The Recent Trip To Lebialem Proves Beneficial For Several Reasons...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon in this new month. We are doing great and just returned from a long trip with over 60 people to Lebialem for evangelism. I am sure you both entered into the new month with sound faith and good health.

Last week was also a busy one for the work here in Bear valley Bible Institute of Cameroon: Wotutu. Students were done with the first quarter exams and were there to watch their wives go through the ladies class for one week and thereafter. It was time to welcome the coordinator / minister, David Ballard to Cameroon. He is doing fine as we all were part of the mission work in Menji.

From Wednesday early in the morning, about 5 am, our students were up and some of our graduates were already in Wotutu ready to make the trip to Menji. At exactly 6 am we took off for the trip to Menji. It was an 8 hour drive from Wotutu, but praise be to God we made it safe before evening and started immediately visiting people in the community and the sharing of tracts.

We faced persecution from some of the tracts we gave out, “Why I Left The Catholic Church.” The Menji area is dominated by Roman Catholics. They took the tract to the authorities who gave us permission to come and evangelize the area. Standing on the grounds that we were out to get Catholic followers, so the authorities approached us and were ready to withdraw the permission they gave us because it was making the population feel different, but we stood in front of them and explained in details our mission to their area and the content of the tracts. Many of the authorities said they have gone through the tracts and they realized that the information inside is okay, but they were not satisfied with the title of the tracts. The Senior Divisional Officer of the area, who is the overall boss, before we departed Menji petitioned the other officers to find out from the Roman Catholics themselves why they are against that particular tract because we have freedom of speech in Cameroon and freedom of press. We learned our lesson and next time we shall caution our students to be logical when distributing tracts that are sensitive.

Thank you for your prayers. The trip was fruitful and we gave all the glory to God. Thanks to you who made it possible for us in one way or the other.

Both staff and students were in the hired bus that we used to go to Menji. It was 29 seats and we hired 2 buses. God was kind to us again this year for the provision of funds to travel with such a number of people to do His work in Menji. Last year the congregation in Menji was established and this February made the congregation one year old because our vision was to establish a congregation in Menji. By His grace we ended up establishing two congregations that are still faithful even though with some difficulties.

House to house all day long with a short lunch break was the program of activities. In one of the short lunch breaks, we enjoyed fellowship and visiting with other graduates. We would have stayed longer but we would not have met with them.

It was also time to encourage the young congregations in Lebialem area. They were eager to learn more because the motto is “You have known Christ, make him known to others.” I am happy with what God is doing in Menji. We saw the green light to dismantle all the strong holds of the evil one because as we move around we realized that many are captives by the traditional religion that have been there above 60 years now. The truth is penetrating even though meeting many, many stumbling blocks, but God is never a looser. Keep this work in your prayers.

Several sisters were great, as they were there for us making sure that food was ready on time and there was no delay, as we sat and waited for food. They were highly appreciated by us. Keep them in your prayers for their devotions in the things of God.

God blessed the work with souls, as we moved from one house to another knocking at the door. Even with the existing persecutions that some religious leaders were doing, all on their power, to make sure we are sent out and abruptly stopped our program and our vision. They were out to kill the vision and to kill the church of Christ in that area. Their persecution serves like a publicity for us because many wanted to hear the message we brought to their area that their leaders are stopping them from listening. God is God and He is not man. He makes things happen so that glory will go back to Him. Onorine Eche obeyed the gospel alongside 13 precious souls who saw the truth and could not wait any longer to obey it and wanted to live by the truth (John 8:36). Fourteen souls in total obeyed the gospel this year. Last year it was 27. Some, since we left have never worshipped because of the persecution that is befalling them, mostly dependents. Some were threatened to stop them from school because their parents told them they will not pay fees if they continue with the church of Christ and others were to be thrown out of homes because of Christ. Those persecutions can easily be handled by a mature congregations, but the Menji congregation could not handle it. Some were there and met us and still expressed their love for the church, but their situations.

The new converts were given a Bible, each which is a weapon that will help them stand firm to defend the truth and also to fight against any false teaching and discouragement.

One of the baptisms made me happy, because I know there will be no internal persecution, is a brother and his wife. Wow! Keep them in your prayers because both of them were proud to put on Christ and they are saying that nothing will pull them back instead. They are ready to start sharing what they heard with friends and families. Prayers will be appreciated for their efforts and zeal.

We took a family picture with the converts. What a God we serve. They were happy to see our humble life styles as we shared all things in common without any discrimination and pride as others do.

We start the last short course tomorrow Monday, March 7th, and by the end of it our students will go to 21 locations. Menji is inclusive for evangelism and nurturing. Keep them in your prayers.

God bless you for your love of the old rugged cross, that daily we lift up Jesus in all that we do, calling as many as the Lord will draw to Himself to come and join us follow Him. God bless you again and again and keep you long on earth as you continue to serve Him and humanity. When He comes you be remembered because of all that you do. If not for you I doubt how far we would have been now with this great work. Share this work with others.

Elangwe and Family
By His grace Director of BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on March 6, 2016 .

As A New Congregation Is Planted In Adeta, The Work Grows In Togo...

Church of Christ Now Meets In Adeta
Adeta is a commercial city about 30 minutes drive from Kpalime. The Chariot team was there in January to evangelize with the goal of planting the Lord’s church. 

Activities during the church planting exercise included: house to house Bible study, public preaching, a film show at night, and tract distribution. Activities were climaxed with a worship service on Sunday. Though only one person was baptized, there are fifteen prospects that are now going through serious home Bible studies. 

On the first Sunday after the campaign, the team rented a warehouse as a temporary place of worship. They have since started looking for a permanent place of worship. 

We have plans to use a nucleus from the Kpalime churches to join visitors in Adeta for worship each Sunday. We plan to organize periodic outreach programs there by mobilizing workers from congregations in the Kpalime area to visit the church and spend an entire day conducting house to house Bible studies. We shall need a $100.00 a month support for the preacher who is planning to work with this new congregation. 

At The Preacher’s Meeting
The preachers in the Kloto Region meet on the first Monday of each month to discuss pertinent issues as they relate to the development of congregations in the region. These men have remained committed to the work in spite of the difficult circumstances under which they work. We need financial assistance for these men to motivate them to even do better. The congregations they work for are still young and are not financially sound to support their preachers. 

Fencing BVBI-Togo Vegetable Garden
On my recent trip to Kpalime, we commenced the fencing of the property acquired for the vegetable production to feed the students and also generate income to support some of our mission efforts. We need partners in this agriculture project. 

Teaching a mid-week Bible Class in Kpalime, Togo
I had the opportunity to teach the first mid-week Bible class in 2016. I used the occasion to start the first in the series of lessons titled “Disciplines for the Disciple.” I encouraged the church to seriously consider personal spiritual exercises that draws one closer to God, such as prayer, fasting, giving, fellowship, church attendance, singing, benevolence etc. 

