Evangelism in Togo



The pure New Testament message continues to impact people in the Kloto Region. The Lord blessed our efforts in the month with five souls responding to the gospel by submitting to baptism.


The van continues to facilitate our outreach programs which include: Dawn preaching, tract distribution and campaigns for Christ.


Are the ones assigned to the center. The centre is stocked with tracts and other religious materials for distribution to the public. The centre is also used as a contact office where Bible studies are conducted.

The Agogome Church of Christ now has a newly constructed place of worship.


Radio broadcast is playing a vital role in the spread of the gospel. We reach people where we cannot travel to. Several have been converted through the radio program over the years.


One of the strengths of the ministry in Kloto Region is the leadership. All the preachers in the Kpalime area do meet each first Monday in the month to encourage one another, discuss pertinent issues affecting the local congregations, plan the work in Kloto and enjoy a meal fellowship. They spend time together to pray for their congregations and for themselves.

 Report by Willie Gley

Posted on December 25, 2017 .

Out in the field in Nigeria

Dear fellow ministers of God, 

Greetings from BVBIN and SWSE, Ibadan and fellow WBSFUW in South West States of Nigeria. 
The Mass Evangelism and Open Air Bible Lectureship held in Ileogbo, Osun State and that of Jago village in Ona -Ara Local Government Area of Oyo State resulted in to two conventions each. That is, two converts in each of the venue of the three days mass evangelism and Open Air Bible Lectureship. 

JAGO CONGREGATION : On Sunday, December 10, some of us worship with Jago congregation. Bro. Samuel Peter Ortserga led the church in songs, Bro. Andrew Adeolu taught on Holiness (Psalm 15)while I admonished the church on Building for the Lord from Nehemiah 4.
CAMPUS CHURCH : Bro. Timothy Adegoke led in songs, Bro. Abraham Idu Yeje taught on The collection of the Saints while Bro. Oba Justice Ugochukwu admonished the church on The Second Coming of Christ. 

ASEJIRE CONGREGATION :Bro.Kayode Eniafe led in songs, Bro. Dennis Okpachui taught on The Second Coming of Christ while Bro. Effiong admonished the church on Faithfulness. 
Other students were also busy working for the Lord in sisters congregations in Oyo, Ondo, Osun, Lagos and Ekiti States of Nigeria on the Lord 's day of December 10,2017.

Brethren, most of our students will be traveling to Igbara -Odo, Ekiti State and Ode -Aye, Ondo State on Friday for another three days mass evangelism and Open Air Bible Lectureship while I will be going to Lagos State to speak in the 2nd Annual Bible Lectureship organized by the SWSE, IKORODU campus on December 16 on How To prevent the Lord 's church from Lukewarmness and on Sunday morning will be speaking in Meiran congregation on The Church and the Preacher.

Beloved, we are proud of being a good partners with you all in the Lord's vineyard. May the Lord keep us safe till death in Jesus Christ name, amen. 
Your fellow soldier of Christ...... Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Director of Studies & Chairman of Administrative Council, BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan and WBSFUW)

Posted on December 20, 2017 .

A great first year in Sierra Leone!

Dear Brethren in Christ.

We have come to the end of our fourth quarter in the first year of our program in Sierra Leone; we thank God for your support in different ways for the school. We hope and pray that the Lord will continue to shower you with his blessings.

We are sending you photos of our school activities undertaken during this quarter of school ending 2017.


There is a cordial relationship between the school and churches in Sierra Leone -Kailahun, Kenema, Tongue, and Taiama. Etc.  

On the 27th -29th Oct, a fellowship meeting between students and the youth of Kenema churches of Christ was held at the campus followed by a football match between the students and churches combined which ended in a 3-2 victory in favor of the school

This event of the school was witnessed by both Steven Asheraft the regional coordinator for West Africa and Bro Robert Dahn the director from Liberia (Bear Valley).


Our door to door evangelism is on Saturdays where students partner in collaboration with the youth fellowship churches of Christ Kenema.


30th Nov-3rd Dec, 2017 -Lectureship at Waima village in Gbane Chiefdom on Baptism was conducted where 36 members from a denominational congregation were converted and be baptized for remission of their sins through the effort of a student from that area by the name of Maxwell Temoindor. We instituted the lord supper and corrected other errors, like instrumental music in their worship, moving off shoes before entering the church edifice ect


For the first time we hosted a short course lecturer from a neighboring country from Liberia to teach and share experience success stories in their school development such as large scale agricultural farming, extra classes conducted for part time students, Evangelism/ campaign, structural adjustment on teaching methods etc.

