Our cordial greetings, dear colleagues, friends and brothers. The BVBI - Peru has restarted its instruction program! The courses on Homiletics (May by Juan Abanto) and The Origin of the Bible (this month of June) have been taught. We have 4 students and with the possibility of adding two more for next Saturday, the flexibility of our program is allowing new students to be added and we are confident that more and more students will continue to be added.
In a special way we would like to share the last 5 baptisms that have taken place in the Church of Christ in Villa Alejandro (a congregation where three of our instructors, including myself, and one of our students are actively participating in evangelistic work).
The presence of the Institute in the Villa Alejandro congregation is proving to be a great blessing.
May our merciful God continue to bless your respective ministries, we beg your prayers for us.
Juan Abanto