Souls being reached in Philippines

Before this year ends, allow me to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unending love, prayers    and support for Lord’s work that BVBI Philippines-Luzon continue to accomplish. In spite of the many challenges we have gone through this year, still thankful to God that we were able to surpassed these challenges and keep the mission work moving in reaching out the lost, edifying and strengthening the weak brethren and training more gospel preachers on this side.

We are so grateful for the success of the two-day Annual Lectureship and Gospel Meeting that was held last September 9-10 hosted by the Ilagan church of Christ in cooperation with Bear Valley Bible Institute. We are blessed for the visit and presence of Brother Mark Reynolds as our guest speaker for this said event. Our BVBI students and teachers are so glad for this lectureship and happy to meet brother Mark. The leadership of Ilagan is looking forward to do this every year in order to strengthen and help the brethren grow in their knowledge in the word of God and opportunity as well to promote the school. We also have a successful gospel meeting in the evening. This is to give opportunity for non-members to come and hear the gospel preached in the first night and concluded with the scheme of redemption in the last night.  

Our students also participated in the door knocking campaign that was conducted in Guibang last December 10. As part of their training in the field, they distributed religious materials and talk to people by doing religious survey in order to find interested prospects for Bible studies. We concluded this year’s class with our Homiletics subject. Our students delivered their sermons as their final requirement to passed the said subject.

We also rejoiced for the humble heart of Renz and Mariel, who have surrendered their lives with the Lord through the watery grave of baptism. They were being immersed by brother Anthony one of our BVBI teachers. They are now under the care of the Ilagan church of Christ. Kindly pray for their continued spiritual growth and maturity.

Once again, thank you so much for working with us in the Lord’s mission in the Philippines and for keeping us always in your thoughts and prayers. May this coming year will be another year of prosperity and progress as we continue to train more gospel preachers, bring the good tidings to the lost and bear more fruits in the Lord’s Kingdom.

Happy Holidays, wishing you a Prosperous, a Blessed and a Fruitful Year Ahead!

Baldomero Lagua Jr.

BVBI Philippines-Luzon


Posted on January 9, 2023 .