Posts tagged #Nigeria Extended Programs

Updates from Onitsha, Nigeria Extended School


I. We have 60 (sixty) students

    a. Awada: 22

    b. Okpoko: 13

    c. Nnewi: 25


  1. On 27th-28th May 2024 we went to Ihiala in partnership with the church of Christ Awmaobia on a two-day Gospel Campaign, and to the Glory of God, 11 (eleven) baptisms were recorded.

2. Some of the students and lecturers also went to Ihiala with the Gospel Chariot team on 22nd June 2024 and 1 (one) baptism was recorded.

3. On June 27th-30th we went to Amawa Ogbunike on an invitation to Gospel Campaign/church planting. We participated fully in the campaign, and some of our students and I worshiped with the newly planted congregation. Two persons who heard the gospel visited on the inaugural worship day. We have not recorded baptism yet, but we have high hopes that many will come to submit to Christ. One of our brothers is the sole sponsor of the project. He gave land and also started the construction of the worship hall. One of our students has been appointed as the preacher and the previously mentioned brother has promised to support him for one year.

4. We in partnership with the church of Christ Ogidi and Anambra Gospel Mission, with the sponsorship of brother Kenneth Morah, help to establish the church of Christ Amawa Ogbunike.

5. We have 6(six) teachers:

    a. Ogbonna Vincent  Onyekachi

    b. Nwigwe Innocent

   c. Eneh Everest

   d.  Chidi Chibunna

    e.  Faith Jonathan

    f. Aniamalu Felix

6. I am happy to also inform you that one of our students at Nnewi Center was appointed the preacher of the Church of Christ Uruagu Nnewi.

Ezeh Chijioke Shedrack

(Director BVBI Onitsha/Nnewi Center)

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Academic and Campaign Updates from the Enugu Center, Nigeria



The Enugu study center of the Bear Valley Bible Institute expresses her profound gratitude to God Almighty, and to all the great men and women God is using to accomplish the great work done in this part of Africa. We will not cease to thank Bear Valley Bible Institute International, especially for the newly approved director, by name Onwuka Samuel John Kelechukwu. The center is still at the meeting hall of the Church of Christ Garriki Enugu State, Nigeria. To this end, the school has recently secured the services of Hilary Johnson Chukwura (Evang). This is done to complement the efforts of the other instructors.


Sequel to the approval of the new director, the center's arrangement is in top gear so that, come July 2024,  the center will commence academic activities more effectively than it used to be. Letters of invitation have been sent out to interested candidates.  The new intake exam will be conducted strictly in accordance with the set questions and answers provided by BVBI International. There was a meeting between the new director and the instructors on 24/6/2024,  to help in mapping out modalities of making the school grow. 


The following courses have been taken within the period of this report:

• April, 2024— How we got the Bible

• May, 2024— Hermeneutics

• June, 2024— The New Testament Church (worship)


On Friday, 24th May 2024 the Bear Valley Bible Institute Nigeria-Enugu center students, went for their maiden evangelism outreach at Amaole Town in Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State.  After the preaching exercise, the new director worshipped with the very small rural congregation on Sunday the 26th at Amaole. Please raise the students and the very small congregation to God's hand in prayer for fruitfulness. Furthermore, on 22 June 2024, our students embarked on another campaign at Akwuke  Enugu South LGA. Note that BV ENUGU STUDY CENTER was instrumental in establishing a congregation in this area three years ago.


We give thanks to our Father in heaven for His loving kindness that has enabled us to continue our services in the kingdom of Christ. We are also grateful to all the good people of the BVBI family. We pray abundantgrace and blessings upon you all as we do the work of the master in Jesus Christ name, Amen.



Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Appreciative Update from Ondo State, Nigeria

Report Of Bear Valley Bible Institute Weekend School, Ondo State, April to June, 2024.

Dear Brethren,

Calvary greetings from Ondo City to our beloved brethren and Bear Valley family! Indeed we are grateful to God and to our brethren for their partnership, support, and sacrifices to us in Ondo State! Our hearts are filled with joy for this synergy! We are appreciative to the Eldership and all the brethren at Bear Valley Church, Denver, Colorado for their unfailing love and support! God bless you all in Jesus' name, Amen. 

Evangelism Report: As a School in Ondo State, as our usual habit, evangelism is our hubby, we went out to preach in Sabo Orimolade area for the third consecutive time on 29th June, 2024 with all the instructors and Students! We had open air preaching on that day with house to house evangelism! We hope to open a new congregation of the Lord there very soon, God willing. We would appreciate your prayers always for this! 

Also, in Akure center, our beloved instructors and students went out as well to Evangelized their area! The area covered was Leo area of Akure! Several prospects were contacted during the preaching exercise! We hope strongly their souls will be harvested for the Lord in the shortest time, Amen.

God willing, the School in Ondo State will be organizing their third year Leadership Bible Seminar that will comes up on the 21st of September, 2024.

Classroom Activities: In the cause of the months under reportage April to June 2024! We had wonderful classroom experiences!

April, 2024 in Ondo City centre, Brother Godwin Emmanuel taught the students The book of James. While in Akure center, Brother Akilapa taught the students 2 Corinthians.

May, 2024 in Ondo City centre, Brother Akilapa taught 2 Corinthians. While in Akure center Brother Godwin Emmanuel taught the book of James. 

June, 2024 in Ondo City centre, Brother Philemon Ohaebuka taught the book of Galatians! While in Akure center Brother Akilapa taught Godhead as a course. 

We returned all glory to God for His blessings, Safety on all the Instructors and the students! The students are gradually close to the end of their studies. 

Brother Taiwo Adepetun is a new student with the School! He is the denominational Pastor converted to the Lord! he is doing very great with his studies! He is willing to learn more about the rudiments of the gospel of Christ! He is grateful to God for the truth he has found! He is 35 years old and is married with one child! He is very active with the truth he has found in Christ, he is willing to tell the whole world this truth with great zeal of God in him! He is ready to preach after acquiring Bible knowledge! To God be the glory, Amen.