Time With The Chariot Team
I always spend time with the committee that works with the Gospel Chariot. On this occasion we assessed our performance during the previous year and our plans for 2016. The Gospel Chariot has rekindled the spirit of evangelism in the Kloto Region of Togo. Many have been led to Christ, new churches have been planted, and the Church of Christ has become very popular in the area. 

Report by: Willie Gley 

To see Willie’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on March 6, 2016 .

Two New Students Join The Program This Month In Ukraine...

Hello brothers, families, and churches. 

In my letter I want to share with you some news about the events in the lives of local churches, the Institute, and the events in Ukraine. 

Still the military actions in the east of the country continue to take place, and at the moment they are very slowly progressing. In a result of the military clashes peaceful citizens suffer the most. The checking points that connect territories of Ukraine and those republics that are under insurgents control are sometimes closed. And many people cannot visit their relatives or solve issues with their documents or receive social security payments for weeks. Please pray for the solution of this conflict. 

The Institute functions well and steadily. In February, first-year students had 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings and 1-2 Chronicles. Second-year students had 1-2 Peter and Jude and Personal Evangelism. We thank Ukrainian teachers who sacrifice their time and strength to prepare future preachers. Right now Denton Landon teaches Isaiah and Michael Underwood teaches 1-2 Timothy and Titus at the Institute. We thank them for their help and ministry. 

There are two new students who joined the BV program this month. Dmytro Levenets is a very faithful and responsible brother from the Ternopil church of Christ. He is 24, and he is willing to be a minister in God’s Kingdom. I’ve known him for many years, and we’ve had many conversations about him studying at Bear Valley. Many workers of the Institute talked to him and only this year he made the decision to become part of our study program. Another brother is Sergey Tsutko from the Nikopol church of Christ. A local preacher advised us to let Sergey join our program, considering him to be a gifted student and a good evangelist. Thus, we have 8 students in the program, four men in the first-year class and four men in the second-year. 

We still are actively searching for students for the next school year. Brothers Alexey and Andrew visited Nikopol where they preached at the church and rehab center, did an advertisement for the Institute, and recruited students. As I have mentioned earlier, Sergey has joined our program as a result of this trip. Last month I visited Skvyra and Kyiv, and I had an opportunity to preach there and tell about the work of the Institute. We might have students for the next school year from these towns. We have some good prospective students at the moment. Please pray for them and their decisions. 

At the beginning of February we had a meeting of church of Christ ministers in Kyiv. Bear Valley Bible Institute organizes these meetings. There were about 40 representatives of the churches of Christ from all over Ukraine at this meeting. I taught a class on the topic “Sound Interpretation of the Bible: Basics of Hermeneutics.” Brothers from Kyiv and Chernivtsi also had the floor. The purpose for these meetings is deeper study of the Bible and spreading the sound doctrine. of course. To my surprise, these meetings received wide support from many brothers and leaders of local congregations. They supported my idea of gathering from time to time and studying the Bible. The next meeting we plan to have in Dnipropetrorvsk. I hope it will be even greater event and we expect ministers from all churches of Ukraine to come. 

We continue to evangelize actively. I think it is a vital part of preacher’s ministry. Sometimes we evangelize on the streets of the town. We take out the tables and the tent and give away Bibles and spiritual literature. We try to talk to people and invite them to study the Bible. Also we plan to give an ad to the local newspaper and invite citizens of the town to come to the Bible studies. We’ll see what method would be more effective. 

The local congregation is doing well. Unfortunately, there were no baptisms yet. However, the church became more active. There are classes for Christians almost every day. The Bible school for kids functions well. They started having youth group meetings. It’s very comfortable for me to cooperate with the local preacher, Konstantin. I think we are an encouragement for this church, as it is for us. 

We send our greetings and gratitude for the support of the Institute, students, and teachers. Thank you for your prayers and personal letter that encourage me. 

You brother and coworker,
Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on March 6, 2016 .

A Little Down Time Before The Tempest In Paraguay....

Greetings from Paraguay where it is currently blistering hot, summertime! February is typically one of the hottest months of the South American summer and everything usually moves a little slower due to the intense heat. People tend to take vacations just before school starts in March, favorite swimming holes are overcrowded, and under almost every shade tree you will find groups of Paraguayans sitting around drinking their beloved tereré. Andrea and I have been taking advantage of this down time to prepare for our upcoming furlough to the States by preparing lessons, organizing travel, lodging, and logistics, and getting the house ready .... oh, and Andrea has already started packing her suitcases (yes, a month before we leave)!

Developments at the Avenida Sacramento Iglesia de Cristo
Our Sunday morning Bible classes have been from a series on “The Transformed Life.” The men are taking turns teaching and it is going very well!

The men have also been continuing their plans for future church planting. Brother Enrique Albera has volunteered to be the coordinator for the planning group and they will be meeting once a month to develop a comprehensive strategy.

Things have been really quiet around the building lately. The interns and others who were living there have all moved out, plus the students and the church secretary are on vacation. It sure is a stark difference to the normal busy days - which will start back up again next month!

New Developments at the Asuncion Bible Academy
The students have been on a well deserved three week break and will begin classes again on February 29 to start their second year of studies.

The men of the congregation have begun an active search for the next Director of the Bible Academy for after I leave in March 2017. In order to facilitate a smooth transition, they will also begin to be more involved in all the decisions for the Academy over the next year. They are very pleased with the results of the Bible Academy and would like to see it continue for many years to come.

All of our teachers are currently busy preparing their materials for their classes for the next quarter.

New Developments at the Iglesia de Cristo of Ñemby
The brethren at Ñemby have secured a new place to rent in the city of San Lorenzo as a place for worship and study! They are hoping this will be a better location for all of the members in Ñemby and for those that come from Capiatá and San Lorenzo. It is located on one of the main traffic routes and has easy access from all the bus routes. Our missionary to Ñemby, Eliezer Perez, also lives relatively close to the new location, so he and the brethren are really excited about the possibilities for evangelizing the new area!

Eliezer currently has several Bible studies going that he says have good potential for baptism soon. We ask that you keep all new contacts and studies in prayer.

Personal Developments and Activities
Andrea and I had a literal “Lights Out” experience this past month! One night about 11:30 pm, the electricity went out. Although this is pretty common during the summer months due to the heavy load that the air conditioners put on the system, usually the power is restored within a couple of hours. Not this time! There was a fire at a substation that took out service for more than 100,000 people. When the average temperature is well over 100 degrees daily, trying to work, sleep, or do anything is really difficult without electricity. Fortunately, we found a hotel that had power (and a pool), so we turned a bad situation into a little “mini” vacation and we were able to get some work done after all. “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!”

 I had the opportunity to preach at the Ñemby church of Christ last month. It turned out to be the last sermon at the Martinez’ home (where the church had been meeting) because they moved to their new facility the next week.

