Posts tagged #Togo

Great results in Togo



July 11, 2024


Greetings from the north of Togo. All churches of Christ greet you. We appreciate all the efforts you are making to achieve the objectives of the great missions in the world in general and in the north of Togo in particular. This Bible training School helps us all to fight to achieve the objectives of this Great Mission through the training of the brothers of the church. The harvest is great but there are few workers.  These trained brothers will be useful for the harvest. We continue to pray that God will keep you in good health and that he will continue to grant you more wisdom in the mission.


1-   The number of students : 09

2-   The courses already taught the first quarter :

a-   Jeremiah and Lamentation : by KPELEVI David

b-   Job and Psalms : by TALAKI Nicodeme

c-    2nd Corinthians : by BEDJELSI  Fidele

3-   The courses that will be thought during the third quarter 2024 :

a-   Ezra to Esther : TALAKI  Nicodeme

b-   Christian evidence : by KPELEVI  David

c-    Church history : by BEDJELSI  Fidele 

4-   Instructors’ meeting :

Each of the teachers is determined to motivate each student right to the end, because these students will also help in the work of converting souls for CHRIST. These students are becoming increasingly aware of the work involved and are making commendable efforts. These new Instructors are highly motivated and committed to their work and motivated to bring the vision to fruition because this Bible School is an opportunity to help expand the Kingdom of the Lord. So we’re determined to defy all opposition in northern Togo.

5-   Congregational Activities : 

With the arrival of these two local evangelists, we have built up a solid team of three evangelists who are fighting hard to lay the foundations of the church in the north, despite the jealousies that are always raised against us in the direction of this Bible School and the work we do in the villages. Apart from this internal problem of jealousy due to the sponsorship problem, we also encounter the problem of doctrine with the denominations . But we salute the efforts of all concerned for the work accomplished during this quarter.  The team made up of these three evangelists travels the villages every week without rest either to meet and discuss with denominational churches or door-to-door to support digitally local churches already planted or for public evangelistic campaigns.   The results of this work are very encouraging :

-        We were able to convert  and baptize 11 members of the Embassies of Christ Church in Lassa Lao. This church has now become the Church of Christ ,

-        In Soumdina Powayi, we were able to baptize 1 person during our public evangelization campaign,

-        In Soumdina Pida, we baptized 8 people during our public evangelization campaign,

-        In Lassa Ahodo, 2 people were baptized during our public gospel campaign,

-        At Kara-University, 1 person was baptized in a door-to-door evangelistic campaign. In all, 27 people were baptized this quarter.

a-   Worship and edification :

With the students, we form teams to help with teaching on Wednesdays and worship on Sundays at each local church. This organization is helping in the spiritual growth of local churches. Specific teachings are designed to respond to the problems of each locality. We share and discuss problems encountered in our teachings during our meetings. And each local church has effective leadership to help the church.

b-   Door-to-door evangelism :

In addition to evangelistic and edification campaigns, we organize door-to-door evangelism according to a well defined schedule. During this door-to-door evangelism we use church members to help. With this organization, we have baptized 04 people in Lama and 01 people in Kara University.

c-    Seminars :

We organized 3 seminars and a conference with the denominations :

-        The Women Leaders seminar was organized around the general topic : « The qualifications of the woman Leader for a church on the way to heaven. »

-        The Men’s seminar was organized around the general topic : « The qualifications a man of the church must have to push the church towards heaven. »

-        The Women’s seminar revolved around the general topic :« The imperatives of the woman of Christ’s Church in the face of denominations. »

-        The conference with the denominations focused on the general theme :  « The search for Truth. »

Participants in these seminars and conferences are very satisfied with the biblical teachings they receive. Interestingly, a few weeks after the conference with the denominations, we baptized 11 members of the denominations. We implore everyone to pray for these new converts

d-   Read and speak kabiye program :

This program has been designed to help brothers better master the local language and assist effectively during worship. This mastery of the local language can help brothers to help local churches in the absence of evangelists, who are in very short supply in the north. This may help evangelists to consider planting other churches.

e-   Denominational Program :

This program helps us to get in touch with denominations and bring them together for the study of biblical truths. We have developed this program here in 3 localities : Atchangbade ; Soumdina Pida and at the Bible School (IBBV) in Kara. These are the groups of denominations that we have brought together in a Bible conference. A few weeks later, we baptized 11 people. This program requires extensive biblical knowledge to be able to convince denominations biblically.

6-   Radio Program :

Radio is a powerful medium for spreading the gospel. Many listen but react little. We were able to baptize a listener who encourages us at every program on the Radio and with whom we have continued our Bible studies. He was finally baptized. We salute those who support us in this program and pray that Gopel will bless them abundantly. We also need your prayers for this program.

Upcoming  Program

-        July 2024 :  Evangelists seminar

-        August 2024 :-  Children  seminar

-        September 2024 :  Women and Men seminar

-        Speak and Read Kabiye Program

-        Denominational Program

In Christ,


Posted on July 15, 2024 .

Great success in Kpalime

May God's peace and mercy be with us all, and let us give glory to God for his blessings during this period ending in April. Everyone is doing well. The only exception was student Ezéchiel, who spent three days in the hospital in March with a stomachache.

Many activities have been carried out, especially evangelism, which is a primordial activity in the evangelist's work.


Classes proceed as usual with research that teachers now give students to do without difficulty utilizing the Bear Valley Digital Library. 

During this period, the following classes were taught at the school:

 1. RTAO — Akovi Esperance

2. I and II Corinthians — Akovi Esperance

3. Gospel according to John — Attah Komi Ekpe

4. Galatians to 2 Thessalonians — Attah Komi Ekpe

5. Hebrews — Cephas

6. Doctrine of Denomination — Cephas

After a two-week break, classes resumed on May 06, 2024

1. Homiletics II — ATTAH

2. The Little Prophets — ATTAH

3. Evidences Chrétiennes — CEPHAS

4. Preaching work — CEPHAS

5. Local church planting and development — ESPERANCE

6. Hermeneutics — ESPERANCE

7. Church history — BEDJELSI Fidèle

Guest Teacher

During this term, Evangelist Fidèle Bedjelsi in Kara will come to teach the course Church History to the students.

Training for teachers and students

SENGHOR Avougna, a teacher at the Lycée, was asked to help with training on how to use the research programs he teaches in schools. This was done via WhatsApp video. 


First, as is their custom, the students go to the ZOMAYI district every Friday in February from 8:00 to 15:00 to do door-to-door evangelism for a new assembly that has just been planted. With no one evangelist to lead it, the students and evangelists work to help the assembly grow and edify.

A three-day evangelization took place in the Tsévié area in March (DALAVE's village) and in some other areas where seminars and general worship were held.

Much work was carried out during April in Kpalime and Côte d'Ivoire. From April 15 to 21, a team of 6 joined the brothers in Ghana for a week of evangelism: Three days in BONDOUKOU and three days in TANDA. In each of these towns, two (2) people were baptized.

In the work plan for southern Togo, two new assemblies will be set up: one in Glekope and another in Danyi-Ndigbe. Through teamwork, two people were baptized in Gleykope, and a new assembly was baptized at the beginning of May. For May, two three-day evangelizations are planned in Lavie-Apedome and Temedja. Teams are hard at work in these localities to get good results from the evangelization campaigns.

Note: an unprepared campaign will not produce lasting results. Those who convert often abandon the church, so we must prepare the ground several weeks before the evangelistic campaign.

The results of the South Togo evangelism teams

Each evangelistic team in southern Togo had several baptisms during the period. Over sixty souls were baptized into Christ by the evangelistic teams shown below:

1. Kpalime: 10

2. Kpele: 9

3. Agou : 6

4. Fiokpo: 1

5. Lome: 12

6. Tsevie and Dalavé: 5

7. Atakpame: 3

8. Temedja: 7

9. Blita: 8

10. Notse: 4 

In the north, evangelistic teams were formed in Kuka and Dapaong. In Dapaong, team training for good cooperation did not take place due to the unavailability of evangelists on that day. Another opportunity for this training is planned for a later date.