Miscellaneous: As at today, we are grateful as a School for the supplies! Thank you so much for your help and leadership.

Conclusively, We are grateful again for your help always! We are indeed blessed for the continuity of the program! We are determined to continue the good work of Christ without wavering! We are in love with your partnership always! Thank you and God bless, Amen.

Fasonu Victor, Coordinator

Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo State

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Successful Evangelism from School in Port Harcourt, Nigeria




In our first quarter, 2024 report, we mentioned of our plan to host a day intensive lectureship on 30th March, 2024 at Omoku centre. The theme of the concluded lectureship was: “Churches of Christ in the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects.”

We are happy to report that the lectureship was successful. Twenty one congregations in the area were represented. Some congregations from Port Harcourt City also attended. One of our teachers by name Michael C. Nwankwo presented the first key note on the topic Majoring in the Minor and one of our graduates by name Gentle Nwamana presented the second key note on the topic Sustaining Church Autonomy and Church Cooperation.  Before the close of the lectureship, we used the occasion to encourage the participants to enroll in the BVBI program. At the end of March 2023 we got some new students in Omoku Center as a result of the concluded lectureship.


It is a pleasure to report that lectures are going on in our two centers. In this year 2024, we had taught and completed the following courses: (1) 1,2 Peter, James and Jude,  (2) Advanced Christian Evidence, (3) 1 Corinthians, (4) 2 Corinthians, (5) Old Testament (Book of the law), (6) Leadership, (7) Acts of the Apostles 2, (8) Bible Geography, (9) Prison Epistles, (10) Denominational Doctrines, (11) 1, 2 Timothy and Titus. We are grateful for the privilege we had to teach two courses in a month and we are making good use of the privilege.


We are still working on the records of another set of our students who had completed the 48 courses. As soon as the transcripts are ready, we shall send them to Chad Wagner for verification and approval. If approved, it will be our second time to graduate students from our two centers which started in 2019. We are grateful to God and to our sponsors for the success of Bear Valley Bible Institute in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


Students and teachers evangelism outreach took place on Saturday, June 29th, 2024. We worked with two congregations within the locations of our school centers. We went out to the streets, houses and shops and preached the gospel of Christ. We discovered two members of the church who stopped fellowship with the saints with the excuse that they don’t know where the church was located. We talked with them and united them to the brethren within their location. We also met with many prospects who promised to be baptized soon. As the congregations we worked with continue to do the follow-up, we hope to have some converts among the prospects. We are happy for the participation of our students and teachers in the evangelism outreach and for the success of the work done.


Our students and teachers are requesting prayers because of the present hardship in Nigeria caused by the high level of inflation in the country which is affecting everyone who is living in Nigeria right now. The students and the teachers are in distress and in need of prayers to survive the high cost of foods, medicines, transportation and other goods and services in the country. Indeed, we need serious prayers because the adversity in Nigeria is getting to an unbearable level.


However, we are grateful to our sponsors in the United States of America for their financial and moral support. We would like to say that all the efforts and support are getting great results and success in our school in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


Anthony Ejike Oluria

(Director BVBI Rivers State Nigeria, West Africa)

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

A Successful Quarter for Agege, Nigeria





It is a thing of joy that the second quarter of the year 2024 has been completed as planned. May His name be praised forever.  


All class activities were all carried out and completed according to the requirements. Three courses were successfully completed during the quarter in this order:

  1. In the Month of April, Brother Gbenga Ilori taught Christian Home.

  2. Brother Suleiman Yusuf taught the New Testament Church in the month of May.

  3. Brother Israel Tajomavwo taught Church History in the month of June.

We thank God that these courses were successfully completed as expected and examinations written under close supervision.


The students of the centre were made to participate actively in Four Fields Discipleship Training and the use of social media platforms in the preaching of the gospel held on Friday, 28th June, 2024. This was organized by the centre in partnership with the Church of Christ Ifako/Ijaiye, Lagos State.


The students participated in the campaign outing organized by the centre on Saturday, 29th June, 2024, where they were made to put into practice what they have learnt during the Four Fields Training, under the supervision of the centre director.


We owe God all gratitude for His sustenance and encouragement. Though we did not admit new students during the quarter, God has continued to sustain the existing fifteen students who showed strong determination to continue with the program.


We appreciate God’s guidance, love and protection during the quarter which enabled us to carry out all activities as expected. We also appreciate the efforts of our Directors, Supporters, and Sponsors. We pray that God Almighty should continue to all of you, especially, Chad Wagner and Keith Kasarjian, who work tirelessly to make sure that the school is put in the right direction. May God’s blessings be perpetually multiplied in your lives, in Jesus’ name.


We once again thank God for His kindness towards us. May His love continuously abound in the lives of our Directors and sponsors as we continue to do the best we can to serve God.

Emmanuel Chukwuka Odo

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Students in Owerri, Nigeria Persist Amongst Different Circumstances


The quarter started with some challenges, our director lost his two siblings the same time, our two students lost their mother, and yet to be buried, one of our lecturers Dr Gideon Nweze lost his wife and is yet to be buried, another student was involved in an accident, still recuperating,  although this affected attendance, but in all this we are grateful to God that we are still moving on.

The security situation in Owerri is gradually normalizing, but we still organize lessons sometimes on weekdays or Sunday evenings depending on the situation.

Presently we have 19 students but not all are regular.

Our scheduled open air evangelism for this quarter couldn't hold due to circumstances beyond our control, there was heavy down pour, hence we rescheduled it to the month of July.
Also, the first preachers and church leaders workshop which is being organised by the school which supposed to  take place this June has been rescheduled to August due to logistics issues.
Concerning brethren from far locations from Owerri city requesting for arrangements to come to their area and give them lectures, we are yet to conclude arrangements on this as we have not gotten a reasonable number of interested students.