From lessons learnt from Bro Robert Dahn of Liberia we were able to correct our lapses and move forward. We hope this will be a routine process.


We have completed the first year fourth quarter of studies after going through vigorous training with our students in both academic and practical field work. The result will be published in due course to encourage students to give their best in the last year courses.

Yours in Christ


Posted on December 18, 2017 .

Students finish their courses in Accra


We thank God, the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ for making this year a peaceful year, though much challenges yet we are almost at the closed of the year through His Protection.

We are always thankful to you and the instructors for the great effort made to the students of the Southern Institute for the support and the sound doctrine.

The staff and the students say God bless you all.


On 10th of November, 2017, was Br. Keith Kasarjian together with Br. Stephen and Br. Osae Larbi last visit to the school in Accra (full time department) to see how the students were doing.

His visit was a motivation to us and the farewell message encouraging them to buck up with their studies. Having said this, he further went to check out the books at the library and finally prayed for the students and left.

The students’ message to him was that they appreciate his concern for visiting them from the beginning and ending of their two years studies in Bible knowledge on campus.


Almost all touches on the school block are accomplished. A small portion of the painting work and the fence are yet to be accomplished.


The school’s vacation for the Christmas holidays also marks the end of our two-year programme for school. Our second batch of twelve students ends their two-year vigorous and research-work based classroom studies in December, 2017. Even though they are ending their studies in December, their graduation will be in April, 2018. Three of the twelve are Liberians.


The school is blessed with a van that became possible through the generosity of the brethren in America. The van is mainly for use for Gospel Campaign, excursion and also for the use by the American brethren when they visit for short course, graduation or campaign and other vital purposes.  


The sport line of November student’s profile is one of our finest students by name David Antwi. He is married with three children, all boys. He preaches for Achimota College Church of Christ. Achimota is a suburb of Accra, our national capital city, and there are three congregations by location where David handles one of them. David is grateful to the school, according to him, he is now able to handle right with the scriptures and the brethren are happy for his work. The church has seen growth since he began preaching for the past years. It will interest you to know that the only survived preacher among the five first batches of preachers for the church in Ghana is a member where David preaches.


Please pray with us as we are about to end the year and to enter a New Year.

Posted on December 18, 2017 .

Graduation in Zambia

The First Graduation for Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zambia

The first graduation ceremony was supposed to be on 14th October 2017 but it was postponed to 14th December 2017. We are very grateful as a school to see a sizable number of brothers and sisters come from around the Copper Belt Province to witness the honoring of our first graduates. It was also a very joyous moment to the six students that graduated.

Andrew Mwila came specifically for the graduation from Lusaka. He wants to settle in Lusaka and work as a bricklayer while he does his preaching. Since he finished his training here he has been a tool to some congregations in the capital city. As he goes back, we have no doubt that he will be used to the growth and glory of the Kingdom of God.

Clive Kabika and Joseph Musonda have already positioned themselves to work with Roan congregation. They have been involved in evangelism programs at Roan Church of Christ. Albert Phiri is making his living through farming in Mpongwe district where he has a small piece of land. He is a very valuable tool in this area where there is only one active congregation. He has a plan to establish more congregations with the help of the one which is already there.

Boniface Sianjina the oldest and the only married student among the graduates is also doing some farming to support his family. He preaches on a regular basis at Mikomfwa church of Christ. And Stephen Ngosa who happens to be the youngest among the graduates wants to stay in the city of Ndola where most of his family lives. He is looking for a job to support himself and he is also planning to get married as soon as he settles down. He preaches regularly for a congregation in Ndola.

We really honor these men for the sincerity and commitment they pledged at the beginning of their training. They have proved to be so and we continue praying that the Lord will help them to remain so.

We were also very happy to see all our ten new students witness the honoring of their colleagues. It was indeed a momentous time. This will really leave an indelible impression upon our lives and that of the school.

We are very thankful to all the elders and all brothers and sisters on the Copper belt Province of Zambia who found time to come and grace the occasion with their presence. Brother Thomas Nzobo one of the elders at Kitwe Central Church of Christ was our quest of honor.

The gifts (Bibles and T-shirts) from Brother Donnie Estep for the students added value to the graduation ceremony. We continue thanking him for his generosity and his commitment for the work here.

Training of these men could not have been possible without the financial support of Woodland Oaks Church of Christ. We are truly grateful to them for their commitment.


