Several baptisms and restorations in Lusaka, Zambia




On behalf of the staff from the Bear Valley Bible Institute Lusaka, I wish to submit this Second Quarter Report for the year 2024.


 The courses covered were two as shown below, giving us a total of 28 taught so far.

Prison Epistles. – took two months (April and May). Then Sermon Preparations was taught in the month of June.  

On average, we had 11 students who attended the classes in the quarter under review.


In the month of April, the Bear Valley Bible Institute (BVBI) team in conjunction with Lusaka Central church of Christ planted a church at the Chresso University located about 34 kilometers away from the nearest congregation (Lusaka Central church of Christ).  The congregation started with an attendance of 28 members and among the attendees were some invited Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) members and the Dean of Students who attended the first worship service on behalf of the University Administration. Some of the SDA students have been converted and are now church of Christ members. This church was planted in the quest to advance the gospel to the higher learning institutions.

In the month of May, again the BVBI team, the Lusaka Central church of Christ in conjunction with the Gospel Chariot Mission from South Africa, planted the church of Christ at Situmbeko area located about 70 kilometers away from the Lusaka’s Central Business District (CBD). The BVBI team camped for 5 days of evangelizing in the area. This was achieved on a 50% cost sharing between the Lusaka Central church of Christ and BVBI. Interestingly, among the baptized members during this outreach program was a 98 years old woman. This church is planted in the rural area and the members congregate at Kalala School where we (BVBI) are renting a classroom at 200 Zambian Kwacha per month.

In order to help these newly planted congregations to grow spiritually and numerically, BVBI and Lusaka Central church send students and church members for preaching and teaching almost on weekly basis.

In the month of June, the BVBI team undertook an outreach program at Chunga church of Christ, where three of our students congregate. It was interesting to note that our team was accompanied by the church elders and women in the evangelism activity.

In the same month of June, BVBI staff and students attended a Four Field Discipleship Workshop which was facilitated by the Gospel Chariot Mission from South Africa held at Lusaka Central church of Christ from June 15 to 17. Certificates of Participation were awarded to the attendees on the last day of the program.

In addition, the BVBI team and Lusaka Central church continued strengthening the church of Christ students with the word of God at the Students’ Fellowship Services held at the University of Zambia.

In the same quarter under review, the BVBI team were involved in various routine activities in their respective congregations by conducting classes for the new converts, teaching Bible study classes and preaching.

Other students continued with the commendable work of taking the gospel to the incarcerated in the local correctional facilities of Kamwala Remand, Lusaka Prison and Mwembeshi Open Prison which is located about 50 kilometers away from Lusaka’s CBD.


The BVBI team recorded a total number of 19 baptisms from the above executed activities in the quarter under review. That is, 10 baptisms from the newly planted church at Situmbeko, 4 were recorded from Chresso University new church, 1 baptism from the outreach program conducted at Chunga church of Christ and 4 baptisms from the congregations where the students fellowship.


In the quarter under review, we recorded a total number of 31 restorations. That is, 16 from the new church planted at Situmbeko, 6 from Chresso University new church, 4 from Chunga outreach program, and 5 from the congregations where the students fellowship.


The BVBI Lusaka is grateful for the continued support being invested in the advancement of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the growing of the Kingdom of God. Many thanks also to the portrayed teamwork between the Lusaka Central church of Christ and the Bear Valley Bible Institute Lusaka in the quest to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Jonah Siyanga and the Staff. 

Posted on July 9, 2024 .