Master's Classes Begin And The Undergrad Students Return To ACSOP...

It’s my hope that this report finds you doing wonderful things for the glory of our Lord in His wonderful kingdom. The first Master’s program class for this first part of the year will start on Monday. We thank Garry Fallis for making the trip to come and teach Church Planting and Christian Education to these men. The next Master’s classes will be in August.

The second-year students return in the coming two weeks and the new first-year students make their first journey to the ACSOP at the same time. We look forward to the beginning of another school year. Much preparation on the part of all the staff and instructors has gone into this event.

I am thankful to be working with a group of people who are dedicated to the spreading of the Gospel through teaching native preachers. In this group Cy Stafford, Daniel Gaines, and Justin Maynard are the American missionaries that teach in the school. The Africans are I, Desdery Massawe, Ahimidiwe Kimaro, Charles Heberth, Godfrey Mngoma, and Josephat. 

With God’s help and direction through His Word we look forward to great things in this year. Our teaching schedules in the first quarter will be as follows for the second year; I will be teaching Greek I, Daniel Gaines will teach Church History, Charles Hebert will teach Old Testament 3b (Study of Wisdom Literature: Psalms - Song of Songs), Godfrey Mngoma will teach Life of Christ 3 (The ministry of Jesus), and Josephat Massawe will teach Inter-testamental Period. 

On the other hand, to the first year class I will teach How We Got the Bible, Godfrey Mngoma will teachOld Testament, Desdery Massawe will teach Cost of discipleship, Charles Heberth will teach Writing Skills & English, andBernard Kulanga, who is our part time teacher, will teach Personal Evangelism.

Per now brother Cy is missing in the list as it is well known that he has been sick for more than a month now. He has been admitted to the hospital for a serious treatment on fighting leukemia. In our previous reports many prayer requests have been made for him and God has heard because as we speak today his health is improving. Glory is to God for hearing our prayers. Amen.   

As always, we love and appreciate each and every one of you. We thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support. May God bless you for your sacrifices. Amen.  

In Christ,

Losotwa Michael,
Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, TZ

Posted on January 24, 2016 .

Relief Efforts Continue In Nepal Eight Months After The Earthquake...

To our many friends who have helped those in need in Nepal:

Christmas Day marked the eight-month anniversary of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal on the 25th of April. Nearly 9,000 people lost their lives, countless thousands were injured, and hundreds of thousands of families lost their homes. The needs facing the people of this beleaguered country today are nearly as great as they were eight months ago. Assistance has been given – yes – but it has for the most part been emergency in nature and short-term in scope. It has not addressed permanent rebuilding of lives.

The most urgent problems were for emergency relief. That was made more pressing with the upcoming monsoon season June 15-Sept. 15. It was made more complicated because we had to evaluate the damage and develop a plan to meet the greatest needs of the most people. Initially our efforts were focused on emergency relief of food, clothing, blankets, and weather protection.

September 15 to December was a window of opportunity between the monsoon and winter. Improved shelter for the homeless was desperately needed before winter. It was also the time of early preparation for the rebuilding phase that would have to wait until February/March. Early preparation included tearing down dangerous buildings, saving anything/everything that could be used again, clearing the ground for foundations, and collecting local building materials such as rocks and beams. 

The following is the opening paragraph on The Himalayan Times editorial page from December 30: “It has been about eight months now after the deadly earthquake of April 25 and several strong aftershocks aftermath. Yet relief has yet to reach many of the earthquake victims. They still are living in makeshift shelters. They had suffered in the rainy season and things are getting from bad to worse in the chilly winter without warm clothing. That it is taking so long to provide the urgently needed relief to the victims is something the government and concerned agencies should be ashamed about. Without adequate food, shelter and drinking water the elderly and children in particular are suffering immensely and also lactating mothers. The funds provided by friendly countries are yet to reach those for whom they were meant for. Foul play is also suspected as there is no record of how they are being used.”

What we have been able to do would not have been possible without you … groups as well as individuals. Together we have accomplished much. Together we have eased the pain and brought sunshine to lives in living conditions that Americans would not want to experience even before the earthquake. Poverty is ugly. Poverty plus tragedy will break your heart.

We have learned much. Our planning and execution has improved greatly. 

1.    Know where the needs are the greatest and what they are.  

2.    Set realistic priorities.

3.    Make wise use of your time and resources [hard goods and money].

4.    Distribute the relief items, including money, as per your priorities, and then have enough oversight to see that they are used as planned.

Together we have lessened the pain and suffering of thousands. The goal before us now is to provide means for these people to rebuild their lives so they can once again become self-sufficient members of their communities.

Muscle Shoals, AL became a center for some fund raising. Their primary goal was to provide some relief for every Christian family in need. With the help of leaders in many local areas, they classified the needs into [a] moderate, or [b] great. Mike Brooks came to Nepal in October to work with our central committee and the local leaders to distribute about $175,000. Families with the greatest needs were given $450. Families with lesser needs were given $225. 

Plans are underway to assist those living in remote villages construct homes using wood from the nearby forests together with materials salvaged from the homes that were destroyed. The cost per home is $2,000. Children of Kathmandu, a Montana based organization, has been helping educate and support poor children in Nepal for 18 years. They have provided money to rebuild 80 homes in the high mountain areas. $10,000 has been delivered for loggers to begin cutting and preparing wood. Winter will delay much of the building.

We see a pattern that is well known to those who have helped in other disaster areas [floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, famine, etc.]. The total amount of money already spent seems very large. However, the sums distributed to each family are very small considering the needs. 

What does the future look like? We have about $200,000 on hand, including $150,000 from Children of Kathmandu. We expect about $100,000 more over the next four months. That means we can assist with building about 150 homes. There are over 600 families that need assistance with rebuilding homes.

At the present time we can make no plans or commitments beyond that time. In the coming months we will continue to provide food and clothing as needed but our primary efforts will now be focused on raising funds for building permanent homes. We are committed to follow the four-point pattern listed earlier in order to meet the greatest needs of the most people.  

Three groups left Kathmandu on Friday, January 1 to deliver 1,000 blankets plus $400 for each area to buy some warm clothing. This is a tremendous help, and at the same time it leaves so much undone. The challenge is great.