I finally finished the newly edited and revised version of the “Fundamentals of the Faith” book that I wrote in Spanish. It has been a long time coming, but it has also finally been sent to the publishers to prepare for printing! Andrea and I are now diligently working on an English version of the book because many have said they like the format of the Spanish version and would like to see it in English. Who would have ever thought that one day we would be translating our own Spanish words into English?

After earning my Black Belt in Taekwondo, I decided to start taking classes in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. One day, I was casually chatting with my instructor, Roberto Romero, when he started asking me questions about the Bible (he knows I am here as a missionary). So, I answered his questions and then he invited me to his home to discuss it more! Andrea and I had a great visit and Bible study with him and his wife, Jazmin. We encouraged them to start reading the Bible and we’re praying there will be more opportunities to study.

Troy and Andrea Spradlin

To see the report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on March 6, 2016 .

Preparing The Shamba In Arusha For The Long Rains...

This month was a race against time to get the shamba (garden) planted before the long rains began. We are happy to say, we were successful. This month we planted our one-acre raised beds in corn, and also planted another four acres in corn. We will wait until the corn begins to shoot up, then we will plant all five acres in beans, also. All of this was planted by Friday, and the rains came on Saturday.

The students are back at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. As a part of their curriculum, they are now working in the shamba every Wednesday. We, along with the school, think this will be a huge asset to them and their villages when they return home. We teach them about all of the different areas (crops, cows, chickens, etc.) in the hopes they will take the knowledge of one of these areas home with them and help themselves and those around them.

Justin continues his series on “Church Growth” at the Ilkiurei Kanisa la Kristo. It has been a successful series so far and many of the members have asked Justin for his notes to study further. 

On Saturdays, Justin is also continuing to teach classes for the teens at Kisongo Kanisa la Kristo. The teens have asked him how to evangelize to their friends, and as a result this subject has been their focus.

Every Thursday, Justin, Daniel, and some of the guys from the Shamba are now evangelizing in the community we live in (Kisongo). They are conducting personal Bible studies with the friends and family of our community and we are thrilled for this new opportunity to share the Gospel.

One other opportunity the Lord has laid before us came about this month. One of the locals, Nester, conducts Bible studies in the same area as our last children’s seminar. The Pentecostal church is prevalent in this area. Nester had the opportunity to speak to one of the Pentecostal preachers about the New Testament Church. As a result, he asked if Nester would come and speak to his entire congregation. Nester asked Justin and Daniel Gaines if they would come. The first meeting was merely introducing themselves to this man’s church and telling them we would like to conduct a series on Acts and the church of the New Testament with them. This has the potential to be a great evangelistic opportunity and we need your prayers for this effort. 

Anna taught a lesson, the first Saturday of February, on “Hospitality” to the preacher’s wives. She used the example of Nabal’s wife, Abigail, before directing the lesson toward the book of James. The women were very open and had many questions since this is a subject they struggle with in their culture. Anna also continues to teach the women at Kisongo Kanisa la Kristo on Sunday mornings. They have just finished the book of Genesis and are starting Exodus. It has been a great class and a challenge all in one. Most of the women know nothing from the Old Testament and the class has been challenging as a result. 

Samantha’s children’s class at Kisongo Kanisa la Kristo has expanded from 15 children the first Sunday in January to over 40 children! They have finished the book of Genesis and are moving through Exodus. She and Anna have been working on Bible material for the women when Samantha leaves. The class will be split up by age, 5 years and younger will have their own class, and those 5 and up will have their own class. The young children will have to meet outside, so when it rains they will all be together like they currently are. This past Sunday they studied Moses parting the Red Sea and were astonished when they walked into class and Samantha and Anna had created a “sea” for them. 

We are excited that our friend and preacher, Garry Hill, will arrive this Friday. He will teach a short course at the school and teach a seminar on “Archeology and the Bible.” Samantha will then return to the States with him on March 17th. Please pray for both of them. Also, please remember brother Cy Stafford in your prayers. He was moved to rehab, and while he has a long road ahead of him we pray for complete healing. 

Justin Maynard

Posted on March 6, 2016 .

Student Outreach Program Begins This Month At ACSOP...

“…the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them in pairs ahead of Him to every city and place where He Himself was going to come,” Luke 10:1 (NASB). As I was studying and meditating on this verse I came to realize that soon after Jesus had trained these men He sends them out to preach the Gospel. This month, about 40 students from ACSOP (28 from first year and 12 from second year) will be involved in an evangelism program in about 16 congregations around the area. This program was started a few years ago by our brother Cy Stafford who is a coordinator of the TZ2000 mission. As we all know Cy is still sick, but the Lord has been so very good to him. Our fasting and praying for him has encouraged his family and many others who love the Lord’s work here in Africa. 

Because of him the faculty of ACSOP have seen a need to continue with this program for our current and new students. This is something he would love to see continue and move in the right direction. In the text above we also learn that our Lord sends His disciples where He Himself was to go. Preachers have been asked to be part of this program. This quarter each student will receive a grade on this outreach program as part of their academic development. We asked the preacher to work hand in hand with our student and they agreed to do so. It is our hope and prayer that this program will bring forth much fruit to the kingdom here in Arusha and beyond.

As I have followed reports from preachers and evangelists of congregations around the area, I found that 28 out of 42 men and women who were converted through this program are still faithful to the Lord. I encourage you to keep praying for the many good things that happen here at ACSOP because the Lord is always good to us. I will always keep you updated of this wonderful program of reaching out to lost souls with our students.

Thank you again for your support and prayers, as we all continue to work for Him and the Kingdom.

In Him

Godfrey Mngoma
Dean of Students, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on March 6, 2016 .

Dreams For A Water Supply Come To Fruition In Nigeria...

Beloved in Christ Jesus,

Grace, peace, and mercy be multiplied unto you all from God our Father and from our Lord and Sustainer, Jesus Christ.

As the Lord would have it, our dream of having a borehole at SWSE & BVBIN’s main campus in Butubutu finally became a reality. The students and staff and our community friends were all happy when the job was finally completed on March 2, 2016.

We are very, very, very thankful to brother Doug Wheeler and associates, brother Bill Pennell and his wonderful family, and to brother Steven Ashcraft and associates. We thank you all, our partners, for your wonderful and tireless prayer and care. May the Lord of blessing continue to bless all our undertaking in Jesus Christ name, amen.

Brethren, the students and staff of SWSE & BVBIN resume for the third semester from February 29 through April 29, 2016. Brother Abiola Joseph Olusoji will teach on Christian Evidences, Hermeneutics 2, and the book of James. Brother Isaac Olaniyan will teach on the Life of Christ 3, John, 1, 2, and 3 John,, and World Religions. Brother Kayode Solomon Eniafe will teach on 1st Corinthians, OT History 2, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude, while I (brother Makinde Ebens) will teach on Doctrines 1, Doctrines 2, Christian Home, and Practical (Textual sermon). Our computer instructor, sister Esther, will continue instructing our students and preachers every Monday and Thursday between 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm, and our campus minister will continue leading us in our weekend evangelism.