Focusing on training women who lead children in local assemblies, sister Karen Ashcraft came with educational material that the women benefited from free of charge.

After three consecutive days of hard work by our Karen in Kpalime at the end of February, the women from twenty-eight congregations completed their training with great joy. They are now ready to take charge of the children in our different congregations and train other women to continue the mission in Togo. Karen then went north to Kara and held her second seminar in Togo with ten additional congregations.

Saturday courses for denominational leaders

It's a challenge for the Church of Christ to reach more people in the denominations with the Gospel. Separate from the Bear Valley school, we continue to hold Saturday evangelistic classes for denominational leaders. We presently have programs in fifteen locations with around 200 students. A seminar was held in Kpalime for students of the denominational program for two days in March.

Having fully understood the Gospel of Christ and his Church, some of the students began by giving their names for further training at the Institute Biblique Bear Togo.

Posted on June 5, 2024 .

Campaign in Togo yields great results

April 2024 report

May God's peace and mercy be with us all, and let us give glory to God for his blessings during this month of April. Many activities have been carried out, especially evangelism, which is a primordial activity in the evangelist's work.


His course comes to an end in April.

1. RTAO..................Akovi Esperance

2. I and II Corinthians...... Akovi Esperance

3. Gospel according to John........... Attah Komi Ekpe

4. Galatians to 2 Thessalonians ... Attah Komi Ekpe

5. Hebrews..........................Cephas

6. Doctrine of Denomination... Cephas

A two-week break and classes resume on 06 May 2024

Second-quarter courses starting in May 2024.

1. Homiletics II:.............. ATTAH

2. The Little Prophets: .......ATTAH

3. Evidences Chrétiennes: CEPHAS

4. Preaching work: CEPHAS

5. Local church planting and development: .....ESPERANCE

6. Hermeneutics: ..........ESPERANC

7. Church history: .....BEDJELSI Fidèle


During this term, a teacher will come and teach the following course: Church History. Evangelist Fidèle Bedjelsi in Kara will come to teach this course to students.


1. A great deal of work was carried out during the month in Kpalime and Côte d'Ivoire. From April 15 to 21, a team of 6 joined the brothers in Ghana for a week's evangelism: 3 days in BONDOUKOU and 3 days in TANDA. In each of these towns, two (2) people were baptized.

2. In the work plan, two assemblies are to be set up: one in Glekope and another in Danyi-Ndigbe. Through teamwork, two people were baptized in Gleykope, and a new assembly was baptized at the beginning of May. For the month of May, two three-day evangelizations are planned in Lavie-Apedome and Temedja. Teams are hard at work in these localities to get good results from the evangelization campaigns.

Note: an unprepared campaign will not produce lasting results. Those who convert often abandon the church, which is why we need to change the method: prepare the ground several weeks before the evangelistic campaign.

The results of the South Togo teams.

1. Kpalime : 6

2. Kpele: 5

3. Agou : 4

4. Fiokpo: 0

5. Lome: 8

6. Tsevie and Dalavé: 3

7. Atakpame: 3

8. Temedja: 3

9. Blita: 5

10. Notse: 3

Posted on May 10, 2024 .

Progress in northern Togo



April 1st, 2024



Greetings from Kara in northern Togo. As we walk together to accomplish the great Mission, we appreciate your willingness to continue to support this Bible School that helps in the formation of brothers who will be able to play a great role in the plan of salvation that the Great Mission requires.

We pray unceasingly that God will grant us peace, courage and good health, so that together we may continue to strive for the fulfillment of the Great Commission order contained in Mark 16 : 15 – 16. Your love in this work gives us the courage to always strive to enlarge Christ’s Kingdom.  



1-      The number of students : 09

2-    The courses already taught the first quarter :

a-      Isaiah, great prophet by KAGNON  Luc

b-      The Minor Prophets by TALAKI  Nicodeme

c-       1 Corinthians by BEDJELSI  Fidele

3-    The courses that will be thought during the second quarter 2024 :

a-      Job and the Psalms  by TALAKI  Nicodeme

b-      Jeremiah and Lamentations  by KPELEVI  David

c-       2 Corinthians  by BEDJELSI  Fidele


4-      Instructors’ meeting :   Instructors continue to motivate students  and deploy the student’s behavior that negatively marked teachers in his absence despite the motivations.The students had to express their wish to learn computer science. This technology also helps the student in this research.


5-      Congregational Activities :


a-      Worship and edification : The challenges of laying the foundations for the church in northern Togo are enormous.  There are : The challenge of unity, the challenge with the plethora of denominations.

In the face of all these challenges, a teaching program is planned for all local churches and an awareness campaign in all northern regions to help evangelists work together to expand the Kingdom of our Lord. Our prayer is that in the future we will be totally united in answering Our Lord’s prayer before going to the cross in John 17 :17.

With the arrival of the new evangelists to help the work in the north , we organize these local existing churches to grow spiritually and digitally. A program has been set to feast to help these churches. Students participate in this program and are sent to these churches for adoration Sundays. And our first goal is that these churches become masts and also to implant other churches. So, we have set up effective leadership to enable each local church to worship without the presence of the evangelist. This will help us plan for future church plantings.


b-    Door- to- Door evangelism :

The door to door work during these 3 months led us to convert a total of 8 people, including 4 women in Soumdina- Pida, 2 men in Lama, a woman in Landa  and a man in Kara- University. A door-to-door evangelism program is rigorously followed to help each local church grow numerically. For the moment, this comprehensive evangelism work is a success story among the evangelists in Kara. We pray that God will continue to help u_s in this direction.


c-       Seminars : We thank God for the life of Karen Ashcraft who organized a two-day conference March 1-2, 2024 for 10 Congregations for women who care for children’s class. Each Congregation sent representatives. Karen wisely imparted her knowledge to these women, who left very happy with the gifts they received during the conference. The conference took place in a room at the Hotel Meka in Kara, where the cool temperatures made the participants very happy, as it was extremely hot in Kara in March.

My family is always blessed by Karen’s arrival in Kara. Before she left, we shared a meal together at the Hotel Meka. During this moment of sharing, she had to give a lot of advice to my daughters who make huge efforts at school and promised to do much more in their studies. It was a moment of great joy when we remembered her last visit to Kara a few years  ago. We remain grateful for her love in Christ. Our Mighty God continues to give her long life, strength and many benedictions.


d-      Missionary travel : We have with Steven, the very zealion Missionary for the salvation of souls in Africa and especially in West Africa carried out a missionary trip passing by Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, and Guinea. In Ivory Coast, we have traveled to the cities of Bandougou, Bouake, Yamssokro to encourage teams to come and work together, very beneficial to have good results in the conversion of lost souls for Christ. In Liberia was held a conference of Zealous Evangelists from Sierraleon, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Ghana,Togo and Liberia. Efforts have been made to put together ideas to channel and motivate the evangelistic team in each country. It is a very beneficial trip. This trip allowed us to know some countries, meet and know the other evangelists of other countries. This trip is solving some division issues in countries. We pray that these kinds of meetings will continue to take place in the future. It is a good start to maintain the unit in the body of Christ in Africa.We pray a lot for Missionary Steven, who inspires us all. May God give him much wisdom, patience and iron health and a long life for the realization of his vision in Christ. This missionary  journey  began on January 14, 2024 and we returned on February 4, 2024.


e-      Denominational Program : This program had started well from our return of the trip after some hesitation. This program began in 3 localities : Atchangbade with 11people ; Soumdina-Pida with 13people and IBBV kara with 6people.


f-       Radio Program :   We use this program as a means of evangelization for the surrounding communities. It’s also a way of getting in touch with certain listeners with whom we are in conversion discussions. Other evangelists help to preach the gospel on the radio.


In Christ,



Posted on April 5, 2024 .