Obviously we could not have accomplished the things done in the past, or continue to help those in need in the future, without your assistance. If someone had told us on April 26th that over half-a-million dollars would be available for this disaster, we would have had trouble believing them. At that time we could never have imagined the extent of the damage or the magnitude of the needs. We thank God and also thank every one of you for your love and gracious outpouring of generosity.  

We will continue to pray to God while we continue to serve others using whatever resources we have available. This is truly an example of humility, compassion and fellowship that stretches around the world to provide a common good to those who desperately need help.

Parsuram Sunchuri

Gajendra Deshar

Jerry Golphenee

Posted on January 24, 2016 .

The Work Of Students Over The Christmas Break Bears Fruit...

Dear brethren,

We at Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenya send greetings to you. We trust you are off to a great start of 2016. We are doing well and thank God for keeping us sound, safe, and healthy.

We are always in one accord with other faithfuls all over in praying for our teacher, mentor, friend, and Lord's servant, Cy Stafford. We trust God with Cy's health and know God will heal and strengthen him for His work. 

All the 20 students are back for the second quarter second year. Elias is teaching the book of Isaiah and Hermeneutics II, while I am teaching Greek II and Bible Geography. The students are very enthusiastic about the quarter and we look forward to a great class. During this quarter we are expecting Dr. Denny Petrillo and Dr. Michael Reese to make a trip to Kenya and teach short courses on Ezekiel, Daniel, and Education Program of the Church respectively during the month of February-March.

During the December break, the students were busy and reported 18 baptisms, 4 restorations, and one church planted. Help us rejoice with the angels for the souls that put on Christ. We received good news from local congregations where the students went back to serve during the break and it is a great encouragement to us. While the students were busy in the Kingdom, Elias and I also joined different congregation during December and led in gospel campaigns and evangelism which were very fruitful; 9 souls obeyed the Lord.

We pray funds will be available to enable us to organize gospel campaigns this year where all the students should take part before graduation August 27. We still plea for help to have the school removed from the environment it is at now which is not conducive for learning. It should be relocated to help accomplish other programs of the school. Keep us in prayer.

We appreciate the great work and sacrifices being made for this work to continue bringing good; do not grow weary.

Blessings to you all.

Charles Ogutu,

Posted on January 24, 2016 .

New Class Begins The Journey At The Chimala Bible Institute...

We thank God for His good graces as we launch 2016 with 30 students. We have seven returning English program students and twenty-three new Swahili students. We have students from all over Tanzania, including Dar es Salaam and Mwanza, the two largest cities in Tanzania. It is vital that we continue to plant and encourage churches in the larger cities of Tanzania for continued long-term growth of the church.

We are also thankful that we held a seminar with Philip Palmer, the East African representative for World Bible School. He has come to introduce World Bible School’s “God Bless East Africa” program. This program will emphasize signing up Secondary School students on the WBS studies. Similar programs have been very successful in Zimbabwe and other countries which WBS would like to duplicate in Tanzania. Brother Palmer’s seminar at Chimala was to train preachers and church leaders on the program so that it can spread throughout Tanzania.  

We are also thankful for our pulpit program where we try to make sure that as many pulpits are filled in our area with a second year student. We want to help as many congregations as we can who have trouble keeping a preacher. We send out our students each Sunday to edify the brethren. 

Finally, we are thankful for the generous contributions toward our facilities. For years, we have experienced major issues with our roof leaking and destroying the classroom ceilings. Also, the window screens were very old and brittle and provided no protection to the mosquito. Through those generous donations, we have been able to renovate our classrooms, windows, painting, our dormitory with new painting, etc.  

Chad Wagner

Posted on January 24, 2016 .

The Activities In Togo Continue To Show Growth...

250 Attend 3rd Kloto Annual Bible Camp
It was quite a wonderful way to end the year as members of twenty congregations, numbering 250, converged at YOH near Kpalime for the 3rd Annual Bible Camp. 

The theme for this year’s camp was “The Christian Family.” However, I was assigned to speak on “Understanding Church Discipline” with an emphasis on disfellowship. A couple of preachers were also assigned topics that related to the Theme. 

Other activities during the camp included: Prayer and fasting, singing, Bible quiz, games, and short plays by children. There was a question and answer period after each lecture. We had separate classes for adult, youth, and children. The camp started on the December 24th and ended on the 28th with a worship service. 

185 Attend “Watch Night” Service 
Each year on December 31st we meet as a church to usher in the new year. It is always a joyous occasion to come together to thank God for seeing us through another year. The service started at 9:00 pm and ended at 2:00 am on January 1st. Ten congregations were represented at this service. Activities included: Singing, prayers, messages of encouragement, testimonies, etc. 

There were ten congregations in and around Kpalime with a total number of 185 present. Our place of worship was over crowded to the extent that several had to sit outside. We had good fellowship and were all edified and encouraged to enter the new year. 

First Sunday Worship Service 
The first Sunday of each year is always a good day to attend a worship service. This is the time to make resolutions and thank God for ushering one into a new year. This year’s worship in Kpalime was just that. I had the opportunity to teach the Bible class and Daniel, a recent graduate, brought the New Year message. 

Nyiveme Church of Christ Out Grows Its Place Of Worship 
The Nyiveme Church of Christ is the largest in the Kpalime area. It presently uses the class room of BVBI-Togo. The growth of the church is becoming a concern for the leadership, but what can we do? Our plan is to raise funds to purchase land and start a church building project. 

Seven Baptized In Kpalime Campaign At Kpodzi 
In December, the major campaign of the chariot team was held in a suburb of Kpalime called Kpodzi. As usual, the activities included: open air preaching, house to house Bible studies, tract distribution, and film show. At the end of it all, seven souls were brought to Christ. Bear Valley Bible Institute is benefiting from these activities of the Chariot by getting the students involved in practical evangelism. The churches in the Kpalime area are growing because of the Chariot, BVBI-Togo, and Radio program. 

World Radio Sponsored Program 
Another tool of evangelism is our weekly radio program on Radio Planet. Each Sunday evening between 6:00 – 7:00 pm the Church of Christ is heard all over Kpalime. Pierre Attah, an instructor with BVBI-Togo and secretary of the school, is the main speaker. He is assisted by preacher Asuka. Some of the students are often taken to the station to observe radio presentation. 

ZionTo FM station recently called some of our men to preach once a week at a small fee on their network. We want to take advantage of this opportunity. 