He, brother Abraham Idu Yeje led the students and staff and some of my co-WBSFUW to Oyo and Osun state to evangelize the Baale Ayo area of Osun state on their first weekend evangelism in this third semester on Saturday, March 5, 2016.

I taught during our morning devotion between 5:00 am - 5:45 am from February 29-March 4 on The Surprises of God of the Bible. Study on Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses and lastly on Peter. Our campus minister, brother Abraham Idu Yeje taught on Christian Relationships during our Wednesday Bible Class between 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm.

I taught on Church Growth in the evenings of March 4-6 in Lagos state. To God be the glory.

Happy new month to you all. I wish you the best of this month of March 2016.

Once more, we thank you all for your labor of love. May the Lord continue to bless all our work together in Jesus Christ name, amen.

I remain yours in His grace as a servant,
Brother Makinde E. Olufemi (Minister)

Posted on March 6, 2016 .

The End Of The Quarter Nears And New Schools Prepare To Open...

UPDATE: The latest news on Cy Stafford continues to be encouraging. Cy is currently involved with physical therapy to get his strength up so he might continue to receive chemotherapy. We ask you to continue praying for our brother that God will help him recover that he might do the things he loves most. Thank you.

By the end of the week, students in Denver will complete the first quarter of 2016 and the third quarter of the school year. As they complete their assignments and take final exams, they will embark on several campaigns around Denver and other parts of the country. Campaigns afford them an opportunity to share what they learned over the last few months and, once the campaign is finished, they will have a week to recuperate and let their minds rest until they begin the last quarter of the school year. Please pray for the efforts of the campaigns, but also for potential students who consider how they can attend Bear Valley as a part of the new class in August.

Reports from various extension schools also indicate an exciting week of training and outreach. Reading through the news each week about the efforts of these men, who share the good news with such excitement, encourages all of us. We encourage you to read through this week’s news and continue to pray for the work of these men.

New schools will soon be added to the extension family. We anticipate the new school in Fiji to open in a few months, once all the governmental regulations are met. We ask you to pray for the people in Fiji, as they recover from the affects of one of the largest hurricanes on record. In hindsight, we feel it a blessing that the school was delayed in starting while the island areas recover. 

Plans for the new school in Zimbabwe are in place and it looks like students will begin in April. We ask you to pray for them as they begin training. Also, remember the brethren in New Zealand while final preparations are made to open the doors to train a good number of men from two locations in this wonderful country.

With schools now in Malawi, Zambia, and new schools preparing to open in Zimbabwe, Fiji, and New Zealand, we are excited about the growing interest in extension training. Please join us in prayer about the growth of the work in the year ahead.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Read the latest report from Gary Fallis by clicking here.

Extension Reports

Ladies Classes, BCA, And BVBIC-Wotutu Make An Impact In Cameroon: Along with news about the progress of the program, this report also includes a special prayer request.

The First Year Of Studies Comes To An End And Year Two Is Coming: Students at the French-speaking school in Mbanga, Cameroon continue to make their way through the program.

Students Completed Vocational Classes Last Week In Nigeria: Vocational training is part of the program in Nigeria and benefits students in providing for their financial needs upon graduating.

Earthquake Relief Is Distributed In Nepal For The Work: A recent meeting among church leaders in Nepal provided decisions on relief for the Lord’s people in Nepal.

The Providence Of God Is Seen In Arusha, Tanzania: Who would have thought that a phone fall from Ghana might have such an impact on the work in Tanzania? But, it did.

Mission Printing Provides Great Blessing To The Work In East Africa: A recent container with millions of tracts arrived in Tanzania and will benefit the program in all of East Africa.

Final Thoughts
Thank you for continuing to read the reports each week, and thank you for your love of this work. We know that the success of any program rests in the hands of God and we appreciate your willingness to be a tool in His hands for the furtherance of the kingdom through the Bear Valley Bible Institute. We consider it a blessing to work with you in this endeavor.

God bless

Posted on February 28, 2016 .

Mission Printing Provides Great Blessing To The Work In East Africa...

Greetings fellow workers,

God continues to bless the work here and demonstrate His goodness. It's an honor to serve Him alongside of each of you and together with the soldiers of Christ here. 

Bible Tracts
We are absolutely thrilled that Mission Printing has chosen to send a treasure trove of biblical tracts and materials to us. This week an entire shipping container of materials arrived at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. We'll serve as a distribution point, and some of these materials will go to other mission points across East Africa. As you can tell from the pictures, there's plenty to go around. This will be a great blessing to the work here. 

Area Reports
Here are some excerpts from reports we received from some of the area preachers about the work at their congregations. Be encouraged at all of the work being done for our Lord.

From Yusuph:
The outline of Baptisms and restorations for all congregations on Lake Zone this February,

USHIROMBO - 3 restored
LULEMBELA - 13 souls
IMALAMAGIGO -8 souls IBAMBULA - 3 restored
SUNVE - 4 souls restored and 5 baptisms.

From Joseph Juma Withare: 
For the last two months, I established 12 Bible Classes with 25 people. Right now I have 15 Bible Classes with 31 people. I was also visiting the church members who were back sliding for many years. I succeeded in restoring one, also working for other back sliders.

From Ibrahimu Mrutu at the Kisongo church:
The church is rapidly increasing it’s number; the attendance now is awesome. We are absolutely thankful to the mighty God for the great chance to preach the Gospel.

The great challenge that we have is building. Our current building is now small; some times members stands outside.

From Hamidu Mohamed at the Kazibizyo church:
Within this February, God has added 10 souls (ten) in his kingdom. The big effort caused this result to appear. Look at the results in January. If you remember, I wrote 20 twenty souls were obedient, so that we have 30 new converts within these two months, and according to these results, the number will increase because the church made plans to encourage every believer to make sure they invite their neighbors or relatives or friends, so the work of evangelism becomes very easy.

Cy Update
We rejoice that Cy's cancer has gone into remission.  He is currently undergoing physical therapy in an effort to get strong enough to continue on with the treatment plan. Please continue to pray for him.

Enjoy some pictures from the week on our blogpost:

Till all have heard...
Daniel Gaines
for Cy Stafford

Posted on February 28, 2016 .

The Providence Of God Is Seen In Arusha, Tanzania...

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Mathew 20:28). This command is to every one who believes in Him. The Lord gave this command without telling us how we should go about fulfilling it, but rather He just wants us to go. In our present age, we have many venues of which we can use as we go about fulfilling this command and yet most of us we still do not do that. 

