Report for January 2024
After the end-of-year and end-of-first-year exams, the students were dismissed on December 22, 2023. They were in groups for public evangelism in TCHABOM and the Nyivème district. A good result marked the end of each part with 2 baptisms in Kpalimé and 4 baptisms in TCHABOM. It was on these activities that they left to resume classes on January 15, 2024. Last year, the eighth promotion began classes in January 2023, and has just successfully completed one year. We are counting on God's help for the second year, which will last 12 months.
Numbering 15, they started until December 22, 2023, when they went on leave. When classes resumed, one student from BLITA and two students from ATAKPAME did not return. According to the student from BLITA, his wife prevents him from returning to Kpalimé, because his wife and children are neglected, the children are often ill, and the family lacks the means to support the children at school. The two students from ATAKPAME went to Lomé and haven't come back since, but they may be prevented from doing so by family matters.
Friday evangelism:
Never losing sight of the objective for which they have been at the Bible Institute for a year, the students are still in ZOMAYI every Friday to plant a new one planned for this year 2024. A woman has just been baptized and 4 people in TEMEDJA.
Zone evangelism (teams).
On Tuesdays, evangelists from the Kpalimé zone, every Thursday for evangelists from the KPELE zone, and on Tuesdays, evangelists from the AGOU zone take to the streets and homes to reach every person with the gospel. Evangelists from the Atakpamé and TEMEDJA zones continue their evangelizing mission in AMLAME. In TSEVIE, the team works every Monday and Tuesday. In Lomé, the team's evangelism work varies according to the neighborhood and the program established for each month.
1. Zone Kpalimé
2. Zone KPELE
3. Zone AGOU
5. Zone TSEVIE
6. Zone LOME
The program 8th Class, 2nd year
Part one:
1. RTAO (Traditional Religion of West Africa): ESPERANCE
2. I&II Corinthians : ESPERANCE
3. Gospel according to John: ATTAH
4. Galatians to 2 Thessalonians: ATTAH
5. Hebrews: CEPHAS
6. Denominational Doctrine: CEPHAS
Public evangelism:
As part of this year's program to promote evangelism in Togo and encourage evangelizing teams, an evangelistic campaign is planned in DALAVE and TSEVIE from February 29 to March 2, 2024.
Denomination program:
A pastor from the "foursquare" church in BURKINA-FASSO is so interested in training that he has asked to come to Kpalimé for Bible training. Through the evangelist ESPERANCE, the pastor has been trying for a long time to get the Church of Christ to come to BURKINA.
1. They are numerous and he is looking for training
2. There is a possibility of starting a program to teach denominational people in BURKINA.
3. Plant the churches of Christ by converting denomination churches with their pastors.
4. In a short time, set up work teams (evangelism) in BURKINA and join the program recently established in LIBERIA.
5. Some students (denominations) wanted to come from Niger, so we can also extend to NIGER.
A challenge
The denomination program is a challenge for us to go further with denominational leaders, and above all it is a very effective form of evangelism.
The price of the motorcycles is 680,000 f cfa, we need them for the work of the teams in Togo and also a tricycle.
NEED: students need glasses to read lectures
Thanks, your brother in Christ,