Our sincere gratitude will always go to God,  and we will not cease to appreciate the parent body and the school authorities for giving us the privilege of having a study center in Owerri Imo  state.
We will continue to do our best in this service of moulding men for the service of God and humanity.   
Our promise to maintain a high standard remains unshakeable  and surely we will make the school proud.

Yours because of Christ,
Chinedu Akandu

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Students and Instructors at work in Ikorodu, Nigeria

Bear Valley Bible Institute- Nigeria (Ikorodu)

We are grateful to God for sustaining our lives. The staffs and students of BVBIN Ikorodu appreciate you all for your support to keep our study on the growing and right path. We send our greetings to BVBI management. The Lord bless you all.

1. In Ikorodu study centre, we have twenty-two (22) students. All are regular and punctual to the class.

2. We have three instructors to handle the subjects. They are: Bro. Mfon Etim, Bro. Okoro Chinyere, and Bro. Israel Tajomavwo.

3. The subjects studies so far are:

a. APRIL- Church History (handled by Bro. Israel Tajomavwo)

b. MAY- Christian Home (handled by bro. Gbenga Ilori)

c. JUNE- New Testament Church (handled by bro. Yusuf Suleiman)

4. On first Sunday in the month of April, we started a congregation at Pakisha in Ikorodu. After three days open air evangelism and door to door outreach. The congregation commenced. One of our students is now a minister there (bro. Ekomobong David).

5. We had three baptisms and two restorations.

6. At the end of June, all the students and the staffs went out for campaign (Evangelism).

7. We also plan to have a lectureship for all evangelists in Ikorodu at the end of October, 2024.

We remain grateful to God and the staffs and students who are working very hard to see that the gospel is promoted in our environment (Ikorodu).

We thank you for the support. Without your support, we may not be able to achieve what we have today if not for your assistance. Today, we can face the denominational pastors.

We remain grateful to you and God bless you in Jesus Name (Amen)

Mfon Etim Adeh

(Ikorodu Study Centre)

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Positive Updates from Benin City, Nigeria


With a grateful heart, we, the entire staff, students, and the leadership of the host congregation, Church of Christ, 12, Ezoti Lane, Off Airport Road, Benin City, express our profound gratitude to the Bear Valley International Bible Institute, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A, and all donors for your unalloyed financial, moral and spiritual support that has kept us in the business of training men who are  desirous about taking the gospel to wherever man is found irrespective of their location. We are grateful.

This second quarter of 2024 (April, May and June) was full of exciting activities. Academically, we have successfully covered first and second Thessalonians, the cost of discipleship and leadership. The students took the final examination and their performances were impressive. The instructors, Brother Andrew Osatohamen, Enneh Everest, Daniel Fidelis, Dunia Christopher were diligent in the discharge of their duties.

The school collaborated with the Church of Christ, Ewa Road, Off Upper Mission Road, Benin City for a one day evangelism, both from house to house and open air preaching. The students turned out in good numbers. It is our prayer that God give the increase. Also, on the same day, 30th of June, 2024, ten students were led by brother Dunia Christopher for evangelism in Sule Camp near Ughoton-Gelegele Sea Port, about 32.5 km from Benin City, a very difficult terrain to access. Our consolation however is that the gospel is preached. There are many prospects in the camp as no denomination has found its way there yet. We taught the only “pastor,” who was trying to start up a church there, the true gospel together with his household. Although they were not baptized, they pleaded that we should come again. Sule Camp is an agrarian settlement with a population of about 700 settlers who are from neighbouring states of Delta and Ondo. The Church there was established by one of our student, Brother Festus Oghogho during the first quarter of 2024 shortly after he recovered from prostatitis. The church is being strengthened by Bear Valley Bible Institute, Benin City. There are six baptized members and twelve regular attendees. The church has enjoyed the goodwill of the camp’s head as she (the church) has been gifted with a portion of land to erect a shelter for worshipers.

One of our students, Brother Solomon Tobore, a legal practitioner, was recently appointed as preacher for Ewa Road Church of Christ, a service he never thought he could be given a consideration. Thanks to God Almighty and the Bear Valley family all over the world.

We thank you all for your partnership with us. Your support is highly appreciated as it has enabled us to train gospel preachers and reach the lost souls with the gospel of Christ. We pray that God bless you all ceaselessly in all you do in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Dunia Christopher

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Schooling and Evangelistic Updates from Abuja, Nigeria

Report for the months of April, May, and June 2024

It was quite interesting to study about the "Christian Ethics" with  Dominic Dakup as the instructor.
It was an interesting course looking Christian ethics and the world ethics. The course exposed students to the ethics of the church. The number of students that attended the course were twelve (12).

The school liaises with African mission in her evangelistic missions. The school was involved in the just concluded outreach at Bwarri.
Nyanya center had it quarterly evangelism at Mararaba Central Congregation. The students officiated all the activities in worship that day, two backsliding members were restored to service as the students went out after worship for door to door evangelism which was carried out. To the glory of God, seeds were also planted and we pray that God takes control for the seeds to germinate. The congregation was excited hosting the students. Students in attendants were nine (9).
On behalf of the students: "We are grateful for the opportunity the school authority has provided for brethrens to study the words of God."
The students were thankful and prayed for God's guidance, provision and blessings upon all the faculty staff and congregation who supported them with transportation during the event.
The month was concluded with exams for the course conducted.

