Tirupati conducts Back to the Bible campaign

Respected international director Mr.Keith Kasarjian , The coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayers partners of BVBI-Extension Centre  Tirupati-India , we greet you in the most holy and precious name of Jesus Christ.  We thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement .

BVBI-Extension Centre  Tirupati-India:-  By the grace of God and your prayers we have completed three semesters successfully. Today we have began the fourth  semester. It is our goal to complete these following courses: Personal evangelism (Church planting), 1 & 2 Peter, Jude, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Worship (principles, doctrine and Practice of N.T.Church),  Leadership (Short course). Galatians. According to the BVBI syllabus calendar we plan to complete these courses in the forth semester (March and April).  We are in need of your prayers for teaching faculty and all the students.

Back to the Bible Seminar:- We have conducted back the Bible seminar from February 21-25, 2022  (Monday to Friday) at Vidyanagar, Nellore-District, Andhra Pradesh-State. India. Each day 60 to 65 people were able to attend for the 5-day seminar. We have presented the following lessons: 1. Is there God? 2. Who is God,  3. Divinity (Father, Son, Holy spirit) , 4. The Bible is God’s book. 5. Rightly dividing the word of God ,  6. Instructions to the people who hear the word of God , 7. Instructions to the people who teach the word of God, 8. Why God created human beings 9. Truth about man ( Soul, Spirit and Body), 10.Natural desirs given to man and God’s law for fulfilling  , 11. Satan, 12. Fall of Man (Sin) 13. Scheme of redemption 14.Kingdom of God & N.T Church  14. Two spiritual Realms (In Christ  blessings & in the world curses ) 15. Redemption from Sin 16.Righteousness through Christ  17.. Baptism. We invited a few denominational leaders and brought their attention towards the New Testament Truth. We invited some of the untrained leaders from local churches so they too can train up others to win souls for Christ. All the teachers and students of BVBI have participated in the Bible Seminar. We got a few contacts from the denominational leaders who wish to study more about the New Testament doctrine.

Audio Bibles Distribution for Visually Challenged:-   We conducted a one day meeting at Hindupur town on Feb 7th, which is about 300 miles away from our city. Four people and myself from our Bible College travelled by road way. We conducted a one day meeting with the blind people and distributed audio Bibles . In the month of February we distributed 50 audio Bibles  for the blind people. We distributed 43 bibles directly and 7 bibles we sent by using Indian postal system.

Bible distributions:-  In the month of February we distributed 50 Telugu Bibles, 50 song books and 300 New Testaments. One of our older students, Mr.Jaykumar, works in the Araka Hill area. We provided him 20 bibles and 20 song books.

Baptisms:- in the month of February 4 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ.

Staff meeting:-  Today we conducted a staff meeting at BVBI-College’s office room. We discussed several things for the success of the 4th semester. We appreciate teachers dedication to serve the students and help them to make true disciples of Jesus Christ by teaching them sound doctrine. 

We express our gratitude and thanks to the elders of Bear Valley Church of Christ for their love and compassion. We sincerely convey our thanks to our international director Mr.Keith Kasarjian  and  our  coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds for their great efforts which they invest for the real success of the training program in India. We pray that God may richly blesses them and use them more and more. We are need of your continual  prayers and encouragement.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar

Posted on March 1, 2022 .