It is another opportunity to take statistics of the work done so far. We are grateful to God Almighty for his abundant grace and mercy. The staff and students have journeyed all through the year from one point to another and have enjoyed God’s protection all the way. Our international partners have also traversed the length and breadth of many countries under God’s guidance. Our immense gratitude goes to the Bear Valley Family for the awesome support for the good work around the world. We pray the good Lord keep this great work going as many gospel preachers are enjoying the tremendous support. Support for the teachers (Preachers) both financially and the fact of the studies they are making as they teach these courses, and the support the student preacher gains as they study, interact and use the bear valley material. They gain more knowledge in the process. On the whole, it is an amazing work.
The month of December, Solomon Usim continued discussion on the book of John. The gospel of John has been the long-awaited book because of the recent controversy on the Godhead. It became very important that the director ends that discussion once and for all. The outcome of the course shows that Jesus was not created (John 1:1-3). He was from eternity and will exist through eternity. A total of nineteen people sat for the examination.
As the new year opened, Gabi Alaba discussed the cause, Preacher and His Work. The Preacher and his Work is a course aimed at informing the gospel preacher what God expects of him, and how he can better fortify himself for the divine mission. The Preacher is one among the leaders appointed by Jesus Christ in the local Church for the equipping of saints unto Ministerial functions. It is a course divided into three major sections: (1) The Preacher's Preaching (2) The Preacher's Life (3) The Preacher and the Church. In each of these sections, several instructions and warnings especially from Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus were given to the Preacher/anyone intending to become a Preacher. A total of sixteen (16) persons attended the course.
In the month of December, Godwin Ojocheogwu, taught the class on Church History. This course reveals the beginning of the church of Christ, the departures from God’s Scriptural pattern and restoration to its original states. It also tells us the church Early growth as against false religions and persecution fought by reformers. The development of creeds and councils. Then departures from the faith and how it resulted into apostasy and into Roman Catholicism as well as other Protestant churches. A total of fifteen (15) persons were in attendance.
Solomon Usim was at the PTI center in January. The cause was denominational doctrines. The cause centered on the fact that the church of Jesus Christ was in the mind of God. It was not an accident. The many denominational churches today were a product of the reformation mainly. Twelve (12) persons sat for the examination.
In the month of December, Abiola Ojoade, discussed the course Christian Evidences. At the end of the Course, the students were able to learn and understand that
1. All Christians are commanded to be ready always to give a defense of their hope in light of I Peter 3:15.
2. The Christian Faith is an intelligent and rational faith.
3. The various arguments about God show that God exists.
4. The many faces of Unbelief are reasons why people reject God's existence.
5. Evolution is not the standard to prove the work of creation.
A total of seven (7) students attended the class.
In the month of January, Ejay Bliss led the class through the course Christian Ethics. Christian Ethics is a study of the conduct that should characterize the true Christian in view of Biblical principles, statements and implications that are properly interpreted and rightly divided. It deals with matters of right and wrong. Students were made to learn to raise their standard of morality, living as shining amour among the people of the world. A total of eight persons attended the class.
The Church of Christ Ovwor Olomu led the brethren to the reestablishment of the church of Christ Okpe Olomu in December 2024. The programme lasted for four days from 5th-8th of December 2024. Seven persons have been baptized so far. There were 25 members in attendance on the day of inauguration.
On the 7th of December 2024, another evangelism was held. The sisters of Egini Church of Christ in Udu L.G.A of Delta State came out in their numbers. Sisters from other congregations attended the program and all went to reach out to the lost souls with the Gospel of Christ and the evangelism was fruitful for Sis. Florence Oyibo was added to the Lord's Church.
Furthermore, on the 17th and 18th of January, the Great Evangelism was organized by the Egini Church of Christ in Udu L.G.A of Delta State. The two days of evangelism witnessed door to door and opening Air evangelism. Brethren from various congregations were in attendance and saturated the Egini Community with the Gospel of Christ. About 150 prospects were reached with the Gospel of Christ and the evangelism was fruitful. Four persons were added to the Church.
The struggle continues as both staff and students deal with the current hardship in the country. However, we have remained resilient. Some of the students who travel from afar have paid their price coming to the school these four years. At some point the entire class would contribute transportation for these preachers. It has been a joint effort and the battle is almost won. The program will be completed in March 2025. To this end, the school has scheduled their lectureship and graduation for the 28th of February and 1st of March respectively. The total monetary expenditure is about two million two hundred thousand. The students and the faculty have been able to raise over a million naira so far. We trust God to see us through. The lectureship has become very important as crucial questions plaguing the churches in this area would be answered. In fact, the issue of marriage, divorce and remarry has remained a thorny issue. Also, the controversy of appointment of city elders in contradistinction with congregational elders will be resolved. We request that you join us in prayers and support us in any way you can to enable us achieve this lofty agenda.
1. Number of Students: Fifty-nine (59), Seventeen (17) at PTI, Twenty-seven (27) at DSC and Fifteen (15) at Ughelli center.
2. Number of Graduates (if any this year) None
3. Number of Campaigns: Three Campaigns at Okpe Olomu, Egini Sisters Evangelism and Egini General evangelism.
4. Number of Baptisms: 25 baptisms.
5. Number of any New Churches Planted: None.
6. Number of Churches Restored: Okpe Olomu church of Christ was reestablished.
7. Number of Teachers: Seven (7)
8. Number of Restorations: None
To God be the glory for all the efforts. The combined efforts have yielded greatly. The year is just starting and we pray for a great harvest to the glory of God. Once again, we are grateful to the entire Bear Valley for the kingdom's work. Happy New year! Brethren.