It is another opportunity for the school to express her immeasurable joy experienced in the service of the kingdom. The quarterly Bear Valley report constantly affords the opportunity for the various schools to examine what has been done in each quarter. It gives a glimpse into the progress or shows the need for improvement in the work of the kingdom. The Warri centers are greatly thankful to the Bear Valley Family in Denver USA, and all other associates for the constant support.
In April 2023, classes resumed and Solomon Usim introduced the course “Intertestamental Period.” The class was interesting as many of the students looked forward to knowing more about the apocryphal writings, especially as it relates to Judas Maccabees. However, little did they know that the echoes from the intertestamental period were more enriching. Thus, it was interesting to learn that groups like the Pharisees and the Sadducees; the Sanhedrin; Feast of Dedication; and so on, did not originate in the Old Testament but grew out of the intertestamental period. A total of seventeen (17) students sat for the exams.
Moreover, in May, Meredith Owvromoh exposed “Prison Epistles” to the students. Prison Epistle, are four books of the New Testament (Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians and Philemon), written by apostle Paul while in prison in Rome. Besides the book of Philemon that was written to an individual, the rest were written to congregations to correct, warn and exhort brethren to be better followers of Christ. A total of 16 people attended.
Finally, in June, Solomon Usim discussed “Building Bridges in Marriage.” The lesson helped the students to understand the various covenants, pillar killers in marriage and how to organize a marriage seminar for couples. A total of 20 students sat for the exams.
The PTI Center resumed activities in April and Godwin Ojocheogwu exposed the Book of Romans. The book Romans insists that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Thus, the remedy for sin lies in justification by faith in Christ Jesus and not by the works of the law. A total of 12 people sat for the exams.
In May, Abiola Vincent had the course on I, II Timothy and Titus with the PTI students. The course was focused on Paul’s instruction to Timothy and Titus on how to build and sustain a good ministry work. The course gave proper direction on how to institute biblical leadership in the church of Christ. A total of ten (10) students sat for the exams.
Lastly, in June, Godwin Ojochegwu, took the students on the Epistle to the Galatians. The discussion centered on Christian and justification by faith and not by the works of the law. A total of 12 students sat for the exams.
The quarter experienced a bit of relief from the effects of the political situation in Nigeria. The elections ended and the new government came into power. However, the new government in power has constantly increased the fuel pump price. This has affected some of the students adversely, especially those coming from afar. Some well-to-do students have continued to support the transportation of preachers, who are working hard to see themselves through the studies. Thus, attendances have continued to fluctuate.
Secondly, for sometimes now the school has had challenges with the computer system. The director, Solomon Usim, since inception, has used his personal computer in computing the school results. Unfortunately, the computer got bad and the school made a request to Keith Kasarjian, President-BVBID Extension Program. This request was graciously answered. The school has been able to purchase a laptop and a three-in -one printer at the cost of 600 dollars. This has alleviated the difficulty. The school management here is thankful for the prompt response.
1. Number of Students- forty-seven (47) twenty (20) at PTI and Twenty-Seven (27) at DSC.
2. Number of Campaigns held by students/teachers this quarter- one (Non).
3. Number of Baptisms from Evangelical work by students/teachers reported this quarter (14).
4. Number of New Congregations Planted-Non
5. How many Teachers are in the school? Four (4)
6. Number of Churches Restored-Non
The Warri Centers of the Bear Valley Bible Institute held her Maiden Annual Bible Lectureship on June 17TH 2023. The lectureship theme was: “Understanding Church Discipline.” The school had observed, and from the reports given by the preachers, who are also students, that they do not understand how church discipline works. The observations showed that some congregations do not allow for church discipline, especially where it relates to disassociation (Disfellowship). Some congregations therefore harbor members who are not legally married to the woman they are living with. In fact, some of these congregations argue that “Credit Marriage” (This is a situation where a young man impregnates a girl and the father of the girl asks them to go and live together until they have money to perform the marital rites. However, where any member of the family dies, the young man is not recognized as an in-law until marriage rites are concluded) is an acceptable marriage. In some other congregations around the area, a disfellowshipped member is allowed to worship and participate in all activities except communion. Some congregations allow disfellowship members to attend church services but sit at the back seat. Such individuals leave when the last “amen” is said. These varying belief systems needed to be addressed. Thus, the reason for the lectureship. The lectureship was a huge success. In fact, over four hundred persons were in attendance. The school provided food, drinks and other logistics. The school plans to be holding such lectureship annually to address issues plaguing churches in the area.
It is a great privilege for the school management to be partnering with the Bear Valley Family Denver, USA. The work has been tasking but God has always been of great help. The quarter has been an interesting one with the lectureship and the turnout of events. May our loving father bless all those who are supporting the school. May all the resource persons be blessed as the work progresses in Christ’s name, amen.