the activities of the Center in the near future, in the last week of December we will have a major Alumni evangelization campaign as well as the Annual Conference of the Church of Christ in Chad which will be held in N'djamena from December 28 to 31. These two events will need the effective presence of our students who will be a force for evangelization. However, we have a lack of adequate means for student transportation. The Alumni Campaign will take place in the locality where two former students of BVBI Cameroon Mbanga work. They are approximately 200 km from the center. N'djamena is 450 km from Moundou where the center is located. Let us pray for the participation of our students in these great moments where their preaching of the gospel of salvation can help win more lost souls.

These, Mr. Coordinator, are the few useful pieces of information to give you on the activities of the BVBI Moundou Chad during the month of October as well as some activities that lie ahead of us. Thank you for your availability to read from us. May God bless you abundantly in Jesus Christ!


In Christ,

Your brother Datoudji!

Moundou  November 2, 2023

Posted on November 7, 2023 .

Outstanding work in Zambia

October, 2023 Report


When Peter tells us in 1 Peter 2:9 that we are special people he also says “that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” and Paul in 2 Timothy 3:17 after saying that all scriptures is inspired, give a reason for its purpose “that the saints of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! We always give honor and glory to God who has given us this rare occasion to work in His Kingdom. And we will forever be appreciative to God and to all our partners who have made this to be possible.

Extra work in D.R.C

We have continued to work with Tshibamba – Muyeye Tresor and the month of October continued to be very fruitful in D.R.C Congo as far as evangelism is concerned. We have recorded nine (9) Souls being added to the Kingdom and the Church continues to grow in Katanga province of Congo. Now there is a great demand that we travel to meet these brothers as you see them in the pictures attached below. Keep us in your prayers

We have also reached as far as the region of south Kivu Kinshasa in the village known as Tubondo along to Lake Tanganyika as indicated on the map attached below. 

I.                   Other Activities

A.     Our evangelism in Luanshya District

1.      We have continued to make every effort to reach out to the lost soul with Brother Cephas Mwamba is spearheading the work; the students are motivated as they do personal evangelistic activities. It is very encouraging to see them involved in reaching out to those who desperately need to be saved. They have continued with the target they have given themselves as far as reaching people is concerned. As indicated in our previous communiqué, each student is supposed to speak to at least two (02) people on a daily basis. The thirteen (12) students speak to at least twenty-six (24) people each day. It is indeed worthy noting that at the end of the week these students would have spoken to almost one hundred and fifty-six (154) people. With tenacity and consistency the desired results will be realized. 

B.      Bible Studies

They have also increased the number of houses where they conduct the Bible studies from. Each team consisting of two students have Bible studies twice a week. On Fridays, they have all attend the Bible studies at Brother Zechariah Magawa. Brother Magawa is a former Police command of Luanshya district who was converted through our student’s preaching and now he is such an encouragement to our student preachers.

C.      Baptisms/Restorations

We are very happy to report that the month of October, 2023 has so far recorded a total of seven (7) baptisms in Luanshya District.

We also recorded three (3) restorations 

D.     Copper belt Provincial Youth Conference

We held a youth conference which started on 27th October, 2023 and ended on 29th October, 2023.

Youths from eight districts of the Copper belt Province convened at Church of Christ Wusakile in Kitwe district.

The theme of the conference was “Overcoming the modern challenges of the youths”. Our former students were also invited and did a good job when they presented their lessons. They interacted well with our current student body. We can successfully say we had a good time in the Lord and good experience with the youths on the copper belt Province.

Austin Musonda, Gershom Chansa and Boyd Kalaba all did an excellent work as they worked together in teaching at the conference. We had a very fantastic experience! And at the end of the meeting the following statistics were recorded:

Ø  Total attendance: 284

Ø  Baptisms: 6

Ø  Restorations:    13

Ø  Two of the youths who were present a boy and a girl came and confessed that they were sent to initiate at least ten youths into Satanism, it was very scary experience.

E.      Reports from our alumni             

Reuben Museka: of 2022 graduate has continued to be sound in Mbala district of Northern Province and has given as a good report on his work there and the church. The congregation which started with only three families has now grown to seventeen (17) members. They have continued to meet at a government primary school and they have started to look for a plot where they can begin to build in a traditional land. We keep praying for him to be successful.

Simon khazi: also of 2022 graduate has continued in Lusaka province at Mtendere Congregation where he began a youth class and has so far recorded eleven (11) baptisms within two months. His dedication to work is highly recommended. Simon is also in the school of medicine and we wish him well.

Visiting by Bear Valley Bible Institute Coordinator (Southern Africa)

It is always a great pleasure to have Brother Donnie Estep come and teach at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zambia. We realize the sacrifices and indeed the commitments he makes to come to us. And for this reason we will forever be grateful to God and to Donnie!