BVBI-Togo Engages In Vegetable Production
We are seriously pursuing our vegetable production project at BVBI-Togo. Pictures indicate promising results from the drip irrigation workshop organized by Healing Hands International in October last year. The crops were doing well, but water is big challenge. The students had to bring six 20 liter containers of water, always from Kpalime, to water the crops. We decided to secure farm land near a river to facilitate the project. We have started clearing the land. We already bought wire to fence around the property. 

Preachers From Kloto
Almost all the men who gathered at Kloto were trained at CBS, now BVBI-Togo. A couple of the preachers were not around at the time a picture was taken. I always thank God for how far he has brought the school. My biggest worry is that almost all these men are working without support. The one cup movement is beginning to approach some of these men with nice packages of support, motor bikes, and a rented place. Brethren, this is frightening. We need to do something quickly to keep these men preaching the pure gospel of Christ. The temptation is great, but I keep encouraging them to hang on. We spent so much to train these men. What can you do? How many preachers can you support between $50-$100 each month? Contact me if you can. 

Motor Bikes For BVBI-Togo
Two motor bikes were provided by two brethren in the USA. These bikes make the students mobile. They are used to visit prospects and bring some who are physically challenged to church. The bikes are used during our campaigns, also to visit the sick and prospects. 

Each bike now costs $1,000.00. This amount includes the cost of the bike and registration with a number plate. Would you be interested in purchasing one bike for BVBI-Togo? 

Report by:
H.Willie Gley 

To see Willie’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on January 24, 2016 .

Preparing Students With Practical Preaching Experience In Nigeria...

Beloved in Christ Jesus,

Greetings from Nigeria. We thank you all for your partnership and support in all ways.

The evenings of January 18-22 were set aside for practical Homiletics by both year one and two students of the Bible Institute. Our year one students spoke on subject-based sermons, while the year two students centered on textual sermons. The thirty-six students of SWSE /BVBIN will be sitting for their second semester examinations Monday January 25-29, 2016.

The successful students in the year one class will graduate with a SWSE Diploma, while those from year two will graduate with the BVBI International certificate in August 2016.

Beloved brother Rapheal Adeyehun, a graduate of SWSE Ibadan and one of the WBSFUW in Ondo state, reported the conversion of another three souls as the result of WBS seminar of January 7 where brother Doug Wheeler was the guest speaker. Brother Matthew Adeyemi, another WBSFUW in Ogun / Ondo state, reported the conversion of another soul at the Odosida congregation of Ondo state.

Also, the mass evangelism conducted by students and staff of our Bible Institute with the Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation - Ibadan on January 23 resulted in the conversion of a young lady of fifteen years old named Sarah Audu. To God be the glory! 

Brother Makinde Emmanuel, a graduate of BVBIN taught on “Keys to a Hapy Life in Year 2016” at the Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation in Ibadan on January 17, while brother Destiny Elijah, one of our year-two students taught today on “How to Live for God Successfully in Year 2016.” He centered his teaching on Abraham and Paul, the apostle.

I taught on “The Secrets of a Victorious Life” from January 18-22 during our morning devotion at Doug Wheeler's event center SWSE/BVBIN Butubutu campus - Ibadan.

Brethren, our kiddies academy is in progress. We just finished the first step of our registration with the Ministry of Education and, Lord willing, the second step begins in April 2016.

Brethren, we are glad to have people like you in partnership with us! May the Lord of blessing continue to bless our work together in Jesus Christ’s name.

I remain yours in His grace, as a servant,
Makinde Ebenser ( Minister)

Posted on January 24, 2016 .

Healing Hands International Update On The Work In Nigeria...

Healing Hands International conducted yet another very successful agricultural workshop for Bear Valley Bible Institute in Ibadan, Nigeria between January 12th and 13th, 2016. The workshop was one of the most widely represented of our recent past workshops. Participants came from Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Ebonyi, Abia, and Akwa – Ibom States of Nigeria. The majority of participants arrived on Monday, January 11th and stayed throughout the period of the workshop.

Several congregations were represented by their preachers and members, while others were farmers and agricultural officers. We provided training in sustainable agricultural practices including composting, raised bed construction/soil preparations, mulching, drip irrigation system, planting methods, and basic garden management techniques. We also provided an opportunity for participants to ask questions in general agricultural best practices including animal husbandry and fish farming.

About one hundred and one (101) people participated in the two-day workshop and were very thankful to everyone involved in making the workshop possible. Again, the BVBI-Nigeria director and his team did an outstanding job of coordinating the event, which partly contributed to the great success.

Certificates were presented to the participants at the end of the workshop. All the participants promised to return home and implement the new farming techniques and teach others as well. The only outstanding challenge is the availability of drip irrigation kits. We can ship it from Nairobi, if necessary.


Posted on January 24, 2016 .

Plans To Establish A New Congregation In 2016...

Dearest in the Lord,

Holy is the way of the righteous ones as we are. Special greetings from my family. We are still on the move to keep fit the Lord’s work and souls are still being added into His Holy Kingdom.

The Church and the School in Mbanga are praying for the arrival of brother Todd and David when they come February 27th, by His grace. We are happy all the students came back to school with good health, but for Dantouji and Philip. They are strong for the work of evangelism and their studies in Mbanga. 

Plans to continue the opening of a new congregation in Sancho and to restore the congregation in Njombe is our priority as we begin 2016, and this will include the instructors and students with some members in near by assemblies for 5 days of evangelism and public preaching in these localities. As for our congregational level, we are planning to host the preacher’s wife forum by May or June. The last quarter of the first year will close her doors after the campaign in March, so that our students can begin preparation for their final year courses come April, and this will include project writing or memoire on their various topics that shall be approved with a close supervisor to guide through his work before they defend.

A new congregation was established in the northern part of Cameroon by one of the students during the last campaign and right now about 16 of them are worshiping in that young assembly and are still requesting him to come for a visit just like the cry of the Macedonian church calling on Paul to come for their aid. God blesses the people every day by adding them into His Kingdom. A lot is still to be done through His power. May the schools and the Bear Valley assembly live long.  


Posted on January 24, 2016 .

Adverse Circumstances Do Not Prevent The Gospel From Spreading...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. I do hope you are doing great and God’s blessings are upon you all. We are doing great, but most people are struggling with health problems these few days, such as malaria. We pray all goes well with them.

