Posts tagged #Philippines

Bible School Updates in Cebu, Phillippines

Bear Valley Bible Institute — Cebu, Philippines — 2024 1 st Half Report

In-Depth Biblical Courses in 2024

The school in Cebu has entered another year of learning and we are blessed to have Keith Kasarjian (Director of International Studies) and Mark Reynolds (Assistant Director of International Studies) mentoring our students and teaching the Bible in-depth. In January, Keith Kasarjian taught the book of Romans and the students had a great time studying this book, especially from brother Kasarjian, who did a wonderful job explaining this epistle.

In February, we had an honor to meet a first-time teacher in Cebu and learn from an instructor who has a great knowledge on Biblical History. Dr. Jonathan Moore taught the students the 12 books from the Old Testament called the “Minor Prophets” and we had a great time learning from these prophetic books and learn the history of the nation of Israel from these writings.

The students took a short break in March to attend a Summer Lectureship held in Tinubdan, a town on the northern tip of Cebu Island. The theme of this lectureship was Biblical Leadership and the lecturers from the US, brothers Wayne Barrier, Mike Norwood and Robin Dunaway did a great job explaining their assigned topics. There were local ministers who took part in this lectureship and two of our students, Luisito Oliveros and Danilo Torniado were given the task to preach.

We resume our class in April, and Mark Reynolds (Assistant Director of International studies) taught the course from Hebrews and he did a great job teaching from this interesting book. The students learned from this book the preeminence of Jesus Christ, His covenant, sacrifice, priesthood and ministry. We appreciate the greatness of our God and His Son more as we study deeper His word.

In May, I have the opportunity to teach our students two books from the Old Testament, Jeremiah and Lamentations. We study the life of Jeremiah, on how God used him to preach repentance to the nation of Israel and called them back to God. We studied how God destroyed His people because they never listened to His prophet and never repented.

Last month, we had a great week studying the Wisdom Literature in the Old Testament. We covered the 4 wisdom books (Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & Song of Songs) in 5 days and I highlighted some of the prominent lessons and themes we can find in these books.

We always give thanks to God for our international instructors travelling miles to teach our students and also grateful for the opportunity to learn more of His word. All glory and praise to our God for His goodness.

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 118:1 NKJV)

Neil Emperado

Director – BVBI - Cebu, Philippines

Posted on July 13, 2024 .

Great work in the Philippines!

Dear Brother Keith,

Third quarter went so fast and well with our students as they have just finished the subjects on Christian Evidences, 1&2 Peter, and 1&2 Thessalonians. It is so amazing to see our student’s continuous growth and improvement. Their sending congregations are so glad to see them improving as they are now participating in the works of the church particularly in delivering sermons in their worship services and even conducting Bible studies.

We were able also to attend the Music camp that was held in Aurora Isabela this year where they learned basic worship leading, note reading and song composition and before they concluded the said camp, they were able to present their newly composed song.  

In Christ Service,

Baldomero Lagua Jr.

BVBI-Luzon Philippines

Posted on November 6, 2023 .

Tyler King visits Cebu, Philippines

Report for month of May 2023

Tyler King from BVBI Denver visited and taught a class to BVBI Cebu students:

The students of BVBI Cebu, Philippines had a great opportunity learning the prophetic books of Ezekiel and Daniel from Tyler King. Brother Tyler is currently working as the Director of Development with BVBI in Denver, Colorado. It was his first time visiting and teaching in Cebu and he has already made good relationships with our students. Brother Tyler did a great job teaching these 2 OT books and our students really enjoyed the class. We are looking forward to having him in Cebu and study the Bible with him again.

Ten souls baptized by one of our students:

Ronel Romano, one of our students from the Province of Negros Oriental reported ten baptisms last May 1. These souls are now added to the church in Kilaban, Negros Oriental. These were the results of their evangelism and Bible studies. We give back all the glory to God.

Posted on June 8, 2023 .