In December last year, I received a message for “a brother” from Ghana whose name is Solomon. I do not know how he got my number, but that was not a big deal. He introduced himself as a brother in the Church of Christ from Ghana, and he had been communicating with several people in Tanzania through “WhatsApp.” He sent messages to me with names and contacts of those people, asking me if I would study more with them in the Bible. He thought I lived close to them, but all the contacts were more than 400 miles from where we are. I then tried to call all those contacts to see if they existed. Finally, I was able to direct them to the Lord’s Church which was close to them. One of those contacts was a lady known as Rahel who lives in the Geita area. I called brother Yusufu Mdaki and asked him if he would go and study with her. Yusufu went and as he arrived there, Rahel invited her neighbors so that they could all study together. A brother was born from that study and now the church will soon be established in that area. 

Therefore, we should not underestimate the power of communication. We can bring as much as we can in His Kingdom, just by clicking the buttons of our phones from home. 

This is but one of the stories of what is going on in the Lord’s Kingdom here in East Africa. It would not be possible if you had not supported us through your prayers and finances. May the Lord bless you beyond measure. 

Please do not forget to continue to pray for our beloved brother Cy who is still sick in the hospital. 

Your servant in His Kingdom, 

Charles Mwanga,
Andrew Connally School of Preaching. P.O. Box 14041, Arusha – Tanzania

Posted on February 28, 2016 .

Earthquake Relief Is Distributed In Nepal For The Work...

Yesterday we had a meeting of eight local church leaders at my apartment. There were three main topics for that meeting.                                                                                  

Lectureship at the Nepal Center For Biblical Studies March 8-11. We are expecting about 60 visiting church leaders from many areas of Nepal and also some from India. Arrangements are being made for their transportation, lodging, and food. We discussed the class schedule, centered on the Book of Acts, and the teachers. Friday afternoon we will distribute money to the various areas for rebuilding homes destroyed by the earthquakes in April and May.

Earthquake Fund:  
We have some funds that are at our discretion regarding their use, about $102,040.
We have other funds with loose directions for their use, about $30,000.

We have other funds where we have to follow strict directions, about $120,000.

This latter is from a non-Christian organization that trusts us to distribute their money as directed.

Christians and non-Christians in the high mountains will benefit from these funds.

On Friday we will distribute the following funds:

Our Money: $80,000: $22,000 will be held for future distribution.  Hopefully it will also grow.

$29,000 will go to Rashuwa District
$29,000 will go to Makawanpur District
$13,000 will go to Thanhun District
$9,000 will go to Chitwan District

Limitations: $30,000 This will be given to church leaders from 8 villages in the high mountains.
Discussions with them will determine the wise and fair use of these funds.

Strict Directions: We have already assisted with the first distribution of $10,000 in November.
I spoke with the Director of this group on the phone last night. I will receive directions before our lectureship begins. They have adopted one mountain village, so all this money will go to those 160 families. This village won the lottery.

New Building for Nepal Center For Biblical Study:
Gajendra’s family donated the property. Our original estimate for our new school building was $50,000. We now have $50,720 in the bank. Another $7-10,000 have been promised.

City officials are making new standards for construction. The architect and builder now give a new estimate of about $90,000.   

That means we need another $30,000.

We also discussed our monthly Kathmandu Valley Fellowship meetings. Next Saturday, it will be at the Putali Sadak congregation. 

It is encouraging to us and to many others to see all the good that is being done. It is daunting to know how much more is needed in the immediate and near future. We are extremely grateful for the support in prayers, suggestions, and financial aid from our foreign brothers and sisters. We are also thankful for the work of many Nepali leaders, both men and women. Our prayer is that God will supply the needs of so many impoverished and displaced families, and that we can use our time and resources wisely to help meet these needs.

We should have more information after our March 8-11 meeting. Many of these villages are difficult to reach from Kathmandu which means pictures are not plentiful. Hopefully we will also get pictures from our visitors.

In service to our loving and generous God,

Posted on February 28, 2016 .

Students Completed Vocational Classes Last Week In Nigeria...

Beloved in Christ,

Grace, peace, and mercy be multiplied unto you all from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer.

I bring greetings from the students and staff of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Nigeria, Southwest School of Evangelism, Ibadan, and from my co-WBSFUW in Oyo, Osun, and Ogun state. We are grateful to you all for your concern, care, prayers, love, financial support, and the goodwill you have extended to this Bible Institute since her inception in year 2003. “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer for you all, in view of your partnership and faithful commitment to the course of Christ from many years ago until now. For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Our students will complete their one month vocational studies on February 26 in preparation for the third semester classes of February 29 to April 29, 2016.

The students and staff of BVBIN & SWSE-Ibadan and my co-WBSFUW were actively involved in the weekend evangelism of February 6, 13 & 20 at Egbeda -Oyo state, Ilisan-Ogun state and Oroge / Aronfolu / Oriapata of Oyo state which resulted in the conversion of five and restoration of five erring Christian.

As scheduled, I start teaching on Church Growth at Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation, Ibadan on February 14 and hopefully will conclude the first part on February 28 due to my assignment with three Lagos congregations from March 4-6, 2016 where I will be speaking on “Factors To Church Growth,” Meiran on March 4, Owutu on March 5, and Isheri-Oshun on March 6.  

World Bible School: Five thousand WBS Introduction Lessons were shared during this year’s Great Workshop 2016 and three hundred returned introductions were posted on Tuesday to WBSTC, brother Joel Coppinger for teachers in USA to grade and order next lesson for the students.

Coworkers: Brother Matthew Adeyemi reported the conversion of one and restoration of three in the month of February at Lusada-Ogun state. Brother Dairo Abiodun Joseph and his team in Ogun state continue their monthly preaching trip around villages in Ogun state with the intension of planting the Lord's church in any of the receptive villages. Brother Abiola Joseph Olusoji also reported the conversion of one and restoration of one family at Agege congregation in this month of February, while brother Mfon Etim and brother Okoro Chinyere and the WBSFUW in Ikorodu-Lagos continue in their joint efforts in the preaching of the sound gospel within Ikorodu town and villages.

Southwest Kiddies Academy: Our kiddies academy is growing rapidly. We now have 35 students.

We received the approval from Ministries of Health, that of Work & Environment, and Lord willing, before May we shall complete the registration of the Kiddies Academy with Oyo state Ministry of Education.

Borehole: Due to the scarcity of water during the dry season, I decided to borrow the sum of N1,200,000= from my banker on Friday, February 19, 2016 before the arrival of $5,000 from brother Doug Wheeler and associates and the balance of $1,000 from brother Steven Ashcraft and associates in March 2016, so that one of the best borehole companies in Western states of Nigeria will help us dig the borehole at our main campus in Butubutu village-Ibadan in this dry season.

We commenced the digging of a borehole at our main campus in Butubutu with hope to complete the job before March 7, 2016. We thank you all for your love, care, and goodwill. May God keep you all, our partners, strong and healthy and extend your days of usefulness in His earthly kingdom, is our fervent prayer.