Cephas and Fred

Posted on December 15, 2017 .

31 students in Haiti

The work at the International School of Theology – Haiti (IST) continues to move forward.  We now have a total of 31 full-time students.  We have seventeen students in the first-year class and fourteen in our second-year class.  The students and faculty are reaching to several locations throughout Haiti with the gospel.  We recently had a visit from one of the local government officials and he was very impressed with the work at IST.  The news of IST has traveled throughout Haiti and we get inquiries from congregations and individuals regularly.  Our teachers and directors are asked to conduct seminars and special classes.  We have also had people from other countries to request information about attending IST. At this time, we are not prepared to receive foreign students.  

 A new congregation will be planted on the campus of IST, January 14th, 2018.   Brothers Martial Viciere and Origin Beaubrun will serve as the ministers; both of these men are graduates of IST. Martial is now one of our teachers and Origin is one of the directors of IST.  There have already been several baptisms in the community through efforts of the faculty and students.   We plan to air our first services live via Facebook so I encourage you to join us on that day, if possible.  Since it will be stored on my Facebook page, you will be able to view it later.  

Our new facility is almost completed!  Due to the help of several congregations and the kindness of many individuals, we now have office space, three good size classrooms and a room for our visiting teachers.  We will now be able to add our third class in August of 2018.  There are still a few things that need to be finished but we can now use the entire building.   Our major need now is to make sure we have electricity.  Electricity in Haiti is never a sure thing on a daily basis.  We may go two or three days with no electricity and can only count on having electricity about four days per week and then only for a few hours. It is like this throughout Haiti.  Therefore, we are trying to raise $15,000 to purchase an 11KW generator and new batteries as well as install solar panels and finish the building. 

Thanks to all who help support the work in Haiti.  This is not my work but it is the Lord’s work in which I am privileged to serve. If you would like more information about the work in Haiti, you may reach me at 731.798.0136 or lwaymire@gmail.com.

Posted on December 15, 2017 .

A new van and evangelism in Ukraine

Ukraine students:staff.jpg

In Ukraine they are excited about the used van they have been able to obtain to help them in their evangelism. The previous van last 16 years and they are already putting this one to good use. Read all about it HERE

Posted on December 12, 2017 .

Busy in His business in Nigeria

Dear fellow ministers of God. 

Greetings from BVBIN and SWSE Ibadan and fellow WBSFUW in South West States of Nigeria. 
Our end of the years programs commenced earlier than scheduled. We shall be working on December 7-10 at Jago villages,Oyo State and Ileogbo town of Osun State in evangelizing in morning time and Open Air Bible Lectureship in the evening .I will be leading a group that will work in Jago village while Bro. Kayode Eniafe will lead the second group to work with Bro. Ayobami Ogunjimi and other preachers and WBSFUW in Ileogbo. 

On December 15-17,Bro.Kayode Eniafe  and Bro.Dele Shotola will be leading some of our students to evangelized Igbara -Odo in Ekiti State with Bro. Adebowale Olayisade while I will be busy working with Ikorodu Congregation and SWSE campus in Ikorodu, Lagos State and on Sunday will be speaking at a day Bible Lectureship in Meiran congregation, Lagos State on The preachers and the church. 

On December 22-24,we all shall be working with Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation, Ibadan in a three day mass evangelism. 

On December 25-27,we shall be working with Bro. Emmanuel Nwaorji and Bro. Dele Shotola in a three day Indoor  Bible Lectureship .

On December 28,2017 through January 4,2018 ,all our students will return to their respective congregations and return to the school Lord 's willing on January 6 for the rounding up of our second semester classes and tests. 

WEEKEND EVANGELISM /CAMPAIGNS :We  divided ourselves in to five groups for weekend evangelism and campaigns. A group of four worked with me in evangelizing Kute area of Ibadan. Another group of four worked with Bro. Dele Shotola at Felele and Molete area of Oluyole L. G. A while another group of four worked with Bro. Samuel Peter Ortserga in evangelizing Jago and Badeku towns of Ona -Ara Local Government Area of Oyo State. Another group of four worked with Bro. Emmanuel Godwin and that group were blessed with two converts . And the last two group worked with Bro. Kayode Eniafe and Bro. Abraham Idu Yeje at Asejire, Osun State and Akinwande village .