Brother Donnie taught the book of Galatians and our students were very excited to gain the knowledge from the experienced. 


We continue to speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body being fitted and held together. We also continue to Giving special thanks to our supportive family and friends at Woodland Oaks church of Christ. Our hearts are truly thankful to all of you for financial support that you render to the school. We are also grateful to all our other partners in this noble work! May God richly bless you all!!

Because of the Christ,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on November 6, 2023 .

Excellence in Ghana





The second of the year has been a great one. The school in Cape Coast has continued to make tremendous progress as student commitment and enthusiasm has increased. In a bid to ensuring that adequate understanding of the courses are obtained, we have intentionally committed ourselves to spending extra hours with our lecturers when they come in. Classes keep getting exciting and we thank God for making such a wonderful progress.    


The school in Cape Coast has gained a lot of grounds in just over a year since the school started. We now have about five lecturers joining our ranks to do a comprehensive tutoring of sound Christian doctrine. Students are always excited to report for the weekend lectures as it gives them a lot to ponder on during the week. Each new course gives us a new discovery of very sound Christian doctrine as we delve into the secrets of the bibles. One of our students, who is a qualified sign language tutor has also arranged with the students to spend an additional hour after the Saturday lectures so that he help the would be evangelists to acquire the arts and science of the sign language. Currently about 21 students are actively learning this new language as they stand a good chance of communicating with the deaf world that may come into contact with. It is really an exciting addition to our programme as it is also patronized by the host church.  


During the quarter under review, the school did not receive any learning resource or material from our Coordinators. Though enough learning resources has been supplied in the past, the new students who joined us at the beginning of the year did not get some. They keep asking and making references to that of their colleagues and as such, I would greatly recommend that whenever materials of any nature are available, the Cape Coast study center should be considered in the distributions. Supply of the Preachers’ Box and the brown leathered Bible should always be available as students have become more accustomed to their use. 


As at the end of the second quarter of the year 2023, we have successfully completed the following courses: PERSONAL EVANGELISM 2, HOMILETICS 2, MARRIAGE AND FAMILY.We hope to continue with studies in: HEBREWS AND TITUS


Our evangelism programme successfully took place in the last week of April. Students embarked on HOUSE TO HOUSE programme of which the evening also featured an outdoor broadcast service. Students greatly participated in this programme. The host church also played a great role in terms of participation and also helping to mobilize the necessary resources for this campaign. 

Topics treated during the evening broadcast are:







As a school we have strategized and agreed on some evangelistic missions in the next quarter.  The next plan will be to go into a rural community where the churches established there are no longer functioning. We have tasked ourselves to take care of such churches when it is established so that we can nurture its growth into a matured community of believers. Besides the financial resources that have been made available by our benefactors, we also hope material resources (bible tracts, etc) for such exercises will be made available when the time comes.





Posted on November 6, 2023 .

Student campaigns in Nigeria

Dear, fellow soldiers of Christ.

Grace, peace and mercy be multiplied unto you all from God our Father and from Christ Jesus, our Lord and Redeemer.

Below is the report of some of our activities in the month of October 2023.








The first semester for the year 2023/2024, which began on August 14, concluded on October 6, 2023. Our year-1 students were sent for different Vocational Studies, while our year-2 students were dispatched to congregations within the Southwestern States of Nigeria to assist in evangelism and the edification of local congregations that requested our help.

Lord willing, the 2nd Semester classes will commence on November 6, 2023, and run through January 24, 2024, with a two-week break from December 16 through December 31, 2023.


In continuation of the four WBS Seminars sponsored by Rob and Robin Thornton, five of the BVBIN & SWSE-Ibadan instructors, named Bro. Israel Tajmavwo, Bro. Odeyemi Durojaiye, Bro. Oladokun Samuel, Bro. Eniafe Kayode, and myself (Bro. Makinde Ebens), along with the company of five of our year-2 students and two WBSFUW members (Bro. Shotola Dele and Bro. Adedoyin Sola Rotimi), conducted a three-day WBS Seminar in Aramoko-Ekiti, Ekiti State from October 19 through October 22, 2023.

The three-day seminar featured Mass Evangelism from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and Open-Air Bible Lectureships from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm daily. Some of us stayed behind after the Saturday Open-Air Bible Lectureship to worship with the church in Aramoko-Ekiti.

Other Ministers/WBSFUW members who attended the event were Bro. Emmanuel Godwin, Bro. Amos Olusegun, Bro. Adeyiwolu Isaac, Bro. Akinola Lawanson, Bro. Akinyemi Jacob, and Bro. Ajibade Oluwansola.

Even though there were no conversions, we give thanks to the Lord that a couple who had left the church a year ago returned with their four children. Our final scheduled event is coming up on November 10 through 12, 2023, in Asejire, Osun State.