Last week in BVBIC-Aotutu was great as usual. Our students continue to dig deep into the word of God as they prepare themselves for full-time ministry come the end of this year 2016, as they will graduate from school.

The local government of the area gave a letter to my office concerning the youth day celebration, which involves the school. Our Bible college is the only higher eduction institute in the area, so they wanted our participation for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the independence of our great nation Cameroon. We usually spend time during the celebration to share the good news to students and state officials. We shall do the same this time around, as we shall share hundreds of mission printing tracts.

This weekend was also great in evangelism, as our students traveled far and near to reach out to many souls with the message of the old rugged cross. We went to two virgin lands for the planting and nurturing of the seeds. Wow! We give glory to God; it was great.

We were blessed again by our van taking us to Likomba village around Tiko, as we had the vision to establish a new congregation is this very big village. The village is populated with a lot of people working in the banana plantation. Keep the work in your prayers.

Our students and I were on house to house evangelism in Likomba village. We were impressed with the people’s receptivity. There is a signal that this work will blossom. Keep it in your prayers. The other work was in Mbiaka village, after Koba, in an environment that only a motor bike can take people there. Some of our students joined some of our graduates, like evangelist Enow Elvis and evangelist Namana Martin. The Lord blessed the work with 4 precious souls. The chief gave his house so that they should start worshipping there. Today was the first day that members of this community could witness the worship of the New Testament church. Please, we solicit your prayers for the growth of this work, as we established congregations. Our responsibilities are getting increased and our challenges are multiplied because we must send our students every week to make sure worship in being conducted to the new converts, as we nurture them to grow. We love to do this and we thank God for the privilege.

Everywhere in these communities people were attracted by our students black suits. Many thought they were lawyers or barristers. We told them we are evangelists and defenders of the truth. We are being insulted and persecuted for the gospel sake.

I was part of it. With my joy, I love to follow my students around so that they can see my passion for souls and commitment for the development and growth of the church of Christ. I was amazed as many people of all ages abandoned what they were doing to listen and asked reasonable questions. Keep praying for the work. We can see a good future.

This morning I gave out the last copies of the Bible from my office. More and more new converts are in need of Bibles. Keep praying for us to have more as we empower them with the tool which no man made weapon can destroy to those who take the words into their hearts.

1) Our annual Bible lectureship is coming up in November. Please, always remember this in your prayers alongside our matriculation and graduation ceremony.

2) We shall continue driving down to Likomba village every weekend to nurture and help the young congregation grow.

3) We shall have the second student wive’s class beginning February 19th. Keep the student’s wives in your prayers as they travel to Wotutu for the second edition of the program aimed at equipping them alongside their husbands as they prepare for ministry.

God bless you. Thank you for all that you do to make things happen here. Your prayers and support are the wheels that keep this work going. I doubt if you were not there what would have been made of this work.

God bless you and keep you safe. We can see the bad weather conditions that threaten life over where you are. We pray and pray for your safety throughout this season.

Do your bestto share this news with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on January 24, 2016 .

Returning Students Prepare For Preaching The Gospel...

UPDATE: Last week we asked you to pray on behalf of our beloved brother, Cy Stafford, his wife, Stephanie, and their family. While the progress is not as far along as everyone would like, Cy is progressing. Everyone is encouraged by the latest reports. Please continue to pray for Cy, as he has a long way to go still.

Students returned to the classroom last week. For the incoming freshmen there is always the overwhelming feeling of the workload they must complete in eight weeks. At the beginning there is a mixture of feelings, “I can get this done,” and then the weeks begin to clip by so quickly the feelings evolve into a panic, “How will I ever get this done?” The roller coaster continues over the next two years, but the end result is worth their efforts to achieve.

The work in the extension program continues to advance the cause of training preachers on a global basis. Word is spreading throughout various countries with the hope of many who desire to train to preach the gospel. Hardly a day goes by where an email is not received with someone seeking a way to get involved in training to preach. Some are willing to travel across borders into neighboring countries for an opportunity to enroll in the extension schools.

Reports this week continue to demonstrate the greatness of the work. Students spend time in the classroom learning and each weekend they participate in practical exercises of taking what they learn into the communities where they live. The results of these activities were clearly indicated in the year-end information shared last week. This week continues to share news of the same nature. God gives the increase as the gospel is proclaimed.

2016 will introduce the Bear Valley Bible Institute to several new locations. Please pray about the two new schools that begin next month. Also, pray for the potential locations that prepare for the opportunity to begin training men to preach later this year. We are excited with the possibilities and ask each of you to join us in praying about these locations.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports

Children And Adults All Grow Through The Word Preached In Cameroon: The work of staff and students in preacher training, along with teaching, children protects the future of the church.

Healing Hands International Assists The Work In Nigeria: Ibadan receives help from HHI in developing a better understanding of agricultural assistance for staff and students.

Remarkable Activities In Tamale Make A Difference In The North: A women’s fellowship activity, along with learning drip irrigation techniques, provide growth for the church.

Year-End Results In Haiti Indicate The Gospel At Work: Reporting on the events of 2015, the International School of Theology in Port au Prince shares the ways God blessed the work.

Moving Into The New Year Plans For Undergraduate And Graduate Work: As ACSOP moves into 2016, students in both the bachelors and masters program prepares for new coursework.

A Children’s Seminar Strengthens The Development Of The Church: The church in Arusha, Tanzania uses a children’s seminar to reach out and make a difference.

Final Thoughts
Speaking on behalf of the entire staff of the Bear Valley Bible Institute International, “thank you.” We appreciate your love for the work and willingness to support the program in every way needed. Your generosity encourages all of us and inspires the future of the work. The year ahead will be one of the best because our God continues to bless our efforts.

God bless

Posted on January 17, 2016 .

A Children's Seminar Strengthens The Development Of The Church...

Happy New Year to our friends and family. 2016 has started with a bang and we are so happy to be able to tell you about the Children’s Seminar held over the weekend. These seminars have been a blessing both to us and the communities. Jane and Desdery get calls every month from communities asking us to come to them! We are thankful for all of your prayers and support.  Without them, these seminars would not be possible.

This month we traveled to a small community an hour and a half away called Mtu Mbo. The preacher there, Julian Gasper, is surrounded by the Maasai community and has helped establish several Maasai congregations. Due to this, he invited all of these congregations and they were slowly bussed in that morning. If you do not know about the Maasai, I encourage you to look into the culture. They are one of the few tribes that has still not assimilated into the modern culture.

