Evangelism in northern Ghana


The year 2022 started in a very positive mood for us in Bear Valley Tamale campus. The month of January started in a very highly spirited way for us as we had some positive things happening to us just right at the beginning of the month. We began the month with smiles as one of our major challenges was addressed successfully.


The Lord Jesus continues to smile at us at Bear Valley Tamale campus. Our missionary journey to Sogon number 1 in the month of November 2021 encountered a lot of challenges, especially with our sound system. At some point, we had to rely on just one speaker to preach at the public preaching. All the same, the Lord still did His work successfully. Notwithstanding, having a listening and a God centered coordinators and men who care for the Kingdom of God, our cry was heard and this challenge has been addressed efficiently. We took delivery of a powerful sound system (two speakers and two horns, two microphones with cords and one complete cordless microphone). We give glory to God for the lives involved in solving this all-important challenge for us, especially Brother Kojo who is always working behind the scenes to get things done. We can never forget our hard and strong Brother, Steven, who has an unending sacrificial life and passion for the work of God across Africa and the world. The Lord bless all who made it possible for us to consistently have a smooth running of activities in Northern Ghana.


The Kpalsi South Congregation is indeed growing strongly in all areas that are concerned as we continue to teach the undiluted doctrines of Christ. One of the members (Brother Godson) presented a 43 inches television set to the Church to be given to the school for the students to have a current television to be able to watch news and relevant information as ministers of Christ. God bless him greatly.


Classes began for the year 2022 on the 10th of January, 2022 where Marriage and Home and Old Testament 5 were taught by Brother Daniel Adjei Mensah and Brother Albert Tamanja Malir before and after the joint campaign with our brethren from Accra Doboro campus. Apart from one student (Brother John Mbing-Wajah) who couldn’t make it back in January because of health challenges, all of them resumed back successfully. We also had a new student coming from the North-East Region by name Laar Fredrick.  We are working hard to add some few students to this batch so they can be a foundation for our next recruitment.  


We left Tamale on the 17th of January, 2022 around 11:28pm to Sagon 2. We got to the location around 3:14pm. We rested and did the necessary protocols and prepared the grounds to begin the work the next day.

On the 18th of January 2022, as we were preparing in the morning to go for the door-to-door evangelism, the brethren from Accra joined us and together we went out and studied with many. In the evening we went for public preaching. After showing the passion of Christ movie a bit, Brother Emmanuel from Accra preached on “Sin and its effect.”


On Wednesday, 19th January, 2022, we continued with the door-to-door studies with the people of Sagon 2. God willing some were baptized and, in the evening, we did the public preaching on “The Plan of Salvation” by Brother Elijah Baba, one of past students who benefitted from the motor cycle support last year.

On Thursday, the 20th of January, 2022 dawn we went for dawn broadcasting and afterward continued with the door-to-door studies and in the evening, we continued with the public preaching where “The New Testament Church” was made known to the people by one of the Accra brothers (Brother Dominic). Some people also were baptized on this day.

On the 21st of January, 2022 which was Friday, after morning devotion and other preparation, we continued as usual with the door-to-door sharing of the Gospel. Later in the evening preacher Godwin from Accra preached on “Worship of the Church.”

On Saturday, 22nd January 2022, we went round to visit and encourage brethren who made the right decision and have been added to the church and also reminded them of our meeting on the first day of the week to worship God. We also discussed some of our prospects and invited them to the public preaching. In the evening public preaching, Brother James Legend spoke on “The Judgement of God”, bringing our public preaching to a close for Sogon number 2. Haven closed a bit early, we on that same night went to Nayeli, a village around Sogon number 2 where they were inviting us to come to them and we showed part of the passion of Christ to them and also shared the Gospel with them. And that brought our work for this missionary journey to a close.

On Sunday, 23rd January, 2022, after morning devotion we split ourselves into three groups such that, some worshiped at Chamba, others at Sogon 1 and the rest with Sogon 2. 

At the end of the whole campaign, twenty-one (21) souls were baptized within the week. Eight (8) other souls were restored.

At the point of departure, we saw the need to let some brethren stay behind to help set things in order as we search for a preacher for the congregation. Two of our past students who are preaching for Agatusi (Elijah Baaba) and Sanguli (Alex Mabi) stayed back to help strengthen the congregation. As at the point of completing this report, they had also baptized 20 souls in addition to the 21 we baptized on the missionary journey, making a total of 41 souls with 8 restored. Leaders have since been consecrated to help in the running of the congregation before they left. The chamba congregation and the preacher for Sogon number 1 are tasked to collectively help the leaders at Sogon number 2 to stand firm and to maintain the doctrine of Christ as we search for a permanent preacher for them.

By all standards, we had a very fruitful evangelistic journey.


 We give the glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

Bear Valley Tamale

Posted on March 14, 2022 .