Reporting Letter for the month of May-2022
Greetings to you and all the prayer partners. We convey our greetings and express our gratitude and thanks to the Elders of Bear Valley Church of Christ for their love and commitment to serve the Indian souls concerning the spiritual educational program which helps for eternal life and also lead the best and happiest life on this earthly planet. In fact, the BVBI is a wonderful project. We treat it as it is the blessed platform to educate young people in India. We are grateful to Mr.Keith Kasarjian and Mr.Mark Reynolds for their great love and restless efforts which they invest for the smooth function of BVBI extension centre at Tirupati, India.
In the month of May we had a break for our BVBI extension center due to heat. We sent all our students and staff members for field work. We conducted home bible studies, children classes, youth classes, ladies classes, personal bible studies , open gospel meetings and leadership classes. We also visited the sick who are in the hospitals. Most of the families conduct marriages during this summer season. We would like to mention a few programs that we have done in the month of May-2022.
On May 4th we travelled about 300 miles (to and from) and visited our church member Mr.Moses at Appollo hospital. Nellore visited this family . This is not only our church member but also my brother-in-law (my sister’s husband). Unfortunately he passed away this week on Tuesday and we conducted the funeral on Wednesday. Please pray for this family. His three sons and Mrs. Moses are good encouragers for our BVBI-Tirupati city.
On may 7, 2022 we conducted an evening gospel meeting at Vidyanagar, Nellore-Dt, A.P state. About 100 people were gathered for the meeting. My older brother Ezra ‘s family has sponsored this meeting expenses.
On May 11, 2022 we travelled to the leprosy colony and collected about 50 children and conducted a children’s class. One family from Rajamandry church of Christ has visited our BVBI. This family has joined with us to visit the leper colony. They encouraged all the children and taught good lessons for the children.
On may 13th we have solemnized a marriage for our church member Mr.Lokesh. There were more than 600 people who attended the marriage and heard the word of God.
On May 17th, it was the anniversary of my brother-in-law’s death (in 2021 he died with Covid-19). The family members have sponsored the gospel meeting at Poolathota-Village , Nellore-Dt, Andhra Pradersh. About 200 people gathered and the entire village heard the good news by the sound system. A couple of months back we planted the local church there. Please pray for this village congregation. Lord willing a church building will be constructed in this village.
Church building at Jangalapalli-Village: This is our native village. My brother Elisha is the gospel preacher in that village, we are thankful to Mr. Mark Reynolds for visiting this village in his 2022 January Indian mission trip. By the grace of God, the church building roof work has been completed in this village, and the people started to use this building. It is our plan to do campaign work in this village by the involvement of the students and staff members of our BVBI. We would like to distribute gospel tracts and New Testaments. We wish to distribute in the day time and conduct the gospel meeting in the evening. It is my desire and prayer so that God may help us to reach gospel to each door in my native village.
We once again thank you so much for your prayers and support for the BVBI-Tirupati-India. We love you and sincerely appreciate your love for the educational program which is close to our heart. We request your continual prayers for the students and teaching staff and non-teaching staff.
Thanking you.
Yours brother in Christ
Vijay& family from BVBI-extension centre-Tirupati-India.