Bear Valley Bible Institute Abuja -Nyanya/Kado Study Centers.
The course for the month was Prison Epistle, the lecturer was Bro. Kennedy Abrutu and 1 Corinthians taken by Bro. Imoh Atakpa.
It was exciting for the students and lecturers that such courses were taken. The courses helped the students to understand how to treat their wives and fellow brethrens. The students were happy because their lecturers did justice to these courses.
On behalf of the students: They were grateful for the opportunity the school authority provided for brethrens to study the words of God.
There was no Evangelism outreach in the month under review, but the next quarter promises to be interesting because of the beehives of activities lined up.
At the end of June, exams were completed on the various subjects and the results are expected to be turned in by lecturers.
We currently have upto eleven students in Nyanya and thirteen in KADO centers.
We have about 12 students who did not make it to the last graduation. Plans are on gear to have them retake the courses they did not do well. We schedule to meet with them and have them complete their academic effects before the next graduation.
The faculty had a meeting on Saturday the 29th of June 2024, to straighten modalities for new intake, plan for seminar, and to do further sensitization on partnership with congregations and individuals.
We also had a meeting with the elders of KADO to intimate them of the school plans. They gave their support and approval to the upcoming activities, to which they gave their support and approval.

The following were the courses taken and the instructors.
Course Title: Christian Ethics
Course Code:  CET 212
Instructor: Evang. Dominic Dakup
Course Title: The Study of Islam
Course Code:  ISM 025
Instructor: Evang. Rupert Kukwa
Course Title: The Book of 1 Corinthians
Course Code:  BIB 024
Instructor: Dr. Imoh Enang Atakpa

Imoh Enang Atakpa (Dir. Abuja center)

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Quarterly Updates from Warri, Nigeria





Every time I sit to write my report and navigate through the course of the past three months, I feel a sense of fulfilment. The report gives me a pure glimpse of the journey so far, the resolve to tidy every loose end and an opportunity to relish any positive achievement. The faculty and staff of the Warri centers are thankful for the progress so far made amidst many challenges. For me, the last quarter was one of the most challenging quarters with many spiritual battles. However, I am thankful to God almighty for surviving and sustaining us. Our immeasurable thanks go to the Bear Valley Family, the president of African Christian Schools and the President-BVBID Extension Program for constantly guiding us through this enviable endeavor. It is our prayer that the gospel will be sounded to the ends of the earth.





As usual, academic activities resumed and Iduh Odike taught the course O.T. 4 (Major Prophets) at the DSC Centre. O.T 4 centers on the four major prophets and their prophecies, their call, contemporary prophets, region of their duties and the reign of kings in their contemporaries. This course allows the students to understand all of these surrounding events to the Israelites and be informed about the eternal kingdom (Church). A total of eighteen (18) persons sat for the examination.

 In May, Abiola Ojoade taught the class on Islam. With the present circumstances in Nigeria, a course on Islamic religion for the preachers, serves as an eye-opener on the origin and history of Islamic religion. The modus operandi and the modus vivendi were carefully examined. 1. The main important history of Islam begins with the rise of Muhammad at 570CE and his quest to establish an Islamic State 2 His conquest of Mecca and Medina 3. The emergence of Islamic Extremism and Fundamentalism. 4. The emergence of the Khalifs and Islamic Sects. It further enlightened the preachers, who will in turn help their various congregations come to terms with the reality of the Islamic faith. A total of 17 sat for the examination.

In June, Solomon Usim discussed the book of Hebrews I. It was an interesting exposition. The class showed the superiority of Jesus of the prophets, the angels, Moses, the Levitical priesthood. In fact, the Hebrew Christians were made to know that the New Covenant was based on better sacrifice by a better priest who is not subject to death. He serves in a better sanctuary, a heavenly sanctuary, for that matter. The class was left in awe since there is a better rest for the people of God. A total of 22 sat for the examination.



In April, Solomon Usim discussed the course on Building Bridges in Marriage. The course highlighted the nature of covenants. It was agreed that the rate of divorce would not have been high if couples understood the implications of a covenant. The role of communication in marriage, among other things, were emphasized. A total of 10 persons sat for the examination.

In the month of May, Meredit Ovwromoh discussed Life of Christ III (The book of Luke). The course centers on the early and later works of Jesus in Galilee, Judea, Perea and his final work in Jerusalem, and a closer look at his trial, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. The students were guided through the life of Christ and thus making the experience memorable. A total of 10 students sat for the examination.

In the month of June, Godwin Ojochogwu taught the class on Personal Evangelism III. The discussion centered on the evangelistic principles. How a church can be planted applying the principles. The role of sponsoring congregations and supporting Churches were examined. How to applying goal setting principle and then how some people were converted in the book of Acts formed part of the discussion too. A total of 12 persons sat for the examination.



Classes resumed at the center and Alaba Gabi introduced the course on the Life of Christ I. “The Life of Christ” is a course that is aimed at revealing and projecting the actual person of Jesus Christ, “the Son of God.” It is an in-exhaustive adventure into the revealed Word of God to really understand the person of Jesus. The course reveals the pre-existent nature of Jesus; how the Divine became incarnate; that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh – being 100% God and also 100% man; His supernatural birth; His baptism; how He recruited 12 students who later became His apostles; His unique miracles and powers; His authority – which is of God; His teachings and ministry; how He fulfilled the Scriptures (prophecies of old); His sacrificial and redemptive death, burial, resurrection as final defeat of all enemies. And in all these, Jesus is exalted by the Father above all, because He humbled Himself, (although being God) put on flesh and perfectly carried out the Will of the Father. A total of 15 persons wrote the examination.

In the month of May, Solomon Usim introduced the course on Bible Origin. The course evaluated the various ways God spoke to man in the past. The course navigated through visions, dreams and other forms of revelations. It culminated into the individuals that put the Bible in one volume. The likes of Marcion, the ship owner, the role of Athanasius and so on. It was thrilling for the students to discover the trajectory in the making of the Bible.  A total of 12 people sat for the exams.