Souls being reached in Philippines

Before this year ends, allow me to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unending love, prayers    and support for Lord’s work that BVBI Philippines-Luzon continue to accomplish. In spite of the many challenges we have gone through this year, still thankful to God that we were able to surpassed these challenges and keep the mission work moving in reaching out the lost, edifying and strengthening the weak brethren and training more gospel preachers on this side.

We are so grateful for the success of the two-day Annual Lectureship and Gospel Meeting that was held last September 9-10 hosted by the Ilagan church of Christ in cooperation with Bear Valley Bible Institute. We are blessed for the visit and presence of Brother Mark Reynolds as our guest speaker for this said event. Our BVBI students and teachers are so glad for this lectureship and happy to meet brother Mark. The leadership of Ilagan is looking forward to do this every year in order to strengthen and help the brethren grow in their knowledge in the word of God and opportunity as well to promote the school. We also have a successful gospel meeting in the evening. This is to give opportunity for non-members to come and hear the gospel preached in the first night and concluded with the scheme of redemption in the last night.  

Our students also participated in the door knocking campaign that was conducted in Guibang last December 10. As part of their training in the field, they distributed religious materials and talk to people by doing religious survey in order to find interested prospects for Bible studies. We concluded this year’s class with our Homiletics subject. Our students delivered their sermons as their final requirement to passed the said subject.

We also rejoiced for the humble heart of Renz and Mariel, who have surrendered their lives with the Lord through the watery grave of baptism. They were being immersed by brother Anthony one of our BVBI teachers. They are now under the care of the Ilagan church of Christ. Kindly pray for their continued spiritual growth and maturity.

Once again, thank you so much for working with us in the Lord’s mission in the Philippines and for keeping us always in your thoughts and prayers. May this coming year will be another year of prosperity and progress as we continue to train more gospel preachers, bring the good tidings to the lost and bear more fruits in the Lord’s Kingdom.

Happy Holidays, wishing you a Prosperous, a Blessed and a Fruitful Year Ahead!

Baldomero Lagua Jr.

BVBI Philippines-Luzon


Posted on January 9, 2023 .

Guest instructors in Philippines

BVBI- Philippines is privileged this quarter to have two brothers from the US teaching our students more about the Epistles. Brother LT Gurganus of Jasper, Alabama taught a class on the Prison Epistles last October while brother Brandon Evans from Delano, California shared a wonderful lesson on James this month. Both of these teachers had done a great job teaching and our students learned a lot from them.

Our students used the weeks in between our classes to teach and preach what they learned. Brothers Michael Parilla (wearing white shirt) and Ronel Romano (wearing green shirt) shared the fruits of their evangelistic efforts. Both of them have 2 baptisms each after our class this month.

We rejoice with these men as they reap what they have sown. As we face a new year this 2020 we pray that God will open more doors for us here in the Philippines.

1 Cor 3:7 “God will give the increase.”

In His Service,

Neil Emperado

Posted on December 23, 2019 .

Keith teaches in the Philippines

It was again my pleasure and privilege to teach in the Bear Valley school in Cebu, Philippines. Having taught them four times now, I can easily see the progress they have made and it makes very incredibly proud to see how far they’ve come and how much they have learned!

About half of the students are already preaching for churches and as a result, what they are learning immediately helps the churches they preach for. In April i taught “Christian Evidences” and that information has already made its way into congregations. This time I taught the Gospel of John and I expect the same benefit for both preacher and congregation.

My last day there, long-time Filipino preacher and Director of Philippines Institute of Biblical Studies, Reuben Emperado (seated 2nd from left) had what we believe was a mild stroke. Please pray for his recovery.

In 1943 the population of Philippines was 17 million; by 2100 is is projected to be 10 times that, at 170 million! We need more and more gospel messengers for a growing world.



Posted on October 7, 2019 .

Things are going well in Philippines

The extension school in Cebu, Philippines is blessed to have Jerry Bates as our instructor this June. He taught our students Introduction to Biblical Interpretation. Jerry has been a part of the work in the Cebu, Philippines for many years but it was his first time to visit Cebu.  Our students learned a lot from him and they are excited to have him back next year.

