July, 2023
The month of July had been very fruitful in our evangelism and other developmental programs for the School. Teaching Christ to others has indeed made a tremendous impact upon our lives and those around us. As we send this report to you brothers and sisters, we give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who through His grace and the love fully expressed in Christ has granted us the opportunity to work for Him in His kingdom.
Our hearts have been over warmed with activities at our institute premises; we hosted women of the Copperbelt churches of Christ to shape them for better services in the church. They came in good number about sixty six (66) women were present. This was meant to equip them for better services and training young women in the church.
Three days of Evangelism in Luanshya:
We had a very successful evangelism in Luanshya which resulted in four souls being added to the church. We have had good midweek services at Church of Christ in Mikomfwa which is attracting the community at large. Students are leading in teaching, and taking care of all the activities or acts of worship being done during our midweek service.
We are also doing other work at Mikomfwa as we prepare for the garden and students are putting up a permanent sign post at the same place as seen in a picture attached. This was done after a door-to-door preaching. We are discovering good talents among our students, we have discovered that three of them namely Rodrick, Levy and Ishmael are very good artists and they are leading others in writing on a sign post.
A one day women meeting at BVBI-Zambia
As already mentioned, we invited women of the Copperbelt in the church of Christ for a one day meeting on 29th July 2023. This came as a result of a complaint that women are being neglected in terms of gospel equipment. They came from six districts on the Copperbelt province namely Chingola, Mufulira, Kitwe, Ndola, Kalulushi and Luanshya. They represented eleven congregations and we had a very successful meeting starting from 08:00 A.M to 04:00 P.M and they went back spiritually enriched. We also had recorded five (5) restorations during the meeting.
The women were very excited and called for more such meetings as they were served with good food too by Catherine and Janipher our stuff members at BVBI-Zambia.
Quarterly men’s meeting at BVBI-Zambia
We hosted men as leaders in the local congregations as a district at school premises, we normally have these quarterly meetings in order to strengthen and motivate leaders at a local congregation. We have four congregations in Luanshya district and each congregation is represented by at least four (4) members.
The meeting takes about six (6) hours starting from 10:00 A.M to 04:00 P.M. It was a great meeting where leaders are encouraged and motivated to serve in the church. We have attached the pictures of this meeting below.
We would like to announce the addition to the church of Christabel Mwape, Afred Kateti, Otry Mudenda and Justin Chinyemba these where added to the church in the month of July. May these souls continue to walk with Jesus forever they are wonderful addition to the family of God. Please remember them in your prayers.
In addition to the above saved, we have also recorded sixteen restorations of which nine are from Luanshya district, three from Zimba Southern part of Zambia through our Alumni Daniel Kapata. Two from Luapula province through Nicholus Mulubwa and one from Mbala Northern part of Zambia by Reuben Museka.
We pray that one day we may have enough funds to call our Alumni for refresher courses and sharing for the fellowship once again, this has been a call from all our Alumni.
Another gospel campaign loading
Central province: We have been invited as the Institute by the church in the Central province of Zambia. We are expected to be there on 24th August to 27th August 2023. We are expected to do evangelism with the church there and we are also meeting with men from various churches of Christ in Zambia and if possible from all the ten (10) provinces we have in Zambia. This is going to be another vital experience as we preach Christ.
We anticipate this time to be a great time for our students to interact with the Church at large and we believe it’s a good practical experience for our students to interact with various leaders in the church as we preach.
More good news from Tshala district in D.R Congo
Tshibamba Muyeye one of our prospective students recruited by Joseph Ilunga our Alumni is constantly in touch with us and is working with a congregation which started with three members and now they are ten members. In the picture attached below Tshibamba is wearing a green shirt. We are working on him to attend classes with short courses with us since he is very late in this intake.
In conclusion
Meaningful service to God manifests the presence of Him by the joy that characterizes everything done by His servants. Our hearts’ desire that we serve Him and we need to do that both “in spirit and in truth” to be His Ministers. We are so blessed to be part of the Bear Valley Bible Institute – International and always thankful to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financial support and all the encouragement in this noble mission. We pray that God will bless the work that you all are involved in.
This is the right time for God’s Servants to revive the New Testament service to God that kind of service that made sinners fall on their knees and acknowledge the presence of God among the believers. Please stay safe and well.
In His service,
Cephas and Fred