In the month of June, Bliss Ebuje discussed the course, Scheme of Redemption. The high points of the course centered on the eternal council of the Godhead, by which God works all things and to which God works all things. The thought shared can be summarized as follows: The Son is the center of all things and everything is summed up in Him (Eph. 1:10). He is the pattern to which men and women should be conformed into an exact representation of Him (Rom. 8:29). A total of 12 students sat for the examination.



The Warri Centers of the Bear Valley Bible Institute held her Second Annual Bible Lectureship on May the 11TH 2024. The lectureship theme was: “Unity of the Christian Faith.” The theme became so important because of some false doctrine peddled by some preachers both in Delta and in Lagos. There are some good, intelligent but derailing brethren who are beginning to believe and teach the doctrine of Arianism and Sabellianism. Besides, there are others who believe in having individual prayers in corporate worship. The idea of the one true church was reemphasized. These and many other doctrinal issues formed the bases of the lectureship. Over 300 individuals were in attendance.



It is a fact, as they say, nothing good comes easy. The high cost of living in Nigeria has become a challenge. Finances are no longer enough. Buying things in the market has become tougher than ever. In fact, there are some students, who are preachers, who desire to complete the course by all means but transportation has become a problem. They are coming from a far distance. The students and teachers are now contributing from their lean resources to help support their colleague to transport back and forth. This is a serious challenge.



·      Number of Students- Seventy-four (74), twenty (20) at PTI, Twenty-seven (27) at DSC and 27 at Ughelli.

·      Number of Campaigns Conducted by Students/Teachers in this Quarter: None.

·      Number of Baptisms resulting from evangelical efforts by students/teachers this quarter: 12

·      Number of New Congregations Established: None

·      Number of Teachers at the School: Seven (7)

·      Number of Churches Restored: None


To God be the glory the work survived another quarter. It is a great privilege. As the new quarter begins, we pray for more zeal and grace to navigate through. The devil and his agents are working hard to thwart the efforts being made. However, Christ is already victorious and is thankful to be part of that victory. We pray that God continues to support those who are supporting the work financially and otherwise.

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Baptisms and a Church Restoration in Taraba State, Nigeria

BVBI Taraba School Nigeria: Second Quarter 2024 Report.

Dear brethren, we salute you all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. As you continue to pray and support us morally and financially, we also continue to put in our best despite the numerous political and economic challenges we keep facing in our nation Nigeria.

I am grateful to God Almighty to relate to you that we continue to thrive and increase in knowledge as our work expands daily.

Our students and instructors relentlessly reach out to the lost and feeble.

From April to June this year, we were able to attain the following:

1. Baptism: Four baptisms, two recorded during the two days outreach in Gollong area of Jalingo metropolis, and the other two during personal evangelism.

2. Restoration: the church in Iware, a sub-burb of Jalingo that stopped meeting for two years, was restored by our student; Kingsley Francis. The family of Akaras Solomon was also restored back to faith.

The following courses were taught by Elkanah Madaki, Terkule Aoraabe and Bala Ebgwakoteh: Marriage and Family, intertestamental Period, and Peace and Conflict Management, respectively.

We are soliciting your prayers as some of our students and their wives are sick and even admitted in hospital.

May God continue to bless you in Jesus name.

Yours in the Lord

E. I. Madaki

Posted on July 8, 2024 .

Making progress in Ondo State, Nigeria

Dear brethren,

I ascribe all glory, honour and Majesty back to Our God in heaven above for His renewable blessings every day for His Children all over the world. We are forever grateful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver, Colorado for their support and love over the years! The Eldership with all the brethren at Bear Valley are in our hearts and prayers always for this great Spiritual sacrifice toward build lasting legacy for generations to come in Ondo State! I truly appreciate your love and vision.

Evangelism: First quarter of 2024 is very interesting and important to us here in Ondo State! We were able through the help of God to have baptized a pastor in a denominational Church who have decided to follow Jesus' word and His Church! All glory be to God Almighty, Amen. His name is Taiwo Adepetun. l have encouraged him to enroll with Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo center! He is now a student of the School. 

Today been 30th March, 2024, The School in Ondo City went out to preach the gospel again in Sabo Orimolade area in Ondo City with the hope of establishing the Lord's Church in that area! We had many prospects today! We are planning to go back again in order to organize three days Open Air preaching there! The people there were very receptive to the gospel of Christ!

In Akure center, We went to Ilu- abo again in Airport area in Akure! As l have reported last quarter, two of our new students are from that area! The Church there need more hands and we are ready to fill the gap! All the students and instructors were there to assist the Church in that area. We are grateful to be useful tools in the hands of God Almighty.

Classroom activities: In all the two centers classroom activities went as planned!

January 2024 - Brother Victor Fasonu taught the book of Revelation, while Brother Godwin Emmanuel taught Old Testament - 5 minor prophets in Akure center.

February, 2024 - Brother Rowland taught 1& 2 Thessalonians in Ondo center while Brother Oke taught Hebrews in Akure center.

March, 2024 - Brother Oke taught Hebrews in Ondo center, while Brother Rowland taught 1 & 2 Thessalonians in Akure center.

As a school, we are happy that our students are in their third year of study! Our God will see them through, Amen.

Brother Philip Iwere is a student of the school at Akure study center! He is 65 years old. He is married with Children in the Lord! He is very matured and courageous student of the Bible! He is happy learning the word of God. He very active in the Classroom and a loving personality among the students! The School is lucky to have him as a student. He is one of the faithful member of the Lord's Church at No, 13 Leo Street, Akure. After graduation, he is willing to preach the undiluted gospel of Christ.

Beloved brethren, as a school in Ondo State! We are committed toward the growth and development of the school. Once again thank you for your love and support again and again! We know opportunity to make greater exploits doesn't come easy! We are determined in our resolution to remain a pacesetter.

Thank you and remain blessed, Amen. 

Fasonu Victor


Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo State

Posted on May 13, 2024 .

