Baptisms from Efforts in Gueckedou

Bear Valley of Gueckedou, to Bear Valley International in the USA, and to all those who support God's work in Guinea: may grace and peace be given to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Please receive our report for April 2024.


We, Bear Valley of Gueckedou, present this report to inform you about the activities carried out by the school and the evangelism teams on the ground during the 30 days of April 2024. 

I- Teaching

The final recommendation of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28 is to teach them to observe all my commandments. So, teaching is an effective means of strengthening the faith of God's servants. 

Bear Valley of Gueckedou taught the following three lessons during the month of April 2024:

  1. Galatians was taught by Antoine Fassa Tolno.

  2. The doctrine of denominations was taught by Niouma 2 Kamano.

  3. Christians Logic was taught by Antoine Fassa Tolno.

II- Evangelism

Jesus Christ's last hours on earth before the ascension were marked by recommendations, including, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

In this great commission, we use different methods and strategies according to the means and circumstances.

In this month, we used the two following methods :

Door-to-door evangelism: We visited a few families to teach them the truth and the way to salvation. We also distributed biblical literature for them to read.

Evangelism teamwork: The evangelism teams are still hard at work planting new congregations. A new congregation was established in Kongola.

Under the coordination of Brother Francis, an evangelistic mission team led by Saa Mani Koundouno went to Kongola on April 16, 2024, for two days of public evangelism. The word of God sown bore fruit, resulting in 18 people being baptized for the remission of their sins. After the following Sunday's service, which was their first public service, 10 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and were immediately baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Then the Yaradou Kongonani team succeeded in convincing 5 people to follow Jesus, who were baptized and added to the Lord's church. They are members of the Fassaba congregation.

III- History of the Kongola church

Kongola is a village in the Koundou Lengo Bengou sub-prefecture, located on a plain about 40 km from Gueckedou town. The population is entirely Kissi. Following a survey visit by Saa Mani Koundouno, the team leader of Koundou Lengo Bengou, we were reassured that the village is receptive to the Gospel. 

An evangelistic mission coordinated by Brother Francis Musa went on 16/5/2024 to support the Koundou Lengo Bengou team. 

After two days of  public, door-to-door, and personal evangelism followed by exhortation, eighteen (18) people obeyed the Gospel on April 18, 2024.

 Then 10 other people accepted Jesus on April 21, 2024.

According to the commandement of the Lord they being baptized and he added them to His church. Indeed, we confirm the planting and growth of the church of Christ in Kongola. 

IV- Suggestions and Recommendations

We ask all our brothers and sisters in Christ to support us in prayer for the progress of the Church of Christ in Guinea in unity and peace.


In the light of the above, it is clear that Gueckedou is very favorable to the Gospel of the Lord.

We thank all those who have contributed to the evangelization activities, which have resulted in planting one congregation and 33 people baptized.

We also thank our coordinator, Steven Ashcraft, for his support and determination to see the Church of Christ flourish in Guinea.

We would also like to thank all those who contribute in any way to the progress of the Church of Christ in Guinea.

We close this report with this Bible passage below to tell all those who support us not to slacken.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Niouma 2 Kamano

Posted on June 4, 2024 .