Evangelism in Togo

Report for January 2024

After the end-of-year and end-of-first-year exams, the students were dismissed on December 22, 2023. They were in groups for public evangelism in TCHABOM and the Nyivème district. A good result marked the end of each part with 2 baptisms in Kpalimé and 4 baptisms in TCHABOM. It was on these activities that they left to resume classes on January 15, 2024. Last year, the eighth promotion began classes in January 2023, and has just successfully completed one year. We are counting on God's help for the second year, which will last 12 months.


Numbering 15, they started until December 22, 2023, when they went on leave. When classes resumed, one student from BLITA and two students from ATAKPAME did not return. According to the student from BLITA, his wife prevents him from returning to Kpalimé, because his wife and children are neglected, the children are often ill, and the family lacks the means to support the children at school. The two students from ATAKPAME went to Lomé and haven't come back since, but they may be prevented from doing so by family matters.

Friday evangelism:

Never losing sight of the objective for which they have been at the Bible Institute for a year, the students are still in ZOMAYI every Friday to plant a new one planned for this year 2024. A woman has just been baptized and 4 people in TEMEDJA.

Zone evangelism (teams).

On Tuesdays, evangelists from the Kpalimé zone, every Thursday for evangelists from the KPELE zone, and on Tuesdays, evangelists from the AGOU zone take to the streets and homes to reach every person with the gospel. Evangelists from the Atakpamé and TEMEDJA zones continue their evangelizing mission in AMLAME. In TSEVIE, the team works every Monday and Tuesday. In Lomé, the team's evangelism work varies according to the neighborhood and the program established for each month.

1. Zone Kpalimé

2. Zone KPELE

3. Zone AGOU


5. Zone TSEVIE

6. Zone LOME



The program 8th Class, 2nd year

Part one:

1. RTAO (Traditional Religion of West Africa): ESPERANCE

2. I&II Corinthians : ESPERANCE

3. Gospel according to John: ATTAH

4. Galatians to 2 Thessalonians: ATTAH

5. Hebrews: CEPHAS

6. Denominational Doctrine: CEPHAS

Public evangelism:

As part of this year's program to promote evangelism in Togo and encourage evangelizing teams, an evangelistic campaign is planned in DALAVE and TSEVIE from February 29 to March 2, 2024.

Denomination program:

A pastor from the "foursquare" church in BURKINA-FASSO is so interested in training that he has asked to come to Kpalimé for Bible training. Through the evangelist ESPERANCE, the pastor has been trying for a long time to get the Church of Christ to come to BURKINA.

1. They are numerous and he is looking for training

2. There is a possibility of starting a program to teach denominational people in BURKINA.

3. Plant the churches of Christ by converting denomination churches with their pastors.

4. In a short time, set up work teams (evangelism) in BURKINA and join the program recently established in LIBERIA.

5. Some students (denominations) wanted to come from Niger, so we can also extend to NIGER.

A challenge

The denomination program is a challenge for us to go further with denominational leaders, and above all it is a very effective form of evangelism.


The price of the motorcycles is 680,000 f cfa, we need them for the work of the teams in Togo and also a tricycle.

NEED: students need glasses to read lectures

Thanks, your brother in Christ,


Posted on March 8, 2024 .

Goals for Togo in 2024

Monthly report for December 2023

Glory be to our father and Jesus Christ his son for helping us get through the month of December. We would like to thank all our sponsors, in this case GABRIEL CHURCH of CHRIST and the coordinator STEVEN and all the BEAR VALLEY managers who have contributed to the achievement of this great result that we have this 2023.

The students and teachers thank you. The church of Christ in Togo says thank you. Our prayer and our wish is that the Almighty will support you in your good deeds for the development of the church and the spread of the gospel throughout Africa.



The courses in the program have been completed, and the end-of-year exams take place on December 18, 19 and 2023. Part of the exam on evangelism was that each student had to do it in practice, so each had made an effort at personal evangelism. All in all, they succeeded in practicing what they learned a year ago.


Program of activities in 2023:

Two villages together: TSABOM and ALIKPODJI

From 14th, 15th and 16th: public evangelistic campaign in TSABOM-ALIKPODJI. Here are those who took part in the three-day evangelistic campaign.

1. Students

2. 10 evangelists and

3. 4 women to accompany the team during the three days of evangelism and film screenings (in local language and French).

Campaign results: 4 baptized


The 2024 program:

1. Plant 30 new churches throughout Togo.

2. 100 evangelistic campaigns throughout Togo.

3. Convert 1500 souls for Christ.


Youth Bible Camp on December 23, 24, 25 and 26, 2023 at YOH.

More than 150 young people from churches around Kpalime for a four-day camp.


The general theme: The good conduct of a young Christian.

1. The sub-theme: the Christian life of a young person in an immoral world (Evangelist Honku.

2. Sub-theme: The importance of the church (Evangelist Cephas).

The four days are marked by skits presented by young people from each congregation they represent.


In January 2024

These are the goals we want to achieve through our activities: the school and the evangelists. Please pray with us as we carry out the activities we have just begun. I met with brothers in Lome and TSEVIE about everything we have on the agenda. Some of them already asked us to evangelize two locations, and I'll let you know when we start in January 2024

Posted on January 5, 2024 .

Big plans in Togo for 2024


December 29, 2023


All churches of Christ of Kara (north of Togo) join me and my family to send you all the congratulations,  encouragements and greetings for your great desire and love to keep helping us through this Bible School to strengthen the spiritual capacity of the brothers to better help these local churches to achieve the goals of the Great Commission. We continue to pray for you so that we all have the courage to continue working together to reduce the  kingdom of satan  by the conversion of the souls. In this overall vision to reduce the kingdom of satan, our Lord will always be with us for good results in the future.

So, we take advantage of this opportunity to send you our best wishes and happy new year 2024. Much courage, wisdom and knowledge and good health for the new year 2024.


1-      The current number of students : 09 (8 for regular time and 1 outside time)

 2-      The courses already taught the third quarter

a-      General episties by TALAKI  Nicodeme

b-      Galatians to 2Thessalonicians by KPELEVI  David

c-       The worship of the New Testament by Fidele

 3-      The courses that will be taught during the first quarter 2024 :

a-      Isaiah, great prophet  by KAGNON  Luc

b-      Major Cult by TALAKI Nicodeme

c-        1 Corinthians by Fidele

 4-      Instructors’ meeting :   Teachers discussed how to use students to effectively help local churches to grow spiritually and digitally. The different programs involved these students to help them have some experience to better lead local churches.They also discussed the methods to use to help students in research to better preach and teach. They have also made a decision to continue to encourage these students individually to the end.  They finally recognized that this Biblical School is a force for the achievement of the Great Mission objectives.

 5-      Congregational Activities :

a-      Worship and edification : 

We really started with the other evangelists to lay the foundations of the church. We have set up a work plan on all local churches. At first a specific teaching on the disciple life in his community has been taught according to a program defined on all local churches. Given the unity that is reacted among the evangelists, there is a glow of hope that binds to the face of the faithful. Some faithful encouraged us to continue in this unit and this will have a positive impact in the lives of the faithful and a good way to restore some faithful who were disappointed by the division among  the evangelists in the past by one of the evangelists who has returned yet  back to Lome.

We noted for now that these new local evangelists have a real   desire to work for Christ as servants engaged for saved souls for Christ.With this organization of overall work on local churches, we have been able to baptized a total of 17 people from October to December 2023 ( 3 baptized in Lama ; 01 in Soumdina Powayi ; 02 in Kara University : 10 young people in Sandate and 1 person in Lassa Lao).