Yours in His grace as a servant,
Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Minister)

Posted on February 28, 2016 .

The First Year Of Studies Comes To An End And Year Two Is Coming...

Greetings from Cameroon. I am sorry for always sending our report after Sunday, but this is because of poor network communications in some areas of our country.  Nevertheless we have been doing great in Mbanga, both in the congregation and in the school.

You can't imagine how time flies. In two weeks time we shall be done with the first year in our studies and all the students are doing great, so too the instructors, as everybody finished with their courses and submitted their exams for typing and printing.

I spent a few days in Nigeria at Orung Esung in Uyo state. Our mission work was successful as we went on preaching and visiting some some congregations. We were also given the opportunity to preach a Bible study, which pricked the heart of many people in that big assembly with many questions. Our trip was a nice one, most especially at it was my first time preaching out of Cameroon.

We still continue with our weekend evangelism, and this weekend brother Dantouji went to Manbanba in Douala where they had a joint worship with all four assemblies in Douala. This was a great opportunity for a young school to be known more, and people’s interest was piqued. At the end of it, many people requested our application sheets. Even some from the North went back to advertise the school to candidates who will wish to apply next semester.

Exams for this semester are to begin this week, so brethren, keep on praying for these students. We shall be expecting our short-course instructor this weekend and he will begin teaching by Monday next week. This will last for two weeks, and afterwards, students will travel for an evangelistic campaign to various congregations in and around Cameroon. 

Have a blessed day in the Lord and a safe journey to Cameroon.     


Posted on February 28, 2016 .

Ladies Classes, BCA, And BVBIC-Wotutu Make An Impact In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brethren here in Cameroon, we are doing great and God is blessing the work we do. We do hope you are doing great. That is our expectation, that you be of health even as your soul prospers.

The “Back to the Bible” early morning program continues to make waves, as our students proclaim the gospel to the hearts of many in Wotutu community, as early as 5 am while people’s minds are still fresh and empty.

A man called my mobile number and asked a question for us to show from the Bible where John the Baptist was baptized as we are calling on all to obey the truth and be baptized.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu was free for our students as they were done with exams and the week was spent sharing the gospel daily from different locations as the van that takes students and keeps them there, goes back in the evening and get them back to school , it was great .Because their wives were in school studying for one week. It was great to have them sit down and study and ask questions to build them up.

Current students’ and instructors’ wives were in Wotutu again for the second edition of their class. This time around it was for a class on “General Bible Knowledge.” It was really rich, as it took the ladies through the entire Bible books and wonderful day to day topics that every Christian is supposed to live with. I taught the class and it was great. Many thanks to sister Robin from STC congregation who took her time to compile the notes. It was practical for preachers’ wives to keep those words in their hearts and manifest them in their ministries.

Because the class was short and the level of their reasoning was also, we needed an aid which will help the ladies gather as much information as is required of them. We bought a new flat screen TV to place in our church hall with a DVD player. This serves the sisters to listen and follow the many songs that the sisters at STC put together for them to sing the books of the Bible and others. This TV will serve double purposes as students can watch many DVDs from world video evangelism DVDs. They will equally watch news and know what is happening in Cameroon and around the world.

The vision to empower preachers’ wives to be part and parcel of the the ministry is coming into the lime light gradually. It is a joyous thing for the ladies to move to Wotutu and spend one week studying the word. They sat on the seats hours upon hours. Because of that they can really appreciate their husbands for the courage and determination to be well cooked, prepared, and avail themselves for the masters use in two years. Their week in Wotutu was memorable. Thanks to all who helped make this possible. God will bless you wonderfully.

As their wives took their seats, students were out sharing the truth, boldly telling many that only Jesus can set people free, Jn 8:36. I am happy with the program here in Wotutu because it gives the students plenty of time to practice house to house evangelism. It exposes them to many carnal philosophers and our students used just the Bible to help others see the reason to come over to Jesus. Students went to our newly established congregation in Likomba and the Lord added 4 souls to His kingdom. The urgent needs I discovered from these preachers’ wives are that all of them need a good study Bibles that will help them prepare lessons for women and children. These two group of people in the church are vital, women and strong pillars to help in many other aspects of the church obeying Bible views about them and also the children are the church of tomorrow, so if we must have a strong church tomorrow, then the women who are teaching these children must also be well equipped. That is why I plead if any one can donate either study Bibles or funds to get them here.

It is a good thing to see someone undergoing the transformation of his /her life as the person obeys the truth. One woman was happy to have found the truth in Wotutu, many thanks to her child that attends Brightland Christian Academy. Many kids in that school admire and will cry on Sunday mornings if their parents try to take them to their denomination. It is amazing what God is doing in the lives of many here. Thanks you for all your love towards what is happening. We have a nursery, primary school, and school of preaching to teach and help fight against illiteracy and by so doing, the truth is being planted as errors is being wiped out in the hearts of many. The Brightland Christian Orphanage (BCA) is there to give real hope to the hopeless. Many children’s homes give them food, shelter, and clothing to make them feel better in this life, but at BCA, the story is different. The kids know that even the food they are blessed to eat comes from God. Nurturing for eternity is our ultimate goal. You need to see these children say the 66 books of the Bible, the 12 Apostles of Jesus, and see them during worship singing with loud voices alongside other children. Oh what can I say and what will I not say. I give glory to God for all He is doing here. You can be a part. Thank you. God will not pass you by James 1:27.

One sister just found Jesus because her little daughter, less than 5 years of age, will always say, “Let us go and worship with the church of Christ. She, as young as she is, came to know about the Church of Christ because of the Christian school. We plan to move to another level, as we can also capture the bigger youth in our communities when we move with secondary school. We still teach adults, mostly women who have never been to school. Maybe, if more are put in place, we can do more to touch the lives of many in all ages. The gospel is sweet, Rom 1:16.

​1) Lebialem mission will be this week from Wednesday to Sunday. Keep us in your prayers.

2) Keep the work at Likomba and other young locations as we reach out to in your prayers.

3) Keep brother David and brother Todd in your prayers. They are in Cameroon to teach in school and to evangelize.

God bless you and keep you strong for all that you do. Without you, it would have been difficult to get to this level.