POULTRY FARM : thanks be unto God for using The Healing Hands International via Bro. Ebenezer Udofia for sponsoring a small scale poultry farm in our school compound. This program is costing over N800,000 for a start. Presently, the Healing Hands International via Bro. Ebenezer Udofia have sent us the sum of N700,000 which was used in the construction and purchasing of 140 layers which is at the point of laying. 

WORLD BIBLE SCHOOL PROGRAM  : Bro. Akilapa Samuel Timileyin, Bro. Samuel Ogunleye, Bro. Obey Rimamsikwe and Bro. John Serimam join Bro. Kayode Eniafe in the recruitment of over 1,000 prospects for the free WBS correspondence courses in Oyo, Ondo and Osun State in the last three weeks while Bro. Ukori Godwin Johnson assisted in sharing some of the next courses for students in rural areas of Okitipupa and Ode -Aye towns of Ondo State in the last two weeks. 

APPRECIATION : We appreciate you all for your great contribution towards the growth of the Lord 's church in Africa most especially in Nigeria. May the Lord keep on using you and us for His glory in Jesus Christ name, amen. 
Have a great and wonderful day. 

Yours in His Grace......

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi ( Director of Studies  & Chairman of Administrative Council, BVBIN and SWSE Ibadan and WBSFUW )

Posted on December 8, 2017 .

Classes, evangelism, and poultry in Takoradi

Dear Brethren,

We are happy to report to our operation for the month of November, 2017


Classroom work was successful for both the full time and part time classes. All full time students (13) and (16) part time students were in attendance. Also, all five instructors were present making us have a successful teaching and learning period    


The students continued their personal evangelism and visitation in the villages around the school. Both students and instructors’ efforts resulted in the baptism of seventeen (17) souls. The provision of the motor cycle has greatly enhanced the evangelism and visitation schedules of the school


Again, we are happy to report to you that we had a very successful operation of the poultry project. All two hundred and forty-three (243) have been sold. We already have placed an order for three hundred day-old chicks to be delivered  on Monday, 11th December, 2017. We also have placed an initial order for twenty (20) bags of broiler starter feed.


Our intended campaign for Christ which was fixed for the second week of December has again been re-scheduled. The brethren at Axim where we intend to have the campaign have reported to us that there have been a severe water shortage in the area. Taps are not flowing and the brethren believe until the problem is over, it would be difficult for us to have the campaign as planned. We are in talks with Shama congregation and would go there if our discussions are concluded successfully.

Thank you and God bless you all.

Charles Mensah

Posted on December 8, 2017 .

Challenges and excitement in Kenya

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Greeting from Kisumu Kenya.

This first week of December 2017 makes the end of 1st Quarter, 2nd year at the Kenya School of Preaching, Kisumu. The school had gone through various challenges occasioned by a disputed presidential election in August. The dispute led to daily violent protests and demonstrations that led to unfavorable environment for training and learning in general. The school had unusual breaks in two quarters to let the students go home to vote and to also seek refuge in a familiar territory and next to family when bullets were flying over the school and teargas was being felt within the compound. We thank God for keeping us safe during the dark period that led to several lives lost in Kisumu.

Whereas many families were mourning the loss of their loved ones through police brutality, KSOP family were also mourning the death of a student called Kevin Chabii. Everyone was shocked by the sudden death of this young promising preacher after a short illness. He left behind a widow and a daughter. We thank the Charlotte Avenue church and all the brethren who kept us in prayers and assistance during the time till burial. This was the first death of a student while still in school and was indeed challenging.

Despite the above, the faculty kept the school calendar on course and all the classes we taught as required by BVBI. Thanks to our coordinator Mike Reese and Peter Ray Cole who came to Kenya in the midst of the political crisis and taught two short course classes besides evangelizing the local villages within and outside Kisumu. Thanks for putting the Kingdom ahead of your very own lives. David Wasonga, Elias and Charles taught the other five classes and are excited to confirm that all went well.

The students have been great in class and in the field, two gospel meetings have been conducted in Bomet and Nakuru by the KSOP students, one “back to the bible” and another “Restoration plea” to bring people back to the New Testament church and worship. Personal evangelism has also been on top gear by the students and a total of 17 baptisms reported and 51 bibles studies established. Remember the students showed their zeal in the villages while the protests and demonstration were going on in major towns.

For almost six years now, KSOP has been using leased property to conduct the training. The property has served well despite the hiccups here and there. To overcome the hiccups that the school has been going through, Christians for Kenya bought land in Kisumu, 4km west of Kisumu International Airport. The buildings are going on well and we expect the students to move to the new facility in March next year 2018. Brethren, this is a milestone to Christians in Kenya and East Africa. We can’t thank you enough but great rewards awaits in heaven.