With this new momentum in the work for the conversion of souls, there is hope to grow digitally and spiritually these already implanted churches and those that will be implanted in the future. We find that this evolution is slow but with insurance despite the pletorrous number of the denominations that are well organized and that we are challenging.

b-      Door to door evangelism : The program is developed with other evangelists to help local churches in their digital growth and also establish other new congregations. This work helped us to have Lassa Lao new congregation. By this work we have been able to baptize 17 souls. We will intensify this door to door work in the coming days.

c-       Seminars : We had organized the Leaders of the churches leading them to be dynamic and very vigilant to fight the false doctrine. We also could show the need that every local church can implant a new church.

d-      Practical work with students : To help our students do this more evangelization work, we worked in Kara University locality. In the end we had to baptize two (2) women. Thus we are realizing the importance of a Biblical Training Institute. If we continue to multiply together our efforts to amplify our strengths and extend even the actions of this school, the converts will still be many in the future. The existence of a Biblical Training Institute helps much in the conversion of souls.

e-      Denominational program : We were able to put a small group of biblical studies at the moment with a few Leaders of denominations. They are 4 Leaders. They come from different localities. We thank God who helped us to baptize two (2) of them who already propose to be on the list of future students of Bear Valley Bible Institute. We continue to do our best to find many denominational Leaders to enlarge the group.

We also started studying with a denominational church we want to convert for Christ. We want you to pray for this denominational church who does not want to discipline itself for this program.

f-       Annual camp : This camp brings all the members of all local churches in one locality for spiritual teaching to help each member to grow spiritually. It is also the opportunity to organize spiritual concerts where all local churches will sing one another and this helps us to choose the best singers. It is also the opportunity to organize biblical games with price at the end. This annual camp was a total success and each  returned home in the joy of being spiritually blessed. The general topic was : « Does the Church of Christ be a sect ? ». We have done this Camp in Soumdina Powayi up December 24 to 26, 2023.

This year we had the opportunity to celebrate the wedding of the new local Preacher Kpelevi. We had to share pleasant moments. Participants during this camp are nearly 114 people.

 6-      Radio Program : It is a very effective way to preach the gospel to other surrounding communities. With the arrival of these other evangelists we are more effective for this radio program. We continue to meet some who agree with the appointments. We preach every Friday from 15 O’clock pm to 16 O’clock pm on Radio « Kozah Fm ».

 7-      Upcoming Program : We will have a busy program

a-      January 2024 :

-          Campaign in Tchitchao Kigbeleng

-          Campaign Dapaong area

-          Campaign in Soumdina Powayi

-          Training « Reading  and Speaking kabiye » program

b-      February 2024 :

-          Campaign in Samala

-          Campaign in Sandate

-          Campaign in Soumdina Haut

-          Training « Reading and Speaking kabiye   » program

c-       March 2024 :

-          Campaign in Tchoou

-          Campaign in Tatale area

-          Campaign in Lassa Lao

-          Campaign in Soumdina Pida

-          Training « Reading and Speaking kabiye » program

We need your prayers for all those programs.

 In Christ,


Posted on January 4, 2024 .

Evangelism is the goal in Togo

Report for September 2023

I give thanks to God for this month which has just ended and for the lives of the brothers and sisters of all the congregations who have taken part in church and school activities in southern Togo.

May the Almighty bless all those who contribute to the evolution of work in Togo and elsewhere.


Every Friday for students, every Tuesday for Kpalime zone evangelists, every Thursday for Kpele zone evangelists and every Wednesday for Agou zone evangelists. At present, evangelists in the Atakpalime zone have started evangelizing every Wednesday. It's a very effective method that involves everyone, even the lazy ones, I'd say, are involved and encouraged. The total number of people baptized this September is 13.

During the month of September, the students occupied the areas of the city where:

 1. TSIVE district, (2 times).

2. Quartier Zomayi (3 times).


The quarter ends this month and the third quarter begins mid-October 2023. This quarter's courses will be sent to you in next month's reports. There are 15 students who have completed their courses and are waiting for the next ones. Every Wednesday evening and Sunday, they visit local churches to teach and exhort. At the end of each month, there is a general evaluation for all the students, enabling the teachers to take steps to help and improve each student's level of biblical knowledge.

All teachers enjoyed their academic work and practical work, either through evangelism or working with local churches. This development encourages work and other programs such as evangelistic campaigns in different regions, conferences and seminars. Evangelists are involved in many of the activities organized by the school.

Saturday courses

There are 15 Saturday schools in southern Togo, with a total enrolment of 150 students from all denominations, some of whom have already been baptized and some of whom are already planning to join the two-year BVBI training program. They will join the institute after the class of 2023-2025. This strategy of bringing together denominational leaders (members, pastors, prophets and apostles) to first evangelize and teach them, has resulted in a large number of converts becoming members, and how a new assembly in the locality. This is a good way of planting churches in certain areas of southern Togo.

1. Kpalime (10)

2. Temedja(10)

3. Adeta(10)

4. Amoussoukope (10)

5. Lome (10)

6. Blita (10)

7. Notse (10)

8. Kati (10)

9. Danyi (10)

10. Amakpape (10)

11. Kpele-Ele (10)

12. Datcha (10)

13. Amlame (10)

14. Heheatro (10)

15. Dalave (10)


Churches of Christ in the south of Togo have recently been hit by rainstorms, such as those in AMOUSSOKPE, TSABOME, TEMEDJA and LAVIE-APEDOME. Without sheds under which to gather, they have been holding Sunday services under very difficult conditions.

Women's conference

Conferences are often organized by region. In September, it was at NUKAFU in Lomé, where women from our region were to take part in the third conference of the year, from October 1 to 4, 2023.

Theme: The role of the Christian woman in the home.

Text: Proverbs 31:11-31.


Still on the move for the salvation of souls, gathered on September 4 to define how to proceed to evangelize a greater number and plant four (4) churches by the end of this year 2023.

Strategies are defined as setting up a system called zone work divided into five:

1. kpalime zone

2. Agou zone

3. Kpele zone

4. Fiokpe area

5. Atakpame zone.

To succeed, you have to work as a team. All these teams, made up of 55 evangelists and brothers of good will, are always on the move to evangelize. Another team is being formed with students from Blita and surrounding areas for the central region.

Posted on October 31, 2023 .

Saving souls in northern Togo



October 5th, 2023


The Congregations of the Church of Christ here in the north of Togo and my own family send you their greetings. We welcome your great desire and love to keep helping us for  the Great Commission ordered by Our Lord in Marc16 :15-16 through this Bible training Institute here in Kara (Togo). By this noble support we are together engaged to look for souls anywhere in  the world. So, we are very thankful. May Our God continue to give you a lot of wisdom and patience in the fulfillment of this Great Commission around the world.


1-      The Current number of students : 09 (a student was recruited into the army)

2-      The courses already taught during the second quarter :

a-      Revelation by KAGNON  Luc

b-      Roman by KPODENOU  Rodrigue

c-       Denominational  doctrines by BEDJELSI  Fidele

3-      The courses that will be taught during the fourth quarter 2023 :

a-      General episties by TALAKI  Nicodeme

b-      Galatians to 2Thessalonicians by KPELEVI  David

c-       1Corinthian by BEDJELSI  Fidele

4-      Instructors’ meeting :

The Instructors focused this quarter on the practical training again with students. As we are really evangelists by our ability to evangelize, the instructors worked at Lassa Ahodo with the students where we want to implant a new church. The population has well received the gospel but without any baptism there for instance.

Instructors noted with dissatisfaction that one of the students became a soldier. So, they have always encouraged students to put more effort into their studies.

5-        Congregational  Activities :

a-      Worship and edification :

Students continue to help with other local Preachers by worshiping with the local congregations. With the arrival of local Preachers I am a little released to now better organize the work. We truly pray that these evangelists are truly spiritual to strongly help the work of the Great Mission. Some evangelists in the past and in the worries to help work showed great jealousy and worked against us and against the work of God. With the arrival of other local evangelists and also the help of the brethren of Kpalime, we really want to put the foundations of the unit in the work and the true collaboration that are necessary to succeed the work of the Great Commission. This unit and collaboration helped with the help of Bear Valley students to baptize during this quarter 5 people including 4 women Soumdina Pida and a man in Lama. All this in a joy atmosphere. This Bear Valley Bible School is a great help to enlarge step by step the Kingdom of God in northern Togo where the denominations are well organized.

b-      Seminars : We organized two seminars :

-          One seminar for young people in August 2023. The general topic is titled : « Christian youth and modernism ». About 60 young people participated in this seminar. They returned to their localities very happy after two days of work during holidays.

