Reporting Letter for the month of March-2022
Greetings to you in the matchless name of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We pray that this reporting letter may finds you well.
1. Weather :- The weather in India has turned hot as the summer season has started. We all enjoy the sun heat as it is the part of the season given by God according to Acts 14:17. Please pray so that people may get enough water for drinking during this summer season.
2. Class Room work (4th semester): In the month of March and April we are in the 4th semester. In the month of March we have completed the books of Galatians, 1&2 Thessalonians and 1&2 Peter.
3. Guest Teachers :- We have invited guest teachers Mr. Philemon Rajah and Mr. Kingsly Rajah as guest teachers in the month of March. They taught personal evangelism .
4. Audio Bibles Distribution: in the month of March we distributed 27 audio bibles at Nellore city for the visually challenged people.
5. Bible distributions: We distributed 30 bibles at Jangalapalli-Village.
6. Out reach campaign : We had an outreach campaign on March 12th at Yerravaripallem-Village, 10 blind people were able to join with us for this campaign and did a wonderful job in song leading. This is 80 miles away from the BVBI-Tirupati, surrounded by hills and valleys .
7. Leadership class : We invited untrained church leaders from nearby and conducted a one day leadership class on March 21, 2022. We had 100 people in attendance for this meeting.
8. Back to the Bible class: We conducted a back to the bible one day meeting on March 30th. We invited 35 leaders and all were present.
9. Christian Growth Bible Seminar: On behalf of BVBI-Tirupati, three people participated in the Christian Growth Bible Seminar at Rajamandry town. I presented a lecture on the church in the book of Acts.
10. Preaching at Funeral services : in the month of March we were able to attend two funeral services and preached the word of God. We thank God for the power in the word of God which not only saves but also comforts by giving them hope of resurrection.
11. Attending a wedding: in the month of March i was able to travel to Chennai and attend a wedding. One of the preachers in Chennai is known to me for several years. He invited me for his daughter’s marriage. We enjoyed participating in the wedding event.
12. BVBI-students constructed baptistery : In the month of March our BVBI-students constructed a baptistery. Prior to this, we were traveling to far away places to find the water for baptizing, and during the summer season it is so difficult to find the water. By the grace of God now in front of the BVBI we have constructed the baptistery. Our students and staff did hard work in constructing the baptistery.
13. Baptism: There are some of the people who are close to the Lord’s kingdom, but one soul has been baptized in the month of March. Please pray for this new soul so that he may grow in the image of Jesus Christ.
14. Children class: We visit the Leper colony regularly . After school the children gather for learning bible stories and practicing new songs. There is one teacher and helper who assists in this wonderful project.
15. International Director Mr.Keith Kasarjian’s Indian visit: We are highly delighted to meet Mr.Keith Kasarjian at Rajamandry. He presented a wonderful lecture at Rajamandry Christian Growth Bible Seminar. All the church leaders were very encouraged by his fellowship and preaching. We thank God for the great encouragement that we have received by his kind visit.
16. Voice of truth International Magazine:- We received the World Evangelism magazine and a few other pieces of literature, which we distributed.
17. Prayer request:- We have been regularly conducting Christian Growth Bible Seminars, back to the bible seminars, women seminars, and youth bible seminars. We are praying and planning to conduct an All India Leadership Seminar . We request you to pray for the success of the seminar.
We are thankful to you for all your cooperation and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI-Tirupati-India. We express our gratitude and thanks to the elders of Bear Valley Church of Christ for their great love and compassion. The previous batch of students are in the battlefield to proclaim the good news for the lost souls in India. We are thankful to our international director and coordinator for their great encouragement for this educational project to train up young people in India who can teach others. We are in need of your continual prayers and encouragement.
Thanking you.
Yours brother and sister in Christ.
Vijay Kumar