From Kenya, we wish you all Happy December holidays.


Charles Ogutu

Posted on December 8, 2017 .

David Ballard visits Cameroon

I am in Cameroon and wanted to give everyone an update on the work here on behalf of the directors. Randy Martin is teaching the book of I Corinthians in Wotutu while I am teaching the book of Galatians in Wotutu. Robin Martin is teaching “Holy Women of God” to the wives in Wotutu while Brother Glenn with Brother Giresse translating are teaching “The Home God’s Way” to the wives in Mbanga. 

The construction of the Mbanga Campus is almost complete and the construction of the Wotutu campus is about to begin. 

The two schools are still working together at times and independently at times in endless evangelism. Souls are continually being won to the Lord and new congregations are being established on a frequent basis. 

On Friday, David, Ititi, and Elangwe will start on more than a week long journey to the hinter lands of English Cameroon. We will be visiting some of our graduates who are working in some of the most remote and physically challenging villages in Cameroon. We are happy to be able to encourage the congregations, little children, and ministers face to face like the little boy in Mujuka. Jesus loves the little children and I do too. 

We thank you for your continued prayers and support.  This is your work. We are happy to be a part of it. 

We give God all the glory. May we honor him in our efforts. 

Blessings in Him Ephesians 1:3,

David Ballard

BVBI Coordinator

Posted on December 8, 2017 .

Successful evangelism in Zimbabwe


We always give glory and honour to God who gives us the ability and zeal to advance the cause of His kingdom. We are always grateful when we look back in the month and see the hand of God in a number of areas. To Him, we remain grateful.. This report gives a glimpse to some of the issues, successes and challenges that transpired in the month of October.


The past few months have seen the prices of consumer goods increasing because of a number of challenges the country is facing, both politically and economically. The following extract is a capsule of the situation;

Consumer prices in Zimbabwe increased 2.24% year-on-year in October of 2017, accelerating from 0.78% in September. It was the highest inflation rate since May 2013. On a monthly basis, consumer prices went up 1.54%, following a 0.38% rise in September.[1]

Cash shortages have also continued to haunt the majority of people. The shortages have remained the same for a number of months now. This is the environment that BVBIZ exists in and the school has not been spared either by these scourges. The rise in inflation has put more strain on the available resources. Our prayers are that things normalize. In the meantime, we request your prayers for both the country and the school.


On the 17th and 18th of November, the school held a strategic planning seminar in partial fulfillment of the subject “Church Growth.” Brother Zungunde, a specialist in the area, was the facilitator. The 17th was reserved for students only while a combined and practical session was held on the 18th. Church leaders from 3 congregations in Gweru benefited from the session. The major goal is to see congregations growing, strategic planning being a major ingredient. It follows that churches do not grow by accident or through haphazard methods or chaotic exercises but through a spiritual and well thought out and planned effort.


The current students at BVBIZ are left with just one term and a field practicum to finish their studies. The school is now increasing efforts to systematically develop them for the other life beyond BVBIZ. One route is to have experienced preachers in the field sharing their experiences and survival skills to the students. On the 16th of November, Brother George Muhura from Kadoma spent the day with students. The thrust was to help students to appreciate the need for self-development and to remind them of some survival skills to use as they preach.


Practicals are key at BVBIZ.  Weekly evangelism programs continued in the month of November. Students went to different areas in the month namely; Julena, Mkoba 12, Mkoba 17, Nahville, Insukamini, Mambo, Harben Park, Kwekwe and Gokwe. The efforts resulted in 7 baptisms.

The rain season is here. On the 25th of November, the school planted almost a hectare of maize. We are hoping to plant about a hectare of sugar beans later in the season. These will go a long way to cushion the school in terms of food requirements.


BVBIZ appreciates congregations that have requested our students to work with them during their 5 week break. The following table shows the students who availed themselves to the work and the congregations involved.


As BVBIZ goes for a break, we would like to thank everyone who has contributed one way or another to BVBIZ, materially, financially or morally. We appreciate all visiting teachers whose knowledge, dedication and sacrifices have taken BVBIZ to another level. The school could not be where it is now without your support. May the God of heaven remember you all as you do your part in the furtherance of this noble work.


Mathew Muchingam

Posted on December 8, 2017 .