Due to the congregations having to be bussed in, we got off to a late start. However, by 11:00 we had 110 children and 55 women! This was a huge blessing to us. We started the morning with children’s songs and none of the children had ever learned any. So, we had the privilege of teaching them “Yesu upendo kuzunguka Nyuma” (Jesus love is a bubbling over), “Nina furaha furaha ndani ya moyo” (I’ve got the Joy, Joy, in my heart), and “Mwanga Wangu wa Kristo” (This Christian Light of Mine). 

When it was time for classes the children learned quickly and were eager to participate. Many did not know that God had created the world and even fewer new He created it in 6 days (and rested on the 7th). Samantha had one child who knew all of the New Testament books but the majority did not know any in the Old or New Testaments. 

While Anna and Samantha were teaching the children’s classes, Justin and Desdery were
teaching the Gospel to a large crowd of the parents who had gathered. Everything Justin said had to be translated to Kiswahili by Desdery and then another man translated what Desdery said to Maasai. Both a man and a woman responded to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and put the Lord on in Baptism that day. We are grateful to have these opportunities. 

After lunch Anna held a seminar for the women. Similar to Justin’s study, Jane translated what Anna said into Kiswahili and then another lady translated that into Maasai. It was a new experience. Anna was able to talk to the women about the importance of teaching children. How they need to see what you are teaching them to fully understand. When Anna used the example of Noah’s ark – the Maasai women responded verbally with understanding. None of them had seen the ocean, so their children sure enough had not, and none of them had seen a boat. In fact, the word boat the translator did not know. One of the oldest Maasai women in the crowd translated the word. It was a word many of the women had never heard. Anna then explained that for the children to truly understand that amount of water and a boat we need to help them “see” it in their minds. She explained how you can gradually talk about water rising. First, it is higher than their heads, then higher than their houses, then it rises above the trees, and finally is higher than the twiga (giraffes). You could see their understanding as they began to nod their heads. Anna encouraged them to draw a boat in the dirt and show tell the children that it is a house that could float on the water. 

With every culture comes good and bad. The Maasai are very set in their ways and it is difficult to show them that while some of the things they do are okay, some are wrong. It takes a lot of studying with them to show them that drinking cows blood is not okay (cows are sacred to the Maasai, having multiple wives is not what God wants (the Maasai have many, many wives), and that many of their traditions are harmful. We came face to face with that on Saturday when one of the young girls (around 7) wore a Maasai ring. This mean her dowry had been paid for, cows had been exchanged, and she was someone’s bride. Two other little girls had a single shaved stripe down each side of their head. This indicates that they have been circumcised (genital mutilation). And many of the children had circular scars on their faces indicating that at some point they were sick and the pain was inflicted on them to “heal” them. These things are difficult to see but we know that the Gospel is powerful. It may take time but these are things that can change. 

If you would like to help us financially with next month’s seminar please send a check to: 

Make the checks payable to Horton’s Chapel COC Horton Chapel Church of Christ
925 Union Ridge Road
PO BOX 1100
Belton, KY 42324

PLEASE PUT FOR THE MAYNARDS – AFRICA (And include what you want it for i.e. Children’s Seminar) 

Please continue to remember us in your prayers as well as our brother in Christ and friend, Cy Stafford. The Tanzanian’s are brokenhearted over the news of Cy (as are we) and we pray God heals him and returns him to the work here.

The Maynard Family

Posted on January 17, 2016 .

Moving Into The New Year Plans For Undergraduate And Graduate Work...

I would like to greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Happy New Year. This is another good year that God has given to us. Although, as we all know the condition of our brother Cy, we feel like someone who is working with one hand when Cy is not around. We made a very good team working together, but I believe God knows the necessity of his position in the team, so he will restore him soon to the work. Please remember him always in you prayers.

Moreover the ACSOP is fixing to receive masters students on January 25th and brother Gary Fallis will teach both courses: “Christian Education” and “Church Planting.” As you may know, Gary Fallis has been a great teacher of the Bible for many years with great experience. I believe that students will get great knowledge from this brother. Let us please pray for him as his planning to travel to Africa. 

Also coming very soon, on February 8th, the regular quarter will start. At this point, 24 students have completed their required registration applications. We hope to get a few more because they are working on their documents required to complete their registration.

Also, please read the following short report from brother Ibrahim Mrutu at the Kisongo Church to see what God has done from August last year.

“I thank God for His blessings that He grants us day by day. Also we appreciate your prayers of help, since August to this month, till now ten (10) souls have been added to Christ, and those we were able to restore to Christ are seven (7). I would like to thank you for joining this efforts by your prayers. 

“In this month by the help of our Lord Jesus our sister Edithar Joseph was baptized. Now she is doing fine in the new convert’s Bible class. 

“Also I have nine (9) active Bible classes. This work is not easy: helping new converts, restoring the back sliders, and keeping new studies, but by the help ofyour prayers all things will be possible. Kisongo church is growing day by day because of your prayers.”

Thank you all for your prayers, may God bless you all.

Please continue to remember Cy in your prayers, also brother Daniel Gaines as he plans to come back to Africa without forgetting brother Gary Fallis.

In His service,

Ahimidiwe Kimaro
Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on January 17, 2016 .

Year-End Results In Haiti Indicate The Gospel At Work...

We serve a great God!

The blessings which God bestows upon us is far more than we can comprehend. There are blessings that come every day, unexpected and undeserved. One of our greatest blessings is being able to work in the kingdom of God and to have you as a part of our work. Your kindness, love, thoughtfulness, prayers and financial support are what makes our work possible. Thank you!

We pray that 2015 was a great year for you and that 2016 will be even better. What was accomplished by our students...

1. Baptisms: 252
2. Restorations: 150
3. Sermons Preached: 588
4. Bible Studies Taught: 615
5. Campaigns: 24
6. Some of the students have started a prison ministry. They have distributed over 500 copies of a six lesson study through World Bible School. These lessons are in French.
7. There are eleven congregations represented in the school.
8. Two of our students are now elders at the Santo congregation.
9. Our secretary is now married.  
10. Olia, our cleaning lady and her husband at a baby boy.
11. One of our directors, Widlord Thomas is now married.
12. We had 13 different men to travel to Haiti and teach at IST.
13. We had three Elders/Preachers conferences.
14. We had three groups of ladies to teach a series of lessons for the student’s wives and other ladies, average attendance 30.