Prayer Request
Please, I write this with tears. I am crying as I write this request. On the side of our van it is written THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, BEAR VALLEY BIBLE INSTITUTE CAMEROON-WOTUTU. This write up has helped us in many places over the years to see members of the church who live in villages where we pass and the church is not there. Because of that we have succeeded in establishing some congregations like that. But today I write about something that happened, that is why I am crying. A lady, who is not member of the church of Christ read the write up as we were driving past a bush. She shouted, “Please, please, church of Christ people help me with my children; we are hungry.” We stopped the van and she came closer. We almost left thinking she was insane because of the way she was dressed. But she said, “Pastors, don’t go; help us.” We stopped and she came and expressed herself to me saying she always see our van pass by and she thought within herself that we could possibly help her if she succeeded in stopping us, just like the woman with the issue of blood in the Bible. She said her husband abandoned her with her 3 girls and the landlord drove them out of the house because they don’t have money to pay rent any longer. As I talk with you I was not with my camera. I would have love to show you where this lady lives with her 3 girls, all less than 12 years of age. The worst of it is the future of these children, women to cry loud, no food, no shelter, nothing; if rain comes where will they go to? Pray for sister Embolo. She really needs help. She can read well and she speaks English fluently. I gave her some Mission Printing tracts and she demanded a Bible. I said our Bibles are for new converts only. She said no problem. She needs even food now as I write this mail. Please always pray for her. The little girls are exposed to prostitution, rape, and bandits. Boko Haram leaders look for such girls to use them for suicide missions. Wow, wow, what shall we do now? My heart goes out for them. My home is full with 14 people under my roof. Our government has no policy towards situations like this. There is actually nowhere for them to run too. God brought them to us. What shall we do now? Abandon them, or welcome them ?

Share this with others. God can use anyone anywhere to do His will. Sister Embolo needs Christians love now. I will surely share her pictures with you if I take it where they are.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on February 28, 2016 .

Encouraging News All Around...

UPDATE: The news this week about Cy Stafford is wonderful. Earlier in the week we received news that the bone marrow tests came back and Cy is cancer free. This means that the leukemia is in remission. While he still has a long way to go for recovery, we give thanks to our God. Please continue to pray for Cy during this time. Also, remember to pray for his family as they take this journey with him.

Students in Denver near the end of the quarter in their studies designed to prepare them to preach the gospel. After they complete their final exams, they will travel to various places around the country to participate in a campaign. These campaigns provide an opportunity to strengthen and encourage the church where they visit. This time also allows them a chance to reach out with the gospel by using what they learn with those in need of hope.

The reports from East and West Africa continue to provide encouragement. Seeing how God works through these men in spreading the gospel demonstrates the reason this program is exciting. Reports from other locations also demonstrate the power of God at work. From staff to individual school reports, we invite you to read through the news this week and pray for each of these locations and the brethren involved in the work.

The year ahead is one that will see new schools open in several locations. We ask you to pray with us in the growth and development of the extension training program. With God, all things are possible and we see just how true that is in preparing men to preach the gospel.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Steven Ashcraft can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

Preaching The Same Jesus From Nigeria To Cameroon: As both directors from the schools in Cameroon visited Nigeria, their work in Nigeria and Cameroon focuses on sharing Jesus.

Continuing To Pray For Cy Stafford Until He Stands Preaching Again: Reports from the staff of ACSOP indicate how much Cy Stafford is loved and missed with the work in Tanzania.

Farming Projects And Evangelism Continue To Build The Work: As the Maynard family grows in the work of Tanzania, they see results that are both physical and spiritual.

Final Thoughts
We close with a note of thanks. We are all thankful to be fellow-workers in such a great opportunity, and we thank you for all you do to make it possible. Without you, we could not share in the development of extension training as we do. You are needed and you are a blessing in every way. Thank you. 

God bless


Posted on February 21, 2016 .

Farming Projects And Evangelism Continue To Build The Work...

There are currently several projects going on at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. We are working hard at getting the one-acre raised beds ready for the long rains. We have also tilled up another three-acres to plant corn and beans in for the long rains.

One important work that has begun this month is educating the preacher students in the different farming areas. As part of their schooling they are helping in the garden, with the cows, and with the chickens. Our goal is for them to be able to take this knowledge back to their villages and be able to support themselves and their families and also help the community around them.

Every month brings new challenges and more blessings. We are thankful for all of the rain (that is out of season) and the success we accredit to God. Please continue praying for this project, especially as it continues to grow in the continuing months.

Every month we are blown away by the open hearts here in Tanzania. The opportunities for evangelism are endless. This month has proved fruitful and we are giving all of our thanks to the Creator.

Justin began preaching at Ilikiurei (White Rose) Kanisa la Kristo last month and continues this month. He is also teaching the youth at Kisango every Saturday.

Samantha continues with her children’s class at Kisongo Kanisa la Kristo. This week they finished the book of Genesis and are so proud to be able to tell you what happens in every chapter, the line of Jesus from Adam to Judah, along with their weekly memory verses. The children are truly excelling and love learning about Jesus. Her class began with around 15 kids the first week of January and this last week she had more than 35! 

Anna’s women’s Bible class continues to go well. The women are eager to learn and are beginning to make the connections from Old Testament to New. Every week they discuss a different patriarch in Genesis and then Anna shows them scriptures about those characters in the New Testament and you can see on their faces as understanding finally sets in. 

The second Saturday of this month also brought with it our monthly children’s seminar. This one was in N’Gordoto at the Lerai Kanisa la Kristo. The pre-campaign leading up to the seminar had 3 baptisms! At the seminar itself we had around 130 kids! Samantha taught the books of the Bible while Annataught them about Mungu (God) and the days of creation.

We were blessed to have help with this seminar. Daniel and Tiffany Gaines accompanied us, along with Anita Davidson from the Bear Valley Church of Christ. We had somewhere around 50 adults come to study the Bible. Daniel Gaines studied the Bible for more than two hours with this large group while the children’s classes were going on. 

After lunch, Tiffany taught the women about unity. This is a cultural problem (American’s can relate, I am sure) and one the Church was struggling with at Lerai. She also talked to the women about how to teach children and resources we have available for them. 

While Tiffany was teaching the 60 or so women who came (!), Justin and Daniel had two different groups wanting to study the Bible. To God be the glory, these studies went on for another two hours.

We thank all of you for your love and support. The Lord is working here in Tanzania and we hope you will keep us and the work in your prayers. Please remember brother Cy Stafford in your prayers, also. He continues to fight his cancer we are praying the Lord heals him fully and returns him to the work here.

Maynard Family

Posted on February 21, 2016 .

Continuing To Pray For Cy Stafford Until He Stands Preaching Again...

We hope you enjoyed your weekend. Ours is bright and sunny! Thank you so much for your interest in the TZ 2000 Mission Work. We appreciate you reading our report. So many good things are currently going on in East Africa. It thrills the soul to see God working through His faithful to the saving of countless souls.

On the other hand, God is still showing how powerful He is through our beloved brother Cy Stafford. As it’s well known that Cy has been admitted to the hospital for at least two months now, but the current reports that we have been getting from his family are very comforting as we can see on these quotes: 

Stephanie Stafford reports: “Thank you all for your love and prayers during this extremely difficult time. Please continue to pray for Cy that he will overcome with God's healing power.....we know whose hands Cy is in. They are already calling him the miracle man in the hospital. He still has a long way to go, but with our Christian family, your love and support, we will overcome. May God bless each of you. Thank you for expressing your love to our family.”