Graduation in Tamale

School Re-opened:

The term began with our eighteen students reporting on November 5th. For the first time in several years all the students reported on the day before re-opening day and organized themselves for the school and the academic work. They began their first class with Francis Ayine on Old Testament and at the same time preparing the ground for the upcoming lectureship and graduation.

All our instructors are well committed and taking their lessons very serious with the students. The school management team and the board of directors are all up to the task and everything is fined.

Lectureship and Graduation:

The school organized three days lectureship and graduation to past out the five dedicated students who have successfully finished with their two years course of studies in the school, past students, and current students. The theme was: “WORSHIPING GOD IN TRUTH AND IN SPIRIT”. The topics and speakers were:

1. Worship in the Old Testament-Anthony Antumwini

2. Worship in the New Testament-Kojo Acquah Beenyi

3. Lord Supper (do this in remembrance of me)-Ken Kesse

4. Giving (God loves a cheerful giver)-Francis Ayine

5. Prayer (pray without ceasing)-Timothy Niligirni

6. Singing (praising God and speaking to one another)-Thomas Donzie

7. Preaching (preach the word)-Keith Kasarjian

8. Worship in Spirit and Truth-Steven Ashcraft

The attendance was: Past students 28, current students 18, other preachers 9, board members 7, Church members 32, and American brothers 2 making a total of 96. Everything was fine and we had a sweet fellowship. Both the current and the past students were greatly edified.

We want to express our gratitude to Brother Steven and the brethren in USA who took it upon themselves to sponsor this program. May the good Lord bless all of you for your love and kindness.

The students graduated were:

1. Dokurugu Enoch Bilfort from Bakpaba

2. Mbun Akudugu Ezekiel from Baku

3. Madan Simon Gnayor from Saboba

4. Joseph Konlaan from Abese

5. John Tobu Nignan from Gbingbaliga

Students Produced Maize

Our students did some farming this year and their labour was blessed with good harvest of maize. Currently the maize is stored. In the recent 2-day lectureship, we all ate two meals daily from food prepared with corn and that saved the school some money. We are planning to grow some peanut (we call it groundnut) and yam too.


We are grateful to have brother Keith Kasarjian visit us at Tamale. He spoke at our lectureship and was the Guest Speaker at the school’s graduation.


Alex Jabado

Posted on December 8, 2017 .

Graduation in Arusha

Charles Heberth emceed the commencement service for the 2017 graduation of the Arusha Bible School and the Andrew Connelly School of Preaching on Saturday, December 2, 2017, in Kisongo, Tanzania. It was standing room only, as Christians from all over the region came to watch these brothers and sisters graduate. The graduation began with a few moments of silence in memory of Cy Stafford, who passed from this life since the last class’ graduation. 

The staff and faculty at the school, Heberth, Ahimidiwe Kimaro, Desdery Massawe, and Michael Mitalani, David Bayi, Mason Norman, and Todd Storks, were on hand to congratulate these 15 men from ACSOP and 5 from Arusha Bible School.  The graduation highlights the importance of the work going on in this part of Tanzania. Bible studies and baptisms occur each week and the dedication of the men and women to teaching the distinctive truth of New Testament Christianity is most clear. 

Neal Pollard

Minister, Bear Valley church of Christ

Posted on December 8, 2017 .

The Director goes to Ghana

From Nov. 10-18 it was my pleasure and privilege to visit all 3 Bear Valley extensions in the country of Ghana. I was accompanied by West Africa Regional Director, Steven Ashcraft, who also planned everything. We had originally planned to visit the graduation in Kpalime, Togo, but political unrest made it too dangerous. 

We began in Accra, the largest city in Ghana, and visited the school in Nsawam/Doboro, which is on the outskirts of the city. This school has 12 full time students (who will soon graduate) and 30 in the extended program.

From there we went across to the city of Takoradi to visit the West Coast School of Preaching. I taught in this school in 2011 but have not been able to go back since then, so this was enjoyable for me. It was good to see some brethren that I had not seen in a long time and to visit with the current student body.

From there we made the long drive (12+ hours) to Tamale in northern Ghana. Tamale is a city of nearly a half million people and is 95% ethnic Muslim. While converting Muslims to Jesus remains a difficult challenge, the men trained in the Bear Valley extension there are doing an outstanding job withstanding against error. We were privileged to be able to attend the graduation and to witness the matriculation of the new class of 18 students!

We were blessed with safe travel and the fellowship of likeminded brethren. Counting those in the extended programs in Accra and Takoradi, there are nearly 100 students in Ghana. Please pray for them.



