Evangelistic Efforts by Students in Takoradi, Ghana

OPERATIONAL REPORT APRIL 2024                                   


Regular students wrote their end of term examination in the first week of April. On the academic calendar, the next two weeks after the examination were for two short courses. A week each for the two. These short courses were Pastoral epistle (I & II Timothy and Titus) and I & II Thessalonians.

We had to postpone these courses to the first and second weeks of the new academic term because the church of Christ at Effikuma invited the school for a week-long evangelism. This invitation coincided with the first week of the short course and we could not decline the invitation because of the congregation’s relationship with the school over the years.

Furthermore, the students complained of fatigue after the evangelism at Beposo, so the faculty thought it wise to give them an early recess after the Effikuma evangelism.

The students therefore vacated for the first term of their second year on the 12th day of April, 2024 and are expected to be back on the 6th day of May, 2024, for the short courses.

Academic work for part-time students continued in the month of April. They are still studying three courses. These courses are world religions, denominational doctrines, and epistles of John and Jude.

On the 19th and 20th days of the month, there were no classes because the school was invited to a graduation ceremony in Accra by the Bear Valley extension school there. The part-time students together with the instructors travelled to Accra to represent West Coast School of Preaching. 


As indicated earlier, the regular students were invited by the Lord’s church at Efia-kuma to help spread the gospel. This invitation was gladly accepted and our current students as well as some of our old students joined forces to make this program successful. At the end of the five days’ evangelism, the church at Efia-kuma helped plant a new church in a community called Efia.

There were other evangelistic efforts by our students; past and current, to propagate the seed of the kingdom. One of our last graduating students organized a week-long campaign for Christ where he invited several of our old students. By the end of the week, many got to hear about the Lord, His grace, and His Kingdom. God blessed their efforts with some baptisms.

Also, two members of the school (an instructor and a student) were invited for an evangelism outreach in some communities which led to the planting of a new congregation of the Lord’s church. In short, we had fourteen (14) baptisms in the month of April.

Thank you.


Posted on June 4, 2024 .