Your Help Is Needed
As the school grows, so do the expenses. Your helpis urgently needed as we expand our program. We plan to move to the new property in April and will start a new chapter in our work.   We are asking you to consider a monthly support and if that is not possible, please consider a generous one-time donation.  

The cost of the property, the cost of repairs and the construction that needs to take 

place is very important. Every dollar that is given goes 100% toward the work. A Financial statement can be provided upon request for all of our contributors. Thank you for considering this work. Without your help it would not happen.

Contact Information:

Larry Waymire
Mobil:  731.798.0136
Office:  731.968.6688

All Contributions Should be sent to:

Broad St. Church of Christ
Caribbean Ministries
131 N. Broad Street
Lexington, TN 38351
Larry and Carol Waymire

To see the Waymire’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on January 17, 2016 .

Remarkable Activities In Tamale Make A Difference In The North...

The entire staff and students send greetings from Tamale to all servants in the vineyard. We thank the Almighty God for His continuous care and protection and pray that His divine blessings would be showered on all His servants as we enter into a new year. 

The year 2015 was full of activities and blessings. Remarkable among the activities was the Women’s Fellowship which is to be an annual activity to be organized by some selected women in the three regions of the northern sector of the country in collaboration with the Institute. In the maiden meeting, a lot of lessons were learned, and also some pertinent marriage issues were discussed among the elderly women and those who were encountering marriage problems. In all, women were empowered to take up challenges in their various congregations.

Other very remarkable issues which occurred in the past year were donations of a vehicle from the coordinator, brother Steven Ashcraft, to the Institute and also 5 sets of electronic equipment from the sponsors to the congregations in the Northern Regions of Ghana.

The vehicle is to be used for the conveyance of students and equipment to communities we are to evangelize and also to monitor the work of past students. The 5 sets of electronic equipment were also given to the congregations to enhance their evangelism drive. The Institute wishes to thank both brother Steven Ashcraft and our sponsors for their love and support for the Lord’s work. 

In addition to these, 36 bicycles were shared to past students of the Institute to enhance their movements, that is, to evangelize and to pay visits to the brethren.

Another activity was the visit of brother Ebenezer Udofuah of Healing Hands International, who traveled from Kenya to teach preachers about drip irrigation. We thank all who made his trip and activity possible.

It is the hope and prayer of the staff that this year will provide all of us the opportunity to serve our Lord with all that by His grace have blessed us with.

Baah Joseph Okyere

Posted on January 17, 2016 .

Healing Hands International Assists The Work In Nigeria...

Beloved in Christ Jesus,

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you from God our Father and from Jesus Christ, the hope and strength of the saints.

Brother Ebenezer Udofia of Healing Hands International arrived at the Ibadan airport on Monday around 10:45 am for the two day Agricultural seminar of January 12-13, 2016 and was picked up immediately by me and the driver of a chartered car to the venue of the seminar, BVBIN/ SWSE campus Butubutu village via Badeku / Jago, Ibadan.

Brethren began to troop in from different towns and villages of Western Nigeria for this Food Security workshop / Poverty  Eliminated workshop. On Monday evening, January 11, and by 9:00 pm fifty-eight brethren and friends registered for the seminar that commenced on January 12 by 9:00 am through 5:30 pm. By 12:30 pm on January 12, our records indicated 101 people as participants: twenty-three woman and seventy-eight men. Over 60% of are graduates and undergraduate students of SWSE / BVBIN, while the remaining were brethren, friends, community people, and three agricultural officers from Oyo and Ondo state.

Brother Ebenezer Udofia taught us about compost manure on day 1, and brother Ayobami Ogunjimi served as his interpreter. He taught us on the drip irrigation system-water conservation on day 2, and brother Abiola Joseph Olusoji interpreted into the Yoruba language to make the lessons clear to all participants.

101 participants from 14 congregations of our Lord Jesus and from nine states (Oyo, Osun, Ogun, Lagos, Ondo, Kwara, Ekiti, Edo, and Abia) of the Republic of Nigeria witnessed this two day agriculture seminar initiated by Bear Valley Bible Institute International of Denver, Colorado aimed to alleviate poverty among the brotherhood in Nigeria.

The participants were fed twice daily with Nigerian food. We also fed the fifty-eight participants that arrived in the evening of January 11, 2016. At the close of the exercise on January 13, 2016 brother Ebenezer Udofia, our guest instructor presented the Certificate of Achievement to the one hundred and one (101) participants assisted by the director of the school, myself (brother Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi)

Beloved, the two major problems we all encountered during this two-day seminar were insufficient water for the participants to bathe and watering the garden. We were heavy hit during the afternoon session since we are yet to have a way to cool the Doug Wheeler event hall. We, therefore, humbly request for financial supports for digging a water bored hole on the school compound and cool the roof before March 2016 to make the hall a comfortable place of learning.

We need the sum of N1,200,000 ($6,200) for digging the water bored hole, plumbing materials, and the sum of N600,000 ($3,100) for cooling the hall.

We deeply appreciate you all for your support over the years and we always wish that godly people, such as you, would come to our aid and lessen our burden, help save lives, and give hope to the hopeless.

In conclusion, we appreciate Healing Hands International for sending brother Ebenezer Udofia to come over here and teach us more on how to eliminate  poverty through food production. We also appreciate brother Steven Ashcraft and the Bear Valley Bible Institute International for organizing this program for us in this tough time. We also appreciate brother Bill Pennell for his great concern for African churches and Christian schools. We appreciate brother Doug Wheeler (SWSE Patron) for his great dedication for the cause of Christ in Nigeria. Lastly, we deeply appreciate you all for your partnership. May the Lord of blessing keep using us for His glory is my fervent prayer in Jesus Name, AMEN.

Your fellow laborer in Christ,
Brother Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Minister)

Posted on January 17, 2016 .

Children And Adults All Grow Through The Word Preached In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

We continue to wish you happy new year. We trust God that this new year bring something new in your life and that of your family. We are doing well here. We experience new things in our lives and the ministries under our care.

Every week we make significant progress in all that the Lord has entrusted in our hands. The students in the Bible college grow daily and that brings great satisfaction to me who stays with them daily, who saw them when they came into the school, and how they were almost empty as compared in the scriptures and the organization of the Lord’s Body. Many thanks to God for the privilege to be there to serve these students and prepare them for the work of the ministry which Jesus said, “The field is ripe and the laborers are few.” Thank you for all you do to make sure we prepare men to send into the field for the harvest.

