Training, equipping and moulding of would be preachers takes a lot of effort. It is like building a house where one brick is laid on top of another till the superstructure is complete. BVBIZ continues to take these stages seriously. At the end of each month, we look back and thank God for the progress that would have made in terms of the building blocks. This report is a capsule of the effort BVBIZ is putting in making a difference in the church and in the lives of individuals and families. Together with you, so much more can be done.
Another term came to an end on the 31st of March. Great appreciation to both the teachers and students for the effort they put in to make the term a success. The following subjects were taught successfully in the term (December-March); African Traditional Religion, Romans, Church Growth, Advanced Hermeneutics, Major Prophets, Greek, Hebrews, Biblical Counseling (including HIV & Covid Care & Counseling), Sign Language, Pastoral Epistles and James. For the month of March we give a special report on the following;
1.1 Discipleship
Discipleship making is a major issue in the Church Growth class. BVBIZ was pleased to have brother Auswich Mashaba of the Gospel Chariot Mission from the 2nd-6th of March who to teach and fine-tune the students in this area. A good job was done and students were left at another level. The program was opened to nearby preachers as well.
1.2 Donnie Estep Visit
The school was blessed to have Donnie Estep from the 6th to the 12th of March. He taught the book of Romans. He went beyond the school’s expectation in imparting knowledge to the students. The school remains grateful for his visit. His visits and lessons are always a blessing to both the students and teachers.
Students who started their parallel program in September 2021 have completed their first semester subjects as well. Their next semester began on the 20th of March. The following subjects were done and completed in the first semester; How We Got the Bible, Personal Evangelism 1 & 2, Denominational Doctrines, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude, Public Speaking, New Testament Church, Galatians, Scheme of Redemption and Life of Christ (in progress). Besides weekend and online classes, the class will be in Gweru from the 14th to the 23rd of April for a block as they do during every school break..
The September 2018 class which is due to graduate this year on the 29th of October is going on supervised attachment program on the 1st of April. These students are going to be attached as follows;
Tonderai Kafile Chiware Church of Christ Rusape
Isaac Chipendo Ziko Church of Christ Seke
Simbarashe Chitanda Hatcliff Church of Christ Harare
Method Moyo Highfield Church of Christ Harare
Kudakwashe Simemeza Highfield Church of Christ Harare
Charles Mugadza Chitungiza Church of Christ Chitungiwza
Tawanda Tinofa Chitungwiza Church of Christ Chitungwiza
Edson Julius Chivero Church of Christ Mhondoro
A new term is set to begin on the 1st of April. The following subjects are going to be taught; Minor Prophets, Geography of the Bible, Revelation, Elementary Hebrew, Christian Evaluation of Contemporary Ethics, The Preacher’s Life and Work, Foundation of Missions, Great Bible Doctrines, Church Administration and Governance and Chaplaincy Studies (seminar). Survival skills will continue to be taught as the term progresses.
Those on the parallel (extension) program will be doing the following subjects in the next six months (minimum); Acts of the Apostles, Hermeneutics I, Romans, Homiletics, The Pentateuch, OT History (Joshua-Esther), Godhead, Entrepreneurship Skills Development 1 and Sign Language.
In terms of infrastructure development, progress was registered in terms of the teacher’s house, a traffic circle and fowl runs.
The teacher’s house has been partially completed. Since January 2022, the following has been done; Roof installation, beam filling and plastering (of inner wall), fixing of a rough floor, electrical tubing and wiring, inserting of window frames and doors, plumping, rhino set skimming, fixing of 2 exterior metal doors and digging of a septic tank.
The following are the outstanding issues;, glazing, fixing of interior doors (5 are already available), construction of the septic tank, installation of a solar system. The priority is on the septic tank and solar system. The structure can be occupied when these two have been fixed whilst other issues will be dealt with later as we progress.
Taking advantage of the presence of builders who were working on the teacher’s house, a traffic circle was partially constructed using stones. This is part and parcel of the landscaping agenda using locally available materials. The circle is intended to enhance the outlook of the site.
Two fowl runs which were constructed by the students, being led by their instructor, Ishmael Mutichu, had been left uncompleted since last year. The structures were plastered and roofed by the builders. This means that we now have 5 good fowl runs (of which one is currently being used to house goats). These can house an average of 1000 broilers put together.
BVBIZ is on a drive to have viable projects. The following are the objectives which BVBIZ is pursuing to achieve;
To provide more revenue for the school and ultimately leading to its development.
To equip students and ultimately the community with life survival skills
To instill an attitude of self-reliance and unyoke the yoke of dependence within students that seemingly remains the major enemy towards development.
To equip those who graduate with technical skills so as to further help and teach the congregants the same survival skills.
To help BVBI-Z produce some food locally thereby reducing costs associated with food for students
The broiler project continues to move on well. Students who have been keeping the broilers on a rotational basis have continued to increase their skills in this area. From January till March, a profit of $832.12 was made from the project. After successfully taking care of the broilers, students treated themselves to some braai (barbeque).
One project that has been on the school’s radar for a long time is the Layer’s project. The Finance and Sustainability committee within the Board of Trustees has come up with a plan of mobilizing funds towards this project. Their target is to have a minimum of 300 birds with each bird costing an average of $10 at point of lay.
Evangelism slowly picked up in the month of March. The following congregations were serviced by students in the month; Lincoln (formerly Lot 64), Plasworth, Redcliff, Julena and Kwekwe. Great appreciation to the congregations at Lincoln, Julena, Plasworth and Kwekwe for providing accommodation and food to our students whenever they go for weekend evangelism (Friday-Sunday). .
At the end of each month, we look back and see the hand of God in the many and various activities at BVBIZ. Moral support from many far and wide has been awesome. To our sponsors and all donors, your work is greatly recognized. The Board of Trustees has been wonderful. Both teachers and students have been putting in their best. To God be the glory.