Posts tagged #Dar es Salaam

Graduation in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Dear brethren,

We are good and continue with the work of God in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

We have 29 students in Dar es Salaam right now. Temeke has 15 students and Temeke has 14 students for the Saturday program. We also have 14 attending our Monday classes. Our teachers are still progressing: Iddy, Kihwele, Justine and Essau Ruheta.

Evangelism is doing well through classes in cooperation with their teachers.

Thanks to Brother Chad Wagner for coming here to Dar es Salaam in December. He attended our graduation ceremony and conducted a very huge evangelism workshop with more than one hundred participants.

Apart from that, we are also excited about our new location for Temeke class shifting to another nice place. Around this February, we will start using this place which will house our program much better than our current arrangement. 

May God bless you more and more for what you are doing here Dar es Salaam!

Posted on February 10, 2025 .

41 baptisms in Tanzania

About school is doing well. Classes are still continuing  with our 4 teachers Iddy Nyabusani, Justine Rwaha, Zuberi Mwakyami and Essau Ruheta.

Still we have 3 classes,every Saturday for Temeke (11 students) na Mbagala (5) with that of Monday (10). Total number of students in classes until September were 19. 7 students of Saturday are attending Monday classes. From July until September 2023, 11 students completed courses and waiting for their graduation to be held on 12 November if God will.

Evengelism is conducting every corner of Dar es Salaam, 41 new Christians were baptized through teachers and students at Bear Valley Bible Instute Dar es Salaam in 3 months 

We have started a 4th church of Bonyokwa (30 adults christians) the new congregation, through Bear Valley school. Others are Vikindu, Mwanambaya and Tabata.

12 Students from Tanzania Bible School ( certificate  level)are yet registered to join Bear Valley January 2024 after their graduation this year.  We invite you joining us in prayers for the work God in Dar es Salaam and invite you to the graduation ceremony 12 Nov 2023.

Otherwise with thank you and Bear Valley Management International for not forgetting us in every steps. May God bless  you and your families you People of God for your encouragement in every aspect.Amen

Ombeni Mwambata

Dar es Salaam

Posted on October 9, 2023 .

Inaugural graduation in Dar es Salaam upcoming

I have to gave you report of work relating to School activities here at Dar es Salaam. We are continue well with academic activities with 3 classes. Mbagala has 11 students and Temeke has 12 students and 7 students for the Monday class. Total students now are 23.

We are still have 4 teachers as normal were Iddy Nyabusani, Zuberi Mwakyami, Essau Ruheta, and Justin Rwaha were teaching. In cooperation teachers and students conducted evangelism campaigns and 9 baptisms were reported.

We are working also for preparation of graduation ceremony of 13 students on 27/10/2022 here at Temeke.

Thank you to everyone who makes this school possible - it is accomplishing much for the Kingdom! We need to pray for each other for the work of God.


Ombeni Mwambata

Director - BV Dar es Salaam

Posted on October 28, 2022 .

18 baptized in Dar es Salaam

We are continuing well with academic activities here at Bear Valley Bible Institute Dar es Salaam.

At Temeke, the Book of "Revelation of John" is being taken this month. At Mbagala "Christian evidences" and the Monday class is "Church planting"

The number of students now remains 23. This is due to 13 student yet completed courses from both centers Temeke and Mbagala. The number of Teachers is 4 as well. Who facilitated 3 classes, 2 classes in Saturdays and one Mondays

School evangelistic campaign produced good at Vikindu, Mwanambaya na Tabata where churches are already planted. Mwanambaya is latest work with 28 are gathered every Sunday. Thank you for support from Brother Chad in Tabata. Mwanambaya also need some support of Chairs, building and washing equipment related to Lord's supper utensils bibles etc.

According to teachers and students evangelism work, January to June 18 people were baptized. One seminar was conducted related to "How Missionary works cooperate with Churches" another seminar will be at Aug 8th on "How Bible Colleges cooperate with Churches on evangelism"

We have 13 students completed diploma course and we expect to have their graduation Nov 2022 from both centers Temeke and Mbagala. We will discuss more about how we can make their Graduation ceremony.

30th April 2022 we had meeting with all students at Temeke, it was normal meeting. Students are thankful a lot on how they enjoy studies at school.

To the moments we work more on finding new students to fill the gap of those who are leaving school by graduation. Last week I met with 15 students who stopped studies, and 10 promised to come back in August. And we are conducting campaign to all congregations in Dar to send us student from August

God Bless you,lets pray God each other for his work before us

Posted on August 3, 2022 .

The Director's visit to Dar es Salaam

It was my pleasure to recently have been able to visit the relatively new school in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. I had been there twice during the research and planning, but this was my first visit since the school began. During the beginning process we learned that there were too many applicants for the school to meet in a single location, so two locations were chosen.

The Mbagala and Temeke churches of Christ serve as the hosts of the school, where there are 18-22 meeting in each location, making a school total number of students around 40. Both congregations have elders and get this: all the elders of both congregations are enrolled as students! Ombeni Mwambata is doing an excellent job as the Director of the school.

While visiting both locations, I asked the students how many them are regularly teaching and/or preaching and nearly every hand went up. This is what we’re all about: giving instruction and training to the messengers of God’s good news.

Keith Kasarjian

Posted on February 25, 2020 .

A new school in Dar es Salaam

Church of Christ Dar es Salaaam with Bear Valley Bible Institute to the moment four courses has been taught since school started. And students enjoyed enough on bible knowledge they got through their experienced Teacher  in Bear Valley Bible institute Iddy Nyabusani,Zuberi Mwakyami and Essau Ruheta.

Through practical work in evangelism undertaken in every 5th week of their studies,3 three were put in Christ through baptism since 4 may 2019 in when the school started. It is small number compared with efforts made,but the number made comforts and belief in big dream in work of God in Dar es Salaam through Bear Valley Institute. We expect great in Evangelism at Dar es Salaam and by this big partnership from Bear Valley,the trust provide possibility.

As we said above, 4 courses are yet taught, these are 1. Old testament I, 2. How we got Bible. 3. Christian evidences, 4. Personal evangelism. The courses makes students confident in their congregations services. Some changes are yet witnessed the good work of Bear Valley in Dar es Salaam compared to prior experience. " After minimum of 2 yrs to come, the church will advance to an unbelievable start, we will call it revolution " said Innocent Mosha the Elder from Mbagala and students of BVBID with his wife Hilda.

Dar es Salaam Thanksgiving to Bear Valley Bible institute for their decision to start the work of God here,that makes them strong in  ministry wise. Some preparation his been made( 3 BVBID servants meetings), the meeting arranged to conquer southern part of Tanzania (Coast region, Dar es Salaam,Lindi and Mtwara regions) from 2021 where Islamic dominated the area mostly. This is our dream that prove to happen through Bear Valley. Students accepted the the thought, believing that it would advance not only their Christianity servanthood,but widening their practice platform got from Bear Valley school.

In the God service

Ombeni Mwambata

Posted on September 12, 2019 .