Posted on November 28, 2017 .

Donnie Estep report

Southern Africa (Zimbabwe & Malawi)  Report

October 2017

I recently returned from a very fruitful and enjoyable trip visiting our schools in southern Africa, beginning with Zimbabwe, then  finishing up the final week in Malawi. During my visit (September 29-October 23) I had the privilege of teaching in and meeting with our directors and staff at each of these schools. What a blessing it is to be a part of this great work and see firsthand all that God is doing through us to accomplish His purpose in saving souls and training men to preach. 

Ishmael a teacher at BVBI-Zimbabwe along with a brother from one of the churches in Bulawayo (Hailey Mlangeni) met me at the airport to take me the 2 hour trip to Gweru where the school is located. I was carrying with me 3 months of financial support (October/November/December) given to me by the brethren at Woodland Oaks to be delivered to the school in Zimbabwe. 

I enjoyed my time teaching the students and witnessing their progress as they continue to mature in their knowledge and experience as preachers! They have come a long way over the last year and a half. I taught the book of Romans and each of them did an outstanding job as they seemed to grasp this most challenging study in the short time I was with them. I look forward to attending their graduation in June of 2018.

These brethren are always planning and working to improve the school and find innovative ways to help fund the various projects as well as involve the local churches in helping to train these young men. They continue to do an outstanding job and I appreciate Matthew and the staff who in spite of the challenges keep moving forward! 

While there I was blessed to stay with a wonderful family (Raradza family) that not only provided me with a comfortable place to sleep and do my work but prepared delicious meals every evening along with great conversation and fellowship! They are an amazing family and a blessing for the church and school in Gweru! I am thankful for their gracious hospitality.

My final stop was in Malawi where the director Marc Veary and Bear Valley coordinator Ephron Vincent Mbano was there to meet me. I arrived in Lilongwe about 6 pm Sunday evening. We drove north to Mzuzu where the school is located arriving some time around 11 pm that night. I had to begin teaching the book of Ephesians Monday morning. This was the final class that the 15 BV students would need to complete as they would graduate the following Saturday along with the other 25 Mzuzu students. Although I was tired from traveling, seeing the students and all the staff at Mzuzu Bible college always refreshes me. It is exciting to be around faithful Christians that are so enthusiastic as they work, study and evangelize!

Marc and Christine are such great hosts, it is always so good to see them and enjoy their company, fellowship and hospitality. They could not be any more accommodating and gracious than what they have shown me over the last few years. Marc along with his able staff do an outstanding job in running the day to day operations of the school and in their training these men to be  effective Gospel preachers! They have (and will have) approximately 45-50 students including the Bear Valley students for the new school year beginning February 2018. 

I have enjoyed teaching these students the last 2 years and I am confident in their ability and potential as they return to their homes, towns and villages. The church in Malawi will reap these benefits for years to come. I have seen firsthand the positive affect the school is having on the local churches and the communities as a whole. Please continue to pray for these brethren and the great work that God is doing through them!  They  are  not  just  reaching the northern part of the country where the school is located but they are evangelizing even the southern and middle regions as well. They continue to do an outstanding and effective job.

The potential is great in Malawi and all of southern Africa including Zimbabwe in fulfilling God's mission, saving souls! There are many other things I could say and would be happy to share with you if you are interested.  If you are wanting to learn more or have an interest in supporting this work, or for that matter any of the Bear Valley extension schools please feel free to contact me or Bear Valley at www.wetrainpreachers.com.  

I am grateful to have a small part in this work and I am most thankful for all the wonderful supporters we have who pray daily and support these schools financially. I am especially thankful for Woodland Oaks and their commitment to world evangelism, also the congregation at Williamson Area that not only "puts up with me" but also so graciously allows me to travel twice a year to visit our brethren in Africa. "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen" (Ephesians 3:20-21).


Donnie Estep

Po Box 313

Ragland WV, 25690

Cell Phone (304)784-5416

Office (606) 237-4673

Email: donnieeatep@wv.net 





Posted on November 27, 2017 .

Progress in Takoradi

Dear Brethren,

We are happy again to report to our operation for the month of October, 2017


We had a successful classroom work for both our full time and part time classes. All thirteen full time students and sixteen part time students were in attendance. Also, all five instructors were present which enabled us have effective teaching and learning period.  