-          One seminar of Men and Women on September 13th and 14th, 2023. The general topic is titled : « Christian can experience success ? ». About fifty (50) Men and women participated. Many were absent because of the work of the fields.  

c-       Practical work with students : Once a month we go out with students to meet people with whom we share the word of God. These moments are time for students to learn practically how to do this work of evangelism.

d-      Denominational program : We are organizing this work with Kpalime evangelists to put the posters in each locality and create Biblical Study Centers with those who are in the denominations  to help them understand the truth and prepare them to be students at the Bible Institute Bear Valley.


6-      Radio Program : We continue to preach the truth through this local radio « Kozah fm » . Some are happy with this preached truth. Others are not happy. But this issue also helps us meet some with whom we share the truth. We pray that God continues to support us in this issue. We would beg you to put this program in your prayers.

7-      Up coming program :

-          October : The work with Kpalime evangelists to go in different villages and put the posters (Denominational program)

-          December 2023 : Campaign in Kara and North christians yearly camp.


In Christ,


Posted on October 9, 2023 .

Togo students and staff evangelize

August 2023 Report from BVBI- TOGO

Glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ for ever and ever, who protected the divine institutions in Togo and gave success to our activities such as: churches, evangelism by students on Fridays, evangelism by zone, speakers and seminars to evangelists and their wives every three (3) months, spiritual education to youth and debates with pastors of denominations who accept debates around which often propose either live or WhatsApp groups.


Classes continue with teachers every day. Every Monday, the students report on the difficulties encountered during their door-to-door evangelism outings. This time it's a plea on their part for the school to issue a card identifying them as students and also to provide them with Bible tracts. The few we have kept are totally exhausted.

They are always regular in class and follow the lessons carefully. The month of August is marked by heavy rains. At the moment, there are enough mosquitoes in the area because there is water everywhere, and most of them suffer from malaria and are treated in hospital.

Here are the lessons of the quarter:

1. Overview of the New Testament.................................ATTAH Komi Ekpé Pierre

2. The Gospels of Mark and Luke....................................ATTAH Komi Ekpé Pierre       

3. The Book of Acts............................................MENSAH Akovi Espérance

4. The ministry of the multiplication (evangelization)..........MENSAH Akovi Espérance

5. The book of Genesis.............................................NYEMANTA Cephas

6. Biblical Authority..............................................NYEMANTA Cephas

(An additional course is required, entitled "Bible and Tradition", taught by NYEMANTA Cephas, to answer the questions our students and evangelists encounter during evangelization campaigns). 

Before starting classes in the morning, they follow devotional and memorization exercises which they write down, or some of them recite the verses according to their choice and the instruction given by the teacher. Every weekend, they all take an exam in each course.


With the evangelization of the areas instituted with the school's activity, the month of August was a real success, with a record 18 people baptized. The students and evangelists did a wonderful job preaching the Word of God. The evangelism on Fridays and the work of the zones will bear fruit, and already associated with Saturday's school, a village 10 km from NOTSE is already inviting us for a public evangelism that we plan to do until the end of September, when the rains will be a little scarce.        

Evangelistic campaign in Togo:        

With the course of denominations and daily evangelism a village 10 km from Notse (MAYIKPO) invites us for a public evangelism of which we wish to do two evangelistic campaigns in September if the rains become a little scarce and here are its locations:


2. NOTSE (MAYIKPO village, 10 km away, for church planting) and early October in


Visits to the churches:

Two by two with the center's motorcycles, they travel miles every Sunday to serve in local churches and especially. Churches visited in August include : ALIKPODJI, LAVIE-APEDOME, PRESIDENT-COPE, AVETONOU, AGOGOME, KATI, TCHABOM, TSAVIE, HANINGBA.

Posted on September 12, 2023 .

Togo school encouraging preachers to "Wake Up!"


(Second  Quarter 2023)


Greetings from West Africa. My Family and the churches around Kara send you their greetings. Our Powerful Lord continues to help us in His mission and we continue to achieve great joy by doing this work. This work is not progressing so fast like we wanted, but we are moving forward step-by-step. Your support for this work is giving fruit that constitutes souls we convert to Christ gradually and we are very thankful. We sincerely thank our Lord for your love.


1-      Number of the Students : 10

2-      The courses already taught :

a-      Logic : by Kagnon  Luc

b-      Hebrew and The Holy  Spirit :  by Fidele

3-      The courses that will be taught during the third quarter 2023 :

a-      Romans : by Rodrigue

b-      Revelation : by Kagnon  Luc

c-       Denominational doctrine : by Fidele

4-      Instructors’ meeting :

During three months passed, Instructors focused on the practical training of students. They have encouraged students for this practical training. They reminded the students that the work of the Evangelist is seen in his ability to convert souls. They have let them know that practical work is very important. Students were sensitized for practical work in Soumdina Pida. These students were able to convert two (2) people. Overall, the Instructors rejoiced in the effort of these students in practice. Other practical sessions are planned in the future.


a-      Worship and edification :

With the students and other preachers, we continue the edification of local churches. The teaching on the local churches now is titled : “The Mission of the Local Church”. Many began understanding the role that members of the church must play to help the growing digitally and spiritually local church. Our desire is to build strong and mature congregations in the future.

b-      Campaigns :

We have organized two campaigns :                                                                                                                                                 Campaign in Sandate(April 2023) to help the local congregation with door to door work during one(1) week. At the end we have : 2 women baptized ; 04 persons restored.

Campaign in Lama (Mai 2023) to also help the local congregation. At the end we had 3 women baptized and 2 persons restored.

c-      Evangelistic efforts :

With the help of one another evangelist, we  organized the work to help local congregations grow. We work diligently in the villages. The problems encountered in these villages are related to the organization of the Catholic Church and the denomination's influences. But our vision is to do all our effort to implant in each locality the church of Christ.

With the practical training in Soumdina Pida with the students we were able to baptize two persons.

We have organized the local churches leaders training in Kara with the general topic : “Our commitment in the mission of Christ”. Many leaders  participated in this training. Everyone returned home full of joy with a decision to make the mission of Christ successful in northern Togo. To this training, we noted the presence of other evangelists of Kouka.

2-      Seminar :

We organized a seminar for evangelists in June 2023. The topic that allowed the meditation of all was : “Evangelist, Wake up from your Sleep” (Rom. 13 : 11-13) to help each evangelist to become aware of the evangelist work he must do with diligence to expand the Kingdom of Christ.

3-      Radio Program :

We were currently able to meet with the Radio program one of the denominational members with whom we started a Bible study. He is very happy. We need your prayers seriously.

4-      Upcoming Program :

-          August 2023 : Seminar of young people and children

-          September 2023  : Seminar of Men and Women


In Christ,



Posted on July 28, 2023 .

Kara, Togo school strengthening the church


            (FIRST  QUARTER  2023)



Greetings from West Africa (Kara). All the churches around Kara and my family are doing well and send you their greetings. By your support we do effectively this recommendation of Our Lord Jesus- Christ contained in Mark 16 :15-16 and Matthew 28 :19-20. With this support you participate fully in this Great Mission. We are so thankful for your great desire to continue to help us doing this mission here in north of Togo.



