Encouraging News All Around...

UPDATE: The news this week about Cy Stafford is wonderful. Earlier in the week we received news that the bone marrow tests came back and Cy is cancer free. This means that the leukemia is in remission. While he still has a long way to go for recovery, we give thanks to our God. Please continue to pray for Cy during this time. Also, remember to pray for his family as they take this journey with him.

Students in Denver near the end of the quarter in their studies designed to prepare them to preach the gospel. After they complete their final exams, they will travel to various places around the country to participate in a campaign. These campaigns provide an opportunity to strengthen and encourage the church where they visit. This time also allows them a chance to reach out with the gospel by using what they learn with those in need of hope.

The reports from East and West Africa continue to provide encouragement. Seeing how God works through these men in spreading the gospel demonstrates the reason this program is exciting. Reports from other locations also demonstrate the power of God at work. From staff to individual school reports, we invite you to read through the news this week and pray for each of these locations and the brethren involved in the work.

The year ahead is one that will see new schools open in several locations. We ask you to pray with us in the growth and development of the extension training program. With God, all things are possible and we see just how true that is in preparing men to preach the gospel.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

The latest report from Steven Ashcraft can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

Preaching The Same Jesus From Nigeria To Cameroon: As both directors from the schools in Cameroon visited Nigeria, their work in Nigeria and Cameroon focuses on sharing Jesus.

Continuing To Pray For Cy Stafford Until He Stands Preaching Again: Reports from the staff of ACSOP indicate how much Cy Stafford is loved and missed with the work in Tanzania.

Farming Projects And Evangelism Continue To Build The Work: As the Maynard family grows in the work of Tanzania, they see results that are both physical and spiritual.

Final Thoughts
We close with a note of thanks. We are all thankful to be fellow-workers in such a great opportunity, and we thank you for all you do to make it possible. Without you, we could not share in the development of extension training as we do. You are needed and you are a blessing in every way. Thank you. 

God bless


Posted on February 21, 2016 .