Last Summer, two of our students, Bonifacio Labroso J.r and Rene Silva joined by some of the brethren in Cebu had an evangelistic campaign in Toledo City and it was a successful campaign. They baptized 6 souls and they were added to the Lord’s church in Toledo.

Lastly, one of the our student, Luisito Oliveros started a Bible Study Center in his area. He is now entrusting the Word to faithful people. All glory to God for these wonderful works.

God has blessed the work in this part of the world and we are excited for His plans for us in the coming months. Thank you for all your prayers and support.

God bless us all!

Neil Emperado

Director-BVBI Philippines

Posted on August 12, 2019 .

Christian Evidences taught in the Philippines

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It was again my joy and honor to teach the outstanding students in Cebu, Philippines. Under the leadership of Director Neil Emperado, this school, and its students, has continued to improve every month. It has been enjoyable to witness the improvement every time I am back.

This month the course was Christian Evidences, and we studied evidences for the existence of God, the reliability of the bible’s Divine inspiration, and proofs to believe the biblical account of the resurrection. Most of the students did very well, with three of them doing better than almost any student ever has. One student went home and immediately began teaching a class study on Christian Evidences for the church where he preaches. That’s what it’s all about!

Keith Kasarjian

Posted on April 10, 2019 .

Progress in Philippines

The school in Cebu, Philippines is now on its ninth month since it started in May 2018. We started with just seven students and since then our number has multiplied. Our gracious God has truly blessed us last year.

New Year is here and what a better way to start the year than to study the life of our Savior Jesus Christ. This week, we have examined the “Life of Christ” through the lens of the four gospel writers. Although we only study the first part, which is His birth and the commencement of His ministry but the lessons we gained are innumerable. Our students capped off the week by applying what they have learned in their final exam.

We have purchased 14 arm chairs in exchange for the tables that we have been using for the past months to make more room for future students. This is one of the few improvements that we have planned this year.

God has blessed the work in this part of the world and we are excited for His plans for us this New Year. Thank you for all your prayers and support.

God bless us all! 

Neil Emperado, Director BVBI-P

Posted on January 29, 2019 .

The Director visits Philippines and Cambodia

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It was my pleasure to again teach in the Bear Valley school in Cebu, Philippines. This time I taught “Comprehensive Leadership” which encompasses leadership principles, self leadership, family leadership, and church leadership.

While lecturing on the role of the evangelist in appointing elders, one student excitedly interrupted and exclaimed, "we have never heard these things before!” Indeed, we are trying to strengthen the church in this country through the training and grounding of quality preachers. Director Neil Emperado is doing a great job. Please pray for him and the students.

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From there I went to Siem Reap, Cambodia to make a surprise visit to the school there. What do you find when no one knows you’re coming? I found was exactly what I was hoping to find!

Co-Director Darat Run was passionately teaching “Christian Evidences” and the new 11 students were engaged and actively taking notes. Darat and fellow Co-Director Piseth Rin are adapting to their new roles and doing a good job. I am thankful for these godly men.

For the Master,

Keith Kasarjian

Posted on November 26, 2018 .

A new school in the Philippines

For more than a year we have been working on a possible new school in Cebu, Philippines and on May 14, 2018, with the help of many, it came to fruition! Under the leadership of Director, Neil Emperado, everything is off to a great start.

We had seven "for credit" students and several others who audited the course I taught on "Sermon Preparation and Delivery". Students will come to Cebu for one week every month and complete a course from the Bear Valley curriculum. 

Cebu is the second most populous province in Philippines with a population over 3 million souls. While some students are from Cebu proper, others come from nearby islands. The need for the school here is great and we are happy to partner with so many faithful brethren to make it happen. A special note of gratitude goes out to Wayne Barrier, whose idea this was. 

Much credit is due men like Reuben Emperado, who has spent his life in preaching the gospel all over central Philippines. It is because of those like him, that the church is alive and well and in need of even more preachers. As such, he is wholeheartedly behind this effort to train the next generation of preachers who will take the good news to those who need it. 

For Him,

Keith Kasarjian

Posted on May 29, 2018 .