1-    Students number :  10

2-    The courses already thought during the first quarter 2023 :

a-     How we got the Bible by KPADENOU  Rodrigue

b-    Number and Deuteronom by KAGNON  Luc

c-     Hebrews by BEDJELSI  Fidele

3-    The courses that will be taught during the second quarter 2023 :

a-     Revelation by Esperance

b-    Logique by Luc

c-     Hebrews by Fidele


4-    Instructors’ meeting :

The desire of the Instructors is to see students to be able to teach the doctrine of Christ like Paul  recommended it to Timothy  “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2Timoty 2 : 2). That’s why these instructors always encourage these students to be faithful, regular, and brave to the end. Our instructors decided to give the best of themselves to help these students until the end. So, in the future we are going to have good preachers to help the work in the north.



 a-      Worship and edification :

We are very thankful of the existence of  Bear Valley bible school Institute. Students are sent to local congregations for worshiping and edification according to an educational program. The teaching in the local churches is titled : “The way to heaven “. With the help of these Students I developed a program of monitoring local churches to build spiritually strong churches in the future.  Sometimes, the preachers of Kpalime came to help  for door-to-door evangelism and edification with local churches. Two women were baptized in Lama and two men were also baptized in Kara town.

b-      Campaigns :                                                                                                                                    

We have organized one campaign in Landa in January and had 5 persons baptized. This campaign helped us to have a new congregation established there in Landa village.

c-      Evangelistic efforts :

We are continually pushing the local congregations to organize themselves to bring the gospel to the city of Kara and their local villages. During the quarter, we have been assembling in small groups and going house to house on a weekly basis. Due to the Muslim and denominational influence and good organizations with projects and the desire of the people to look towards material things, the work is not easy . However, we continue to proclaim the gospel and are experiencing slow growth in the local congregations. With the continual effort in the villages we were able to restore a church of Christ long implanted by some Missionaries in Soumdina Powayi village with 11 persons also baptized. We have also planted a congregation in Soumdina Pida with 2 baptized recently. The denominational doctrines program has helped to obtain this result too. We have a total of 20 persons baptized from January to March 2023.


We have planned a door-to-door evangelization in Sanda-te village to help this  local congregation  grow numerically.. We are also going to help the local congregation in Lama in May. In addition to all this we plan to have the preachers seminar in June to help every preacher to be strong by serving Christ.


We continue to teach the truth through Radio Kozah FM to help the population to make a decision for their salvation. Little appreciated the truth taught without making a decision to follow Christ while many engage in criticism. Through this issue we get back in touch with some with whom we discuss the truth. A very good opportunity for the conversion of some people.


We thank God for the visit of our zelous Missionary Steven from March 30 to April 3,2023. During this visit a lot of reflections were made with Tamale Bear Valley Bible School Director, brother James and Kpalime Bear Valley Bible School Director, brother Cephace to help work in the north of Togo particularly and in the whole Togo in general. He wisely solved some problems that try to curb the evolution of work in the north and the whole Togo in general. We welcome the bravery and determination of the Missionary Steven who wants unity among the christians and preachers. His desire is to build a strong church of Christ in Togo. We shared the excellent moments with him in Kara as in Kpalime for the graduation of students. I benefited from his wise tips to build a good leadership. I like working with Steven, a very zeal who struggles a lot for salvation of lost souls in Africa. He inspires me a lot.

Posted on June 5, 2023 .

Togo students learn practical lessons in addition to Bible teaching

December 2022 Report


Classes ended and the teachers were pleased with their work. In general, the students committed themselves throughout the course. They have met all the requirements imposed by the school. All the teachers tried to lead their students and emphasized the practical side of each course. They were instructed on the need to know your course for yourself, to adapt your audience, the practical side. Each student took an exam; memorization work, writing a small thesis on the subjects given by the teachers and finally writing a final exam.


Three Fridays are the last ones that the students went to evangelization in the neighborhood where the school is located and the success was noticed by two baptisms. A woman who came to sell condiments at the center and her daughter.


This month ended with 5 baptized, three in the first three weeks and two more in the last weeks by the students who stayed at the center. The students did many wonders in the area of saving souls during the public evangelistic campaigns, in the visits to the churches, evangelism on Fridays and other personal studies with various people in various localities.

Saturday classes:

The part-time students continue to follow the courses according to the program of each locality, and the new students integrate the classes each time they arrive from the denominations. In addition to the 6 places where the part-time courses are done, there are other places like: Danyi, Amakpapé, Notse, Kpele-Ele, Kati, Iwouna Be, Amlame, Heheatro, all these cities and some villages are our targets for new church planting in this year 2023. The part-time students are an advantage for us to start an assembly with the members of the denominations converted into the church of Christ. We have already registered more than 10 students in each new location.

With our advertising posters, we manage to reach a large number of people who call us for information and at the same time many register for part-time training.


Students were released on December 20, 2022 and will return in April for orientation. To resume with the next graduating class, enrollment continues through interview day on February 10 and the start of classes on February 13, 2023.

Research and Writing Syllabus Bear Valley

For this new program in the training system that as with this class of 2023-2025, we have solicited a teacher from a higher education school who has agreed to train us as a full-time and part-time teacher for one week from February 6 to 10, 2023.


We give glory to God since the beginning of this training for the two years, and as a result of all done during his years, we have not lacked support for anything, an addition of part-time schools, have found all their satisfaction. We hope in the future days, to have a land for our school and other things in view of more wandering from house to house.

The Lord's Supper

A sister from the church of Christ in HANINGBA who has the ability to make the Lord's Supper was invited to teach the students how to make it. She came to the centre with wheat flour, which she kneaded and made into dough. From this dough, breads were made by putting this dough on the gas. It was a wonderful experience because they were used to learning how to make bread when it was ready, now each student is able to make bread for the Lord's Supper. The sister's name is Mrs ALUKA Agnès.

Computer Science

Our student evangelists are computer literate. They do research on the sites thanks to this training and the internet connection that the school has.

Posted on February 9, 2023 .

Students preach and teach to help local congregations in Togo



My family and the churches of Christ in the north of Togo send you their Greetings. We are so thankful for your love and your desire to help us fulfill the Great Commission here in the North of Togo. We continue to pray for you.  May God give you great wisdom, a lot of patience in this mission of salvation of souls  around the world.


  • Actual number of Students : 10

  • The Courses already taught during the second quarter : Exodus and Levitique by Kagnon Luc – Church Planting by Rodrigue – The Church of the Bible by Fidele.

  • The Courses that will be taught during the first quarter 2023 :

  • Biblical Introduction  by KPODENOU  Rodrigue

  • Ezra  to Esther  by KAGNON  Luc

  • Hebrews  by BEDJELSI  Fidele

Worship  and  edification :

Students continue to help by worshiping with the local congregations. These Students are helping me a lot and this allows me to plan my time to help each local church in the completion of their program. Each congregation has a program for door-to-door evangelism. People have a hard heart and do not want to convert but we always continue to talk to them and also pray for them. 

We have particularly applied for the help of the Kpalime Training Center for Kara’s local church . The brethren of Kpalime came to help for door-to-door work. At the end, in a very good atmosphere, we baptized a woman and a man. With the efforts of some of our  students, we also baptized a man for Kara local church and a woman for Tchitchao local church. The evangelization campaigns to help local churches are a source of motivation for brothers and sisters from local churches.

Campaigns : We have organized up from October to December  two campaigns to help the local churches of Lassa and Tchintchinda.  All those campaigns are very important to build step by step local congregations.

Practical work with Students : Once a month we organize this work with students to allow them to be in teachers in local congregations to practice theoretically.

Yearly  Camp : This end-of-year Camp should be done in Kouka but it did not take place. Finally all efforts have been made to organize this Camp in Kara with a participation of about 70 people. The general Topic were: « Spiritual disciplines, spiritual release sources. » 

We seize this favorable opportunity to wish you our best wishes of health, longevity. God bless you. May God  protect you  all during the year 2023.


In Christ, 


Posted on January 9, 2023 .

More reached for Jesus in Togo

I thank God for his mercy. The month of September is marked by meetings for the retraining of evangelists and students. As we are nearing the end of the students' training for two, we are planning lectures in the evenings of November and December after classes so that students can master the tool of "how to prepare and present a thesis to an audience". The emphasis is currently more on practicing everything we have studied over the two years. To motivate everyone to do better: they are organized into two groups (group A and group B). They have to work together so that after the training they can and should always work together and no one considers himself a leader in the group, but show them that everyone needs to cooperate with each other to be stronger to save more souls.

Each group must work with four assemblies and note the weaknesses that exist according to the group and how to improve the work on their assemblies. This is an exercise that awakens the students in their service to the assemblies that they will plant and lead in all the places where they will establish themselves. Those who are from the Atakpalime environment work with their churches and the students are the churches of their environment.