Jeremiah Stafford reports: “Good Evening All, Dad had a good day today. He is still improving slowly, but he is gaining strength each day. His colon seems to be doing better each day that goes by. We are praying for good results tomorrow as we anxiously wait for the results of the bone marrow testing. We thank you all for the continued prayers and words of encouragement. We couldn't ask for better friends and family!”

Paul Stafford reports: “Cy had a good day!! He started the day first by having his trach removed and then even better receiving the news that his leukemia is presently in remission. This is going to hopefully allow him the time he needs to get stronger so that he can work toward being cured from this cancer. He was able to be up in a wheel chair for the first time today. We are greatly encouraged, and ask for continued prayers for his colon to heal and for him to get strong enough to go into rehab.... We are so very thankful for every prayer uttered on his behalf. We as a family give God All glory and praise knowing He, in his infinite wisdom, has worked all things out and we have no doubt that He will continue to cover us with His loving care. Psalms 91:4”

Thank you all for your endless prayers and fasting for Cy’s healing. I urge you to keep praying and fasting till we see him standing at the pulpit preaching and teaching. Amen.

Your fellow worker in the Kingdom,

Losotwa Michael,
Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school
Arusha, TZ

Posted on February 21, 2016 .

Preaching The Same Jesus From Nigeria To Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We do hope you are doing great. Life is favorable for us this time around. Many continue with their farming activities, as the rain will come soon.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu was characterized by examinations, as the students were busy writing their exams. Because it was examination week, we closed from school early and spent more time in evangelism.

Students returned from weekend evangelism safe and sound, as they continued to preach and teach. Keep these students in your prayers for the great work they are doing with happiness.

Our weekend evangelism is characterized with house to house evangelism and nurturing. Students are always very happy to go because that is a direct command for us all to go there teaching souls perishing. We were able to visit our newest congregation, which is our mission field now as we send students there every week. This congregation is getting to a month now.

Our students will sit on a stone for long hours as they continue to share the gospel to prospects. The truth is bitter but it must be spoken is a common language here and our students are aware of it, that is why whether a chair is given or not the truth must be preached .

Our brother in Likomba, Robertson, is having serious problems with his leg, so he could only support himself with a stick. He stood with his stick ready to obey the truth, even in such condition.

He happily obeyed the truth and he is happy to be part of the New Testament family. Wow! Many stood at a distance to see what is happening with these people. Keep the work in your prayers that many will be convinced to see the truth as we preach it weekly.

This morning I preached on the topic “That Same Jesus.” It was great to expose the impact Jesus did in touching our lives daily. The Wotutu congregation were blessed to have me back after last week where I was in Nigeria. All the pictures, without numbers, are from Nigeria during the last week of mission work there. I went along with brother Ititi Benedict, a graduate from our school during the first batch, and he is now directing the French-speaking school of preaching in Mbanga. It was his first trip, but he enjoyed the fellowship and evangelism there with the brethren in Nigeria.

​1) The wives of our current sisters started coming Wotutu again, as they have the second edition of their class beginning tomorrow. Keep their travels and stay in Wotutu in your prayers.

2) While the wives will be in class, the men will be in Likomba doing house to house during this week, so that as their wives are getting done with their class by Friday. On the 2nd of March to the 6th of March, we shall travel to Lebialem for mission work with our coordinator who will just be making his way to Cameroon.

We can only say thank you. Thank you Lord for your help and also thank you for your love and sacrifice towards the work here. Only God will reward you.

Do your best to tell others about this work. Pray for the events that will be in our congregation by the end of this year.

God bless you and keep you till we meet again.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on February 21, 2016 .

Preparing For The Weeks Ahead...

UPDATE: The only area new to report on Cy Stafford, as of today, is a bone marrow test tomorrow. He continues to battle the issues associated with his colon and leukemia. Please remember to pray for Cy, Stephanie, and their family. The road ahead will be long and hard, but God continues to show His power with this wonderful man and his family. 

Students in Denver return to the classroom Monday after a week of research. Last week allowed students to focus on the numerous research assignments associated with the six classes they work their way through this quarter. At the end of the quarter students begin a campaign week where they travel to various congregations to use the tools they are equipped with in reaching out with the gospel. We will report more about their efforts as the time draws nearer.

There are fewer reports this week, but they are packed with wonderful information about the direction of the program in various places. We were encouraged to see that 30 new students began their journey through the program in Arusha, Tanzania. We also appreciate the determination of a student in Arusha to begin a task that was eight years in the making. The work in Cameroon and French-speaking Cameroon are both making an impact on the communities where the students minister each week. 

We ask you to read through the reports and pray about each of these situations. The work here is only a glimpse of the program overall. The continued focus and determination of the staff and students in each location are worthy of your prayers before the Almighty. Thank you.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports

National Youth Day In Cameroon Makes A Huge Impact: The staff and students from Wotutu, along with Brightland Christian Academy, participate in a national event with great influence.

The Work of God’s Hands Touches Lives In Mbanga, Cameroon: The school in French-speaking Cameroon is making a difference as God works through them to reach others.

Thirty New Students Begin The Program At ACSOP In Tanzania: Everyone is encouraged and excited about the large number of students to begin the two-year journey of training in Arusha.

Accomplishing A Task That Was Eight Years In The Making: One of the new students in the program at ACSOP begins his training after being approached more than eight years ago.

Final Thoughts
This week’s report concludes on a note of gratitude. Thank you for your involvement in extension training. Everyone in Denver and each location around the world recognizes the value of what all of you contribute to the development of the work. Without you, the work would not enjoy the same success. Thank you!

God bless

Posted on February 14, 2016 .

Thirty New Students Begin The Program At ACSOP In Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Workers,

It's been another wonderful week in Tanzania. The students returned to the Andrew Connally School of Preaching for a new year of study. We were happy to welcome about 30 new students into their first year of training. Meanwhile, it was great to see the familiar faces of our returning second year students after their break.  

The Njiro Chini congregation is between preachers right now, so Daniel is doing a lot of teaching there to help out. Also, Justin is guest speaking at the Ilkiurei congregation for the quarter, while Anna and Samantha continue with the children's class at Kisongo.  

Saturday, both missionary families went to the Lerai congregation to conduct a seminar. There were a couple of sessions for the children with about 130 in attendance. There were also lessons for the ladies. One was a lesson on unity, and the other was about how to better teach the Bible to their children. Meanwhile, Justin and Daniel conducted Bible studies with the other adults. You can enjoy some pictures from the day here:

In other news, Cy Stafford continues to hold on. He has had some small improvements, but still has a very long way to go. Please continue to be diligent in your prayers on his behalf. They are making a difference. By the way, you can read a post that I wrote about Cy here: 

Thank you for your prayers and support. Your partnership is helping to make some wonderful things possible.

Till all have heard...

Daniel Gaines

Posted on February 14, 2016 .