The 3rd batch of our degree program will commence Lord’s willing on November 27 through December 8,2023 with Research and Writing-1 and Fundamentals of Faith -1.

Hopefuly , eight of the successful students in the 2nd batch will be graduating during our 21st Leadership Seminar of March 2024.


Bro. Murphat Victor Chinagorom is one of our year 2 students. Born on March 11, 2001, in Mbutu-Ngwa, Abia State. He became a member of the Lord's church on May 28, 2017, through the efforts of Bro. Uzoma Alozie, the evangelist of the Church of Christ in Mbutu-Ngwa, Abia State. He gained admission into our ministerial program in August 2022. 

Currently, he is assisting the Lord's church at Felele-Rab, Ibadan, alongside Bro. Eniafe Olukayode. His mission after his training is to become a competent and sound minister of God.


We thank you all for your partnership, encouragement, and support. May the Lord continue to bless all our work together in Christ Jesus' name. Amen.

I remain yours in His grace and love as a servant,

Makinde Ebens Olufemi 

The Chief Servant of BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN and WBSFUW 

Posted on November 6, 2023 .

More souls saved in Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs



We bring you greetings again from the Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema. As our 3rd Graduation exercise comes closer, we become busier day by day. We have been enjoying God’s favour in our efforts to train men and women to proclaim Christ in this Muslim-dominated country. Evangelistically, the school has been so engaged. Our students have been helping many congregations to also nurture them to maturity. Please keep on reading for the details of this report.


As we write this report, our students in all the two programs are committed to their studies. Classes went on successfully and all our staff are also intact. We are grateful to God.


As we have always informed you, the school’s existence here primarily is for bringing souls to Christ, therefore, everyone in the school here understands this. And with our conviction, we have been cooperating with local congregations to evangelize the entire Sierra Leone and other countries like Guinea and Liberia. In this effort, for the past September, 14 souls were converted. Apart from this, 3 new congregations were established at Dangbaidu, Sandemande, and Kpalahun and a local congregation at Kangama was strengthened.


It was in August of this year that our coordinator, Steve Ashcraft, for the first time set up a digital Library for us. This library has been so helpful and useful to us, the staff and the students alike. Moreover, through the support of our Bear Valley Family in the USA, we got additional computers that are working very effectively; we want to appreciate you all, dear brethren for your love for the souls here.


We continue to appreciate your partnership in all aspects. May the Lord keep us till we could meet to share the good news of another report!

Peter Sahr Makundu,


The Bear Valley Bible Institute, Kenema Sierra Leone

Posted on November 6, 2023 .

Great work in the Philippines!

Dear Brother Keith,

Third quarter went so fast and well with our students as they have just finished the subjects on Christian Evidences, 1&2 Peter, and 1&2 Thessalonians. It is so amazing to see our student’s continuous growth and improvement. Their sending congregations are so glad to see them improving as they are now participating in the works of the church particularly in delivering sermons in their worship services and even conducting Bible studies.

We were able also to attend the Music camp that was held in Aurora Isabela this year where they learned basic worship leading, note reading and song composition and before they concluded the said camp, they were able to present their newly composed song.  

In Christ Service,

Baldomero Lagua Jr.

BVBI-Luzon Philippines

Posted on November 6, 2023 .

Making adjustments in Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters, as well as the congregations,

We are very grateful for your prayers and your help that you constantly send to our country and the congregations of the Church of Christ.

The winter time is approaching and we are praying that we will have the opportunity to live through the colder time of the year. The warfare continues and, sadly, thousands of people die daily for the ambitions and desires of the handful of people with the power.

The Ministry of the Bear Valley Bible Institute.

In September Jim Sherman taught "Family Life", Terry Harmon taught the course on Homiletics and currently Vladimir Paziy is teaching "How we got the Bible". The studies are taking place on-line and we are trying to adapt to the new realities. In December we plan on starting Masters' program and we already have 6 students.

The Ministry of the Church in Bila Tserkva.

Last Sunday two people were baptized. It's a joyful event for the Church and for the Lord. An elderly couple from Kharkiv region stopped in Bela Tserkva fleeing from the war. During the previous year we helped them out, sent them food and helped in resolving their social problems. Some brothers would take them to the doctors' appointments, helped them make their living place more comfortable. They got attached to the church and experienced our love and care. They started attending the services regularly, studying with us the Word of God. As the result these two babies in Christ got on the way of salvation.  We pray that they will be an example for the group of other refugees who also attend our services regularly. Every Wednesday we keep on distributing the food packages and preaching the Gospel to newly resettled citizens of our city. This is a  good  opportunity to meet people and establish some friendships.

May God keep you safe and take care of you,

Your brother Dennis Sopelnik.

Posted on November 6, 2023 .