Brothers Mike Kiser and Bill Dillon from the US visited the school from 23rd to 31st October, 2017. Brother Mike Kiser taught the book of Hebrews while brother Dillon taught the gospel of John to the full time students. 


The students continued their personal eangelism and visitation to the villages around the school. Both the efforts of students and instructors resulted in the baptism of fifteen (15) souls.


We reported in our last report the securing of a Motor Cycle by an anonymous donor. This has greatly helped in the evangelism and visitation to the areas noted above. We thank the donor and pray for God’s continuous blessing for him/her.


We give a special report on the above student who has been very active ever since he came to this school. Very active in visitation and evangelism. Below are his particulars/information

1.     Full Name: Patrick Tieku

2.     Congregation: Accra Central, Greater Accra Region

3.     Age: 34 years

4.     Date of Baptism: 2011

5.     Support from Congregation: NIL

6.     Reasons for Attending Preaching School: Left his job to come to school because of his interest in the preaching work.

7.     Marital Status: Single

8.     Number of Children: NIL

He goes out five times a week spending an average of four (4) hours in visitation and evangelism work. He presently has over twenty prospects he visit and study with.


Our intended campaign for Christ has now been fixed for the second week of December. Funds for the campaign has already been provided by the Howe church.

May the good Lord bless all our sponsors. Very grateful to you all.

Thank you and God bless you all.


Posted on November 27, 2017 .

Good news from Ukraine

I recently told you about the 20th Anniversary celebration in Ukraine and now Director Denis Sopelnik has sent a report with pictures from that day, along with other happenings in Ukraine. See it all HERE

Posted on November 27, 2017 .

Good things happening in Accra!


Ebenezer, How far the Lord has brought us! The end of October and we have only November and December left for our second batch of students in their two years’ studies. They are counting the days daily.

Having directed by the school authorities, the teaching and non-teaching staff, the students and the congregation on visitation, extend her regards and appreciation for the numerous support you provide all times.

We in one accord say, the Lord keep you safe physically and spiritually and to restore in abundance the lost you made monthly for the growth of the school and the augment of the truth.


Attendance and Classes Hours

Instructors and Students are doing well to comply with the said time for reporting to class. As ordered by the Director and the staff, time is prudentially used to achieving the aim at the end of the day.

Method of Teaching

One of the best efforts made all times as instructors provide the necessary teaching methods and skills for the understanding of each course. The use of prescribed handout and other additions aid lessons to be understood and make the class more enthusiastic and lively.

Weekend classes

Always effective with part time students and instructors having their lessons taught as meeting academic expectations. Our Part Time department keeps on growing, we now have 30 students doing the Friday evening and Saturday classes. 


As part of the schools’ field work, the students have been attending to their assigned places weekly to help the church in the ministry. The churches are grateful for the students provided to them as they are renewed always during Bible class and exhortation. Enclosed are pictures showing the students and their performance at their assigned congregation.


Work on the rented building is in progress and it is about seventy percent complete. Even though it is not completed yet, the work done has been beneficial to both students and the instructors.


The new congregation established by the school is growing. One of the students, Dennis Boye Laryea goes there every week end to worship with them in Bible teachings and training the men to lead services. We plan to do a follow-up early next year.


Three of our 12 students in the Regular department are from Liberia. After their graduation they plan to go back and work in their home country. They came to Ghana as refugees and they are going back as Ambassadors of Jesus and preachers of the Word of God.   


We are glad to introduce to you one of our finest preacher, Emmanuel Akotuah. He is 55 years and has a wife with four children. He is preaching for one of the three congregations in a suburb of Accra our capital called Achimota. His congregation is called Main Road Church of Christ. This congregation is ten years. He has preached for this congregation for just one year and the attendance has rising from 180 to 230.

According to him the school had helped him to acquired much Bible knowledge and that is helping him to help the congregation with Bible knowledge and also able to train other men in the church.

Posted on November 27, 2017 .

Guest teacher in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone.jpeg

Hello Christian brothers in Christ,

We are greeting you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

We love you and wish you everything you could wish for yourself. You are really important in our lives. As we can now boast of training seventeen (17) matured men in the gospel to preach God’s word in the vineyard.

Lectureship – during this quarter, we are blessed with the teaching of Brother Dahn Robert of the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Liberia (Director) who helped us in restructuring and teaching the undiluted word of God to our students in Sierra Leone. Brother Steven also was here on a visit to oversee the work done by us in Sierra Leone.

We are grateful to these two (2) brothers for coming at the right time.

Thank you


Posted on November 27, 2017 .