Last quarter's courses:

1. 1,2 Timothy and Titus: Akovi Hope/Cephas

2. Ezekiel: ATTAH

3. Comparative religion: Rodrigue

4. Job and Psalms : ATTAH

5. Biblical History and Geography : AKALO

6. Exodus: AKLI

7. Marriage and Family: Cephas

The course will end in December 2022.


The localities of FIOKPO are for this month, a place of evangelization and support for the people of Kpadape, AVOUZEKOME and AGOGOME. The evangelization by students on Fridays allowed a restoration of the couples AVOUDUFU JEAN and his wife, Kossi and his wife who all had a concern on: "why the instruments are not used today in the churches of Christ?" a brother had left the church in Lome for service reasons and did not know the church was in the village where he was serving as a laboratory worker. Thanks to the evangelism by the students, brother KOWOUVI found his church.


The work of the students assisted by the evangelist Apewoke Koku, Honku Mawunyo and Amenoutor Daniel gave enough fruits for this month. A total of 4 baptisms whose images are accompanied by the attached report.


For this quarter, the local authorities (traditional chiefs and some parents) who follow our programs every Wednesday, went to the radio to make a complaint by proposing the themes: the education of children, morality and youth. These are the subjects we are currently teaching for the last months of the year.

Posted on December 5, 2022 .

Doing good in northern Togo



Greetings from the Churches of Christ around Kara – Togo and from my family.
We thank God for the work you are doing on his name to enlarge his Kingdom here in the north of Togo. And we continue to align with the declaration of Hebrew 6 : 10 that « For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister ».

1- Actual number of students : 10
2- The Courses already taught during the second quarter : Geneses – Matthew – John
3- The Courses that will be taught during the third quarter :
a- Exodus – Levitique by KAGNON Luc
b- Church implanting by KPODENOU Rodrigue
c- The Church of the Bible by BEDJELSI Fidele

4- Instructors’ meeting : Instructors meet regularly and continue to think about putting on strategies to be adopted to better work with students to achieve the goals of the Great Commission. Among other strategies : First, it is necessary to help the existing churches through the evangelization campaigns, the Seminars, so that these churches are strongly spiritually and digitally to challenge false existing doctrines in our localities. Secondly consider the progressive implementation of new assemblies in the localities we will have to target . Instructors have renewed their commitment to continue to motivate students.

5- Congregational Activities :
a- Worship and edification
We continue to send students on Churches for biblical studies and worship and this program helps us a lot in the direction of these Churches. This program continue to help us to establish a follow- up program for churches to continue our vision to build strong and mature Congregations in the future and these mature congregations will have the ability to implant other congregations. We continue to organize each Congregation for door to door evangelization in their own locality to help each congregation to grow in number. With this organization , we have 04 women in Lama baptized ; 01 woman in Sanda–te baptized. We actually focus on doctrinal teaching to help Congregations to challenge false doctrines in our areas.

I was very happy to meet recently our Zealous Missionary Steven in Ghana(Tamale) up September 12 to 15,2022 to continue to discuss about the Bible Bear Valley School and the work : how to move the best to the Church in the north. I also assisted with great satisfaction with his teachings during his classes in Tamale.

b- Seminars :
We have organized three(03) seminars : 1 seminar for the Preachers in July 5th to 7, 2022 on the Topic : The Preacher and his work ; 01 for the Church Leaders in August on the Topic : Christian leadership taught by the actual Director of the West African bible school training in Benin , Mr ADJAYI Inoussa and 01 onother seminar concerning Men and Women in September 7th to 9,2022 on the Topic : The Christian home. We invited some specialists who have spoken to us about marital violence and how to be financially self-reliant. Participants left very happy and we hope that in the coming months they are going to put into practice different teachings in the different local churches.

c- Denominational program : We started this program in two(2) places as the experimental phase : one in Kara town with variable assistance(5 – 7) and one in Kouka with also variable assistance(8 – 11)
d- Evangelistic team : We also started this strategy in two(2) localities : one in Kouka(06 preachers) and one also in Kara Town(06 preachers). This strategy will help me to better coordinate the work and will also better be effective in door to door evangelization. With this strategy we have one Congregation established in Lassa village (about 10 miles from Kara Town) with two(2) women baptized.

6- Up coming programs :
We propose to start this denominational program in Landa village with the hope of establishing a new congregation in this locality. This program brings many advantages . It is another good strategy to help the church to grow .

According to our program, we have planned to have a campaign in Dapaong, Korbongou and Kara. Please, bring all this into your prayers.

7- Radio program :
We have started our radio program on the new Kozah Fm public radio since July 2022. Our desire is to have many persons through this Radio to discuss and study bible with them personally because this Radio is going far. Please we need your prayers for this program.

In Christ,


Posted on October 7, 2022 .

Evangelism in Togo

August 2022 Report

I thank God that he preserved us from any serious ailment, despite some minor ailments that some students went through in this month of August. Student AMOSSOU Kokou suffered from toothache, one of which was pulled out and the treatment is still going on in the hospital. This is the last term of this promotion.

There are many things to do such as two evangelization campaigns in KONDA and ATOME (180 km), for a new church which has started with 9 baptized already. A three (3) day conference in TEMEDJA for new churches and students of Saturday courses. For this conference the members are to be on October 28,29 and 30, 2022.


Last quarter's courses:

1. 1,2 Timothy and Titus: Akovi Hope

2. Ezekiel: Cephas

3. Comparative religion: Rodrigue

4. Job and Psalms : ATTAH

5. Biblical History and Geography : AKALO

6. Exodus: AKLI

7. Marriage and Family: Cephas

The course will end in December 2022.


In spite of the rains that continue to fall sometimes all day long, the souls are thirsty for the word of God (the gospel). The evangelization in BEME this month resulted in two baptisms.

Visits to churches:

Each student takes the courage to visit a church every Sunday. Students close to Kpalime start by asking to work with some churches in the locality. 

Saturday classes:

Currently there are 6 Saturday schools with 70 students: Temedja, Kpalime, Kpele-Beme, and Blita, AMOUZOUKOPE and LOME.

Enrollment of new students (class of 2023-2025):

Two candidates from the churches of Christ the Republic of Congo, wish to attend the training at IBBV in Togo. Already, the evangelist to send the names. On both sides of Saturday schools with students who want to continue with BVBI, names continue to arrive at Direction. The deadline for registration is November 2022.

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

Training in northern Togo

Report : Extented Program 

BVBI - Kara, Togo 

Tuesday, 30th June 2022 


Greetings from the Churches of Christ around Kara-Togo. 

We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, for your desire to continue to help us for the Great Commission we all doing here in north of Togo true your help. 


1- Actual number of Students : 07

2- Number of the Instructors : 03 

3- The courses that are being taught:

     a- Genesis  by KAGNON Luc 

     b- Matthew  by Rodrigue 

     c- John ( Gospel according to John)  by Fidele 

 4Congregational Activities 

     a- Worship and edification 

We thank God for the Bible college school here in Kara. With the students, the worshipping and edification of churches becomes easier. We are making groups for studies for each congregation. All this helps us to establish a follow-up program for churches to build strong and mature congregations in the future and these mature congregations will have the ability to plant other congregations. Thus, twice in the month each congregation is organizing itself for door to door evangelism in their locality to help the church to grow in number.

Currently, another challenge for us in and around Kara is the church doctrine called “One Cup” which wants to destroy our efforts by deceiving our members with their “false teaching.” Faced with this problem, we have prepared a series of lessons that we are teaching to all congregations to prepare our members to be strong against this “One Cup” doctrine. So, the Bible said in Acts 20:30 – “Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves”. This situation needs your prayers seriously. 