We continue to thank God for the providence of means to always send our students out on weekend evangelism to gain practical experience in house to house evangelism. This week we were in 6 locations, with Bole village having the highest number of students because the van could take us right there. Even though the road was not the best, but we thank God we made it there and back safe.

We entered the van in Bole village after the work for us to return to Wotutu. Some staff were part of this evangelistic efforts. Thanks to all for the providence of the van; it makes evangelism easier at times now.

I love moving with the students because they continue to learn some practical ways of handling the scriptures from classroom, like in Bole village. I spoke in an open air forum. They will also learn some ethics in public speaking. It was great.

Our kids in the Wotutu congregation this morning worked on their studies. Sister Tabeson Alpha taught them to have a small sketch or drama, so she gave them roles when I came in and one child, refused the role they gave him. He was going to act the role God. The little boy said, “I will not be able to act God” because they are told that God is spirit and knows everything. That caught my attention. We are not wasting time to teach our children in Wotutu. That is why many children from Brightland Christian Academy keeps coming to our worship even though their parents are not members of the church of Christ,. The future of this congregation is sure, as we see children loving the Lord, rushing to get a sit in their hall to study. Tt gladdens my heart to sit and watch little children running to carry their teachers bags and books because they know the teachers will teach them something. What a mission we have here. Come be a part to make these communities turn totally to God.

Brother Otte, our student, opened the Bible to show a prospect, not only to hear the truth, but to see the truth. It is part of our lives to always point the truth to many.

God blessed us today with the adding of sister Diale Helen, as brother Otte baptized her into Christ. She keeps smiling throughout. It is a strong sign that in Christ there is joy. Keep her in your prayers that she grows to make known the truth to the husband. She smiled as she put on Christ.

I took a picture with the kids on the first of January 2016. It is 17 days old now, but these are children of the Brightland Christian orphanage. Wow! I am always happy to see the children run past my house as they rush to the church hall for Sunday activities. I am always happy when I enter into a home and they will all rush to welcome me with smiling faces. This is what God has done to turn their story around again for their good because back in their homes after they lose their parents their hopes are dashed into the air, not knowing what life can give to them. That is why I doubt if I was not a Christian what I would have been. These children owe no explanation to any one why they are orphans. The youngest, who came into the home less than 2 years of age, can now talk, run around, look up into someone’s eyes and say mom and grandma as they called their nannies. With tears in my eyes I am happy that God saw something in me and entrusted this great work into my hands with my wife to give hope to the hopeless and activate what was deactivated. What a God we serve. Keep it in your prayers. How wonderful will these children turn around and see you getting into the hall and you will feel the way I am feeling and you will have that experience of love coming to you from these children, always smiling. They cried maybe all day long before God opened doors for them to be admitted into this home. Their tears are dried up because I doubt what can ever make them cry again.

The Batoke congregation meets in a brother’s house. The church is growing as you they gather in a brothers sitting room. He does not have space again. Pray for these Christians.

Brethren sit outside on the corridor for whatever number of hours the service will last because there is no space inside. Pray for this congregation. In our last mission work, a sister was baptized alongside the daughter. The husband said he did not know more about the new church, but he will not stop them from attending. He will take his time. When our students take him back through the history of the church starting AD 33, he wondered where the church was all this while. Wow! Many will always ask these types of questions. That is why in BVBIC-Wotutu we are not sleeping as long as we have the means to go to make sure we go and expose the truth about Jesus and His church. The husband was handed the tract from Mission Printing about AD 33. This week, he called the student and showed him a space in his compound where the church can erect a temporal place of worship with wood, zinc, and concrete floor. They will worship there until they secure their own land and they can dismantle it and go to their permanent place. Wow! He has not been baptized, but he started feeling for the church. Doing this will cost us about $2000.

The Batoke congregation is our mission field, as our students go there every weekend to conduct Bible classes, prayer meeting, and worship. This is the first congregation and the only congregation along the west coast of Cameroon.

​1) We shall have all the graduates of Wotutu come back to Wotutu on the 6th of February for a retreat and discussion how it has been since they left us. Keep that program in your prayers.

2) We are still making plans for another mass evangelism in Lebialem. We call it now Lebialem Mission, to evangelize and nurture the congregations there.

3) Please keep in prayer our end of the year programs in Wotutu, which will start with the annual Bible lectureship, valedictory night, matriculation, graduation, and the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Wotutu congregation. Please, if you are interested in attending, tell me so that I can include you in one of the programs.

God bless you and watch over you. We keep you in our prayers daily for all your love, concern, prayers, and support to make this work be what it is. Without you, we doubt the possibilities of this work. Thank you, and may God continue His blessings in your life, that of your family members, and your congregation.

Do your best to share with others what is making news here. Make a great week.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on January 17, 2016 .

An Exciting Year-End Report...

PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for our dear friend, brother, and fellow-worker in the kingdom, Cy Stafford. While continuing to fight leukemia, he also faces additional health issues that threaten his life. We ask you to fervently pray and ask others to do the same in these difficult times for Cy and his family. Thank you.

The months pass by so quickly and reflecting on the previous year is always an exciting and encouraging part of the work. At the end of the year, Keith Kasarjian accumulated information provided from each of the schools within the extension program. The report below was written by Keith and highlights the results of the information provided over the last few weeks. We pray you are encouraged by the report.

It is hard to believe, but 2016 is here and at Bear Valley, we have just finished an outstanding year! This past year has truly been wonderful in the history of the Bear Valley Extension Program and we want to share some of the excitement with you - our friends, partners, and supporters. 

There are now 18 extensions, in 15 different countries around the world, with 264 full-time, preacher training students! This year has also witnessed 120 men graduate with their degree or certificate from Bear Valley. Just think of all the potential in those men and their families in the years to come, especially since the vast majority of them are serving in the most fertile parts of the world. This is truly exciting! 

But at Bear Valley, we know that we aren’t doing this alone. We depend on partners and supporters to help us train preachers and church leaders around the world. In addition to our all-important supporters, 72 different local teachers taught in Bear Valley extensions this year and another 45 men made the journey to an extension to teach a “short course” to our students. This truly is a team effort at every level. 

