Graduation in Zambia

The First Graduation for Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zambia

The first graduation ceremony was supposed to be on 14th October 2017 but it was postponed to 14th December 2017. We are very grateful as a school to see a sizable number of brothers and sisters come from around the Copper Belt Province to witness the honoring of our first graduates. It was also a very joyous moment to the six students that graduated.

Andrew Mwila came specifically for the graduation from Lusaka. He wants to settle in Lusaka and work as a bricklayer while he does his preaching. Since he finished his training here he has been a tool to some congregations in the capital city. As he goes back, we have no doubt that he will be used to the growth and glory of the Kingdom of God.

Clive Kabika and Joseph Musonda have already positioned themselves to work with Roan congregation. They have been involved in evangelism programs at Roan Church of Christ. Albert Phiri is making his living through farming in Mpongwe district where he has a small piece of land. He is a very valuable tool in this area where there is only one active congregation. He has a plan to establish more congregations with the help of the one which is already there.

Boniface Sianjina the oldest and the only married student among the graduates is also doing some farming to support his family. He preaches on a regular basis at Mikomfwa church of Christ. And Stephen Ngosa who happens to be the youngest among the graduates wants to stay in the city of Ndola where most of his family lives. He is looking for a job to support himself and he is also planning to get married as soon as he settles down. He preaches regularly for a congregation in Ndola.

We really honor these men for the sincerity and commitment they pledged at the beginning of their training. They have proved to be so and we continue praying that the Lord will help them to remain so.

We were also very happy to see all our ten new students witness the honoring of their colleagues. It was indeed a momentous time. This will really leave an indelible impression upon our lives and that of the school.

We are very thankful to all the elders and all brothers and sisters on the Copper belt Province of Zambia who found time to come and grace the occasion with their presence. Brother Thomas Nzobo one of the elders at Kitwe Central Church of Christ was our quest of honor.

The gifts (Bibles and T-shirts) from Brother Donnie Estep for the students added value to the graduation ceremony. We continue thanking him for his generosity and his commitment for the work here.

Training of these men could not have been possible without the financial support of Woodland Oaks Church of Christ. We are truly grateful to them for their commitment.


Cephas and Fred

Posted on December 15, 2017 .