Warri adds a new Learning Center




The period covering January to March has been interesting and smooth. The faculty is grateful that God has led us through another quarter without any unforeseen contingencies. The faculty remains grateful to the entire Bear Valley family of Denver Colorado USA. The faculty's gratitude and prayer go to the tireless individuals driving the vision of the Bear Valley Bible Institute by raising and sending constant financial and moral support. May the vision continue to grow and to the ends of the earth.



Classes started early at the DSC center with Godwin Ojocheogwu discussing the course Foundation for Missions. The teacher led the students through and showed that the preaching of the gospel is a powerful tool to reaching out to the lost in the world. A total of 18 students sat for the exams.

In February, Meredith handled the course Romans II. The central thought is on the gospel as the power with which God saves the lost. A total of 19 students sat for the examination.

Solomon Usim in March discussed World Religions with the students. It was a very interesting course because it opened the eyes of the students about other religions of the world. It compared these religions in the light of Christianity. The comparison showed the outstanding nature of Christianity. The course further strengthened their belief in the Christian religion in contradistinction to African traditional Religion. In fact, syncretism was one word that was carefully explored. A total of 19 students sat for the exams.


The new year opened with Iduh Odike discussing the course Life of Christ II (Mark) at the PTI Centre. The course bordered on the public ministry of Jesus Christ in Judea, Galilee, and Perea which was characterized with OBSCURITY, POPULARITY and OPPOSITION in his three and half years of ministry, showing that Jesus is God through his teachings and miracles. A total of 12 students sat for the exams.

In February, Solomon Usim handled the course 2 Corinthians. The book centered on the regularization of relationship between a member from whom the church withdrew fellowship. It also shows that God is the God of comfort despite the rate Christians experience affliction. A total of 12 students sat for the exams.

Abiola Ojoade handled the course O.T. II (History) in March. At the end of the course, Students were able to learn and understand the rise of king David, the beloved servant of the Lord, to the fall of the Southern kingdom of Israel who were taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in 586BC. A total of 10 students sat for the exam.


The Ughelli Centre graciously began operation in March. Meredith Jerry Ovwromoh led the new center at inception and discussed the book, OT History 1. Old Testament Survey 1 focuses on God's divine purposes and plans for mankind, how sin came into the world, God's response to sin, and his relationship with mankind. It also provides a deep understanding of God's nature and character. Out of the 27 persons that sat for the entrance examination, 14 students sat for the exams.


The Ovwor Olomu community has a very old but weak congregation. This congregation needs help to survive. One of the school’s instructors, Godwin Ojocheogwu, is helping the small church. Thus, the church called for another campaign and staff and students were mobilized to Ovwor Olomu Church of Christ Ughelli South, Delta state. It was held on the 24th of February 2024. As at the time of this report, no baptism yet.


A new congregation was established at Location/cemetery road, Otor-Udu, Udu LGA, Delta State Nigeria. An old blind preacher lives in the Otor -Udu community. Because of his condition, he finds it difficult to go to the meeting place which is somewhat far from him. With the combined efforts of the teachers and some students, a congregation was established in his place. The good thing is that the new preacher has since enrolled with the Ughelli center as a student.


Following the approval of the Ughelli center, it became necessary that two more instructors be brought in. Thus, efforts were made and the services of Bliss Ibuje and Alaba Gabi were secured. The two of them are graduates from the School of Biblical Studies Jos and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Religious Studies. Bliss Ibuje is a serving minister with the church of Christ Ogorode, Sapele Delta State. In the same vein, Alaba Gabi is serving as a minister with the church of Christ Akpeki Crescent, Sapele Delta State. The two teachers had the opportunity of meeting with Chad Wagner for proper introduction at NCBC Ukpom Abak during the last Great Workshop in Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. The faculty and staff are indeed grateful to both Chad and Keith for the approval of the Ughelli center. The Ughelli center has a lot of prospects. The staff have started combing the area visiting with the many congregations around and sensitizing the preachers on the need for better ministerial education.


·      Number of Students- Seventy-four (74), twenty (20) at PTI, Twenty-seven (27) at DSC and 27 at Ughelli.

·      Number of Campaigns Conducted by Students/Teachers in this Quarter: One.

·      Number of Baptisms resulting from evangelical Efforts by Students/Teachers This quarter: Fifteen (15)

·      Number of New Congregations Established: One

·      Number of Teachers at the School: Seven (7)

·      Number of Churches Restored: None


The work of keeping the whole school together and the challenges has not been an easy task. However, God has been mindful of us amidst the many struggles. We appreciate the faculty and staff for their immense support. We are thankful to God Almighty and the entire Bear Valley Family for the unflinching support. It is our sincere prayer that God will bless us all and grant us more fruitfulness in Christ’s name amen.

Solomon Usim

(Director BVBIW)

Posted on May 13, 2024 .

Great things happening in Benin City!


Greetings from all of us at Bear Valley Bible Institute, Benin extension school. We thank God Almighty for the Bear Valley family for the unflinching support given to us to aid our commitment to training preachers and providing manpower to local congregations in Benin City and its environs.

We had seamless academic activities in the first quarter. In both centres, Galatians, Romans, first and second Peter and Jude were taught by brothers Andrew Osatohanmen, Enne Everest, Daniel Fidelis and Dunia Christopher respectively.

On evangelism, the school collaborated with a very young congregation for a one day street evangelism where we did house to house preaching and also position our public address systems at two different locations for open air preaching. Brother Fidelis Daniel, an instructor at Bear Valley spoke in one of the locations on “The New Testament Church” Brother Felix Ehigiator, the Preacher of Iguosa congregation spoke on “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” There are testimonies to the fact that many of the people we met during the outreach were in church on the 1st of April, 2024. We will continue to follow them up and pray that God give increase in due time.