In addition to teaching these men how to preach and live, we want to instill in them a passion for soul-winning. This is borne out in the many studies, campaigns, and gospel meetings that they are involved in throughout the year. As a result of these efforts, we know of at least: 

1,979 baptisms
61 new congregations
173 campaigns and gospel meetings
10 restored churches

To God be the glory! 

This has truly been a remarkable year, but we are not resting on our laurels as we look to an exciting future. There are already many new students set to enter the program this year and more new extensions are in the works. 2016 promises to be the most exciting year yet! 

At Bear Valley, we thank all those who support us and partner with us to carry out the mandate of 2 Timothy 2:2. What you are doing is making a difference and we literally could not do it without you. Thank you for the confidence you have placed in us and we look forward to continuing to serve together as long as the Lord allows. 

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Howell Ferguson can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

The New Year Already Sounds Forth Plans For Evangelism: As the leadership in Cameroon plans for the year ahead, evangelism in several locations, including Nigeria, are considered.

The Outreach In Nigeria For 2016 Begins With Souls Added: The news from eastern Nigeria is exciting as souls were added to the Lord’s church through the preaching of the gospel.

Reflecting On 2015 And Planning For 2016 In Nepal: Several exciting events occurred in Nepal last year and the new class of 2016 promises to bring more exciting events.

The Year Begins With Plans For A New Class Of Students At ACSOP: The growth of the work in Arusha, Tanzania is encouraging and the new class for 2016 introduces more to the program.

Final Thoughts
Thank you for your continued trust in Bear Valley to train men to preach the gospel. Without you this work would not be possible. You are a blessing to us and thousands of others who are influenced through the people trained in the extension program. We cannot express enough how much we appreciate each of you and what you do to make this program successful.

God bless

Posted on January 10, 2016 .

The Year Begins With Plans For A New Class Of Students At ACSOP...

2016 just took off…
The year 2015 existed and ended marvelously. My Gospel ministry and entire mission work was amazing, especially working with my fellow preachers and faculty members at ACSOP.  We have been able to accomplish much for the Lord and His kingdom for the past year. Many reports have been written in detail to show the success we experienced over the past months.

As we were closing the year, the Arusha church of Christ was privileged to invite all the congregations around the area for a fellowship meal and singing worship. This time, more than 260 attended this event. Together, with singing and preaching, a special prayer was made by the men of the congregation on behalf of our brother Cy who is very sick, and he is still in need of your prayers. At the end of the worship service, 12 faithful souls out of 18 who were baptized within the year stood up and greeted the congregation. We still have 56 good Bible classes in different places and within the area of Arusha. It is our hope and prayer that many souls will be added to the church this year since many members involve themselves in outreach programs.

We continue to receive application forms from different congregations in east Africa. This time many have shown a great interest of joining a Swahili program. And out of 32 applications, 18 sent all their requirements for school. Soon the faculty will have a meeting and finalize the process so that we can be in a position to send a letter of acceptance. The school will begin its first quarter on February 8th. Men of God: Michael Lesotwa, Charles Heberth, Ahimidiwe Kimaro, Daniel Gaines, myself and others are ready to train these preachers. Our call here at ACSOP, “…entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” 2 Timothy 2:2 (NASB). 

Thank you again for your support and prayers as we all continue working for Him and the Kingdom.

In Him,

Godfrey Mngoma
Dean of Students, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on January 10, 2016 .

Reflecting On 2015 And Planning For 2016 In Nepal...

The past two months have seen the beginning of a number of new things associated with the Nepal Center For Biblical Study [NCBS].

Monday, November 30 - Our new class of 12 students began their two year program of Bible study.

Monday, December 14 - Gajendra, NCBS Director, was married.

Sunday, December 20 - Gajendra and Regina returned and moved into their new home at NCBS. Welcome to Regina.

Friday, January 1 - Our 12 new students went on their first campaign out of the Kathmandu valley to help deliver over 1,000 blankets and $450 to Christian families in remote villages. Earthquake damage to homes, loss and/or damage of personal items, and the cold weather have caused a great deal of problems for our brothers and sisters. We divided into three groups to make the best use of time and encouragement.

Monday, January 11 - Arun Rijel and Ajay Pariyar left for the western District of Humla. One of our September graduates, Dhan Bahadur, has established the first congregation in the whole District. It takes two days by bus plus three days walking to get to this remote area. They will help evangelize new converts, teach and mature 6-8 new Christians, and deliver printed materials for Bible knowledge and spiritual growth.

A new class of students presents a special challenge… along with a special blessing. To see them grow in knowledge and understanding, to experience their progress in service and attitude, and to see the gospel blossom in their hearts is always a motivation and encouragement to all of us at the school. Their spiritual growth and development also has a huge impact on their local congregations.  

2016 is off to a great start. Please keep us in your prayers.

Jerry Golphenee
Gajendra Deshar

Posted on January 10, 2016 .

The Outreach In Nigeria For 2016 Begins With Souls Added...

Beloved in Christ Jesus,

Compliments of the season to you all! Another sixteen souls were added by the Lord to His church between January 4-7, 2016 as the result of World Bible School seminars conducted by WBSFUW, where our beloved brother Doug Wheeler and brother Sylvester Imogoh were the guest speakers while I served as their interpreter.

The WBS seminar of January 4, 2016 at Kute congregation in Ibadan was attended by about fifty people while that of January 5 at Kuede village via Butubutu was attended by 99 people, and that of January 6 at Odosida in Ondo town was attended by 88 people, and the Igbotako WBS seminar was attended by over 120 people.

Four souls were converted at Kuede, two at Ondo town, and ten at Igbotako town. To God be the glory.

Brethren, all is now set for the two day Agriculture seminar organized by BVBIN-Ibadan where brother Ebenezer Udofia of Healing Hands International, in conjunction with BVBI International will be lecturing the graduates and undergraduate students of SWSE / BVBIN,preachers and community people,both male and female on how to sustain themselves in this hard period through Agricultural products on January 12-13,2016. Most of the participants will arrived our campus on Monday evening and left on Thursday morning Lord's willing  .

We thank you all for inspiring us;may the New Year 2016 be as special as YOU are to us. We remain committed to our promise to always put God and His church first. Happy New Year To You All.

Yours in His Grace As a Servant,
Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Minister)

Posted on January 10, 2016 .