We thank God with the arrival of our zealous Missionary Steven on June 7th to 14th, 2022 in Kara here. We had not seen him in two years due to the closure of the Togo borders as a result of COVID. He solved many problems wisely and gave to the Bible school Instructors many advices and teachings to help them to be able to help our students. We spent a week of joy with him. We ate together with him. He is very simple. We hope to share again these good times with him. We are blessed by his arrival here in Kara. 

     b- Campaigns 

As COVID19 is gone, we began once again with our evangelistic campaigns. This program is well needed to help congregations to grow in number with the help of other preachers in various localities. This program is also helping us to plant other new congregations. Since January we organized three (3) Campaigns in Lassa (a new congregation), in Tchitchao, and in the city of Kara. During these campaigns we had some people baptized. We need your prayers for these new Christians to continue to be the faithful.

5- Up Coming programs 

We are currently planning on having “a denominational program”. This program is going to help us to discuss and teach the truth to denominational leaders and pastors in the area and be able to bring them into the church. Some of them could become students in the Bear Valley Bible College. This program is also another good way to help the church to grow. This program is going to be directed by Rodrigue. We pray for the success of this program. 

We are planning on having recruitment campaigns in Dapaong, Korbongou and Kara. We plan to have more students in our Bible school. 

We are also planning on having a Preachers Seminar in Kara on July 5th to 7th, 2022 on the topic : The Preacher and his work.

We are planning on having other seminars concerning Men and Women and Congregations Leaders before the end of the year. All those programs need your prayers.

 6- Radio Program 

We continue to preach the gospel on “Missionary Radio”. This radio station is a denominational one. Now, the owners of this station are not allowing us to take questions during our preaching as they did in the beginning. They also remark that the denominational pastors are not allowing their members to continue to listen to our radio time because our preaching is different. This brings confusions among their members. Our desire is to go and preach on the public radio. So, everyone is going to hear the truth. And God willing, we are going to have people to discuss and study with them personally. Additional funds will need to be raised to move to the other radio station since it is more expensive.


In Christ,


Posted on August 3, 2022 .

Preaching the gospel in French-speaking Togo

April 2022 Report

I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for having accompanied us throughout the month. May the Almighty grant us all his blessings. Especially that the lord our prayers for the students are doing well as well as the teachers. Most of them are suffering from malaria. Please remember the school in your daily prayer.

 Evangelization on Fridays:

"Bringing salvation to the nations" is a word of Christ to the apostle Paul and for future Christian generations: so it is imperative that all villages and cities, campanes and can hear the message of salvation by the students of BVBI. On Fridays we will go to the villages, houses and workplaces for the spreading of the gospel. For the Friday of the month the evangelization was in the village of YOH at 6 km with 3 baptized young boys.

 Public evangelization:

The Togolese authorities have authorized public gatherings as before the pandemic. It is the first public evangelization campaign with projection of Jesus' films in the public place authorized by the local authorities, on April 14, 15, 16 and 17 in AMOUSSOUKOPE, 3 days of evangelization from house to house and each evening a projection of Jesus' film (the passion of Christ) and the 4th day it is the worship. During the evangelization campaign, 5 people were baptized, including a woman converted from the Assembly of God church. She is a mother of 3 children and her husband works in a company in Lomé.


Every first Monday of the month, area evangelists meet for 6 hours of study from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. The topics that are covered are problems that evangelists most often encounter either in evangelism or in the church. The theme is chosen to help evangelists know the will of Christ on the subject: denominations accept and baptize polygamists, and this influences our churches and during house to house evangelism. There are polygamists who want to stay with several wives but are baptized without repentance of the sin of polygamy. To solve this problem, this is the topic we deal with in the seminars every first of the month until all students and evangelists have a detailed knowledge of the subject. The wives of the evangelists are involved in this seminar.

Theme: "The Law of Moses, Jesus, and marriage, divorce and remarriage

Text: Mark 10:3

 Baptisms :

8 souls that the Lord added to the church of Christ in April.

Planting of a church:

A team of students and some evangelists are studying with a group of 4 families in KPELE-KONDA. A couple is baptized and they worship with this family every Sunday.


With the rainy season it is difficult in some places to do the service when it rains. For the new church planted in TEMEDJA, there is a place and also the woods. We need 400.000f (four hundred thousand francs) to make a shed, the assembly counts more than 25 baptized and 10 visitors every Sunday.


1- History of the Church: Cephas

2- Doctrine of Denominations: Cephas

3- Jeremiah and Lamentations: Rodrigue

4- 1 Samuel to 2 Kings : AKALO Komlan

5- Proverbs to Songs of Songs: AKLI

6- Isaiah: ATTAH

7- Logic: ATTAH

8- Homiletics II. AKOVI Esperance

This course will be completed by the end of April and the next term's courses will start in May.

 Registration for the 8th promotion (2023-2025)

Our brothers from NIGER, Mali and CONGO, want to join the BVBI School for training. According to the information for which they wish to come to Togo, it is the Doctrine of Christ which is taught and the faithfulness to the respect of the biblical principles.

Posted on June 6, 2022 .

New Converts Classes Instituted in Togo

March 2022 Report

May the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be granted to us as long as heaven and earth exist. Everything starts well and ends well.


Every Friday, according to the program of the Institute, the students fulfill their duties of evangelization and personal study in the houses, streets and workplaces. More often we start evangelizing from house to house from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Some people are interested but do not have time immediately and appointments are made and the students use the motorcycles that the school has available to meet the appointments in the whole area of the prefecture. In March, the new congregation in AVOUZEKOME requested the help of the students for the evangelization in the neighborhood for the numerical growth of the church. Bible tracts are distributed in the number of 700 copies during the three (3) Fridays.


The perseverance pays. The first Friday there had been no baptism. The two following Fridays three (3) persons, a boy (he is an apprentice dressmaker) and the two (2) others are women. The last Sunday the church of AVOUZEKOME was filled visitors (11). The service is done very early in the morning before and ends already at 10:00 am to avoid the sun because it misses the shed.

The strength of following the converts:

It had been noted that some of those who had been baptized in the past were no longer present in the churches where they were converted. The institute has put the students at the church’s disposal to study with the new converts to bring them to maturity in Christ. The students continue by going to study with the baptized at home in the evenings according to the time set by the person. The students are to help the converts know more about Christ and especially to continue to serve Christ when the students are no longer with them (in worship) in a short time. Each student is responsible to follow 5 to 10 new converts so that they become mature Christians. The students for this reason move every day to accomplish this task. The newly planted congregations are assisted by the students which is also their leadership experience.


1- Church History: Cephas

2- Denominational Doctrine: Cephas

3- Jeremiah and Lamentations: Rodrigue

4- 1 Samuel to 2 Kings: AKALO Komlan

5- Proverbs to Songs of Songs: AKLI

6- Isaiah: ATTAH 

7- Logic: ATTAH 

8- Homiletics II. AKOVI Esperance

Its courses will end on May 06, 2022 and students will have two weeks off for rest and resume classes on May 23, 2022.

Saturday classes:

Students in Saturday's classes are beginning to fill out their registration forms for the eighth class of 2023 to 2025. We estimate that this class will have more applicants than past classes. Already other places for the Saturday courses are ready and are only waiting for the word to help start the courses. Togo for Christ is the objective that BVBI - Kpalime pursues.


One is born to grow, one does not hide a light under a bushel. The influence of the school has gone as far as possible. Our brothers from NIGER, Mali and CONGO, want to join the BVBI School for training. According to the information for which they wish to come to Togo, it is the Doctrine of Christ which is taught and the faithfulness to the respect of the biblical principles.

Evangelism Campaign:

A public evangelism campaign is planned for this month from April 14, 15, 16, and 17 in AMOUSSOUKOPE (3 days).

Enrollment at Bear Valley Bible Institute (8 enrolled 2023-2025):

Concerning the registration forms to follow the training at BVBI in Kpalimé, the brothers of the churches of Christ from foreign countries ask to come and follow the training here with our school, what should I do? What should I do? Send information forms? 

Each time the evangelists of these countries call me to follow up on their requests.

A new one will be implanted in TEMEDJA in April 2022 always to reach our objective.

Your brother in Christ

N. Cephas

Posted on April 29, 2022 .