Similarly, the family of Brother Matthew and Sister Chidinma Megwai are presently in grieve as a result of the demise of their son. The young couple are students of Bear Valley school but lost concentration since the birth of their baby, Kedrick nine months ago as the baby was diagnosed of a hole in the heart. He passed away on the 27th of March, 2024. Remember them in your prayers.

The management of Benin School has from inception been providing lecture materials in hard copies for the students free of charge to encourage them despite the high cost of printing materials. This would have been difficult but for the support of the Bear Valley family. Thus, we say thanks to all our sponsors, once again. 

The individual and collective efforts of the staff and students of Bear Valley, Benin Centre is yielding results as we record baptism on regular basis.

God bless you all for your work of love.

Dunia Christopher,

Bear Valley Bible Institute,

Benin City, Edo State

Posted on April 8, 2024 .

New school in Nigeria is doing well

Calvay greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Below were our report from Onitsha BVBI Center:

1. Courses taught and the teachers that handled them for the period under review:

a. Christian Evidence (114)- Onyekachi Vincent (Awada center). Chidi Chbunna (Okpoko center), January  2024.

b. Wisdom Literature (115)- Faith Jonathan Chimeremeze (Awada center),  Eneh Everest (Okpoko center) February 2024.

c. The Scheme of Redemption (116)- Nwigwe Innocent (Awada center), Aniamalu Felix ( Okpoko  center) March 2024.

2. We have 39 students. (24 Awada,  and 15 Okpoko)

3. Evangelism: we could not go for our evangelism for the month of March because one of our students held his wedding ceremony on 23rd of March 2024, which many of us participated and I was the one that preached wedding sermon that day. But brother Everest Eneh and I in the course of our visits to congregations for sensitization, we had three souls baptized into Christ after our teaching and sermon at church of Christ, 29 Akpulu  street Okpoko.

By the grace of God we are trying our best to uplift and protect the image of Bear Valley Bible Institute over here. Some of our students are really doing us proud in many congregation were they handled items of worship. Our teachers were also leaving up to expectations.

Ezeh Chijoke Shedrack

Posted on April 8, 2024 .

100+ Bible studies in Taraba State

I bring you greetings from the school in Taraba State hoping that this report will meet you growing in spiritual things.
I am also glad to let you know that the school is making tremendous impacts on all the congregation of the churches of Christ in Jalingo city and it's environs as our students and instructors continue to teach and preach every week.
102 Bible studies were conducted under the period reviewed, and four souls were united with Christ through water baptism. A family of five was restored back to Faith.  The school wishes to use this medium in expressing her profound gratitude for the gift of Projector and the public address system.

We are going to launch the PA on the 11th to 14th of April in Gollong Area, where we will be holding three day outreach. During the outreach, we shall be having door to door evangelism during the day , while open air preaching will take place in the evening. The radio program will hopefully resume this week Saturday, the pre-recording has been done.

Our classroom activities continue effectively with the aid of the Projector. Bala Egbwakoteh taught the two Epistles of Paul to the early church in Corinth, and Terkule Aorabee taught Christian Ethics. 

You're beloved,

Elkanah Itom Madaki

Posted on April 8, 2024 .

Lectureship in Owerri


The quarter started in high spirit as all the students enthusiastically attended class. By January ending, we hosted a lectureship with the theme:-  STUDYING TO SHOW YOURSELF APPROVED.

We had brethren and unbelievers from different places within Owerri in attendance not minding the challenging security situation and we were blessed with a baptism. Due to certain circumstances here, We  organise  lessons sometimes weekdays or Sunday evenings depending on situation.

I recommend to you one of our students Dr Obinna Nweze, a medical doctor, a devout student who has consistently supported supported other students financially and also through his financial support made the hosting of our lectureship in January a success.

Presently we have 18 students.


Our  plans with some congregations in Mbaise area to organise a three day evangelism this quarter  yielded result as the event held from 28th to 30th march. Although there was no baptism,vwe believe God will surely give the increase.

Also it will be recalled that I informed us of disunity and lack of love and cooperation among preachers and congregations in Imo State which is occasioned by lack of well trained teachers, preachers and leaders in congregations, we are still working working hard on it and by God's grace the first preachers and church leaders workshop which is being organised by the school will take place in June .

 We are still working on the best modality of help to brethren from far locations from Owerri city requesting for arrangements to come to their area and give them lectures, this is dependent on the number of interested students. 

We deeply express our sincere gratitude  to God,  and we really appreciate the parent body and the school authorities for giving us the privilege of having a study center in Owerri Imo state. We will continue to do our best in this service of molding men for the service of God and humanity.    We reaffirm our promise to maintain a high standard  and surely we will make the school proud.

Yours because of Christ 

Chinedu Akandu 


Posted on April 8, 2024 .

Campaign in Lagos



It is a thing of joy and worthy of giving praises to God that the activities in the first three months of the year, 2024 had been successful.


The classroom activities were conducted successfully according to the School's guideline and curriculum.

In the month of January, Bro. Noel Brain Otuwho taught Course 120; Pastoral Epistles.

In the month of February, Bro. Ani Augustine taught Course 122; Homiletics.

In the month of March, Bro Okoro Chinyere taught Personal Evangelism.


The school, in conjunction with the Church of Christ, 9, Igbinadun Street, Ojodu, Lagos, conducted Evangelism rally/house to house campaign. This took place on the 30th of March, 2024 at Ojodu Local Government Area of Lagos State.


Follow-up work on the school's earlier outing at the Church of Christ Ifako/Ijaiye where I serve as preacher resulted in the baptism of a soul-Brother Clement on Sunday 7th January, 2024. To God be all the glory that since then, he has been regular in worship and other programmes of the church including evangelism.


Some of our students and instructors participated in a three day Bible lectureship organized by the Church of Christ, Onilekere, Lagos, between Friday 29th - Sunday 31st March, 2024. To God be the glory, it was a successful programme.


We, at Agege School are highly appreciative of the efforts of the School's Management and Administration, especially Bro. Keith Kasarjian and Bro. Chad Wagner. They are always on hand to render advice, correction and other forms of help that help the programme to run smoothly. We also appreciate the efforts and sacrifices of the sponsors. We pray that God Almighty should continue to bless all of you, and may God continue to give the management more wisdom to continue to direct the school at the right path.


Emmanuel Chukwuka Odo

Posted on April 5, 2024 .

Rivers State Nigeria reports many baptisms


Bear Valley Bible Institute in Rivers State Nigeria started very well in the year 2024.   In the month of January, 2024 we sent out our students to various congregations in Rivers State and beyond for practical field work which is known in our transcript as “campaign”. When we sent out information about the field work to the congregations in our area, very many congregations in Port Harcourt City and various communities in Rivers State requested that we should send students to them. The high demands for our students were very encouraging and that made us to know that Bear Valley Institute is highly accepted in our area.

The reports we got from the field work is amazing.  We gathered that our students baptized 29 persons, restored 11 backsliders, and taught Bible classes to men, women, youths and children. They preached sermons that edified many brethren. Indeed, the students’ campaign in the month of January, 2024 contributed much to the growth of the church in our area. We are happy that the money American brethren are sending quarterly to the school is bringing positive results.


At the end of field work, we resumed lectures in our two centers and God willing, lectures will continue till the end of December 2024.



From our record, another set of 19 students will complete the 48 courses and will be due for graduation at the end of 2nd quarter, 2024. As soon as the transcripts are ready, we shall send them to Chad Wagner for verification and approval. If approved, it will be our second time to graduate students from our two centers which started in 2019.



We are glad to report that the efforts and money spent in the training of our past students are not in vain. Many of our graduates have been given appointments to work as preachers in many congregations in Port Harcourt and other communities in Rivers State, Nigeria. We are very happy because they are doing well in the congregations where they are working. It is worthy of note that 16 out of the 34 graduates of our school are already gospel preachers in various congregations while they were our students. After the graduation on July, 29th 2023, 10 among them have been given appointments as gospel preachers in various congregations in our area and beyond.



With the aim to create more awareness about our school and to get more    students to enroll in Omoku Center, we have invited many congregations in the area for a day intensive lectureship on 30th March, 2024. The theme of the proposed lectureship is: “Churches of Christ in the 21st century: Challenges and prospects” .We will give a detail report of the proposed lectureship in our next quarterly report.


 We are grateful to God who has given us the strength to work for him and we are also grateful to our sponsors in the United States of America for their financial and moral supports. All the efforts are getting great results.

Reports from:

Anthony Ejike Oluria,

(Director BVBI Rivers State Nigeria, West Africa)

Posted on April 4, 2024 .

Denominational preacher converted in Ondo State, Nigeria

Report Of Bear Valley Bible Institute Weekend School, Ondo State (January - March, 2024).

Dear brethren,

I ascribe all glory, honour and Majesty back to Our God in heaven above for His renewable blessings every day for His Children all over the world. We are forever grateful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver, Colorado for their support and love over the years! The Eldership with all the brethren at Bear Valley are in our hearts and prayers always for this great Spiritual sacrifice toward build lasting legacy for generations to come in Ondo State! I truly appreciate your love and vision.

Evangelism: First quarter of 2024 is very interesting and important to us here in Ondo State! We were able through the help of God to have baptized a pastor in a denominational Church who have decided to follow Jesus' word and His Church! All glory be to God Almighty, Amen. His name is Taiwo Adepetun. l have encouraged him to enroll with Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo center! He is now a student of the School. 

Today been 30th March, 2024, The School in Ondo City went out to preach the gospel again in Sabo Orimolade area in Ondo City with the hope of establishing the Lord's Church in that area! We had many prospects today! We are planning to go back again in order to organize three days Open Air preaching there! the people there were very receptive to the gospel of Christ!

In Akure center, We went to Ilu- abo again in Airport area in Akure! As l have reported last quarter, two of our new students are from that area! The Church there need more hands and we are ready to fill the gap! All the students and instructors were there to assist the Church in that area. We are grateful to be useful tools in the hands of God Almighty.

Classroom activities: In all the two centers classroom activities went as planned!

January 2024 - Brother Victor Fasonu taught the book of Revelation, while Brother Godwin Emmanuel taught Old Testament - 5 minor prophets in Akure center.

February, 2024 - Brother Rowland taught 1& 2 Thessalonians in Ondo center while Brother Oke taught Hebrews in Akure center.

March, 2024 - Brother Oke taught Hebrews in Ondo center, while Brother Rowland taught 1 & 2 Thessalonians in Akure center.

As a school, we are happy that our students are in their third year of study! Our God will see them through, Amen.

Brother Philip Iwere is a student of the school at Akure study center! He is 65 years old. He is married with Children in the Lord! He is very matured and courageous student of the Bible! He is happy learning the word of God. He very active in the Classroom and a loving personality among the students! The School is lucky to have him as a student. He is one of the faithful member of the Lord's Church at No, 13 Leo Street, Akure. After graduation, he is willing to preach the undiluted gospel of Christ. 

Financial Report: As a School, we have received support for our work in the School from January to March, 2024!  We want to thank Bear Valley Bible Institute, Denver for their support!

Miscellaneous: For now, we are grateful for the provision of our present needs! We are very happy! 

Beloved brethren, as a school in Ondo State! We are committed toward the growth and development of the school. Once again thank you for your love and support again and again! We know opportunity to make greater exploits doesn't come easy! We are determined in our resolution to remain a pacesetter.

Thank you and remain blessed, Amen. 

Fasonu Victor


Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo State. 

Posted on April 4, 2024 .